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sandisuze 09-12-2005 12:04 PM

Laura- you have nicer friends than I do LOL! kidding- most everyone doesn't say too much about my eating-there are a few who pick on me about "there she goes getting a salad, or have one french fry it won't kill you." but I find those are the ones who have issues about their own weight and maybe feel guilty about not watching what they eat. I keep quiet about weight loss and eating healthy- I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. Family is a different story- they were really hurt I said no to the buffet I tried to explain to them I can't control it - I am addicted to certain foods and it's like drinking or smoking once you backslide it's so hard to get back to where you need to be. They just don't think it's an addiction-
Laura you are so motivational Thank you !!!!!!!!!

LauraB 09-12-2005 03:39 PM

Hello All
Maybe we should ammend the September challenge to no scales from this Wednesday to the 28th. Hide the scale challenge. It's one thing if you have been off program, but when the scale can't support how good you've been, it makes you nuts.
What do you think?

neo98292 09-12-2005 03:45 PM

Two weeks without a scale??? How about just for the week LOL-I admit it, I am a scale junkie.

LauraB 09-12-2005 05:22 PM

Sandi-Maybe you shouldn't explain anymore. You've told them once and even if they don't agree they need to show you some respect. I've always eaten icecream with my DIL whom I really love. Yesterday at her house she kept saying "let's go on an icecream run," even tho I kept saying I wanted to stay OP, she kept pressuring me, by saying just this once, it's Sunday, etc. And this is from someone I love, and who knows how much I want to lose it. I didn't go. I think she was going after I left. It's really hard to break patterns that you've been in for a while, especially since I don't want to have a long explaining talk.
So we all need to do our best and if you mess up, get right back on.

LauraB 09-12-2005 05:25 PM

Melissa- the scale is a miserable thing that beats you up when you don't deserve it. I hate the damm thing. I'd much rather put everything on fitday.com, be honest and know that if I do everything right, it will come off. Am I a dreamer?

neo98292 09-12-2005 05:32 PM

No I don't think so. I know I get on mine too much and I should probably cut it down. Maybe we should check in less frequently and do bi-weekly or monthly so there isn't as much of a need to "hop" on because weigh in day is comming. We can still post on here when we want to ect but do something official on a less regimented deal. What does everyone think? I know I don't want to be a slave to the darn thing either.

LauraB 09-12-2005 05:40 PM

I am the opposite. I have only WI 2 times cause I'm so afraid that if the monster in the scale doesn't show a loss, I'll flip out and binge. So I'm using 2 pairs of pants that I couldn't get into at the beginning of the summer starters. One pair had ripped cause they were so tight and now I can fix them and wear them and the other pair fits but it's too hot yet. I really hate the scale and once I start with it I know I'll jump on 10 times a day, so since I'm not ready to deal with it in a rational way, I'll stay away. Chicken that I am. Maybe I will WI at the end of the month.

neo98292 09-12-2005 05:57 PM

I am not sure what the answer is-I saw my son's shrink today and I do feel better and also feel like I got my power back. It just irritated me to no end that even after all this time, I was allowing him to control me and still basically run my life. I ate for two days-all good food since there is nothing in the house that isn't good but it was still more than I needed and I felt lousy. Today is the first day that I feel back in control and that I am the one calling the shots for myself. I did have to go pick up Josh since he got sick at school today. His teacher let him eat two of his treats instead of one. I have to let her know that she has to moniter what he eats or he gorges himself. By the time his brain registers he has eaten, he has eaten too much and gets sick. He did that with his Dad yesterday too. That moron doesn't listen to anything I have to say about Josh and just lets him do whatever and then can't figure out why he vomited. Obviously he isn't the brightest bulb in the room. I am really looking forward to the day when I don't sedate myself when things are rough. I am hoping that it does happen eventually.

LauraB 09-12-2005 06:14 PM

Melissa-It took me a long time to know I was sedating myself with food. I thought I was just a pig. Sometimes we need to be sedated just to get thru. I have a former friend who lost all her weight, and now she gets migranes and has to stay in bed for a day or 2 every two or 3 weeks. Just a tradeoff, one sedating method for another. I don't know the answer.
Two of my four kids are causing me grief right now and I have to lay low and let them solve their own problems. It's so hard and I worry so, but I think it's easier than road you are on cause your boy has such particular needs. I wish there was a magic wand for you, and certainly your ex deserves a hit in the head.
Maybe we can figure out another method of sedation. Exercise, crafts, cleaning, I don't know.

SuzyMc 09-12-2005 06:49 PM

I am sure that finding a healthy alternative for emotional eating is the secret to weight loss! We just need to learn a new activity rather than walking to the refrigerator and putting something in our mouths! I've been trying very hard to walk in the other direction to my sewing room and just sewing for a few minutes...it relaxes me and keeps my hands busy at the same time. Maybe we could make a list of things to do (other than eating) when life starts to get the better of us...

neo98292 09-12-2005 07:02 PM

Exactly, I don't want to change one life robbing habit for another one-may as well stay fat if I do. Adult children are so much harder than small ones. I have one child who is an adult and I also had to step back-kills me, I haven't talked to her in about 4 months now-her choice not mine. She is making all kinds of hidious mistakes but unless she asks me, I have to be quiet about it. I worry for my youngest grandchild who isn't in my care because I don't know if he is getting taken care of the way he should be. I did start cross stitching again-kind of have to wait for my new glasses cause it is just too hard to see and I have to admit the house is much cleaner too now. Maybe I should take a poll of thin people and see what they use for coping-tried to talk the shrink into medication for ME but as usual she laughed at me. I just keep hoping it gets easier and I will run to the fridge less and less as time goes by.

neo98292 09-12-2005 07:04 PM

That is a good idea Suzy-we are all in the same boat together, our demons that drive us just may differ at times.

Purplefirefly 09-12-2005 09:12 PM

I don't remember who here mentioned that thin people fidget more, but I have been turning myself into a fidgeter ;) No matter where I am, if I am still I think of a fidget to do. Right now I am bouncing my legs and doing little calf raises. I was squeezing my butt cheeks while watching out the window earlier, and in the car I have come up with some little fidgets to do at red lights and stop signs. We'll see if it works and becomes habit.

I was going to respond here at 1 this afternoon but there was a car acciden that knocked out our electricity until 7:30PM. No one was hurt, but neighbor said it was a drunk driver. Dinner was forced into sandwhiches, and I had some wheat bread and FF turkey for mine. Then I made a small salad right before lights came back on. I wanted to pig out on the brownies the kids were snacking on just from the boredom, but I picked up a book instead. It was actually nice since I don't have as much time to read as I used to. I am reading Enemy Women and it is SO good, got to really get into it today...so something positive did come out of it! I have been reading while cooking, in those few moments when I would usually just kind of nibble and taste things, I stand at the counter and read instead.

As for what to do instead of emotional eating, I have been going outside, letting the kids play while I sit on the deck and read or do some gardening. Just being out of the house helps. At night, I have been getting on the gazelle for a mile...I never want the food anymore when I get off, it makes me feel so good about myself.

Oh, and on the scales and WIs, whatever is best for you all is fine for me. I get on about every 2-3 days and don't take the gains to heart, because I can always tell before I step on that I am bloated or icky and expect it that day, knowing it's not fat in there, it's other things. There are so many other things that effect the scale! I am using the measurements as my mark of prgress, and I do that on the first of every month. The inches lost are what convinces me I am really shrinking.

Okay ladies. Another week, fresh start, we can do this! It may be a slow progress, but the weight didn't get come on overnight and it's not going to leave overnight either!!!!


sandisuze 09-12-2005 09:17 PM

Laura -I think you are very wise- Thank you for words of wisdom.
Suzy - ditto on the good idea. I did start on a 1000 piece puzzle the other day and my hubby said to get a magnetic dart board so i can toss darts at whatever is "bothering" me- take out my emotions on what I feel should be the target.. hmm could be fun??
Melissa-No comment on older kids- I have to stop worrying.
when you get the poll results please share with us LOL

Well hubby's company is changing insurance companies again :mad: and I was just notified today that as of Sept. 25 No more WW oh well I wasn't being serious with it anyway. I had to scramble to make new appointments- it just stinks but at least we have decent insurance so i shouldn't complain.

I am having bad cravings tonight- can't decide if i want a smoothie or popcorn. I finally checked out fitday and I like it- straight forward and the calories don't lie. The gazelle is on lawaway as of tonight- I got on one at the store and I LIKED it too. (yes the kids laughed but they liked it too LOL)
I am going to get an account on fitday and decide on a snack and go finish the book I started the other day.
Thanks everyone and have a good night!

mibrneydgrl 09-12-2005 10:05 PM

Feeling so so
Hey all,
I just finished reading up, I haven't checked in here for a couple days. It seems that with work and kids I never get a chance to sit down let alone actually spend a few minutes reading or writing on-line. I just finished doing about 1/2 of the new Billy Blanks boot camp video...well, not completely new, just new to me, I bought them today. I remember about 4 years ago I did his video 5 days a week and looked really good ;) (And I remember of course because I came across a picture last night from Halloween in 2001, it was about 30 lbs ago.) Anyway, I am determined this time, though I agree with everyone else, we all have emotional or mental blockages that keep us from actually suceeding. I have noticed this past week that since I am paying attention to what I eat and how much, I am always watching the clock and thinking about being hungry. I found myself on the couch eating a Lean Cusine Saturday night around 5pm and thinking about what I should grab on my way to work to eat later because surely I would be hungry..and at that moment, I wasn't the least bit hungry. Am I the only one with the psychological attachment to the eating...even when I am full, I find that I start worrying about how Im going to starve. :mad: Will it ever be easy? I did get on the scale today as I said, and I too pretty much jump on it everyday, but I have promised that I will only get on once a week from now on and I will work hard in between. So I was a about a week late joining for the Sept. goal, but I am still going to push for the workout time and at least 3 lbs.
Have a great night ladies. Hopefully I can check back in tomorrow. :D

150 minutes workout in 12 days. :( :( Not so great when you do the math!!

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