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FrouFrou 06-15-2006 02:56 PM

Hiya Michelle :wave:

I too like the red, white and blue! Very patriotic and I have been since DS joined the Army. Okay, I thought it was but I think my eyes were playing tricks on me. :dizzy: Looked like a different pose but I do like the picture. Hope you have a nice lunch with DD and trip to Wal-Mart. Hope she gets a clean bill from the dentist and has no cavities. People think the kids and myself are liars because they have never had a cavity. Of course my mother thought I was a bad mother because I didn't give them junk (chips, candy, etc.) while growing up. I must have done something right, lol. Anyway, I have some pictures I will share so you can see my mug. I still haven't had a head shot taken. But I have to add them to Shutterfly...I might have some already on there-I'll look. About you not wanting to come here when you are feeling bad...you still should. We care about you and only want the best for you. And I think it is better to get it out than to keep it inside. Keeping it inside is horrible for you healthwise and mentally I think. :hug: :hug: :hug: Your hair...are you getting it cut and highlighted? I need to do something with mine. But for now the cut me and DD did will suffice. I cut the sides, about an inch off, and DD cut the back for me, evened it out. But I really would like something different. But I never know what...

Have a good day!

FrouFrou 06-15-2006 03:00 PM

Oh, Michelle...about the avatar...yeah, it resized mine too that's why the picture of the dog is so small. I didn't think 3fc did that, maybe it's something new. I can't keep up with all the changes. It's good in a way though because I didn't have to do it but I am afraid if I put a picture up it will end up being that small too. We'll see when I actually do it.

Ms. Susan...come out, come out wherever you are! You know, it's just like you to hide when I am here waiting and having time to chat. :D :lol:

Okay, checking out in a couple of minutes. Will chat with you ladies later I hope. :wave:

Mom2Gaby 06-15-2006 03:26 PM

:balloons: :belly: :dance: :hb: :gift: Happy Birthday Katy!!!! Wishing you the best!!!

Mom2Gaby 06-15-2006 03:34 PM

Cristi I am here!! Stressed beyond belief....coming unglued, need to take a moment for myself.
I had a training this morning. Supervisor said co worker was out again and I need to get "special things" for the meeting today which meant time at Freddies.
Needed to cash my check and buy Rachel her slip ons for her dress- grabbed a greek salad again,..........gobbled that down. Dodged construction...what a pain.
Decided I should do the restraining order but am backed up with appts and need to get that done by Monday, it will expire Tuesday.
People at me and I just want to go to the bathroom!!!!:stress: :stress: :faint: :censored: :faint: *&^%$#$%^&*

anyway , how are you all?? :D

I do that horrid commute because it is cheap babysitting but with gas (hey! not mine - haha) and the time I don't think it is worth it. I was thinking with my money I will get from my father I should take that and move over there. Thinking about that......

Hi Michelle Appreciate the pep talk!! Thank you sooooooo much.

better get busy....chat in a bit!

Mom2Gaby 06-15-2006 03:45 PM

Bep I will look for a joke , ok?? I need to go make 50 cups of coffee *sigh* and it takes an hour to brew. Just a pain. lol

bep 06-15-2006 04:53 PM

Uh-oh...why am I not feeling oh so very chipper this afternoon??? :( I was cutting up some fresh pineaple for some cabobs I will be grilling at lunch tomorrow and I snitched some pieces of it. For some reason, it made my tummy feel really yucky :barf: . I don't know why though. The pineaple was good and it is healthy :shrug: I feel like my tummy is a time-bomb now. :barf:

Since I didn't go for a walk yesterday, I plan to go for one tonight. I hope I can 'walk off' this nasty feeling. :dunno:

Mom2Gaby 06-15-2006 06:23 PM

Bep Hope you are feeling better.
I bought a fruit platter and got pineapple all over me. Stinks along with the onion smell from the salad.
Need to head home and make sure the girls are getting ready for the promotion also need to get in bed early because tomorrow I am back on the 8 to 4:30 shift - ugh!
I will TRY and walk 2 miles in the morning. I will and no candy bars tonight.Promise to me.

Think of you all that are doing sooooo great on exercise!! Thanks a ton for the inspiration!! :D :hug: :D

chickiemama67 06-15-2006 10:28 PM

hi yall
thank you everybody for the praises!! ive kind of slacked off this week because i havent been home, i need to do some extra working out tomorrow to make up for it. i have my regional mgr coming in tomorrow, so im going in early to make sure everything looks good when he gets there. also, we get to have a sit down with my two asst. mgrs about things they are slacking on. they got in to it the other day when i was off work, can you see a 50 and 58 year old going off on each other on the sales floor. ugh!!! two grown men acting like 2 year olds.....:rofl: well im off to bed, i will check in tomorrow.

bep 06-16-2006 12:07 AM

NSV!!!!!!!!!!! I felt bum today. I knew I had to get myself out of this funk and I knew exercise would do the trick. So...I went for my normal walk. I did 3.9 miles hoofin' it big time. Well...my muscles were killin' me for the first 2 miles. Then, at about 2.5 miles, I got the sudden urge to JOG!!! So I did! I haven't done that since college! It didn't feel natural. I had a hard time getting my vision right. But hey...I JOGGED!!!! :carrot: I did it as long as I could and then went back to my fast walking. Then after a few minutes, I wanted to do it again, so I did...and it was a teensy bit easier. Then I started walking again. I jogged one more time and it was even just a little easier. :carrot: :carrot: I am sooooo excited!!! And get this...I even jogged where people could see me!!! :o :o :o It was seriously a 'mind over matter' thing! :dizzy: I tried not to think about my butt jiggling around. :o Ah well. From now on, I am going to break out with my jog whenever I get that urge. Maybe before long I will be able to job one of my 'laps' around (1.3 miles). That would be too cool!!!

I am soooo pooped! I had some garden & landscape to get done after I finished jogging. Then some indoor stuff. It is definitely a late night here.

I may not be on much tomorrow once my company gets here. I hope you all have a great day!!!

bep 06-16-2006 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Cristina04
Hello ladies...

Nothing like getting a pm to cheer one up!

Well, I came here in a good/happy mood only to put in a bad one. Stupid high school BS that I didn't play in High school and I won't play now. So now, not really in a mood for this. I'm so tired of the treatment I have received from a select few which is so unwarranted. I hope you all are happy with yourselves because you have hurt my feelings beyond belief so thank you very much for that.I hope it makes you feel good about yourself. That's about all I have to say.

Hope everyone has a good evening.

Oops...I didn't mean to come in with a cheery post when something was wrong. I posted before I read up on the newest posts. I guess I haven't a clue on this one...I just hope everything is OK. I like this group of chatty ladies.

Mom2Gaby 06-16-2006 01:03 AM

Bep - You are fine :)

Cristi - :hug: :hug: :hug: I just sent you a PM, now I read this......

I will just say this lady has been a friend though some difficult weeks. I have known her for 2 years and the friendships she has made here has meant a lot to her. If there is a holiday or birthday Cristi never forgets with a card. I like to think it was a post meant for another thread. I am sorry if you have been hurt, I know you have and continue to be. My trust in your friendship has never wavered unlike some others if that means anything Cristi.

Many hugs.....:hug: and I wish I had your telephone number. I would call you because morning seems too far away.

Mom2Gaby 06-16-2006 01:09 AM

Shawna - forgot to say hi!! hi

Bep- Night :)

Katy - How was your birthday?

Cristi - I reread your pm, you don't seem mad at me!! :D I will PM my home phone, call me if you want.

Michelle 06-16-2006 01:10 AM

CRISTI... I hope you are not upset with me! I have been gone all day and just got done reading all of the posts, and then I come to yours where you are SO upset. You are the most kind and sweetest girlie, so PLEASE would you tell me what's going on??? Please don't leave, because afterall, you told me to come here when I'm upset and feeling down, and we can also help you. I am very upset now as I have no clue as to what is going on.:?: :(

BEP... At first the picture thing didn't take, and then all the sudden it showed up big on it's own, so I have no clue, but I'm leaving it.:^:

My daughter's dentist appointment went great, and she has no cavities. We went to Red Lobster for lunch and then to Walmart, Target, Old Navy and Mervyns. It was a long day and I was glad to get home. Did anyone watch the Britney Spears interview tonight? My daugher and I just got finished watching it, and I really do feel sorry for her. I hope all of you have a wonderful evening, and please come back Cristi and clue me in!:dizzy: :hug:

RosieKate 06-16-2006 08:29 AM

Good morning!

I have some time, so I thought I'd get a post in before we leave for Ashland.

Cristina - I also pm'ed you last night - I hope you are feeling better today. I can't bear the thought of someone making you this upset; you always have a kind word and a positive thought for people on our thread...I hope to see you here and chatting again - SOON!

Susan- birthday was great very low key, just the way I like it! My kids bought me some treats at Baker and Spice. Yummy - but I am hitting the gym this morning that's for sure! How was the promotion? You are now officially the mother of a high schooler :yikes:

Bep - yay on the jogging! I have a hard time with that one - so I really admire you for getting out there and just doing it!

Michelle - glad your DD's dentist visit went well. You know, I have never had a cavity and I am 41 years old...so just tell her to keep up the good work; you CAN go through life with no fillings - really! I watched the BS interview last night and I do feel bad for her, as you do. I think she is just falling apart. She looked terrible with the hair, bad makeup, and gum chewing - where was her stylist? I think she came off poorly with her responses to the parenting questions. She blamed it all on the paparazzi, but you can't really blame them for putting your 5 mo on your lap while driving on the freeway, or for facing them forward in the car seat. Those were just dumb and she would have been better off just fessing up and and saying she's learning and doing better. I guess her attempts to improve her image didn't really work for me, lol!

Shawna - Hi! Hope it goes well with your ***'t managers today....hard to soar with the eagles when you work with turkeys, eh?

Well, as I mentioned, we are leaving for Ashland today...will be back on Sunday. We are seeing The Diary of Anne Frank and Cyrano de Bergerac. Cyrano is outdoors in their beautiful Elizabethan Theatre. I was joking with DH, well maybe next time we go we can actually see some Shakespeare at the Shakespearean Festival....haha We just don't have enought time this visit to see everything we want to. It will be fun and I am looking forward to getting away for a few days.

Ciao ladies, hope you all have a great weekend!

Michelle 06-16-2006 10:52 AM

:wave: KATY -- I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend in Ashland! I have never been there before. I do agree with you on BS and how she looked last night; kinda dirty and just not put together at all; made me feel sad for her though!:( My DD only has one cavity, but she takes very good care of her teeth ever since she had braces, which I'm happy about since we put out quite a bit of money for her teeth.:o

Hello to everyone else and hope you have a good day today! Still missing you Cristi...PLEASE come back here SOON!!!:hug:

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