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kykaree 03-22-2006 04:47 AM

Ah ve have news! Typing at the same time. Double protection for you then young lady. Will that be a chastity belt prior to black belt :D

My favourite diet book is called Picture Perfect Weight Loss. It's a boring sensible book, but has pretty pictures pitting an seemingly healthy choice against a healthier choice. Like a sandwich versus a salad, and has pictures of how to get more bang for you calorie buck. I really like it.

My new weigh ins are Fridays. I used to do it Monday but that wasn't working for me. If I have not lost weight this week I'll scream! In public! On the scales in my swimming cozzie in the middle of the changing rooms!

2frustrated 03-22-2006 04:58 AM

:rofl: Yes... chastity belt... :chin: Good plan!

Sarah Ann 03-22-2006 05:00 AM

Well done Frus on the willpower to resist those maltesters AND on the weight loss. Good news about the other girl getting preggers!

Ky, I'm so glad you're feeling better - but keep in mind how you felt and don't over-do it. You aren't seriously considering getting up at 4.45 are you???

I know that I shouldn't weigh myself every morning - but I do. I only record my weight on Saturday mornings though - thank goodness because this morning the scales showed a gain of 2lbs! I've been good, except for an ounce of gorgonzola cheese and 3 crackers yesterday evening, so it isn't a 'real' 2lbs gain maybe its a punishment for the cheese. :(

My neighbours' house is up for sale - AND ITS NOT A JOKE THIS TIME!!! (Last time she was playing some weird joke on him). Woo Hoooooooo!!!!! I think the whole road will have a street party on the day they move out.

I am sooooooo looking forward to my day off tomorrow. We're going to the coast for the day, come back early for The Medical and then go out to dinner. Its strange, now I've been told that those tests need doing urgently I've started feeling under the weather. It was a struggle to get my rear end in gear and get out walking this morning - it could also be because I've set myself a challenge of walking 10+ miles each day (except Thursdays!)

2frustrated 03-22-2006 05:18 AM

:crossed: for the medical although all that exercise and healthy eating WILL have done the results good already :hug:

Your 2lbs is sodium stuff from salty cheese and crackers ;)

kykaree 03-22-2006 05:44 AM

I get up at 5 now so it's only 15 minutes earlier!!!

I was going to have second breakfast at work, but someone burnt the toast and the restaurant had to be evacuated!!! 300 calories saved!

I'm really hungry now though!

I'm gonna have to go hunting for food at break!

Best of luck for the test but am sure that it will all be fine.

Sarah Ann 03-22-2006 06:44 AM

OMG - I'm just trying to sort myself out a diet/exercise blog.

What a weird experience blogging is - a bit like keeping a public diary. I'm not sure I like it really (I love reading other peoples' though!). Its like giving people a window in to my life and its quite time consuming. Yes, I know, posting here is time consuming as well but its more like a conversation whereas blogging is a bit... narcissistic. I'll give it a couple of days and then decide whether to delete it or not.

I thought I'd sorted it out the other day but it turned out I'd just kept the first entry in draft - d'oh - you'd never guess that I've used computers for the last 25 years!

veggie 03-22-2006 08:49 AM

I want to see Sarahs BLOG :D

I've been refreshing a radiohead ticket site for 2 hours I'm bored now. :p

Jen415 03-22-2006 08:52 AM

Sarah, I think keeping a blog is a good thing. It helps me to know where I've been and where I definitely do not want to return. Plus it can be a place to just vent about STUFF.

The weird thing is--only two people in my "real life" know about my blog, but I know lots of others read it. I don't want to share it with anyone else in real life. Doesnt it sound weird that I dont mind total strangers reading my stuff, but would freak if anyone from "real life" saw it??

Sarah Ann 03-22-2006 11:31 AM

Veggie, I've got to wait and see if I feel comfortable with the whole idea first.

Jen, Yes, I can see that it would be good to blog to clear your mind. It just feels a bit strange - I've never kept a diary or anything else like that - don't know why, its just not something anyone in my family has ever done.

impossible princess 03-22-2006 11:39 AM

I keep a food diary in the journals but haven;t done it for ages I'm so lazy.

I've walked to uni and back which is 4.4 miles I finally found out by going the same route with my friend in the car the other day and measuring it. Then I did an hour and a half at the gym it was so good. Feel knackered now though

2frustrated 03-22-2006 03:19 PM

I just did that Health and Fitness workout!

:eek: Holy macaroni, batman! :eek: It's fabby do! I've never tried bench presses on a stability ball before :eek: They were GREAT!

Won't be back on till late tomorrow morning! I'm having a lie in. I AM having a lie in :rofl:

YP1 03-22-2006 04:31 PM

I want to see Sarah's blog too! And I also want Kylie to update hers. I'm not demanding ;)

Thank you everyone for saying nice things about me. Tonight I've been drinking free wine in celebration (and instantly putting a few pounds back on ;) ). Frus, woo hoo on your advantage in the race to black belt! Chastity belt is the way to go ;)

Jen - I know exactly what you mean. I had another blog before this one, and someone I knew found it so I stopped posting on it and moved on to something else. I like sharing on my terms, and i don't like the thought of people finding out more than they should do about my innermost thoughts!!!

Still, the marathon news seems to be spreading through work since my boss found out the other day. Today two people asked me when the marathon is, whereas before there was only one person who knew about the crazy crazy plan. It seems to be out in the open now though, so I'll have to go through with it!

Homersmummy 03-22-2006 08:44 PM

D-Day again tomorrow. Gonna chin myself if I haven't lost this week after last weeks shock gain!!

Results later! ;)

kykaree 03-23-2006 12:47 AM

I have a love hate relationship with blogging. I'll have to try and get back into it again.

I went to the gym last night and did some quick cardio, it was really good. Was planning to do weights, but there were just too many people. I have signed up for my first ever Pilates class tonight. Gym twice today, coz I'm swimming this morning. I decided that due to Pilates it was definitely overkill to walk to the pool this morning!!!

There's no milk in the house, so I am having toast and cottage cheese and a pink grapefruit for breakfast. I think in the last year I have had something other than porridge less than 10 times!

I'm weighing in either today or tomorrow, not decided yet. If I haven't lost, I will definitely scream!!!

2frustrated 03-23-2006 05:46 AM

I had porridge for breakfast....

Then I promptly went back to sleep! :D See I said I was having a lie in! I'm still full from my porridge :dizzy: I have some things to do at the post office and have to try and get money out of our letting agents. :rolleyes:

I'm going to go and buy some ingredients for protein flap jacks... I haven't made them yet and I don't know how they'll turn out, but one can only try! :lol:

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