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judydc 04-13-2005 08:20 PM

Just to let you know that I haven't forgotten you, and that I haven't fallen by the wayside....I'm swamped again at work, and haven't been able to do anything but get home late and pass out. But I'm eating per plan, for the most part, and working out most days. I want to respond to what I've quickly read, but if I start, I won't get home before 10PM.

Hugs to you all, hope that Thursday is a good day for each one of you!

judy :wave:

kpe 04-13-2005 09:27 PM

Hi Ladies,

I am trying to keep motivated but still really struggling with this mental roadblock I have hit. The real test will be if I go to WI tomorrow or skip. My scale and the WW scale are pretty close each week as far as my weight goes. My scale shows I have gained 4 lbs. this week and I don't know why. Well thats not true I guess.... My hands and feet are swollen, TOM should have been here 2 weeks ago (and before you ask No, I am not....) and I have broken out in hives from head to toe. So something is going on I am just not sure what it is.

Lori- Our WW group at work has dropped off. We started with 21 people and about 10 say they are doing it as they walk out of the cafeteria with a "school" lunch, and then they don't show up for WI, about 5 do it part time when it is convenient, and there are about 6 of us really doing it!!!

Marie- I am taking your advice and I am going to try and post more often to see if this helps my state of mind.

Everyone else... thanks for posting as often as you all do!! It really does help me to see everyone else's struggles and successes. THANKS!!


kimberlydrn 04-14-2005 01:08 AM

Good day!
Well, today has went so much better. I made it to the gym twice today as planned and kept my calories under 1350. I didn't eat any doughnuts, either. :p

Kerry-Good luck staying on plan with your brother visiting. :goodluck: That definitely makes it more challenging, but you can do it!

Marie-Eating a bigger breakfast does help a lot. It keeps me from snacking before lunch and I usually eat less throughout the day. Thanks for the advice. :thanks: It does help me to stay on track when I post here.

Robin-That's horrible about your husband's aunt. Some people are so mean. That's nice of you to help her out though.

Lori-Those doughnuts are bad! :lol: I was just wondering, have you increased your workouts? The more I exercise, the more I want to eat.

Paige- I would suggest that you go to your meeting, even if you're expecting a gain....at least for encouragement.

Judy-Great job eating right and working out! :high:

Loud_Librarian 04-14-2005 08:26 AM

The week is almost over!
I'm leaving early today and going to try to get a thousand things done: clean up the guest room, organize my clothes for consignment and Goodwill, shop for a wedding shower gift, wrap said gift, go to the grocery to stock up of snacks for brother and DH, prepare for interview tomorrow morning, and workout! WOW! :dizzy:

I did learn some interesting news yesterday. There is a good chance that the powers that be here where I work now are going to offer me a FT permanent position. I'm supposed to find out officially tomorrow. Let's just say that I'm in a bit of shock and spinning. My jaw dropped and I was speechless. Yes, me, speechless. :eek: This would be a good thing and I would take it and we would stay put. DH would not have to change schools, etc. :^: Keep your fingers crossed!! :goodvibes

Paige - I hope you get to feeling better. I have a good friend that deals with this and sees a psych regularly to get it out. Feel better soon and don't worry about the gain. You'll get back on track!

Robin - That stinks about your husband's aunt. I hope you get some good answers. I'm sorry I have no input or assistance to offer. I wish you and her all the best in sorting it out.

Lori - Sometimes I am starving! It happens mostly before I leave for the day to go home and I am dying for dinner. I agree that if you are exercising more that could have a huge impact. :workout:

Marie - I wish I had time for a big breakfast - good for you. I barely roll out of bed with enough time to get ready and drive to work. I LOVE my sleep almost as much as food! :D I hope it helps you!

Kim - I can't be near donuts. Keep them out of your sight and house and office! Find a substitute or just eat a couple donut holes or even eat the baked kind instead of the fried. Good luck getting back on track! We're here for you.

Judy - I hope things calm down for you. Do you stress out or are you more Zenlike? ;) We all know what I do! :p

I'll check back in later. Have a great day ladies! :)

rtardif 04-14-2005 05:10 PM

Tomorrow's Friday!
Paige - I hope your WI went well today. And I hope you went, even if it was just for the support of your group. And I agree with Kerry, maybe you should see someone about the hives and such. Are you allergic to anything that you know of?

Kerry - Good luck with the permanent job at your current location. I bet they're afraid of losing you. Good employees are hard to find. I'll have my fingers and toes crossed for you. Let us know as soon as you find out. Okay, maybe you can tell your DH first.

Kim - For what you eat in junk food, you more than make up with your exercise. Twice in one day! You go, girl!

Judy - I hope work lightens up on you. All work and no play is no fun!

Lori - You are definitely not the only one that's getting hungrier. It's your body adjusting to the exercising and dieting. I can be fine for quite a while, and then step my exercise up just a bit, and then I'm starving by dinner time. Or all the time, rather. I just try to drink more water. Sometimes it helps. Sometimes it doesn't. I was also told that drinking cold, ice water will calm the hunger pangs, but I have sensitive teeth so I haven't tried it.

Marie - How is the larger breakfast working for you. Now that is Spring, I love all the fresh fruits and such. I make myself a huge fruit smoothie every morning. I drink it on the way to work. It fills me up, and because it's mostly fiber, it lasts for a while. You just gotta find what works for you.

Everything's fine here. Went for my walk in the rain last night. And then came home and gave my 90lb dog a bath. That's a workout in itself. We both felt better afterwards.

Have a great evening everyone. :wave:

Loud_Librarian 04-14-2005 05:23 PM

Robin - How do you make your smoothie (blender? or do you have a special machine) and what do you put in it? I'm super curious and it sounds YUMMY! :D

rtardif 04-14-2005 06:53 PM

Fruit Smoothies
I use a blender, and other than some base ingredients, I vary the fruit quite a bit. I almost always include a banana, about a tablespoon of orange juice concentrate, and some 1% or skim milk. Otherwise, I add various berries for a berry smoothie. I add pineapple and mango for a tropical smoothie. Or sometimes I do a peach/mango mix. The combinations are limited by what kind of fruit you like. I like most fruits. And when adding peaches and such, I include the skin. The orange juice concentrate gives it a little more sweetness and vitamin C. The banana and milk add calcium and potassium. I also use frozen fruits in the winter.

This morning I made my smoothy with the usual banana, ojc, milk, strawberries, and blackberries. I like to pick blackberries, huckleberries, and blueberries in the summer and fall and freeze them. I had some blackberries left over from this last time, so I'm trying to use them up.

They're really easy to make, taste good, are good for you, and are easy to clean up after. And they're filling.


rtardif 04-14-2005 06:56 PM

I've also added about a tablespoon or two of wheat germ. I don't really taste it, but it does affect the texture some. And it provides other nutrients that at one time was told are important. I don't remember what they are now. And I'm currently out, myself.


judydc 04-14-2005 07:06 PM

Yaay! Two good things to report today: my scale FINALLY scootched down to 235, and I got through the day without killing anyone at the office! I can feel my body getting smaller, so it's been hard to be patient with the slow progress of the scale. And I've been very calm about things that would have sent me into a tailspin, and I think I've been pretty good about maintaining my composure despite some pretty bizarre stuff at work. So as you can tell, I'm feeling pretty good about myself at this moment :cool: .

Hang in there, Paige! Remember where you've come from on this journey, and don't be discouraged. When I feel my energy flagging, I go over to the Success threads, and read about the barriers some of the women overcame to reach their goals, and then I feel like a real slacker! It's hard, but many people make it--we can, too!

Kim, good for you, working out twice a day! The most I can do on a day with a full workout is an extra 20-30 minute walk. My body complains when I go overboard, especially my knees. But if you can do it, more power to you!

Kerry, what if after all that, you didn't have to relocate to find a job? I'm keeping my fingers, crossed, too. Re the stress, I have been practicing different things for over a year, like hypotherapy and meditation. I'm not very good at them, but they have helped me from falling into my lifelong pattern of mentally rehashing s-it, and working myself into a lather of anger or depression (or using, food, alcohol or cigarettes to "calm" myself down). I'm not a religious person, but if I were, I would totally be relying on prayer.

Robin--my thoughts are with you, you have a lot to deal with. Good luck with your goal for the week, I hope you are satisfied with your progress so far!

Oh, and the smoothie question--I use one of those handheld blenders, almost every morning. I use a cup of frozen fruit (berries, peaches and mangoes are my faves), a spoon of ground flaxseeds, two scoops of protein powder and a little less than a cup of water. Works for me! When I use peavches, I often add ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. If you don't like protein powder, you can use milk or soymilk instead of water.

Be well, everyone--judy

lmatis 04-14-2005 07:17 PM

Hey Chickies!!
Yes almost Friday!!! I have to rush tonight to squeeze in work out and watch my shows! I've almost given up trying to watch TV more than one evening a night, there just isn't enough time!!

Kerry, talk about getting all excited about the options, why is it when your looking for a job you can't find one, but if you have one offer or take a job you seem to have 20 new offers?? Who knows, but I hope you get the one you want, and if it is staying put, so be it!

Robin and Kim, yes I did up my work outs so the intense hunger has to be related!! Thank you, and Kerry too for letting me know that it's normal! When my thyroid was over active, I was hungry ALL the time and ate like it was the last super daily! What scares me was how sick and weak I felt (wich I feel great now) It just gives me flash backs, I don't ever want to be that sick again!!!

Judy, glad your still doing good with as busy as you are! Remember keep checking in!!!

Paige, I hope things went well for you today and if they didn't DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP!!! Hives are just awful, I feel for you!! Don't feel bad, remember I was working out with two ingrown toe nails, a femal infection, and a splinter in my butt/thigh area that got way out of hand before I knew what it was! I was starting to think give up under wear all together :lol:!! Everything is healing and you will too!!!

kpe 04-14-2005 09:03 PM

Well I did not get to go to WI today, and I had really decided to bite the bullet and go. This morning my principal told me that she had to take her mom to the doctor this afternoon so I would need to get things started for a special event we had afterschool for our third and fourth graders so I wasn't able to get to the meeting. I am feeling alittle better about things and I really think that the weight gain is due to water retention and waiting for TOM to finally arrive. Tomorrow is a new day and I am really going to start the day off with a good attitude. The only problem is that tomorrow I have an all day training and they will have all kinds of snacks available and will be providing lunch. So I will take my own snacks and I am sure the lunch will be some kind of deli boxed lunch (it was last time). This is part of a two day training on classroom walkthroughs. Tomorrow I get my palm pilot for going to this training so they are showing us how to use it with their method of walkthroughs. The first session was in the fall. Last year they gave us laptops for going to a two day technology training. Pretty good for only a 2 day committment.

Kerry-good look with the potential offer tomorrow!!!

Everyone else.... Thanks for the support in helping me to get over this hump!!!!


kimberlydrn 04-14-2005 09:57 PM

Today has been another good day for me. I did a spin class, an ab class, and a step aerobics class. I'm paying for all of that binging I did Sunday and Tuesday. I've got to work 11p-7a tonight, so I won't have time to eat too unhealthy.

Kerry-Sounds like you're staying really busy. I'll be praying for that job offer. That's wonderful news!!!!!!

Robin-I had my first smoothie from TCBY a couple of days ago and LOVED it!! I need to invest in a smoothie maker or blender. Would you believe that I don't even own a blender? What would you recommend?

Judy-WOOOHOOOO on the 235!!!!! That's awesome! I love it when I see that scale move down.

Lori-Just a suggestion, but something that helps me is eating a handful of almonds after I work out. I love almonds, so it's a treat for me. They are very filling also.

Paige-Wow, a laptop, that would be nice. You're right, tomorrow is a new day for all of us, and it's going to be a good one! Have a great night!

kpe 04-14-2005 10:12 PM

Kim- I am so impressed after 3 classes you are still standing and have the energy to go to work tonight. I need some of that to rub off on me right about now!!!!


KYColonel 04-14-2005 10:19 PM

Girls, I have been reading the posts and tried to keep everything straight--but I have a confession...............

I just walked back from my sister and brother-in-law's house, and while I was there he brought out a bottle of vodka that I gave him for his birthday! I don't handle alcohol well ( I am a cheap drunk!), so while I am reading here, I can't keep anything straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me sober up and I'll check back tomorrow---I will be sleeping well tonight!


rtardif 04-14-2005 11:48 PM

Tomorrow's Friday!
Hey Joetta, how many fingers am I holding up? That's so funny. I also don't handle alcohol very well, but I don't think I would have admited that I had too much to drink while I was on here. Although, it probably would have been funny to go back and read what I wrote the next day if I did. I can't spell when I'm sober.

Kim - Wow, three classes in one day. I should send my fat cells with you. You're such an inspiration. Keep it up! My blender is just a bottom line Hamilton Beach, probably around $25. But if you want to chop ice, I would recommend a little better one. Mine will do it, but it takes a while. I think the Hamilton Beach brand is a good one though.

Paige - Hang in there. Tomorrow is a new day and we'll face it together head on. I had a bad week, too. I've exercised some, but I've eaten really badly. Monday I had a huge donut and iced cookie, Tuesday I had six chocolate-chip cookies, I forget what I had yesterday, but today I had a candy bar, and a Dairy Queen M&M Blizzard. But tomorrow we'll start again. I promise you that I will eat correctly the rest of the week if you will, too. What do you say?

Judy - Congrats on the 235! Like Kim said, it great when the scale moves down!

Well, I gotta go. Thursday is my TV night, too. CSI is about to start. I love that show.


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