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Old 02-15-2006, 12:12 PM   #346  
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Morning everyone..I hope everyone stayed on track yesterday and didn't blow it that for me , well I have been sick and I've had a sore throat for two days and yesterday I lost my voice so last night I broke down and went to DQ and got ice cream...but you know whats funny..every time I cheat and eat ice cream I lose weight the next day...Yes I have a bad habit of weighing every day..but I lost 1lb today after cheating and that always happens when I eat ice cream...maybe I could just do a ice cream diet(not)
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:25 PM   #347  
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Hi Lisa - we're moving to Columbia, SC. Know anything about there?
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:43 PM   #348  
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Donna - maybe you don't get enough dairy/calcium through your normal daily diet? I've read a few reports that those help you lose weight. Or, maybe you feel sooooo guilty about the ice cream, you cut out other calories without even realizing it? LOL The ice cream diet reminds me of this:

When I was pregnant, I went through a phase where I could only keep down Krispy Kreme Donuts. So that was all I ate. I lost 10 pounds in a week. My husband still laughs and jokes about the Krispy Kreme Diet. LOL LOL LOL

Serena - don't give up, girl. I've felt like you do a million times. So often I want to say forget it, this is too much work, I can't, it's going to slow, I just want to eat what I want, etc. But then I look at my kids, and I want to be as energetic as they are. I want to take them to the park all the time and do lots of outside stuff. And this is the hardest part for me - I keep telling myself I AM WORTH IT. And Serena, YOU ARE WORTH IT. Sometimes a little break is all you need to get right back on track. I remember those sleepless nights with the baby. The good news is, those nights don't last forever. Your baby will be sleeping through the night before you know it, and trust me, you'll wake up feeling like you forgot something!

Mo - Keep up the great work! And what is orzo salad?

Nori - look forward to hearing from you today!

Everyone - WAY TO GO! We're doing this!!!
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:45 PM   #349  
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Okay, all of our active ladies & J! Let's have a HUMP DAY SPECIAL POLL!

How many pounds have you lost on your diet journey?

Then, let's total up our pounds lost, and see how as a group we are winning by losing!!!!
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:47 PM   #350  
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Happy Wednesday! Great to see you guys today.

Lisa, how was dinner with b/f? I hope you had a wonderful time! About the exercise, I've always (or thought I did) hated exercise. The whole sweating thing used to just bug me. However, since I recommitted myself to doing this for the last time (lose weight) I became determined to just do it. Now I'm finding that each day I wake I can't wait to get those workouts in. Go figure!

Mo, how are "the girls" today? That cracked me up when you posted about that. As far as shoes, I'm looking too. I saw last night on the Nike website they actually have shoes for cardio work. Apparently there's more support on the sides and more cushioning in the heels, for all that aerobic activity. They're pretty spendy, not sure I'm gonna get them. Wanna try 'em out first. Let me know if you find anything interesting too! WTG on the 30 minutes! Keep it up and you'll be racking up all kinds of minutes!

Serena, big big hugs to you. I know how you're feeling, really I do. Whatever you do don't give up. Keep coming here and letting us know how you are, please. I know that having sick kids and being stuck home can get really stressful. Hang in there sweets, it will get better.

Nori, glad you're doing well this week. Hope you'll be able to stop by today.

Catherine, glad to hear the trainer is working out well! Keep us posted on your progress with him.

Donna, sorry you're sick! Hope you getting better real quicklike. DQ is my all time favorite ice cream. Oh how I would love to have a DQ diet!

All you other lovely ladies(gents), have a wonderful day. Make it your best!

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Old 02-15-2006, 01:04 PM   #351  
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Default sleeping boys

sarah- Well, I keep trying to tell myself that they will eventually sleep well but I have a 4 year old that doesn't sleep at night yet. Every once in awhile he does fine but not very often. My 2 year old sleeps better than him and even he doesn't usually sleep through the night. He's actually been sleeping better lately. He has a habit of getting attached to certain toys and will carry them around with him every where he goes 24/7 (about a year ago he got attched to one of my sylicone spatulas and carried it everywhere he went and slept with it) Anyway at christmas my mother pulled out her child friendly nativity and at first he got attached to one of the kings but he lost it at toys r us and recently he became attached to joseph and he carries it every where and sleeps with it and he's actually been sleeping better since he's had joseph.

Anyway, I suppose I might eventually get to sleep. The baby has been doing better. We had to try breathing treatments with him but they didn't seem to help so they gave him another prescription and he actually seems much happier today. He's done nothing but smile all day. Of course I would say that some of his unhappiness would have to do with him cutting 3 teeth at one time. Oh well, alls well and good. I did manage to work out on the eliptical for about 10 minutes yesterday. I still haven't lost the weight that I gained back about 2 weeks ago which puts a damper on things but I'll get there.
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:25 PM   #352  
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Default Hello!

Hi ladies,

In answer to our poll, I've lost 7.7 pounds (hope to make it to 10 soon!).

Marine- well I thought I could help, but I don't know much about SC, other than I think Myrtle Beach is there, right? I've been there twice. Nice beaches!! Good luck house hunting!!

Danielle - dinner was fabulous. I had a great time!! It was very sweet and romantic. Wonderful! About exercise - yeah I totally agree with you. I never thought I like exercise either, but I look forward to spinning every day. It makes me feel better when I workout and I look forward to going because it's a break from work. It also makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something. I've lost more inches than pounds, so I know it's working!! Keep up your good work!!!

Hope all are well.

Take care,
Lisa (I love those carrots!)
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:26 PM   #353  
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Hi ladies,

In answer to our poll, I've lost 7.7 pounds (hope to make it to 10 soon!).

Marine- well I thought I could help, but I don't know much about SC, other than I think Myrtle Beach is there, right? I've been there twice. Nice beaches!! Good luck house hunting!!

Danielle - dinner was fabulous. I had a great time!! It was very sweet and romantic. Wonderful! About exercise - yeah I totally agree with you. I never thought I like exercise either, but I look forward to spinning every day. It makes me feel better when I workout and I look forward to going because it's a break from work. It also makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something. I've lost more inches than pounds, so I know it's working!! Keep up your good work!!!

Serena - hang in there. Hope the baby gets better and you get some sleep soon!

Hope all are well.

Take care,
Lisa (I love those carrots!)
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:33 PM   #354  
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Okay, so my 27 plus Lisa's 7.7 equals 34.7 lbs lost for our group! Who else wants to chime in?
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:33 PM   #355  
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Serena - I pm'd you.
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:20 PM   #356  
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I'm done 16lbs so far...
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:31 PM   #357  
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Okay - that brings us to 50.7! WHOA!!!!!! And that's just 3 of us!!!!!
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Old 02-15-2006, 04:02 PM   #358  
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Hi everyone! So far I'm down 16.5 pounds.

Stacye - CONGRATS ON 70 POUNDS!!! I bow to you! As far as my exercise - I do a variety of things. If it's nice I take the girls out in a double stroller. Or we go to the gym for an hour or so. I do a dvd (usually strength/toning/weights) in the morning before they wake up.

Sarah - so sorry about the flu bug. ICK! Glad you're feeling better now. And, yes, is free. I like it better than Fitday for logging calories and exercise. You can save meals in it that you eat often and it saves time logging.

Mo - (Do you mind me calling you Mo? With that in your screen name I seem to use it!) As far as shoes I'd have to suggest going to a running store (not a sporting goods store) and trying them on. Even if you're not getting running shoes those people are so helpful - they can assess you gait, instep... I REALLY like my Brooks walking shoes. They aren't cute or anything, but they work great for my activities. I also have some Saucony running shoes that I use from time to time.

Catherine - great quotes!! Thanks for sharing. Forgiveness is so key. And GL with your new trainer!

Donna - hope you feel better soon. Summertime is just around the corner and we can send these little bugs on their way!

Serena - Hang in there! Like Sarah said YOU are so worth it. You just do what you can magange to do - 10 minutes on the elliptical is great when you can get it. My nights are not as rough as yours are - luckily my 2 year old has been sleeping through the night since around 16 months. My 10 month old desn't yet - but that's "normal". EVERYTHING is harder when you are sleep deprived. I think lack of sleep is a killer of patience and energy reserves - both of which we need when we are trying to lose weight and get healthy - on top of being the best Mom's we can be. You're not alone. This time will pass and your boys will sleep good someday.

Have a good day everyone!
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Old 02-15-2006, 04:14 PM   #359  
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Default Weight Poll

I'm at 8 lbs so far.

Orzos are a type of pasta that's shaped like rice. My kids love them
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Old 02-15-2006, 04:36 PM   #360  
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Default We are doing great!!!

Wow guys!

We are all doing so well.

I would like to know if everyone could tell us how long it has taken for them to lose the weight they've lost (and ages - that helps too!).

I'm 32 and it has taken 4 weeks to lose 7.7 pounds (much harder after 30 years old to lose weight I've found!!).


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