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melra 09-27-2005 12:29 AM

cadwell~that does suck! liquid diet now?
princess~I just noticed your weekly goal in your signature--I love it! I think I might copy you next month!

princesspuffypants 09-27-2005 05:21 AM

thanks. it was to motivate some friends on another thread. unfortunately, i havent been able to get to the gym thanks to this damn cold... blah.

Purplefirefly 09-27-2005 08:33 AM

Sandisuze, it is true you can lose inches while the scale stays the same, and even while the scale goes up some, since muscle weighs more but takes up less room (that's how it was put to me). I measure on the first of the month, so we'll see. Really, it's just that I haven't been trying so hard so I might not have even lost inches.

Allie is still sick, Tyler is fussy, but I am determined to get in lots of exercise today. The gazelle is going to be my best friend. I decided last night that not meeting any of my personal goals for the month is just not acceptable. I have to do 15 miles a day at this point to finish milestone 5 on my virtual walk, which was my exercise goal for the month. I told hubby I am going to do it! I've done 10 miles a day no problem, I can slip in another 5 by getting on the gazelle instead of cleaning the house for the next four days. Hubby wasn't happy with that :lol: but I am determined, one way or another I MUST meet this goal, or I will not be happy with myself.

I know, I know, it is a LOT of exercise, but I am going to try my hardest. I'm going to take all those moments during the day I'm just standing around or sitting and staring a the TV, and I'm going get on the gazelle instead, and see how many miles that adds to the day. Can't hurt to try, and I really feel I just have to meet at least one personal goal. Hey, it might make me think twice about skipping workouts next month.


neo98292 09-27-2005 03:55 PM

I feel for you Theresa, although it hasn't been croup here, there has been lots of runny noses, coughing, and just plain crankiness and it hit me too. I am finally able to breathe out of my nose today though.

Sorry to hear about your wisdom teeth Cadwell. I was 21 when I got mine removed as they were growing straight out the side of my gums. I remember mom said oh come over and I will fix you dinner and she served raw broccoli salad ROFL. She has a knack for that kind of thing and now we just laugh about it.

I have been very stressed because of neighbor kids. Their dad came over saturday and asked that josh not ride his bike on their street and HIS kids for the last three days have been riding in front of my house, circling and heckling joshua so I went over there and had it out with her but I am not sure how far it got me. Her brat of a kid stood there and lied about doing it too. I asked the mother if she allowed her kids to trip blind children and tip wheelchairs too I was so stinking mad. My son is in his yard minding his own business and then they come by and heckle him and I have to calm him down 5-8 times while they keep riding by. Just irritates me to no end I tell you. They were even rude while we were trying to have Amandas party on Saturday and my guests couldn't believe how rotten those kids were and my SIL had to grab Josh 3 times because he was going to go after them. It is all just so stinking stupid. I am looking forward to buying something out in the country and hopefully it will be in the next couple of years. I guess I could go squat on one of my brothers 46 acres but there is no plumbing, phone, or electricity out there and I don't do that well.

I am off to go rake up more leaves and pine needles. Last year I waited and it was such a chore so now I go out every 3 days and it doesn't kill me off and I will hopefully get Amanda's dresser painted too. Check in is in 4 days!

Purplefirefly 09-27-2005 04:01 PM

Melissa, sorry about your neighbors. Sounds like a miserable situation to live in. I can't believe the parents chose to believe their lying children over you. You would have no other reason to go over there and talk to them, if it weren't true. You have no reason to just go tell lies on some kids to their parents, come on. Some parents need to wake up big time. From the sound of it, something will happen some day that they can't deny and it will be too late. Sad. Hope it gets better.


LauraB 09-27-2005 04:25 PM

Melissa-Kids can be so nasty. We lived next door to a big time judge and his miserable brat would blow up my mailbox with giant firecrackers and the parents would say"not my darling" while the miserable brat stood behind them and stuck his tongue out at me. Once I went weeks without car insurance cause he dumped my mail in the stream and I didn't get the bill, so I didn't pay it till I realized it had been a while and I called the insurance co and they told me I had been dropped for not paying. Josh doesn't deserve nasty twits bothering him and you've got enough to do.

I just rode my bike on the road for 5 1/2 miles. Some of it was walking cause I just can't get up all those hills. The downs are great, but the ups are so hard. I don't think it matters tho, cause 5 1/2 miles counts anyway I do it. My legs hurt, but it's ok. The weather her is just gorgeous, 70 and sunny with a breeze. Perfect for biking.

Food hasn't been great. I am worrying and stressed and sometimes I give in to a nibble here and there which isn't good. My DH is home again after almost 2 weeks so I'm cooking again and that is better than eating out with friends. I wish I could stop worrying, but I would have to grab my grownup brainless kids and tie them up in my house so they couldn't do anything stupid and then I wouldn't worry, but I don't think that will work. So ladies with little ones, enjoy them now, cause when they get older they go thru a stupid time, at least mine all do.

sandisuze 09-27-2005 05:06 PM

ooooo Wisdom teeth- you have my deepest sympathies on the pain.

I also understand about stressful neighbors... we have been here going on 6 years and we've had some really good neighbors and then there's the neighbors from you know where. the place next to us is sitting empty and I shudder at what may move in as the owners of that duplex do not seem to rent to nice people. we've had the "pot smoking fiends" as we called them- dealing and smoking it on their front porch- we've had the family who's kids did some type of devil worship stuff in the back yard, the felon in hiding guy who was hiding from the cops and the last family left trash all over and played really bad loud music, and had would have family fist fights on a regular basis. The owners are supposed to be there Saturday and they will get an earful from me ! We are so lucky our landlords are super
My little one is all runny nose and coughing but thats allergies for her- time to break out the allegra. I'm sorry some of you have sick kids.
Thanks for the answer to the lose inches but not pounds question.
Laura - I am jealous of your nice weather ;) it's still a LOVELY 98 down here. Good going on the bike ride! and I AGREE- little ones are so great- grown up kids are well... JOKINGLY my hubby says when our youngest is 18 we are going into the witness protection program to hide from them. I guess I wasn't prepared for all this as we never had the teen issues most parents go thru- she was such a quiet, polite and sweet kid and boom she goes to college and all heck breaks loose.

I hope this post isn't too long but I need to share this too-
in the last 2 months I HAVEN'T HAD:
Fast food meals (except a plain graden salad and the italian calzone night)
SODA either diet or regular
mashed/ white potatoes, italian bread, wonder bread, PB&J, pretzels,
chips ( i did have 1 handful of baked lays last week),
cookies (except a few 100 calorie packs of thin crisps)

I HAVE in the last 2 months:
Exercised more than I have in the last 2+ years
Drank more water than I have in the last 2+ years
Ate more fruit and veggies than i have in the past 2+ years
Ate foods that were healthy for me , tried new foods like real oatmeal
Been honest about my struggles and temptations-
accepted the fact that I have trigger foods - I AM addicted to certain foods
Made wonderful new friends who care about each other:grouphug:

:bravo: to everyone for each success no matter how small !

LauraB 09-27-2005 05:20 PM

You have done terrific Sandi. Do you think there is a witness protection program on a nice Carribean island, preferably a resort so I don't have to cook and clean? I'd probably last a month and then be bored and back in the fray.

lizardsnlilies 09-27-2005 06:37 PM

sandi! GOOD JOB! That is a lot to be proud of!

Cadwell- ugggggg on the wisdom teeth-way to look on the brightside!

Melissa-sometimes people suck.

Theresa- hope things get healthier around there! being sick sucks.

In my world...things not perfect. I really don't know what's wrong with me. I do NOT want to be the failure. ugg.


lizardsnlilies 09-27-2005 06:45 PM

Oh see that dog to the left? She's my newest baby , Cashmere, She's 5.5 months old and 65 lbs now (Neopolitan Mastiff) and today I REALLY needed to give her a bath but she HATES HATES HATES water.

I hoisted her big fat bottom into the water then had to brawl with her to scrub her down. It was an absolute CATASTROPHE! There was water dripping from the walls, the shelves, the floors and of course, I was SOAKED!

I really wish she liked water better...also she keeps peeing when we pet her! That is why she needs baths so much. Any buddy out there with dog advice?


neo98292 09-27-2005 06:51 PM

You are NOT a failure. Remember this is a journey and there are going to be ups and downs. You haven't quit-you are just going through a rough patch and I think I can speak for all of us that we have all had them and will probably have more before we are done. You can do this Carrie!

sandisuze 09-27-2005 07:03 PM

carrie one thing I have learned is NOT to compare yourself to others - EVERYONE IS different. If I compared myself to others in this wonderful group, I wouldn't be doing this for ME and thats the important reason (at least to me it is) You are NOT a failure. even small accomplishments are good ones. things like getting out of bed and eating breakfast was a success for me. Posting here is a success for you! DON'T QUIT! As Melissa says lots of ups and downs in life- YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I mean you've LOST 44 lbs- I am amazed at anyone who can lose weight like that!
Laura, I am all for the island Idea But would be afraid cell service would work there and they'd find me ...

flipafart 09-27-2005 07:52 PM

Amen thanks Sandisuze

Originally Posted by sandisuze
EVERYONE IS different. If I compared myself to others in this wonderful group, I wouldn't be doing this for ME and thats the important reason (at least to me it is) Sandi

Thank you so much for posting that I really wish everyone could see how unique and special they are in their own right. Usually when I post ,I post
from my own experience and what works for me but what works for me
may not work for someone else. I think the important thing is for everyone
to be the best that they can be. :)
reach your dreams all

neo98292 09-27-2005 09:12 PM

You are so right Sandisuze. We are each born a unique person with different needs ect. Right now mostly life is up for me except for dealing with stupidity(others of course). Like just a bit ago. I told my ex on sept 7 not to call me anymore and there was nothing we had to discuss-I am just done and yet again not 30 min ago he is calling me again and trying to talk to me through joshua. I hung up the phone. That kind of thing just makes me mad to put him in the middle of it. I do believe I will have to block his number to avoid this in the future. It took me just until a bit ago to get josh to quit calling me nasty names and telling me I am evil and there is something wrong with me (those are ex phrases not his). Times like this used to send me into orbit and I would eat everything not nailed down but instead I started cleaning things. We all have little tricks ect we play with ourselves and the biggest one is to find what works for you. I know we have a quilter here, cleaners, walkers, bike riders, ect. We found what works for each of us.

As far as puppy issue. I used to bathe my Rotti outside since he wasn't wild about water either. Kind of like how Tom Hanks did it in Turner and Hooch. I still got wet but at least the water was outside and not all over my bathroom floor.

Ice Princess 09-27-2005 09:41 PM

Well I'm glad I can inspire. LOL
I have a goal to meet of losing 70 lbs by April (about 10lbs per month) because I am going for a breast reduction and a lift, so the more I can lose now the better. I just need to get over my little mid life crisis and focus, focus, focus. Next week is a new week, a new month, a new life, a new journey. I am going to take control and do it the right way and my way.

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