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Old 01-20-2006, 04:55 PM   #166  
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Hi everybody! Hope you are all having a great Friday! Shelly you are doing super! djmommy I'll be patient, lol. I am really doing pretty good. Dh made me a nice salad last night and I was not even tempted to cheat! Thats a big surprise, LOL. Well I hope you all have a great weekend!
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Old 01-20-2006, 07:09 PM   #167  
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Djmommy that is great that you worked out everyday this week! Have a great time tonight with your husband. It is always nice to have a night out and away from the kids. Don't worry about the scale staying the same. You have had a consistent weight loss the last few weeks and I bet you will see another weight loss next week.

Cathy you are doing great! I love to scrapbook. I have been working on our wedding album for the last 4 1/2 years and I finally have finished it. I had tons of pictures from the wedding. I find scrapbooking to be very relaxing.

Girls have a good evening and keep up the good work!
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Old 01-23-2006, 12:56 PM   #168  
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Hi guys made it through my bday weekend and had a blast. Date night was awesome. We had a bottle of wine plus... Disd not feel so great sat. Oh well that will not happen in a while. I had cake and icecream and everything else. I know I gained but no big deal. I will try to get back into it again. I did work out sunday morning at the gym. I got my butt there by 8 am . Had to work off those pds. Work out today. 1 hr walking and 1 hr of arebics. I do feel better, I hope I keep losing. .......I am going to start scrapping again. I have not since my youngest was 1 year old. I have a lot of catching up to do. There are some ladies that do it all the time and they invited me to join. I have to get it all together. I hope you all have a great week. Lets stay focused. We rock and we will all do great.
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Old 01-23-2006, 05:30 PM   #169  
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Happy Belated Birthday djmommy! It sounds like you had a fantastic time! Don't worry about the cake and ice cream, it sounds like you are working it off. Chances are you will see a drop in weight.

Well gotta get hubby off to work. More later.

Everybody, keep up the good work!
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Old 01-23-2006, 06:21 PM   #170  
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djmommy sounds like you really enjoyed your birthday. Don't worry about having a little fun. Sounds as though you are back on track!
I just finished the 2 mile walk the walk. Boy was it fun. I had been bad about exercising, the last time I did was last tuesday. Guess I kept finding excuses. But I hope I'm on track now! enjoy your night everyone...
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Old 01-23-2006, 11:01 PM   #171  
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Post Seeking Weight Loss buddy

hi there i am new at this and am finding it hard to eat right to have the right weight loss that i am looking for my name is Robyn i am 27 years old and mother of two busy girls one 6 and one 8 months i am interested in hearing from others and also hearing there weight loss goals as well as making new friends , i am hoping that getting myself out there in this message board will help me to lose the weight that i am living with . Hope to hear from people soon
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Old 01-24-2006, 05:25 AM   #172  
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Welcome Robin, I'm Cathy from Ohio. This is a great place to get motivated... I am trying to get on track with eating and exercise. I do better in the eating department than in the exercise. But I did do the 2 mile walk the walk last night and it felt fantastic! Hope to see you post often.
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Old 01-24-2006, 08:53 AM   #173  
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Welcome Robin..... I know you will find the support you need here. I find it great. It keeos me on track. Plus you get ideas and motivation from others. Hey what can I say we are a great group of girls. Cathy I e mailed you the info in case you did not get it. It is in your private message section. I made a great dinner the other day in the low carb section. Actually it was ok. the kids liked it, anyway the left overs I made a soup with .To die for. Dh loved it. I have had it 3 times since I made it on Sunday. If you are interested let me know. It sounds gross but it was good. Did you try the mocha shake? I am still drinking it every morning. It is easier for me than the breakfast thing. Also Cathy I am from Ohio too. Just moved here in Aug. What part are you from. Would n't that be funny if we were in the same city Shelly , how do you like being home? I hope you are enjoying this time the best you can. I am sobad with the computer that I am embrassed to say, I just figured out how to make paragraphs. Well from the looks of it I do need practice.Anyway working at the kds school today. I may nmot exercise. I am feeling so guilty. I guess I could go and walk if i want to after . I really want to shop but know I better not. Still catching up on bills. Well I will chat later. Good luck.
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Old 01-24-2006, 11:48 AM   #174  
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Default Hi guys!

I'm back!! I hope everyone is doing well.

I joined WW this week and I lost 2.5 pounds before I even started!!!

I'm so happy. Hope to hear how you guys are doing.

Take care.

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Old 01-24-2006, 07:12 PM   #175  
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Welcome Robin

Hi Girls! It sounds like everyone is doing very well!

djmommy I am doing alright at home. Such a big adjustment from working all the time. I have been enjoying having some special time with my little ones. My husband has been great. He has been working a bunch of overtime to help while I am not working! Haven't had much luck finding a new job at the moment. Went to Manpower and they said that January is usually a slow month but picks up in February. I do have to say that having the time off has been good for me. I have been able to concentrate on me and getting myself 'healthy' again. I hadn't realized how the stress was affecting me.

Cathy - I am like you. Better with the eating part than the exercise. Wow 2 miles that is great! You go girl!

Welcome Back Lisa! Good Luck with Weight Watchers!

I have been watching what I eat and have tried to eat foods that are healthy for me. Finding that I tend to grab and go and that means high fat and calorie items. Made my self an omelet today with leftover steak and mushrooms. It was delicious. I have been reading up on the Beach Diet and think I am going to give it a whirl! My doctor had recommended it a while back and thought I would do good on it. Well need to get the kids ready for bed. Sorry about rambling on! Keep up the good work everyone!
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Old 01-25-2006, 08:23 AM   #176  
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Hi everyone, Oh my gosh My paragraghs did not work. Oh well.Nice to see you back Lisa. Way to go on the loss. Shelly I am jsure you will find something soon. You seem marketable. I have not loss anything. I am eating more carbs than I need to. I wrote everything down yes and I eat too many nuts and almonds. Today I put the nuts away in the laundry room cupboard. They will have to go there if they want them. I think I am putting more of there jtreatsa there too.Off to work out. Hopefully today is a great day for us all.
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Old 01-25-2006, 11:21 AM   #177  
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I got the work out in. Whoo, I did weigh myself on that scale and only up .1 pd. Heck that makes my day. Tonight I am having fish with lots of veggies. My goal this week is to be down even 1 pd. Motivation is setting in. The biggest loser is on tonight. My motivater sooo tom hopefully will be a good day. I will check in later.
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Old 01-25-2006, 02:37 PM   #178  
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Default Good afternoon!

Hi guys,

Thanks for the warm welcomes.

I've been so busy with work and everything lately.

I'm doing pretty well with WW and exercise. I've done spinning every day this week and will continue to do so until I pass out. LOL!

I'm doing good with keeping track of points and all that jazz. I just get hungry so often that it's hard not to snack, but at least now I snack on carrots, grapes, apples and oranges. I make myself two little lunches each day - a salad and a sandwich, so the sandwich is a snack later in the day.

Shelley - good luck with the job hunt. Don't let it get to you or anything, it just takes awhile. It'll happen! I'm so glad your husband is so supportive of you, that's wonderful.

Has anyone tried Egg Beaters? I just started eating them this week, I've been eating the southwestern kind. They're very good and filling and low in points (1 point for two-three servings).

Take care.

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Old 01-25-2006, 04:59 PM   #179  
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Hi lisa I eat the egg beaters,my son likes themtoo. Congrads on the spinning class. I may try that in the near future. Well ladies I went to the doc. the other day to get my thyroid levels checked. They just called and they are lowering my meds. I am thinking this is the reasons why I was having such a terriable time lossing the weight. I am at a stand still again so hopefully jthe new dose they have for me will be good and I will see some loss loke normal people. I also have been sooooo tired around 7 pm. So maybe I will become a night owl again. We can only wait to see. I am making this fish recipe a friend gave me I will let you know how it is. I am anxious to eat tonight. I will check in laterwith you all. Have a great evening. Barb
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Old 01-26-2006, 01:24 PM   #180  
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Default Hi everyone!

Yeah I love the egg beaters, I'm going to check out the other kinds they have too this weekend.

Hope everything works out with the meds, dj. Good luck.

I am feeling a big difference this week since starting WW and all of the exercise I've been doing. Maybe it's just that it's good for my self-esteem.

I hope everyone is doing well. It seems a bit quite online lately.

Take care.

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