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lizardsnlilies 09-27-2005 11:44 PM

Ok I am jealous of the breast reduction. I think if I get to my goal of 130 and I still have these gigantic jugs I am going to have to seduce my dr into making a breast reduction referral!

I am a 36dd at the moment and on a 5'0' frame at 130 (or preferably less) 36 dd is obscene. **** it's obscene now.

How did you come to the cement decision to get a breast reduction?


lizardsnlilies 09-27-2005 11:51 PM

Sandi-thank you SOOOO much for saying that I was meeting one of my goals by posting again! I don't know why but that made me feel really good! You're right it's quite a trick for me to get on here and post and actually follow what is going on with everyone. THANKS!


p.s. on a random sidenote: I really like this biggest loser show!

melra 09-27-2005 11:53 PM

sandisuze~I love your list and thank you soo much for posting all that! With all the posts we have on this thread it seems so easy to forget who's accomplished what and seeing your list underscores all the successes that are not just tied to scale numbers. You've done quite a bit in the last 2 months, that's for sure!

laurab~great job on the bike ride! And your right-even walking your bike up the hills counts because it's still work! Congrats on pushing yourself--soon enough those mountains will be molehills!

i am jealous of the breast reduction. I once went in for a consultation, but the dr. basically said I should get in a normal bmi first and even then it cost waaaaay too much and that was years ago. I've already let my husband know though that I plan on setting aside money for it as soon as my weight is down and you know, we actually have extra money to get it done. By then they might not need to be reduced so much as yanked back up! :D

Well, I did my workout tonight but it was shorter than I wanted--my turn to drive dd to dance class. I did crunches on the incline bench--ouch! Burn! I could only get 20 in and my abs already hurt. Tomorrow my goal is 45 min of cardio and I'm going to try to match the run I had last night since my 5k is on Sat. :yikes:

My eating was good today but I think I need to spread my calories out better tomorrow--big dinner. I also had 2 glasses of red wine at dinner tonight. On our (finally!) repaired deck! yay! we will be sanding staining and sealing it this week as well. take care everyone--think lite thoughts! :D

neo98292 09-28-2005 11:00 AM

I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT :cb: I am so doing the happy dance today. I will come back and post after I get the little man off to school and get a shower in.

Purplefirefly 09-28-2005 01:51 PM

Okay Melissa, you got me confused...what did you do, girl? I want to happy dance with ya...but I don't know what I'm dancing for :lol:

I have been really upset with myself that I have just totally slacked off this month. I've only done half the miles I did in August, eating has been irratic and unfocused, and I just haven't tried hard. Today I sat down and had a good think about it, and realized that I haven't slacked off, this month has just been busier with my other committments.

1. In August, I pushed off my writing to exercise, but this month I've been back into that since it is my part-time job, so of course the miles had to suffer. It's not slacking...I've been working!

2. The kids have been sick pretty much all month long, since Allie started school, so that has taken more time tending to them.

3. I had the yard sale which took 100% of my time and energy for three days, and then this week as I get rid of the extra stuff through freecycle (more work than yard sale btw).

4. I deglected the house a lot in August because I was so fired up and wantd to exercise. I have been cleaning before exercise this month.

I figured out last month I was on a high, just feeling so good to be back on the losing weight track and high on the encouragment from this list. But life had to go back to normal at some point, and it definitely did this month. I don't feel so down on myself now that I realize I haven't been completely slacking, I have just been busier than I was next month. October is going to be busy as well, but I know I need to get the eating under control and I should still manage a loss.


neo98292 09-28-2005 02:52 PM

LOL oops I was so excited I forgot to say what it was. I made my September goal + 2 more.

It is hard with schedules and kids, especially when they are sick. I had all three of them that way Monday plus I was ickified myself. Poor darlings got popcorn for dinner. One thing I find helpful is the at least the night before, plan what my meals are going to be and if I have something going on, prepare what I need to and put it in some tupperware to either take with me or it is all ready when I get back. I am amazed at the excersize you get in. Between the kids, house and yard, I am lucky to get a walk in now and then. You are going to do this. It is just a matter of getting into the groove that works for you. Oh and housework is excersize. Anything that makes me sweat like that, counts.

Josh had an accident at school today and I think it is cause his Dad upset him yesterday. He is still trying to make me talk to him and sticks josh in the middle. He told Josh that I was evil and something is wrong with me. I sent him a nasty gram this morning and if he does it again, I will just block his number and he won't be able to call anymore. I am just so sick of him too. On the upside though, no snotty kids driving in front of my house yesterday so it looks like my little chat with the mother worked after all.

Ice Princess 09-28-2005 04:07 PM

Form the time I was 22 -23 decided by the time I was 30 I would do it. I hated all the guys staring and they are big 42-42 DDD or F, hurt my back, rashes in the summer just dont want that much anymore. The doc said he can bring me down to a small D or a bic C, and cause it is medical it will be covered 100%. So why not go for it. Lose wieght, get skinnier not skinny just skinneir, and have nice perky hard boobs right on. LOL
well I did make it to Curves today dont think I'm gonna walk cause its raining but will try for Curves again tommorow.

Purplefirefly 09-28-2005 04:59 PM

Congrats Melissa! Wish I could say the same :dz:

Good job on getting to curves Ice. Sounds like you have way too much to carry around, I would have the surgery as well.


sandisuze 09-28-2005 05:39 PM

Oh melissa I would be dancing too! CONGRATS!!!!!!! You go girl- you did great!:cheer:
and theresa... :strong:... You have logged in 18 + hours of excercise...that is so Fantastic with all you have going on...hang in there and you are gonna see a change.
It seems just when i get into a routine something comes along and messes up my routine. and while I can Mutli -task like a mad woman at work- when it comes to me and this lifestyle change I have to do 1 thing at a time and be really "A.Rententive" about it all. But At least I know I am and can laugh at myself about it. I agree about planning I always have a back up plan - of course I am the type to make all kinds of what if this happens or what if that happens situations so I tend to "over" prepare.

Having issues with hubby- again with the "why can't you eat what I am eating ?"stuff again - I think sure... let me devour 2 bacon mushroom swiss burgers with a side of fries.....Then let me eat the big bowl of ice cream with you....arrgh he just is kinda cluless at times. cute but clueless. I mean I do eat some of what they do - I don't buy too much special for me- like they'll eat mashed pots or rice and I'll have a sweet potato instead- I'll have a bigger salad instead of a roll - so it's not like our grocery store bill has gone up - well it has but thats because prices are going up a bit - but it's only gone up 5-7 $ a week.
Ice - yay going to curves!!
Carrie- I am liking the show too-(although I am NOT supposed to watch reality shows due to my addiction and wearing out the phone from voting on American Idol last season. Joking ;) - Ummm well maybe about not watching reality shows and becomming addicted :lol: )
I have decided to wait till Friday for WI cause last week I was soooo close to 4 pounds & maybe 2 more days will help LOL
I am gonna go :workout: see ya'll later!

StillTrying923 09-28-2005 05:41 PM

Thanks for the encouragement Theresa & Melra. I am back on track today – ate well and walked with the gals at lunch!!!
Theresa - Glad you are back on track too!
Melra – Congrats on the running goal!!!
Caldwell hope your tooth is better – I still have my wisdom teeth, they are coming in o.k. right now some pain, but coming in straight at least. I am 37 and hoping I never have to have them out!!

I relost another pound and started TOM yesterday, so I am hoping I am getting back on track - I will not meet the 4lb goal for loss and excersie goal of 600 minutes, but am happy that I lost 2.5 and have done 455 of exercise!!!

Time to think about October goal(s) - Did we decide on it yet? I can't remember :?:

Keep up the great work all!!

StillTrying923 09-28-2005 06:08 PM

o.k. – duh – I just missed that I had not read two pages of posts – I was wondering where everyone was… :dizzy:

princesspuff – hope you are feeling better :(

sorry to hear everyone’s kids are sick too… I think getting back to school gets everyone sick – I work at a school and we’ve got a nasty cold going around already this year.

Melissa – sorry to hear neighbor’s kids are such brats and it sounds like the mom needs a kick in the butt! Congratulations on reaching your goal plus some!!! :D

LauraB – don’t worry about going off plan a little – just get back on track – having control of your meals will help a lot. It’s hard not to worry about your kids no matter what their age. That bike ride sounds awesome!

Sandisuze – Great Job on all the great things you have done for yourself!!!

Carrie – you are not a failure!! I agree with Melissa it is a journey – ups/downs – BUT WE CAN DO IT!!!! 41 lbs is nothing to sneeze at!! Great Job!

As for the dog advice - I know when our Border Collie, Mollie, was younger she would pee all the time when people would come over and pet her and we realized it was when people came in the house and made a big deal about her and talked to her in a high pitched voice she would do it. Also, their bladders aren’t fully developed when they are young and they just can’t “hold it” when they get excited.

Amen on the breast reduction – I would love one! I am 5-4 and wear a 38DD. Wgen I was 145 I wore a 36C – Would love to have my boobs shrink when the weight comes off! God I can only hope!

Theresa – October is a new month for us all! Don’t worry about what you may not have done in September!


Purplefirefly 09-28-2005 07:49 PM

I think the 8 lbs. I lost has all come off my boobs, so I must be made different than you ladies :lol: Even hubby noticed they are a bit smaller. Last time I lost weight it was the first place I lost as well. I am a D cup, but who knows what it will be by the time I'm at goal weight. You should all lose some from the boobs as well, since part of it is fat...it goes all over under the skin, even that department.


Purplefirefly 09-28-2005 07:55 PM

I forgot to make my confession: I ate spagetti for supper because it was quick and we are running low on groceries. I almost got the kids dressed and ran to subway, where I could get a big salad, but decided all that was too much work so took out the whole wheat pasta and make "sketties." BIG mistake. I feel like a blimp, I'm sluggish, I want to skip the rest of my exercise and go straight to bed. Carb overload, even though it was whole wheat. I am going to start making a weekly meal plan, planning everything including snacks, so that I don't have to just wing it anymore. I usually just breeze through the store, buying whatever looks good and what's on sale that week, then each meal I just make something up with what I have. Toward the end of the week it's hard sometimes. So, I'm going to eliminate that and I'm going right now to make a week's schedule starting with tomorrow. I shop on Thursdays, so this is perfect timing.

Uggghhh I do feel so miserable. I'm going to exercise though, because I don't want to sleep with all this food in my belly. It just turns into sugar when you sleep with it in there, and that is no good. I used to need my belly full to sleep good, but now it's just so miserable. It's like putting myself in a coma...why did I need to do that? I know why now, and I am going to exercise because I can't do it anymore.


SuzyMc 09-28-2005 08:24 PM

Theresa, same here! I told hubby that I was going to have to break down and buy some new bras because mine are all getting too big and he said that was the only bad part of my weight loss...MEN! :lol: Personally I would love to be a 36C again and it looks like it might actually happen!

sandisuze 09-28-2005 08:55 PM

I think we may be all married to the same man?? Mine's comment was well- if you lift weights and use the toning bands at least they will not get smaller- just firmer.yep that's a guy for ya.. although my back IS getting rid of some of that back fat that bulges around my bra.. I would enjoy a 36 c again too- and be able to wear the tank tops that have built in bras.. I have too much underarm jiggle :lol: to wear one in Public..

Theresa- I don't know about where you are but I can check out the computer on Thursdays for web sites to the area grocery stores for sales- then I make up lists for groceries and then menus for the week- I found that microsoft office.com has great templates for a food diary and menus and grocery lists.. Have we thought up an October group challenge?? if so I missed it.. Not surprising with me.. I will reread all posts and see what I may have missed..
Well I just heard lots of thunder rolling in so I am going to sign off.
Have a great night all.

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