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kykaree 03-17-2006 11:41 AM

Nope no specific number, however it's usually an odd number!!! Which always makes me laugh.

veggie 03-17-2006 12:32 PM

Poor superwoman how dare they steal from superwoman :mad: I remember once someone stole one wheel from my sisters (push) bike outside M&S she had to carry it back to the office. :lol:

Sarah has she recently got god? Or just doesn't want anyone to get thinner around her? When my sis (another one) got to target at sw another woman lowered hers :lol: she had to be the thinnest!

Nipple counter! I could do that! :o :p

kykaree 03-17-2006 12:37 PM

I'm going to Debenhams with the dh tonight, I must be mad! It wants a new fleece, so off we go. I must be mad. Shopping. With a man. On a Friday night. On the last night of Debenhams sale. Sigh.

I have got all organised, and planned all my meals for the week, and written an exercise schedule. I will NOT be stressed next week! I WILL have a happy week and lose a pound!!!

Oh I use a range of dumbells, from 2 kilos up to 6 kilos depending on what I am doing with them!!

YP1 03-17-2006 02:34 PM

I'm about to write my menus for the week, I thought I'd got them sorted but then I got hold of some new recipes which look too yummy to wait til the week after so I'm going to rewrite it then go shopping! I'm going to make the most of a rare Friday night in without having to dash over the M62 for the rugby.

I'm making some vaguely naughty but supposedly healthy apricot and oat bars at the moment, I'll let you know how they go. The recipe looked strange, it has tofu in it which I've never associated with sweet treats, but it looked fairly promising when I put it in the oven!

I ran 10k this morning, I'm having tomorrow off exercise completely (will probably spend most of it cooking stuff for the week ahead) then I've got a 5 mile race on Sunday. Typically I managed to get a bit of a blister on one of my toes this morning, but it doesn't seem too bad and shouldn't affect my run. My other big job for the weekend is to sort through all the recipes I've found recently and put them in some sort of logical order. I've got really into cooking proper food and making things like soups to take into work rather than buying pre-made stuff.

2frustrated 03-17-2006 03:58 PM

Ooh get you Delia! ;) :D Well done! I'm glad if I get my baked chicken done for the week! :lol:

Sarah - I use dbs from 10lbs (approx 5kg :chin: ) to 35lbs, depending on what I'm doing. I would say the weight increases happened pretty quickly. About 5lbs every 2 or 4 weeks. But some days I feel stronger than others. Some days I do heavy weights with low reps or a lower weight with higher reps. Sorry, that doesn't seem to be much help does it!! I have those spinlock dumbbells, York ones from Argos so that you can change the weights on them.

Oh I've been messing around moving my bike to a safer place - it took about an hour and a half! Eventually it's down in -2 where no pedestrian can wander in and be a :censored: I also noticed, when I went down to cover it up with a duvet cover... That they've nicked the Harley badge off the back seat. :rollpin: That was the last straw! Blubbing in public and everything! :lol: Anyways, it's hopefully safe down there, it's under a CCTV camera, so you'd bloody well hope so!

Which of course means that I've just had my dinner. Pork and apple stir fry. Yummy! I had a little bit of Green & Blacks ice cream :devil: It's seriously sinful! I don't recommend it at all :no:

I want to have a bath, but apparently our hot water system can't cope having the heating on AND providing hot water. That of course would be laughable! That people would want the radiators on AND have a bath. God lord!

So I'm here waiting for some water to heat up so I can wash my scum-bucket hair so I don't get marked down for having greasy hair in my grading :rofl:

Ok enough rambling, I'm off to check out LWL and then the hot water sitch! See youse lighter :D

YP1 03-17-2006 04:35 PM

Little :censored:, hope you have a lovely bath.

kykaree 03-18-2006 04:21 AM

Morning! I've been running outside!!! I woke up this morning and though, I could go for a run, so I threw on my running clothes and out I went, it was great. I saw other runners and people with dogs, and the odd drunk, what a lovely community I live in :dizzy: But it was really good, and I have the confidence now to keep on going. Running on a treadmill is so mind numbing!

I'm shopping again this morning, with a friend, but not buying anything (hmmmmmmmmmmm) except my toiteries at Boots. I hope. Friend is shopping for hubby's birthday. My friend was slimming the same time I was, but she was a classic "wedding dress" dieter, doing the Special K diet etc trying to fit into her dress. She kept laughing at me and was quite sure I wouldn't keep the weight off. I started 4 dress sizes bigger than her, now I'm one smaller :D Oh my *****iness gets worse every day.

Jen, we have a brand new hot water system, which is :censored: worse than the old one. It too doesn't think people should need hot water and radiators, and likes to deliver super hot water between 10am and 12 noon and at all other times is :censored: lukewarm.

I shall leave the Green and Blacks ice cream well alone. Chocolate I can portion control, ice cream I have no hope. I only ever have proper ice cream when I am out somewhere, so I can't eat it straight out of the tub!!! :D

YP, more recipes please!!! I am trying to get organised, but I have planned my food for the week ahead.

O U 8 1 2 03-18-2006 04:45 AM

Well I just decided yesterday to start planning my food properly as I've really just been exercising so far. Then I get a letter this morning to tell me I've won a VIP night out for ten at a vodka bar with food and drinks :lol3: :hun:

YP1 03-18-2006 05:20 AM

I'm glad you enjoyed your run, running outside is so much more fun than the treadmill :D Enjoy your day shopping.

I dread to think what I'd do at a VIP night at a vodka bar. Actually, I know exactly what I'd do...

I've been food shopping this morning, so I've just got inside jobs to do at the moment. I haven't got any money to go clothes shopping just at the moment so I'm going to try to stay away from temptation. Roll on pay day!

Sarah Ann 03-18-2006 06:32 AM

:carrot: Another couple of pounds gone! :carrot:

I know exactly what I'd do at a VIP night out at a vodka bar - I'd go to sleep after the third drink - I always do! (I'm a cheap date.)

I'm about to do my food shopping as well - I've been ordering it alternating weeks from Sainsburys and Tesco. The Tesco selection is a lot wider and you get less substitutions but the Sainsbury food quality is much better and everything seems to have a longer date code and/or stay fresher than Tescos. Tesco food is cheaper but you have to pay for delivery so the totals usually come to about the same (which is about £30 cheaper than I would spend if I actually visited the supermarkets and did the shopping in person.) Oh well - Sainsbury it is! I wish Asda delivered in this area. :(

We had a lovely 3 hour walk this morning - we saw loads of deer. It was pretty weird because there was a ground mist and it looked like the deers' bodies were floating without any legs. :)

DH is over the 'flu'.:dizzy: Funny how he can go to work and be okay but as soon as he comes in the front door he moans and groans like he's on his last legs! Yesterday he said that he thinks he needs to be 'fed up' - so could I cook him a Delia steak and kidney suet pudding. I haven't cooked anything like that since last October and just the thought makes me feel a bit :barf: Oh well - I'll put it on the menu for next week and try and think of something else for me that goes well with the same veg. :?:

Sarah Ann 03-18-2006 07:53 AM

Yum - Sainsbury's have got Brunchetta on special offer @ 99p each - have you tried it yet, its only 200 cals for the cranberry one. I had it the other day for the first time and was quite surprised how satisfying it was, so I've ordered.... 7! :ink: :ink: :ink: :ink: :ink:

If you haven't tried it, its in the chiller cabinet near the cheese strings. Its small slices of crispy multigrain toast thingies which you dip in to a Philadelphia like cream cheese and top with cranberry sauce. Totally delish!

2frustrated 03-18-2006 08:38 AM

I've seen the Brunchetta thingies in Tesco but I try to stay away from pre-packaged stuff like that! I might try it. I didn't see the cranberry one otherwise I probably would've had it.... I sometimes have philladelphia splendips :rolleyes: Now they really are junk! :lol:

Ooooh! I'm a red belt! :D :D :D I got a grade 2 pass; 1 means you skip the next belt and you're "perfect" 2 is good and 3 is ok.

Oh and I rang my little bridesmaid when I got in, she sounded really astounded and pleased! Yay! :lol:

Right I'm off to shop for card for the wedding "save the date" cards. Laters peeps :goodvibes

YP1 03-18-2006 09:17 AM

Well done on passing!! Congrats!

Sarah Ann 03-18-2006 10:12 AM

Well done on your red belt! :hug: :carrot: Party time tonight at your house. then?

How old is your bridesmaid? The last wedding I went to the bride chose to have all under 5s - there were 3 bridesmaids and one little page boy. The highlight of the day was watching the littlest one (age about 2) pulling up her big flouncy frock and pulling down her little matching lacey knickerbockers in order to have an outdoor wee during the photo session outside the church. :lol: :lol: You could tell which one her Mum was - she was the one with the red face having a hissy fit in the corner. :dizzy:

I don't think the Brunchetta are too, too bad. It was just nice to eat something quick for a change. Brekkie, dinner and supper are okay - no problem with those at all - its the 10.00am, 1pm and 3.30pm snacks/meals which are causing me problems. I've never eaten lunch in my life and I seem to be spending a lot of time in the kitchen preparing little meals, most of which seem to involve cottage cheese (which I've never been keen on). My regulars have been a mix of cottage cheese/mixed frozen berries/nuts/seeds + toasted oats OR avocado pear/cottage cheese/walnut and spinach salad OR Nigella's Hot & Sour soup - they are still okay but I'm BORED :tantrum: (I sound like a teenager!) :rolleyes:

About the water problem, you can get in a plumber to change the priorities on your boiler so that heating the water takes priority over the CH. I don't know if its the same on all boilers but our plumber told me how to do it (its a little brass coloured screw at a junction where one pipe Vs off in to two pipes) so if I've just had a long shower and used most of the hot water, I can turn the screw to set the priority to the water and then turn it back again when the waters hot enough. The CH still warms the house but the priorty is given to the hot water.

Ky, sorry - I missed your earlier post! Well done on jogging outdoors!!! I hope you enjoyed your shopping trip.

kykaree 03-18-2006 10:55 AM

I was a good girl shopping, as planned I just shopped at Boots, and got some nice smellies. Boots had either 1/3 off or buy one get one free on all my favourite scrubs and moisturisers. Now I have nice muscles, I want to have nice skin on top of them!!!

I went and tried shoes on in Clarks, I need some sensible ones for work, and found a cute pair, but they felt all wrong, they had weird insides with a scalloped edge sewn into them, and it felt uncomfortable. The guy said he could sell me insoles for me. I glared and said if I was paying £30 for a pair of shoes, they had to be perfect! He agreed and wandered off to the next customer :D:D:D:D

We got nice t-shirts for the hubby, one says "my other body is a temple" hehehehe I really want that t-shirt!!!

Well done on the red belt Ms Frus, woo hoo!!!!

I didn't have any brats at my wedding. My sister was my bridesmaid she wore black :rolleyes:

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