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Purplefirefly 09-16-2005 09:15 PM

Okay, I did exercised during Big Brother but I only got in 3 miles. First my son got out of bed, stripped down and ran through the house butt naked :lol: so I had to get him re-dressed and back in bed. Then, the neighbor came over to get the bassinet and changing table I sold him last weekend at the yard sale--he didn't have the $ until today so I agreed to save it for him. Just didn't know he'd wait so late to come knockin', but still got in another jug of water, going now to get the last one for the night.

Now I realize I can't go to bed because I have it covered in clothes that need to be folded and put away :( there was a time I'd just push them all off on the floor and not worry about it, but that drives hubby insane so I have to fold them all. I was going to put the yard sale out again tomorrow but now I'm not sure I want to do it again. I still have a lot left and could really use some more extra cash, so we'll see how I feel when that alarm screams at me tomorrow.

Oh, and see I changed my little picture. I don't feel out of it and winded anymore :) I feel I'm at the start of a long path that will lead me into a healthier me...so I chose this avatar for my end of year challenge.


neo98292 09-16-2005 09:31 PM

Well we survived the grocery store! They were actually really wonderful since there were other things I was looking at and not just a regular shop type thing. I almost forgot to eat breakfast this morning and then the clock got away from me too for starting dinner-guess that is a good sign. I can so relate to you Theresa. How old are your kids? I have had to start literally taping amanda into her diapers cause she takes them off. I got a couple of muffin recipes I am going to try. I like easy for breakfast and I figure one of my WW muffins and a piece of fruit is easy enough. Now if I can keep the kids out of them. I stopped by mom's today and she said she could really tell I am losing weight. I can relate to Suzy doing the happy dance-I did one in my Mom's backyard when she told me that. Well I am signing off for the day. I still need to start the dishwasher and mop the kitchen before I call it quits. I wound up watching a movie while the girls slept and that floor is awful.

sandisuze 09-16-2005 10:15 PM

wow seems everyone is having a great day with making decisions and good trips to the grocery store! I am glad to know I am NOT the only one in the world that uses notebooks
Suzy, Your son will be in my prayers as will your family.

Oh I understand the happy dance :cb: my next door neighbor said to me today- aren't you getting a waist again?? I was like am I?? and I had to go look and measure LOL! and then went hey there is a waist under there!

Today started out BAD I was so stressed- my oldest daughter 's boyfriend drops her off at my house every weekday morning and I run her to work as she is 5 minutes from here and everyone can get to work on time. To make a long story short the b/f overslept and didn't pick her up until 8:45 and by the time I dropped her off -i was late for work. we got into it as she wasn't understanding why I was so upset. I kinda of freaked out when no one answered cell phones or home phones - I was thinking accident etc..

I am ready to strangle my hubby- not really --but he is being miserable about food the last few days and that isn't like him. I keep his meals the same I just alter my menus so no one else needs to eat "weird". and he says "why do you eat different than me??"- I answer: "Well ,honey you don't like what I eat most of the time"...he gets home so late that I make dinner for Jocelyn and me and we eat then when hubby comes in he eats. if The 12 YO is here at night he eats with us, before getting picked up - but hubby doesn't get home until 7 or later. I'll make chicken but eat a salad too and make him rice or potatoes for him. but he is just being difficult about meals this week. who knows?? he's male and who understands them?? I buy goodies for them like ice cream since I don't care for it and I won't eat it. so they are NOT being deprived (sp??)
Jocelyn(7) eats alot of fruitand loves veggies- well certain veggies but she does have a cookie now and then. Zach (12) will eat whatever doesn't eat him first...
Ok I exercised today for 30 minutes cardio today
I drank water , water and more water -I ate really good- food diary is helping lots
I am cleaning house tomorrow floors and all-look out messy house
I bought real oatmeal today- real whole grain oatmeal with no sugar/flavor added -the stuff with the quaker face on it in a cylinder oatmeal. I am going to try it. I may not like it at first but I will try it- I also resolved to try 1 new healthy food once a month and to eat said food for that month.
Ya'll have a good night - I am off to go read-

Purplefirefly 09-16-2005 11:03 PM

Melissa, my boy will be 2 day after Christmas, and my girl is 3.5. And good thing they are a boy and a girl, because I am NOT having anymore :p I am DONE DONE DONE. They are a handful and a half.


neo98292 09-16-2005 11:23 PM

Ok you are about where I am then. Amanda will be 2 next Saturday and Odessa will be 3 October 11. I know exactly where you are cause I am there too-LOL course I bet I have more than a few years on you-hehehe.

princesspuffypants 09-17-2005 06:18 AM

hi all *waves* im new arround these parts. you look like a fun bunch and i would like to join your party. i know its half way through the month, but im sure i can catch up with you! I hope you will have me


neo98292 09-17-2005 09:43 AM

You are more than welcome Luan and I know I speak for everyone when I say we look forward to getting to know you!

LauraB 09-17-2005 09:44 AM

Good morning All,
Welcome princess pp
I stayed OP all day yesterday and will do again today. Writing it down here means I have to do it. It will be harder today cause of a lunch date witha friend and kids coming for dinner. I shopped yesterday and bought wild salmon and corn and greens so I do have the food I need.
I am off to my Saturday morning volunteer work. Be back later.
Have a good day everyone.

Purplefirefly 09-17-2005 10:39 AM

Melissa I am 28...but have felt so much older since having the kids. I am feeling younger again, slowly but surely. It's just hard to feel young when you're caring for babies all day and trying to keep the hubby and house happy and content...I kind of lost myself somewhere in the last 3 years. But, I am getting it back now and plan to be under 200 before I turn 29 (Feb. 15).

Welcome to the group Luan :wave: I see you met a weight goal in your britches and shoes...congrats!

Everyone, today will be a hard one for me to keep on track. Hubby is coming home and he always means more work, and wanting to just sit around and spend time with him. He's gone so much I just miss him come the weekend, and it's hard to tear myself away and go exercise, or to say no when he wants to go out to eat. I am thinking of even getting him to take me on a date tonight if he's not too tired...but I will order a salad with grilled chicken wherever we go. I have already decided on that and will not even open the menu.

LauraB, good luck with your eating challenges today....we can both do this. Each time we make a good choice, we are one step closer to this becoming a natural lifestyle instead of a struggle. One step forward...well, 2 for you today :)


neo98292 09-17-2005 11:17 AM

Hey Theresa I turn 42 on Feb 23! It is so very easy to kind of lose yourself when caring for small children and a hubby too. I have to constantly and intentionally do things for me, otherwise I am always the last on the list. Well I am happy to say that I got to make a new ticker today and I am officially down 30 lbs. My long long term goal is to be 170 by my birthday. I seem to have gotten a grip on myself again which I am happy for and really making an effort to NOT have things in the house that I could stumble on. Well I will check in later since it is laundry day and I really should do a few windows and also do some ahead cooking for Joshua's breakfasts. Everyone keep up the good work.

Purplefirefly 09-17-2005 05:58 PM

Congrats on 30 lbs. Melissa. That is awesome, keep it up and you might make that birthday goal...it's about 50 lbs. in 5 months if I counted right, so it is possible if you really get your head on that and stick to it.

Does anyone else here pick out people that they would like to look like (or something like), besides having your own pictures of yourself? I have a couple people I am using for inspiration and one is on TV and I like to do the gazelle while watching her show :lol: It's just motivation to see someone in front of me who has the body type I used to have and want again, and it gives me some extra push. I am just strange, or do you all do similar things?


neo98292 09-17-2005 06:12 PM

No you aren't strange at all. I have a couple of people I think might be my body type-I really don't know what I truly look like since I have always been overweight. Even in high school I was about 25 lbs over weight. This is going to be a surprise for me when I get there and will finally get to meet ME! Truthfully, I think anything (as long as it isn't illegal or immoral) we use to help us achieve our goals and weight loss is ok to do and use. I say if you find something that inspires or spurns you on-GO FOR IT.

sandisuze 09-17-2005 08:47 PM

Theresa, I don't think you are strange either. I have people who I see on TV and say hmmm I'd like to have her build or I'd like to have firm muscles like you see on the exercise videos.
and I agree with Melissa- do whatever it takes to achieve your goals!( again agree with no immoral or illegal stuff going on) CONGRATS on the 30 pounds GONE GONE GONE! I can't wait until I can say I've lost 30 !!
Welcome Luan- this group is my weight loss lifeline ofsupport!!

I did something for myself today which I have not done for a while- I went and got a good haircut Not just the everyday ho hum haircut but a good looks like wow!! haircut.I walked in and said do something new and different and she did. it feels good! it's shorter than I normally wear it and I like it - feels as though I am not being weighed down as much. I feel a bit more free- if that makes sense?? then I went and looked at clothes in smaller sizes and I am now more determined to exercise and eat right because the clothes they had in smaller sizes are so nice. I pictured buying a whole new wardrobe.

My cravings were bad today-Hubby said what do you want for dinner and I said pizza, garlic bread and wings - but instead we had chicken and salad. he did take me to the local ice cream shop and bought me a scoop of sf/ff ice cream- it's lo cal too so I had a BIG scoop for 75 calories and no fat. I wanted to mug the guy next to us with the hot fudge banana split and eat his ice cream but.. i behaved :lol:

I am so happy that I can have support and friends here. It helps to know I am not alone in this. Thank you everyone! well i have dishes to do and laundry to finish - have a great night everyone!

neo98292 09-17-2005 09:21 PM

Congrats on the new doo! That is on my list of rewards for myself. It has been so long since I have done anything to my hair it isn't even funny. Each month when I hit my goal, I get to pick one thing just for me and buy it. This will be the first time since this is really the first goal I had set for myself. Five more pounds and I hit it and I have almost two weeks to do it-guess who will really be bumping up the program the last few days?? Hmmm. I have stayed away from small clothes stores-I still have way too much before I can attempt to try anything on but one thing for sure, another 20 and I will have to go buy something or go nowhere cause there will be no clothes for me. I have already started a bag for goodwill so they are gone gone gone when they are too big. I never want to see those sizes again as long as I have breath in my body.

I am off to bathe the darlings and thank goodness it is getting closer to bedtime. I have cleaned up enough messes today I think.


princesspuffypants 09-17-2005 09:45 PM

Thank you all so much for the wonderful welcomes! it looks like things are great for everyone today. i got some bad news yesterday, i got laid off from my job effective next week. i work in hollywood, and its hard to find jobs sometimes, but im not getting discouraged at all. it just sucks because i really like my job and the people i work with.

on a happier note, im getting my hair done tomorrow. if any of you live in southern california, there is a really great program partnered with Aids Walk OC that for 20.00 you can get your hair cut at a pro salon and all the money goes to the AW. i DESPERATELY need a new do. i bleached my hair and dyed it several funky colors over the summer, so im FRYED!. anything will be better than what i have now

my motivation for doing this, beyond being healthy and looking and feeling good is that ive been involved with an independant film for the last year and we will be shooting in jan/feb. although im not an actress by any means, i sometimes get pulled in for extras parts. for the most part im behind the scenes, but for the most part i produce (glorified term for doing a lot of scheduling, coordinating, and paperwork). well if this movie does well, i may have a red carpet to be on this time next year :)

again thanks for the warm welcome!!

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