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Old 09-19-2006, 12:43 AM   #1  
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Smile Weight loss and Chit Chat #213

Hello and to the Jaded Ladies site,

We are a group of ladies that come here for support and encouragement on our weight loss struggles, and we also find time for some chitchatting. So please, won't you join us? New members are always welcome.
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Old 09-19-2006, 01:05 AM   #2  
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Gee it's late, but here I am, anyway!

Cristi - YW for the note. It was heartfelt. I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this, but it does sound like your allergies need a doc's attention. Mary takes Claritin for hers, but I bet you've already tried that.

Sassy - if you have a sleep study done, you might want to check with your insurance to see what they will pay for it. We have good health ins but still had to pay hundreds of $$ when Neal had his done. It was worth it, though, to rest my mind that he's breathing ok. What a coincidence about the Dr. Oz post! Maybe we jaded ones should all try to follow his advice as a team.

Sue - here's hoping you get an acceptable offer for the house.

Norma - I loved our chat today, too. About the sneakers, I get lots of dust and dirt out here in the boonies where I am, too, and I throw mine in the wash with the towels. They get clean with all that friction going on. Glad the highlighting worked out for you printing stuff. If my Katie hadn't shown me how to do it, I would still be clueless, lol. Btw, I'll bump up the recipe thread in case you want to add some recipes. I'm hoping you'll mention how you fix your light mashed potatoes.

Hello to everyone reading this.

Well, I didn't get everything done today that I wanted, but I DID get my exercise in, so I'll be hopping over to the challenge thread to report that. It rained most of the day, and the temps have really cooled off. I'm loving that! Neal can barely wait to make a fire in the fireplace, lol. I have to agree, a real fire is mesmerizing.

See ya in the morning. <yawn>
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Old 09-19-2006, 01:42 AM   #3  
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Hey Girlies!

Jane -- Our insurance covers most of it. My husband had one done just a couple years ago and they paid for most of it, which is good! I think we only had to pay like $120 total maybe? Still was worth it I say. YW on the link. If you go to the link I gave you, it takes you to the thread I had about Dr. Oz and has Oprahs site where you find everything about Dr. Oz.

Sue -- I hope you get back on track with exercise too!

Question gals, as you know my anniversary is next week. Do you gals have any suggestions of what to get my husband? I have been searching online and thought of a few things, but not quite sure. He enjoys cooking, he is a computer "Geek" as he says , I also thought about getting him a tea set. I know that sounds weird for a Guy. But he loves tea and wants to use the loose teas, but we don't have anything to use them. I have seen a few online, but if you have any suggestions, pls let me know! You can PM your ideas if you wish or PM me and I'll give you my email address, if you don't have it already.

Thanks Gals!
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Old 09-19-2006, 03:47 AM   #4  
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Talking Morning Ladies!

Morning Ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess What? I walked a MILE!

I FINALLY put in my WATP (well its equalivalent to that, its actually called The Walking Diet, but the same exact concept) and I walked a mile! It was a lot easier on me than actually walking, didn't hurt my back at all! Now there was one point where my ankle felt a bit weak so I did sit down, but I kept moving while sitting and then got right back up! It felt so good when at the end she said, "You walked a mile! Congratulations!"

I told hub and he kinda made fun of it at first. Then I was like "Hey I walked a mile while you were in there playing your game!" Then I think he "GOT it" and then he said, "I should do it too" MEN! Anyways. I am proud of me! I can do this! It only took me 20 min. or so to walk a mile and I feel GREAT! Eventually I will do the 2 miles!

Anyways I wanted to share with you all! Have a Great Day today ladies!

and to those who need it!
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Old 09-19-2006, 09:09 AM   #5  
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WooHoo Sassy!!!!! I'm proud of you! About the anniversary present, if he's into tea, I'd get the tea set. Nothing wrong with that - in fact, I think it's a good idea to buy something he'd really use and enjoy.

Good morning everyone - wanted to mention that I "stuck" the recipe thread at the top of the page so please feel free to add your favorite healthy recipes, ok?

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Old 09-19-2006, 12:47 PM   #6  
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Sassy WAY TO GO ON THE MILE! I agree if he is into teas, I would get the set as well. We normally don't do anything for b-days or anniversaries but go out to dinner or fix our favorite meals. We save the $$ for something we want. His mom hates that but it works for us.

Jane... I love real fires! Gas ones are good but just not the same. Over the weekend I did a last minute garage sale as the camping got knicked out. Made some $ and dh went & bought a wet/dry vac for the garage he has always wanted. Then (shooting myself for this one) we went out for pizza & beer! YIKES

Work is just crazy & this weather change is making so many sick. I actually saw the icky weather coming & hit the year to cut down everything (wow it is care now!) --- I think if the weather holds we might get the "S***" (snow that is HAHAHAHA) early. Not ready for winter and the cooler temps just tell me to go hit the stairs again.


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Old 09-19-2006, 03:27 PM   #7  
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Good morning...almost afternoon! I've got tons of stuff to do in the next few days because we are going to Mendocino/Fort Bragg for my bday this weekend! whoo hoo! Tim managed to get next Mon and Tues off, so we are driving to the coast Saturday morning, and driving home on Tuesday. I love Mendo, it's so beautiful there. We will probably hike through the botanical gardens to the sea -- -- take a look at the garden pics there, it is just gorgeous! They start out with very manicured, formal plantings, and after you get past the deer gates, it is wooded, with streams, and more wild, until you get to the cliffs overlooking the sea. And always a little bit different when we visit different times during the year, different things are blooming. We also might go tide-pooling at the Mendocino Headlands -- This is one of my favorite weekend getaway spots, so I'm really excited We found a new hotel to try, it's a bit more expensive than we usually spring for, but we got a 40% discount through AAA. Our room is supposed to have a jacuzzi tub with a gas fireplace right next to it, a private balcony, and a window that looks out on the sea -- right in front of the tub!

Sassy, WTG on the mile! I'm proud of you for joining the Y and the changes you've been making. Tim loves tea, too, and I think that's a great idea for your hubby's anniversary gift. Stash and Numa make some really good could pick up a couple of loose teas you know he really likes, and maybe an assortment or two of different tea bags, several different varieties in a box, so he can try out some new ones. Maybe some more exotic green teas, or white teas, or if he likes spice maybe a Chai variety. You could find a beautiful ceramic teapot, maybe something kind of masculine, like a Japanese design, or a couple of mugs that have characters he likes, or a joke that suits him Tea balls are good for making a pot of loose tea, but can sometimes be kind of a pain to pry open and clean out. I saw a really cool steeper for single cups of loose stainless steel, and was sort of shaped like a teaspoon with a hinged basket at the end instead of the bowl of the spoon, and at the end of the handle, it had a plunger that was shaped like a stylized bumblebee -- you pushed in the plunger, and it opened the basket so you could scoop in just the right amount of loose tea for one cup, then the basket snapped shut when you released it. Hope that description made sense...anyway, I didn't buy it when I saw it, and have been kicking myself ever since, and I'm on the lookout for another one.

Jane, the real fireplace is what absolutely sold us on this little house. I don't think they can even build new homes with real woodburning fireplaces here anymore, but this house was built in 1956. We need to get wood for the winter, but I told Tim we really need some type of rack to stack the wood on -- last year, it was just a big wood pile on the ground, and got really soaked in the rain.

Sue, hoping the offer on your house is THE one you've been waiting for!

Cristi, I agree with Norma...maybe it's not just allergies, hon. Get some rest and pamper yourself a bit, maybe you've picked up a virus, and need some TLC and extra rest.

Norma, I'm a firm believer in aromatherapy, too. Scents can totally change your mood and state of mind. Orange and grapefruit uplift my spirits; pine, cinnamon, and apples comfort me and make me feel at home (probably because they remind me of Christmas); and I have these fantastic pomegranate candles that make me feel so peaceful, perfect for meditation and reducing stress. And good job on defeating the temptations of the fat fairy! I am such a carb fiend...I would have been tempted to say, forget dinner, just give me the whole dang basket of rolls!

Nixxie, I couldn't see the boots, either, but I bet they are great! Shoes that make you feel confident are worth their weight in gold. Best of luck to you on the job After you posted about the boots, yesterday my son and I went to this wild store called Evangeline's, and they had these sort of goth Maryjanes, matte black leather with a chunky heel, that had a black cat's head on the toes and the tail wrapped around the heel -- if they'd had them in my size, I would have bought them in a heartbeat! Too small, though, I wear a 10. Don't know if they were exactly job interview shoes, but I loved them

Robin, how on earth did you manage a "last minute" garage sale??? It's always such a big production for me, that I haven't had one in years. Sure love shopping at them, though! Don't beat yourself up about the pizza and beer. I've started ordering our pizzas with thin crust (if I can overrule the guys who want pan crust), ordering half vegetarian (tomatoes, olives, mushrooms, zucchini, artichoke hearts, even pineapple sometimes!), and grilled chicken or ham or canadian bacon for the meat on the other side (lower in fat than pepperoni or sausage), and then I just steal a couple of little tidbits of the chicken or ham from "their" side of the pizza -- you know, the bits that fall off on the bottom of the pizza box -- and put them on my vegetarian slices for extra flavor A regular 12 oz beer is 3 WW points (light beer is 2 points), so if I want a beer or two, I just figure it in to my daily point total.

Marti, fall is my favorite season, too! I love the blue, blue sky, and the changing leaves, and the cooler (but not too cold) days.

Tiffany, I was reading some more in your profile; it's always neat to see things we have in common with other posters here. I homeschooled my boys for 7 years -- they are now 23, 20, and 15 (Noah is a sophomore in public HS now). How old are your kids? Have you found other homeschooling moms in Germany? I love scrapbooking too, and played around a bit with stamps, but was never very creative with them. I love the stamped pages and cards you linked to that you've done -- just beautiful! Oh, and about the olive oil, just wanted to clarify -- yes, I totally agree with you about the benefits of olive oil. It's definitely the healthiest of the oils out there, and we definitely need some fat in our diet, and some recipes require some kind of fat. But obviously those of us trying to lose excess weight need to watch how much fat we consume, and I was just pointing out that even with the health benefits, olive oil is a fat, and just like every other fat, it has 9 calories per gram, about twice the calories per gram as protein or carbohydrates. But I'm all for healthier substitutions. A recipe that calls for 1/2 cup of shortening or vegetable oil would certainly be improved with 1/2 cup of olive oil instead. For a baked good like quick bread, 1/4 olive oil and 1/4 unsweetened applesauce is even better, if it produces a satisfying result. And if it works with 1/2 cup applesauce and no oil at all, I'd probably try that, since I'd rather have olive oil in my salad dressing, or drizzled in a pasta dish, or in something else where I can taste it, and enjoy the flavor I never use margarine, but sometimes nothing will substitute for the flavor and texture of butter -- though I try to use that very sparingly.

Holy toledo, this has turned into a novel!!! I'll stop now, hi to anyone I've missed, and talk to you soon...

OH, BTW...saw the surgeon Friday, and she was livid that my PT was denied, and said she'd send the Worker's Comp review people a nasty message -- I've lost strength and range of motion in my arm. Wouldn't you know, the PT office called me and left a message yesterday, "Oh, 11 more PT visits were just approved for you..." Way to go, Doc!!!
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Old 09-19-2006, 10:05 PM   #8  
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Hi ladies,

Robin - ahh, I can hardly wait for snow! Since I don' have to get out in it, that's easy for me to say. But we still have a couple of months before that will happen.

Mary Kate - YAY for your Doc. Your weekend in Mendocino sounds so romantic. I loved the photos, especially the ones of the hotel... I wanna go with you, lol. The view from it is wonderful. I remember a song about Mendocino from the late 60's or early 70's. Anyway, have fun with your honey.

Marti - where are you, chicka?

Cristi - hope you're feeling better.

Neal and I volunteered to take all 3 (yes all 3!) of Mary's kids for the day. She is doing such a good job with them but needed a break. Dale got offered a job here, btw, but his car broke down, so he had to say no, so she has the responsiblity of it all. Anyway, we worked their puzzles, read stories, played games, and Neal took them out to find a late watermelon.

Tomorrow I'm taking Caylin to pick out her birthday presents. What fun!

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Old 09-19-2006, 11:49 PM   #9  
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Jane: I love my fireplace. My sweetie designed our house so our house is like no other. We have a 8 ft wide ceiling to floor rock fireplace with a large hearth to sit on to get warm or roast marshmallows. It does not get very cold very often to need to use it but when it does get cold we build a fire and I love watching the flames dance. I made fire starters out of pinecones that were pre-dipped in scented candle wax. A couple starts the fire fast and it smells terrific. I love the fall and winter. They are my favorite seasons.

Mary Kate: My son used to be stationed at Fort Bragg and we had visited him but I never heard or Mendocino. I need to check it out. Thanks for the info. I sounds so romantic. Thanks for the pomegranate oil tip. I can't wait to try all the various scents so I can see how I react to them. You sound like me when it comes to bread. I used to own a bakery and I have a severe addiction to fresh bread, especially when hot and with butter!

Cristina: I sure hope you are better soon. Don't forget to PM Josh's address to me for the books.

Marti: How are your blahs? I hope you join us even when you're down. Jane told me that was what the rest of us Jaded Ladies were here for, to lift each other up when we're down. How can we help you?

Tiffany: How's the smokey smell? Did the charcoal help? BTW did the beans get done? LOL Sorry, not funny.

Robin: You may ship me any surplus snow. I love it! I play in it like a kid. I made the greatest snow person one year when we actually had enough to do something with it. I'm a Star Trek fan and Deep Space Nine so I made a Ferangi snow person. It turned out great. (For you non trekkies, a Ferangi is an alien person) My son Larry's wife's family lives in MI. He lived there for a while and really liked it there.

Nixxie: Any word on the results of the interview? I hope you get the job.

Sue: Did you close? Did the bid on your house live up to your expectations? I guess you're too busy to stop here with everything you're busy with. Hope to hear from you soon.

I went out to lunch today since I had to stay in town with my daughter all day. I went to McDonald's and tried their new Asian Salad. It had mixed greens, green soybeans (I didn't know that at the time), mandarine oranges, grilled chicken breast, toasted almonds with an orange glaze. It came with Newman's Sesame Ginger Low-fat Dressing. The salad was pretty good. I wish I hadn't put all the dressing on my salad because it was really hot (spicy) for me. For the most part I would recommend it to others. When I got home I went to the McDonalds website and looked up the nutrition information. The calorie count was 290 calories and the dressing was 80 calories. For you food exchangers it said 3.5 vegetable, 3 lean meat, 1 fat. I felt pretty good about that. I thought you guys would like to know this just in case you had to grab a bite in town and didn't know where to go.

Have a super hump day (Wednesday) and a good week.

Sassy: Way to go on the WATP!!! I have the disk and it's not as easy as it looks. Being as out of shape as I am, I could not keep up. I couldn't make it all the way through without doing a much slower rountine than they were doing. My goal is to at least keep up, let alone 2 miles. Super job!!!!
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Old 09-19-2006, 11:50 PM   #10  
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Hey Gals!

I want Thank EVERYBODY for their suggestions and kind words of support!

Tonight we went to this International Market and hub wanted some tea and they sell the teapots and what not and the nice teas there so I went ahead and bought it for him so he could enjoy it. I got him the Bodum ASSAM, with the Stainless Steel Filter. Its no. 1801-16, its the 34 ounce/1.0 Liter. I would put in the whole link but its a long one. lol. The Tea Guy said it is the best one. Then the Tea Mug with the Infuser is a Chantal 15 oz. /.44 Liters and it is Chocolate/Vanilla Color., Item # 92-TM11/I (Under Mugs). (For work)

He also got a nice assortment of nice teas. We are currently drinking the Chinese Oolong and we put some honey in it, very nice esp. on a night like tonight! And I normally do not like tea, but this is pretty good!

Anyways, I want to thank you all for your support. Without you all I wouldn't be doing as well as I am with exercising and eating better.

Infact we went out to eat tonight and we went to Outback Steakhouse. I got a cup of the Cheese Onion Soup, didn't eat it all, we shared the crab dip, which btw is excellent! Hub didn't like it too much so I ate a little and we took the rest home. Then I had the Queenland Shrimp and Chicken Pasta. I didn't like the pasta much so I just ate the Shrimp and Chicken out of it. So I didn't eat a lot, infact the waitress kept on asking me if everything was okay because I didn't eat a lot. But they do give you a LOT of food! Only thing is now I don't eat it all! I either have them box it up or just have them take it away. I get fuller faster now and esp with me drinking more water, it helps a lot with suppressing my appetite.

Such as this morning. I was up until like 12:30 PM. I was craving for some strange reason a Grilled Cheese Sandwich, but instead I just drank my water and then went to bed!!!!!!

I know there are times I may slip or may have just one slice of pizza, but hey that is okay. I don't have to be "perfect" but I CAN be healthier and exercise and feel good about myself.

I almost cut my hair off this morning! lol. I was washing it and just was looking at it like, "I want to cut you off" lol. But I didn't. Figured I better leave it to the Pros.

Anyways there is my ramblings for today. I didn't do indivduals, but I think I answered everybody's. If I didn't, I do appologize.

Have a Wonderful Night/Morning/Afternoon whatever time it is in your time zone!!!!!! lol.

Last edited by Sassy_Chick; 09-20-2006 at 12:00 AM. Reason: Doh! lol
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Old 09-20-2006, 04:04 AM   #11  
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A VERY early Good morning, ladies...

Couldn't sleep so thought I would just get up until I got sleepy...getting there. Feeling better too, much better. And yes, it was allergies ladies otherwise I think I would have gone to the doc. It was just the normal stuff until last Friday when I mowed the yard and the wind was blowing all that icky stuff around., made it 100 times worse. But today is much better...sinuses are draining a little now but other than that I am good to go! They had an article in the paper a few weeks ago warning people to start their antihistamines (sp?) if they have allergies because the ragweed was going to be bad. of course I didn't and look what happened. You live and learn...

NORMA...I meant to p.m Josh's address to you after I posted and I read some more and then logged off and forgot. I WILL p.m. it to you later today, promise. I would give it to you now but I'm in the basement and it's upstairs somewhere. I haven't even wrote it in my address book yet. Anyway, I will get it to you. And I know what ya mean about not wanting to get your shoes dirty, lol! I am the same way. I've had mine about 3 or 4 months now and have washed them twice so far. I don't like to wash them too much for fear of them falling apart. I guess they are going to get dirty sooner or later though. Your fireplace sounds awesome! Bet your house is beautiful!

JANE...I wish we had a wood burning fireplace...they ARE so much better than just a gas one which is what we have. Of course we don't use very often. I just like a fire once in a while for the ambiance. Hope you enjoyed your day with the granddaughters.

SASSY...WTG on the one mile! And the teapot is really nice. I was going to say the same as the others...if that's what hubby likes then why not get it? I have a hard time buying for DH because he doesn't need anything so I am always fumbling with what to get him. Also, WTG on not eating too much when you went out.

MARYKATE...I too have been to Fort Bragg...a couple of times and man is it beautiful down there! Hope you and DH have a wonderful BIRTHDAY weekend! Hope you have a GREAT Birthday also! And...glad the doc got workers comp to pay for the extra PT visits!

ROBIN...yes, how do you throw a yard sale together at the last minute? It takes me a while to get organized for one and we are planning one sometime soon. We've been waiting for the cooler temps and DH to have a weekend off. I won't do one myself. And snow? Ah, don't mention the white stuff!I can't wait for the cooler temps, sort of (my arm bothers me bad) but I don't really want snow yet.

TIFFANY...yes, did you get the awful smell out of your house? I think burned beans are the worst...I've done it a couple of times but not so bad than I ruined the pot. Came close though. Glad everyone was fine though and you guys got out of the house.

SUE...HAPPY MOVING DAY! (Yesterday) better late than never. I think short distant moves are the you said, you can take your time and get things organized as you move it. Try not to get too pooped out though. I know how stressful moving can be. Also, I hope you guys got the bid you hoped for so you can get moved into your new home and not have to worry about the old one.

MARTI...hope you are feeling fine. I too love the fall weather. I love the colors and the cool weather. Just hate the time change and that it gets dark too early.

Well, ladies...guess I probably should get back to bed...getting sleepy now. Not much going on today so hopefully I can sleep in until about 8:30 or 9. Going to go to IF and possibly get a walk in, more than likely on the treadmill because the forecast said it is going to be windy. Now when the wind is blowing 40 mph here they usually say it is breezy so when they say it is going to be windy it is going to be horrible. I don't want to be out in it. GOing to clean house, get some laundry done and possibly work on the scrapbook pages. Anyway...

Take care ladies and have a great day! BBL
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Old 09-20-2006, 11:45 AM   #12  
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Hello everyone!!

I had no computer access yesterday. I felt like I was cut off! Not sure why, but just couldn't get online at all.

Sassy--My hubby loves tea too, and a tea set sounds great! Drinking loose tea has such a different/stronger taste. I prefer that over the bags. I'm glad you're both enjoying the tea's! What a great gift.

Robin--Some of our mountain areas have already gotten snow. Of coarse, they're miles and miles away from here so I don't think I have to worry anytime soon. But we're already getting the rainy Oregon weather!!

MaryKate--I LOVE fall!! James & I got together in the fall so it's wonderful memory season. We've gone on some hikes in the fall and the surrounding are absolutely beautiful. One year we went to Silver Falls w/a group of people from work. The leaves were falling. It was like it was snowing but instead of white we had gold, reds and orange. It was breath taking!

Jane--I can just picture you & Neal w/your DGD's! Reminds me of my sister and I visiting my grandparents and spending the day w/them and having so much fun. Creates wonderful memories. I think you and Neal are doing a wonderful thing spending time w/them like that. I wish my parents or Jhanai's dads parents would do the same. She hardly see's either of them. And Jhanai is such a family gal. Such a sweetie!! Why don't you move closer so I can spend a day w/you and then Jhanai can too!

Cristi--How are you allergies today. I'm hoping that you get into the doctor soon so you can have a restful sleep. Nothing like trying to sleep but can't breath!

Now, I know I'm missing some people here....Sue, Nixxie, Tiffany, and all the others I may have missed. So sorry, w/the new thread, hard to remember what was all said. Sending you hugs!

I best be getting in the shower. I need to stop and get gas before work.

You all have a lovely day!!!
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Old 09-20-2006, 12:08 PM   #13  
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Hello, All. It's been very busy at work, so no time to "play".

DD and I have been struggling with our staying OP for the past week or so. I think today we are now newly committed to it! I guess we needed the time off.

I am ready for the gym now. I did not stop going to the gym, so I did at least part of what I was supposed to do.

Not much else going on here. Just continuing to do well with my caloric intake and exercise.

Made a booboo on my signature. Weight should be 159, not 160. oh, well , will fix it later.

gotta go now.
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Old 09-20-2006, 02:10 PM   #14  
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Hi ladies,

This will have to be a quick one because I've caught the DGDs cold they had last week, and am headed for a nap in a few minutes. I feel worse and worse as the day goes on.

Caylin and I had fun picking out her bd presents. She wanted the new Princess Genevieve Barbie and the coordinating Twelve Princesses DVD. I also got the princess dress for Caylin to wear, and the matching slippers. Mary will have to stuff the toe of the slippers, lol. Of course, the presents have been stowed away until her party day, which is 10/07.

Tomorrow evening I'm supposed to be going to the Taste of Home Magazine show in Vincennes as a guest of a friend. Although I don't cook like they do in the magazine, (too much processed stuff) it will still be fun to go if I'm better.

I'll try real hard to do individuals next time, ok?
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Old 09-20-2006, 05:23 PM   #15  
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Hello ladies...

If it's not one thing it's another! Geez, louise...Monday when I was watering the yard I bent over the wrong way and heard my back crack. It wasn't bad and I didn't feel it until yesterday but didn't go exercise for fear of it going out completely. I DO NOT want to be down with my back totally out. So here I sit bored out of my mind. Well, not really. I did force myself to clean house and do laundry. HAD to do laundry since I didn't get any done yesterday, not completely. Washed and dried a load but it sat in the dryer until this afternoon. Anywho...

MARTI...I couldn't sleep because of my back. When it is out I have to sleep in a certain position and try not to move at all so my body gets numb. My legs were the worst and I woke up because of them and the numb feeling. So I came downstairs and walked on the treadmill for a few minutes and then got on the computer for a few. Well, that and V was snoring really loud. UGH! But the allergies are much better thank goodness.

JANE...sorry about the cold. Hope you were feeling well enough to go to the cooking show. It sounds awesome! I enjoy watching people cook and getting all kinds of ideas. Bet Caylin can't wait for her birthday!

LIZ...was wondering where you were missy. I totally believe in a little time off once in awhile. While it may not work for some it does for me. I find I have to take a little break sometimes so I don't get bored and can stay motivated. Glad you kept going to the gym.

HI to everyone else! Hope your day is going good!

Okay ladies...I hate to do this but it doesn't hurt to ask. I hope it doesn't bother anyone me asking for help either. And don't feel obligated to say yes. I want you to do this because you want to, and if you want to. Here all know that Josh is in the dreaded sandbox. Well, I have been thinking about Christmas. And while I have been sending care packages to him and the guys in his squad, his Unit is a whole nuther story. I am going to feel odd sending just the guys in the squad stuff for Christmas and so I am aiming to send everyone in his Unit something for Christmas. I have to get this stuff mailed by the end of October to ensure they receive it for Christmas. So...what I am asking is if any of you ladies would like to contribute a Christmas stocking? I can't remember how much they cost... I think $1.99 You don't have to put anything in it I am just wanting an empty stocking. Anyway, just thought I would throw that out there and see what you ladies think.

Okay, better get going, almost time for Jeopardy. Can't miss my Jeopardy, lol!

Have a good day ladies!
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