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Old 02-13-2006, 07:20 PM   #331  
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Excuse all my wonderful typos! LOL
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Old 02-13-2006, 08:38 PM   #332  
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Wow Nori WTG breaking 1000 minutes already...The way your going your going to hit 2000+ minutes...Great job on the 2.5lb gone...

Soccergirl - I know you can do it..You seem to be very determined//that will help you keep your willpower and motivation...seems like your flame is still burning dispite the hurt...Is there a chance for a hook up again? best of wishes..
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Old 02-14-2006, 09:44 AM   #333  
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SoccerGirl :: I know I'm late but I wanted to say !! I think 34 lbs by June is pretty obtainable - you can do it!

Katie :: Welcome Back!

Lisa :: Congrats on your loss last week

Tina :: This is an awesome group of girls - you're gonna love them!

Nori :: 2.5 lbs! That's AWESOME - congrats to you!
WoW - 1050 mins already!? Woohoo! How are you getting them?

*wavin* to everyone else - hope you're all doing well!

- - -

As for me - my weigh in is also on Monday, I lost 4 lbs this week but unfortunately 2 of them were 're-losses' - I'm still trying to figure out where the heck they come from b/c I have been on plan the whole time - I'm just glad that they're gone - again! On a good note, the loss brought me to a total loss to date of 70 lbs! Yipparoo!
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Old 02-14-2006, 10:04 AM   #334  
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Default Happy Valentine's Day to all the Lovely Losers!!!!

I hope all you ladies have a great Valentine's Day. Luckily I got flowers from DH instead of candy! LOL
First some personals:
Lisa: congrats on the 1.6 lb loss, way to go!!!
Elizabeth: are you still struggling with your cold, we miss you.
Serena: sorry to hear about the kids being sick, have you had the house tested to be sure there's no mold? An air purifier might help. Do you have carpets or hard wood? Carpets can trap so much dust and allergens.
Catherine: Did you start with the trainer yet? I can't wait to buy a new outfit, what kind of races are you going to? Car, horse???
Lori: I can't wait to hit the 190's!! You'll be in the 80's before you know it! I looked up Ballroom Blitz last night and I can't believe I had never heard that song before. My best friend kept insisting that I did. I might have been short on some brain cells when it came out if you know what I mean! Two jobs, wow, I don't want the 1 I have!
Erin: hope your new furniture looks great, my DH hasn't been cooking much since we started dieting because he doesn't want to have to figure out points and can't seem to alter recipes into low fat, he's afraid to try I guess? His cooking wasn't very technical to start but he'd make a good shepherd's pie.
Donna: Is work any better this week? Congrats on the 1.2 lbs!!!
Nori: we got over 1' of snow I'd say. Congrats on the 2.5 lbs!!!
Stacye: hope to get to know you better now that you'r back!
Soccergirl: hope you meet your goal, you have good incentive
Katie: I hope you enjoyed the snow!
Last but not least: Tina: Glad to see you hear, I was hoping you'd come over!! Congrats on the 1 lb loss and good luck with the new goal!

Menu: cereal, orzo salad & green salad, cheeseburger, granola bar, 1/2 pc. angelfood cake, few bites of frozen yogurt. Pts. 25, Water 32 oz, Exercise: 15 min BATP

I finally downloaded some music onto my MP3 last night after I did my BATP. I ended up downloading off of Walmart, it was pretty easy. I was dead tired when I hit the bed at 10:20 last night. I overslept till 7:15 Luckily the boss is away today. I'll check in later as I'm by myself all day

I love the new smilies!
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Old 02-14-2006, 10:13 AM   #335  
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I forgot Sarah!!! How is the house hunting coming along? My DH cousins are moving to Hilton Head to a retirement community, I hope to visit them next year.
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Old 02-14-2006, 10:20 AM   #336  
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Default Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Thanks for the congrats on my weight loss. I'm still trying hard, it's always a struggle for me not to eat everything in sight!! LOL!

I also said "no chocolate" this year. I don't want any of that now or on Easter - that's more of a candy holiday for me.

Have a great day and enjoy your dinners with your significant others.

Take care.

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Old 02-14-2006, 11:13 AM   #337  
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Good Morning everyone! I am loving reading about everyone's successes!!!! I'm not updating my weight this week, because in my house we've all been suffering from an evil stomach bug - so my loss is HUGE for me (down to 194) but it doesn't count since you always gain back once you are able to hold food down again. So we'll see where I am next Monday, and I'll adjust the ticker then.

Our house hunting is still going slow. Good thing the kids and I won't get there until August, and we're not down to the last minute rush yet. I need to find some people who live in Columbia to tell us what they think of the neighborhoods.

Nori - your nutridiary - is that a pay service? That sounds so neat!! And WTG on your loss!!!

Maureen - WAHOO on the flowers!!!!!!

Stacye - Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 02-14-2006, 11:18 AM   #338  
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Tina - welcome!

Serena - Keep up the great work! I know how hard it can be to make time for yourself when you're busy caring for your boys! I only have 2 sons, but I think I'll count my husband as someone else I have to care for...hehehe. My baby has trouble breathing here in the desert, and actually breathes much better and gets sick less often in the humid climates back home. Good luck finding the right spot!

Katie Bug - way to go throwing out all the snacks!!!!! That alone should give you a 2 lb bonus loss for willpower!!!!

Catherine - nothing like an outfit being your motivation!!! : )

Sorry if I missed anyone. Have a wondreful Valentines Day!!!!!!!!
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Old 02-14-2006, 01:27 PM   #339  
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Happy Valentine's Day Gang!!

Awesome to hear about everyone's successes this week. You girls rock!!
I didn't weigh in this week, AF has been here and I know I'm up, up, up. Made it real hard not to eat everything in sight! I crave chocolate big time when she's here. Luckily I made it through and i seem to be on the downswing of things. Feeling great and full of energy! Workouts have been 2hrs a day has gotta pay off some time, right?

Sarah. I'm sorry to hear the family's been sick. I hope you all get better fast!
I know how rough house hunting can be when you aren't living in the area. I hope you find the information you're looking for soon.

Lisa, great job on the loss this week! You're a brave girl to stay away from chocolate! I don't think I'm that brave. Your losses may be slow, just means you will keep it off! Great job this week!

Maureen, awwww dh gets a big gold star for the flowers! How sweet. Glad you got that music downloaded. Now you're ready to rock! Hope you get some rest today, no fun being tired when you got things to do.

Stacye, WOW 70 pounds!!! That is absolutely fabulous!!!! What an inspiration!

Soccergirl, I think your goal for June is totally doable. Nothing like a great motivator to keep you going. You can do it!

Donna, hey how ya doing?!

Catherine, how's your week been so far? I know this week will be a better one. Stay strong! I like that you've got a goal outfit, what a super idea! Don't worry, you'll reach it! What's going on with the trainer? Good news I hope!

Serena, hope the family is better very soon! Good for you for sticking to your diet and exercise. The weight will come off!!

Nori, congrat's on your loss this week!! Awesome work, lady. Big high five for beating your exercise goal!!! You are on a roll!!!

Katie, glad your trip went well. Yay you for getting rid of the extra snacks! Setting yourself up for an awesome week!!!

Tina, welcome! I'm fairly new to this thread, and all I can say is these ladies are AMAZING! They've welcomed me w/ open arms and have been nothing but supportive. I know you will love it here.

I hope I haven't forgotten anyone, you guys are hard to keep up with!

Have a fabulous day everyone! Be your own Valentine, and treat yourself with lots of love and kindness.

Last edited by desertdreamer; 02-14-2006 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 02-14-2006, 01:45 PM   #340  
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Default Hello again!

Hi guys-

Danielle - thanks for the kind words to me and everyone else today. Very sweet of you to say!! I'm doing pretty well. I can't wait for my special dinner out tonight with my boyfriend. Wow - 2 hour workouts a day! You go!!!!

I can only do two workouts in one day (totalling 1 hour!!). That's about all the energy I have!!!

Sarah - good luck on the house hunting. What state are you looking to move to? Is it in Maryland? I can tell you some things about Columbia.

Take care.

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Old 02-14-2006, 02:09 PM   #341  
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Default bra & shoes??

Hi girls. I decided to order myself one of those Enell sports bras. Last night my daughter was laughing at me because "the girls" were bouncing all over. I have to keep to the lighter version of the workout or when I try to pick it up a notch to Level 2 I can't control the chest!

I need to buy some good athletic shoes also. I've been doing a lot of internet research and they recommend the higher type shoe for aerobic exercise. I don't really like the look of those...does anyone have any recommendations for a sneaker for DVD workouts and regular street walking? The Nike shox look really bouncy with the springs in them, has anyone tried those yet...maybe they're just a fad???
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Old 02-14-2006, 04:27 PM   #342  
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Default good attitudes

Everyone on here all have a great attitude about themselves and their weight loss journey, unfortunately I just don't feel the same. At this moment I just feel like giving up. I've been so hungry today I've just been scarfing down everything. I know it probably has a lot to do with being up all night with a sick baby and stress but its just never ending. I'm sure it will pass. I'm just not sure it will pass before I gain the pounds back that I just lost.
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Old 02-14-2006, 05:24 PM   #343  
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I have no time for personals today. I will be back later though. Busy. Busy!!

Just wanted to check in - doing well. Glad everyone else is also!

Happy V day!
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Old 02-14-2006, 07:40 PM   #344  
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Wink Happy V day

Hello everyone! I hope everyone has had a great day! I recieved a dozen roses at work. That was really sweet , I was not expecting that! Well, to let you all know I have heard from my trainer DeWayne. I will meet with him at the beginnig of next week for the first consult and session. I chose him out of the whole list of trainers because of his work with the Special Olympics. I feel that shows me that he looks for the true inner being in everyone. Plus, I have heard good things about him. Plus, it just felt right to choose him. Nori, I go to the Nascar races. We make each of the spring and fall races there. We camp for 3 days /3 nights. This is our time away for us! Congrats everyone on their weight loss. Again I had a bad week and I will weigh in next week. Everyone have a great night. And check out the quotes that I found!


"Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting what you did to get this way. It doesn't mean you are not responsible for the actions you took to get here. It means you acknowledge that you're not perfect, that you make (and have made) mistakes, and that you choose to love yourself and let them go. Regardless."

" You know how to take charge of your life and transform yourself into the person you want to be, all you have to do is make the commitment to yourself and believe in yourself enough to keep your commitment."
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Old 02-15-2006, 08:51 AM   #345  
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Good morning girls.

Serena: I wish I was there to give you a great big hug Just being on this board shows that you have determination. Attitudes are important but luckily they're easy to change. Take a look at your beautiful baby and see what you've created. You are a strong, wonderful woman. Try reading some inspirational stories on this site. You shouldn't have to be hungry. Try clearing out all the bad snacks from your house and load up on fruit and veggies so if you are hungry you don't have to feel guilty eating. I've just started my first brush with exercise in 38 years and even though I'm doing it slow and just doing the walking tapes, I already feel better. A short walk might lift your spirits. I hope the baby feels better, that can be a real downer, especially when it causes you to be inside the house a lot.

I'm blowing this your way....

Menu: cereal w/ blueberries, apple, granola, orzo salad, tossed salad w/ feta, shrimp cocktail, 1/2 pc angel cake, skinny cow ice cream
Pts = 24 at most Exercise: 30 min BATP Water: 40 oz.?

Hello to everyone else, keep strong and thanks to all of you, I was inspired to do 30 minutes of BATP last night. I see those goals of "X" amount of minutes per month and it's amazing. If I keep this up another week or so, I might make myself a ticker goal for exercise.

I'll check in later. Mo
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