3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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upswife 03-03-2006 09:24 AM

Chris~DH usually works "preload" type hours (3:30am to 2or3pm) But they had a special class the last two days and he had to go in At 1Am and they let them out at a realative ly decent time 9am. He was supposed to work the same today, but called to say another center had a major breakdown and that they were all going there to help out. Hopefully he will be home by 12pm otherwise he will be hittting another long day.

I have been soing well, I did go out for pizza yesterday, but did surpriingly well! I have been following my fast pretty well during the day so the extra little calories in the pizza did not hurt anything. I WI with a loss this morning when I was expecting water weight, so we will see what the weekend brings. I will do an official WI tomorrow before work.

Goals for today: Drink 64oz water (I have been so bad these last couple of weeks) and get my laundry all folded and put away.

Later chicas

upswife 03-03-2006 09:25 AM

Jen~where have you gone???

Losingitin06 03-03-2006 12:10 PM

hi there i'm around.. have had a busy last few days :)

chrily 03-03-2006 09:13 PM

Carly, first of all...congratulations on having a good day! Way to go! Secondly, Same boat here. Hubby has been told my his doctor that he is overweight but he doesn't seem to want to do anything abou it. Plus with kids, they have foods they like that I just can't eat.

Jen, Hi sunshine! Hope things slow down for ya.

Ellen, Ahhh....you're a UPS widow lately again. Those guys put in so many hours. I just couldn't do it. No how, no way.

Not bad around here today. I got my workout in at the gym, and almost all my homework done. I still have to turn it in and take a Payroll Acct. test by midnight. I interviewed my sister's boss today for one of my classes too, so all in all, I"m fairly caught up. Tomorrow is housework time. I've been so busy this week, not much as gotten done. Tomorrow I'll have to get as much done as I can. Tiana has basketall at 7:45, dance practice at 10, and Kayla has a birthday party at 2. Of course, nothing slows down around here. :D

Well better get these assignments turned in. Check back later.


upswife 03-03-2006 11:44 PM

Chris I don't know how you do it all!!! I could never get all that done.

JennKeep up your hard work! ANd drop us a line when your life slows a little. (hugs)

Carly~My HD is also overweight, but he is trying to do something about it, but his hours get in the way sometimes. But he is very sensitive...If I say anything about the fact that he came home from work and hasn't stopped eating he getts upset and tells me he hasn't eaten all day. I am just trying to get him to see that not eating all day then gorging at home is not healthy for him. Smaller meals are the key...he was losing weight, but I think he has slowed his metabolism, and now it needs to be restarted. Good luck with your hubby.
Well, I bought a pedometer yesterday and I wore it today (a couple of hours were missing) and it said I had over 9000 steps. I find that a little hard to believe-it had to have been counting movements like bending/sitting down. I did not go anywhere today all of that movement was in the house and my house is not that big. I am going to wear it to work tomorrow and see how it does. I will judge how accurate it is against that because I wont have to bend over so much. I did a ton of ;aundry and picking up today.

Losingitin06 03-04-2006 09:50 AM

Hey ladies, stopping in to give an update :)

Things are going well :)
I went to the YMCA yesterday and got a great compliment from my trainer:).. she says she's noticed a huge difference since i first joined the Y :).

I will probably end up going sometime tonight to do some cardio and my regular circut... STRIVE kicks my butt so i'm only doing it twice a week to start.

I hope you are all do ing well.!

chrily 03-04-2006 12:53 PM

Ellen, did you set up your pedometer for your stride length? That could be the reason that its showing 9000. If you don't think its accurate, I'd check that.

Hey Jenn-The strive circuit sounds like the lifecircuit machines we use at the gym. I checked out the strive web site you posted and the ones you use are manual. The ones at my gym are computerized. You do a set up test that calibrate your starting weight in lbs and then you go from there. I guess the ones we have are the same ones the pro football players work out on.
I love it! It does get easier. Heck in a month and a half, I've been using about 30-40 lbs more on all the machines than when I first started. I can see it in my arms and legs. I just wish I could figure out a way to get my butt and stomach to disappear.

Hey Carly! Busy again??? Sending you good ((weight-loss)) vibes. Drink that water and I'm looking forward to hearing an exercise report from you. ;)

Gonna check my emails and then play with my PSP. I got my dummies guide to PSP 9 and I'm going to learn to do some graphic stuff during my little spring break.


upswife 03-04-2006 06:59 PM

Ladies I am doing good. I did set the stride length, but I will re measure tomorrow and see how it is. I worked today, and sat a lot of the time and I have 7000 already, so we will see how many I get for the rest of the day. I don't think it is wrong, just measures all movement, not just steps...???Anyway, We have people coming over last minute, so I have to help DH straighten the house.

Later chicas!!

chrily 03-05-2006 11:55 AM

Ellen, My only complaint with my pedometer was that shifted when I sat down and would slip up and drop off and hit the floor. I should find it and put it back on to see how many steps I actually put in on a day.

I'm in a mood today. I am just fed up with the whole weight loss game. I keep trying (but not hard enough) and I'm just tired...tired of the whole thing. I so want to give up and just live life, but some tiny little voice tells me "NO, that's not what you really want or need," then I go do something stupid like eat some candy. I wish that voice weren't such a wimp and would just yell at me and keep me going. I guess I'm just at a hard time right now. I've been trying to lose weight for 2 yrs now, have lost only 25 lbs or so and I should have been to my goal. I NEED something, I just don't have any clue as to what it is.

Check back later. Hubby has some projects he wants to work on today. Hmmmm...involving borrowing a truck and taking all the junk we don't need and getting it out of here. OOOOO....what fun!


carlytaz 03-07-2006 06:40 AM

Good Morning Ladies,

Chris.... I have been kinda of busy lately... but hoping to get some balance in my life soon.. This is a very depressing month for me also... so that does not help. my mom's one year is coming up and i have been really sad ... so the weight and exercise thing has pretty much been out the window but I am trying to get back in the swing of things...crazy how emotions just take over ... but hopefully I can get past this and go forward... I will try to check back later ... have a great day ladies ... keep up the great work...

God Bless

upswife 03-07-2006 10:55 AM

Good morning Ladies!!!

Carly I am sorry to hear about your mom. Remember we are here for you. ((hugs))

Chris I hope you and dh got all the junk out of your house. Do you want to come over and clear mine out????

Jen~I hope you are doing well. Us moms tend to get a little over busy

Have a great day!!

chrily 03-07-2006 11:38 AM

Hey Ellen, got all the stuff out we wanted to and then while DH was napping, i got extra energetic and tore down the back part of our fence. We bought this house almost 3 yrs ago and the fence was in awful shape when we moved in and I just finally got sick of lookin at it. New fence this year, even if it kills me....:D

Carly-((HUGS)). Remember if you need to talk, we are all here for you.

Jen-How's it going? Hope all is well with you and that your family is well.

As for me, Guess who is sick again??? TIana is home from school today. She was "frowing" all night. (i.e Nicole's word for throwing up). Her stomach is still hurts so I made her stay home. She's not happy about it, because she doesn't want to get behind. Of course, following her lead, I'm getting another cold or something. I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst headache. Now my head is packed again and I'm coughing up gunk again. Will this stuff ever go away?!?!?!

I did go to the gym yesterday. Stayed in my calorie range and drank a ton of water. So at least I got one good day in before I started filliing yucky again.

I'll talk to you all later. I'm almost done with my mini-break. THen its back to cleaning.

Losingitin06 03-07-2006 03:24 PM

Hi ladies, i'm doing ok.
heading to the gym in about 1/2 hour.. hubby is sick.

Liam had his three month check up today and he is only 10lbs 8 oz's.. so the dr is sending him to a pediatrician to look into his digestive system because he should weigh more than that ..we knew he was small.. but didn't think there was a big problem because my husband is a small guy.
The dr's office just called and said the appointment is tomorrow at 1:00.. please keep him in your thoughts.

chrily 03-08-2006 01:26 AM

Jen-Praying for you and Liam. Please let us know how the appt. goes.


carlytaz 03-08-2006 06:17 AM

Morning Ladies,

Jen- my prayers are with you.. Please let us know how things go.. and i hope hubby is feeling better today..

Chris & Ellen- Thank you for your kindness and support regarding my mom.. but at this point there isnt much to talk about .. just stuff I need to work out.. but thank you so much...

regarding weight and drinking my water... not good, not good at all... but hey I will keep trying..

Chris great job on getting in the good day before you started to feel sick..I hope your daughter is feeling better today... I hope you have a good day today as well.

Have a wonderful day ladies and keep up the great work..

God Bless

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