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lmatis 04-08-2005 09:51 PM

Yea, the weekend!!!
Oh what a dreadful day, I was late to work this morning because of an accident having the road blocked and of course I was noticed sneaking in late! We were crazy busy to add to my intense PMS, yea of all things I wanted for the weekend, it wan't TOM!!

Everyone is in such a great mood, must be the weather change!!

Oh Robin, of all places to get stuck, work! Like we don't spend enough time there already! Although I may have paid good money to see you dance around the office and watch the reaction of the cleaning lady :lol: ! I hope all is better now!!

Way to go Paige, a pound gone is one less you will have to look at later!!!

Kerry, I'm glad to hear you had a good time last night and your starting to feel slightly less stressed! You've had a heck of a year by the sounds of things.. How's the job front?? I had a heck of a time with my pregnancy also, I was about 5 months when I lost my first one! I was only 18 at the time and had to deliver and everyting. Yea it can make you feel like a real emotional wreck. Needless to say it wasn't planned so I was 21 when I got pregnant with my second one and I'm not the type of person to flip out and get all worked up, most people would not even notice if I was stressed over something. Well since I'm so good at holding it in, I broke out with hives head to toe around my 4th month and didn't get rid of them until I delivered him. Being pregnant with him was the worst experience I've ever had in my life! I was so badly tourted over a whacked out blood result that I was way beyond an emotional wreck. They insisted he had downs or spina bifida over this stupid blood test and I would have to have a amnio done which could cause a misscarrage. I was beyond nuts, the Dr. finally called me at home on a weekend and yelled at me to get a grip, and get the test. I did and all was fine so nobody could explain the messed up blood work, until I hit my 30th week and bam I was in full blown labor and had 2 months to go, days laying in the hospital they sent me home with asthma medicine (which stops labor) and a bottle of malox. That lasted almost 2 weeks and I kept dialating (sp) anyway. He was born at 33 1/2 weeks and weighed 4 1/2 lbs. He looked like a monster compaired to the others in the neo-unit. He had to stay for 16 days before I brought him home. So after all this I was dumb enough to do it again, went into early labor with the second one at 30 weeks, but held off til my 35th week, mini chubs weighed 6 1/2 lbs could you imagine what he would have been if I would have made it through the last month??? And they made me bring him home!! Anyway, it appeared I had a problem when the babies got so big, well dah!! So at my 6 week check up I told the Doc. I'm done sew me up, he laughed and said he wouldn't even consider talking me out of it! (which he does everybody) This story is soooo much better in person and I tell you about them starving the fat prego chick because she's in labor, no now she's not, yes she is again! And the whole family driving to Pittsburgh (50 miles away) and then they stopped the labor! Don't every feel bad about it not happening right away, and having problems! Just keep you chin up, it will happen!!!!!
This is way to long again, I'll check back tomorrow!!

Loud_Librarian 04-09-2005 10:43 AM

Good Morning Ladies! Well it's Saturday and I'm home alone :( Well I have Jazz and Bella so that's good. DH went mountain biking with a friend and won't be home until 6 pm. Not sure what to do with my day. I know I need to do some Web Dev - not that I want to. My head hurts from the wine last night. DH played a gallary opening and I went and hung out.

Thanks for sharing your stories ladies. It helps to know that others struggle though fertility and pregnancy issues and come out on the other side with children. I guess we just never think these things are going to happen to us - KWIM? I am definitely doing better than I was six months ago. And DH and I have decided not to try for awhile until things calm down with the job and move and such. So I'm not putting all that pressure on myself right now. I secretly keep hoping that my body will adjust itself and it will happen naturally. A girl can hope right?

I haven't been sticking to my eating plan very well the past couple of days. I haven't been AWFUL, but not great either. I hope you are all doing well and losing losing losing :) I'll do another WI on Monday.


lmatis 04-09-2005 12:33 PM

Good morning chickies :coffee:!! I should say afternoon, now!! Kids are out side playing and DH is off working on my car, ahhh piece and quite!! I got a new step video today, well not new, from ebay so new for me!! I'll give ya a report when I check it out!!

As for my JV Definition book, you will like it and you don't need much to start! 3 sets of weights (and start low) I used 1's, 2's, & 3's! No kidding! I'm now up to 3's, 5's & 8's and I'm going to Wal-Mart today to pick up 10's! I'm just now starting to see my muscles form and it really is making me look thinner! Just please, please, please come to me before you buy anything from her web site! She has some really poor customer service and I wouldn't dare go into the rest on a public forum! Kerry since your our book worm, I think you'll find this easier to start with. But honestly honey we all look like dorks when we do the tapes!! There is a mirror in my bedroom and when I move by it while I'm working out I'm always glad the kids are the only ones here to witness it!

I have sooo much to try to get done this weekend so I'll be bouncing in and out so stay focused!!

Marie 04-09-2005 04:45 PM

Hiya Chickies, I'm so glad the weekend is here even if I've spent the majority of it so far cleaning my fur infested house. I love the shedding season, fur balls everywhere. So I vacuumed and DS swiffered. Everything looks nice but the other DS needs to do his chores and dust - then we'll be spanky clean - at least for a moment or two.

I'm on track today even though I made some poor choices in the morning. I'm just incorporating the calories into the calorie limit so I have to be really good tonight. I think I'll make Schwan's Chicken Kiev since it has only 300 calories. Add a baked potato wiht fresh chives (just noticed this morning that my chive plant is growing and healty) and a salad. That should help the lapse of eating some cake icing.

I exercised last night and Lori has me motivated to start lifting a little again. I love the look of defined muscles and I have only been doing aerobic. I'm not an exerciser by nature so doing the aerobics was enough for me. But I will add crunches and some arm exercises on my off days. See Lori, you have such influence. :)

Have a great rest of the day.

judydc 04-09-2005 06:44 PM

So I'm being reminded of why I don't post more often on the weekends: my ancient computer is okay, but compares badly to my powerful computer at the office. I use an old-fashioned dial-up connection, so everything feels terribly slow...but I will give my computer a big hug, 'cuz I still have to finish my taxes this weekend :D

I am very happy with myself for not inhaling a pizza or something last night. It was a particularly aggravating day at work, at the end of a stress-filled week. I took a 45-minute walk along the river on my way home, basically talking myself down from making a self-destructive eating choice, as I would have definitely done last fall in the same situation. So I ended the evening on somewhat of a positive note, because I ended up giving myself a gold star for eating per plan and walking twice, including a 30-minute walk to clear my head at lunch. I am still thinking about how powerful the urge was to simultaneously comfort and sicken myself by overeating to deal with my anger. My brain kept imagining lasagna, pizza, etc., it was as if I were possessed by a really piggy demon!

Today I went to Curves, took a long walk to the grocery store, and laid in supplies for the week. Three of my lunches this week will be at restaurants or at a conference, so I have to make sure that I'm prepared to make good choices. Next week will be just annoying as last week, so I will try to meditate for a little while every morning when I first get out of bed.

Lori--thanks for the article on lactose intolerance. I've always been proud of my cast-iron stomach, so I was surprised to have intestinal issues this year. But African Americans tend to have more problems than most people with dairy, and the nutritionist said that it's something that some adults develop over time. I don't have to swear off dairy altogether, but I will definitely have to say goodbye to my old friends Ben and Jerry :( I guess it's for the best!

Kerry--I think it's a great sign that even after an emotional roller-coaster of a week, you haven't thrown in the towel and abandoned your goals. Good for you! I hope that you're being very good to yourself this weekend.

Congrats to everyone else who's working out, eating right, and making good choices!


lmatis 04-09-2005 10:34 PM

Well, I tried the new step video and let me tell you about feeling like dorkarella!! Ah I need to move to the living room, not enough room in my bedroom for this one! It wasn't to to bad, I think I could learn it, but right off the bat, ah no! I'm marching up and down going what kind of step is that??? But if I ever want to advance I best start learning a few of these moves.. I did alot of stepping up and down just watching, but I did work up a good sweat so I feel like I didn't waste my time even though I wasn't quite able to keep up on the first go round!! I love my susan step video, it is sooo basic, the hardest thing is keeping your arms going, up and down, up and down!! The bad thing is I'm finishing my 12th week of working out today and I know it is important to switch things up if I want to keep advancing! And besides who can watch the same instructor 3x's a week for 12 weeks??? I could do the video and the words with out her now! :lol:!! Oh and wait talk about more laughs, any body here ever do Toni Little's abb roller??? Barbie (god love that girl) brought me hers after I whined about my spare tire and the video, oh my goodness!! I'm watching this guy thinking if I had to go some where with him in public I'ld crawl under a table. Kerry trust me I don't think there is a sane instructor (non-dorky) out there!! By the way my friend (life size barbie) her name is Rachel, I don't think I've ever mentioned that before!! Ok I need to hit the weights to finish off week 12, shhh I skipped last night so I'm doubling up tonight!!

kimberlydrn 04-09-2005 11:17 PM

Well, I made it through another challenge. I skipped the pizza alltogether at my Dad's birthday party, and I had a small piece of cake. Also, at work last night there was a potluck, and all that I ate was the salad. I'm certainly surprising myself. This is soooo unlike me. I did pray for some willpower a couple of weeks ago, and I know that I shouldn't be surprised that He answered that prayer, because He has answered so many others, but it just amazes me. I didn't work out today, and I probably won't tomorrow, but everyone deserves a break, right? I'll be hard at it again on Monday.
Judy, I loved what you said about the piggy demon. He's taunted me many times, lol.

rtardif 04-09-2005 11:55 PM

I noticed that as I logged into our forum here, that several of you were on line at the same time. We should try to plan a chat room next weekend. That might be fun.

I'm so sorry so many of you have had problems with your pregnancies. A very good friend of mine went through the same thing. She miscarried (I don't know what month.) and then didn't get pregnant again for four years. It wasn't until she really started watching what she ate, exercising, and doing yoga that she finally got pregnant. According to her doctor, her eggs weren't staying attached to the uterine wall like they were supposed to upon fertilization. I've never had kids, and now can't so I can't totally understand what you've gone through, and are now going through, but my prayers are with you in your attempts, Kerry, and to all of you that have miscarried and struggle with the memories.

I've had an exhausting day myself. My DH and I worked on our property today for the first time. He used the weed eater, while I raked, and then he burned piles of weeds, dead branches, and such. It was very tiring, but we still went for our two-mile walk in the hills this evening. So, I feel I had a pretty good day exercise wise. I didn't eat too bad either, except for an order of curly fries that I ate with my Arby's sandwich. Calorie-wise, I did okay over all, I think. I didn't realize it until the other day that those Arby's market fresh sandwiches have a minimum of 700 calories!

And then I made a fool out of myself in Sears. My DH and I were in there getting another rake and decided to check out the exercise equipment. I was trying to walk past a weight machine and ended up tripping over it. I landed face first in the middle of all the exercise equipment. I now have a bruised knee, but fortunately no one saw me, except my husband. I always knew that those machines would probably be the death of me, but they don't have to do it in public. (My DH just walked in and said, "Yeah, that was pretty funny.) He's having fun with it because the bruise on my knee is in the same shape of the holes in the mats they had layed down. So it actually kind of looks like flower petals.

Well, I need to get to bed. I'm tired, and I still have to dry my hair. I'll try to check in tomorrow, but I have a birthday party to go to. By the way, Kim, great job at your party and the potluck. I hope I do as well tomorrow.

My official WI is Monday morning, so I better behave tomorrow.

Good night all.

kimberlydrn 04-10-2005 05:59 AM

It's 4:30am and I can't sleep. I don't know what's wrong with me. I laughed when I read about those exercise machines being the death of you Robin. You're so funny. When I woke up, my stomach was growling, so I got up and ate an apple turnover fat free yogurt. They are so good. I love almost all of the Yoplait fat free yogurts, especially apple turnover, lemon creme pie, strawberry, blueberry, and blackberry. They are a great snack. Every day, I eat 5 prunes (also great for you, by the way), almonds, and a yogurt. For some reason, I have trouble getting in my protein and I probably need to do better since I work out so much. I don't think I could drink those protein shakes, and quite frankly, I'd hate to waste the calories on one. I'm a carboholic. Love those carbs! I tried Atkins once and I was so miserable. Out of everything I've tried, counting weight watchers points seems to work better for me than anything. If I stick with the program, I always have a loss every week. Well, hope the rest of your weekend is great. I'm just ready for it to be over with, since I work weekends. Then, I'll have 3 days off again, yeah!

lmatis 04-10-2005 08:41 AM

Good Moring Chickies :coffee:!!
This weekend flew by way too fast!! I must have a million loads of clothes to fold and put away this morning, yuck!!

Oh Robin, sorry I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing with you! When I fall, it's almost always in public! But I truly hope your knee isn't too bad, that's a rough place to have anything happen! I had a weight machine for years and never used it, not even once! When the basement flooded I tossed it just because I had help getting it up the steps!!

Kim, my friend said that Yoplait yougart is the best, so I did buy some yesterday. I just can't handle the aspertine in the fat free so I just but the lights. As for protien shakes, yea yucky comes to mind! The ones that I tried last week weren't bad at all, they weren't thick and only had 90 calories. When I find out the name brand I'll let you know! I'm with you I'm a carb queen, I would shrival up and die with out them!! I'm so bad at counting, WW does work wonders but I wind up cheating and wasting all my points then I have to starve the rest of the day! I'm just watcing my fat intake and it is working very well.

Well I peaked this morning and it looks like I might actually hit the 1/2 way mark at my official weigh in tomorrow!! It's about time! Although my mom is planning on cooking a bunch of crap today, I just may have to skip out. I've had too many weekends of cheating as of lately. I really want to buckle down and see if I can hit 140lbs by Memorial Day! I was so happy I wore a size 11 Levies yesterday, I haven't seen them in years! I mean it this time, I'm going to pack down my clothes as I get smaller and I'm getting rid of them. I don't want to ever be this over weight again! I have to except that working out and not eating like a cow is the only way I can keep this weight off!! Ya know I used to have the deluision that I could eat what ever I wanted as long as I was working out! Needless to say that was last year and well, I didn't lose any weight! There is alot of food that I miss, like pizza and Quizon's Itl. subs. But once I lose the weight I should be able to cheat once a week with no problems. Working in an office has been my biggest down fall. I used to eat out at lunch time every day! No wonder I never lost any weight! Hey look at the money I'm saving by packing everyday!

Ok this one got really long too, I best get folding these clothes!!

Marie 04-10-2005 03:10 PM

Robin, so sorry about your knee. That hurts. I've always told my hubby that exercise is dangerous. The three times I've been to the ER in the last 10 years was because of exercising. A biking accident, falling on my head on rollerblades, and a skiing accident. Part of me is a little tentative about the above activities because of those accidents. When I was an avid rollerblader, I could eat whatever I wanted and never gained weight. I never thought it was exercise - it was so easy - in other words I was in really good shape. Now I find it hard and I'm scared of falling again. Although I always wear my helmet now. :) Skiing is the same way, I'm getting too old. Biking, however, I still love. I just don't live in a place conducive to biking (mountains are too hard to go up - down... even I can handle).

Lori, I relate with the having to starve the rest of the day because of eating too much in the morning. That was me yesterday. I was having so much trouble. You can do it - it's worth it and congrats on the size 11. I am so jealous.

Kim, I love Dannon yogurts - but then again I like them all. My favorite is McDonalds fruit parfait for $1.00. I think it has 200 calories or so (I look every time I order it). The loads of fruit is great.

I'm watching the nascar race as I type. Something about cars going in circles puts me to sleep so I have to do something else. Mostly I'm keeping my son company.

Yesterday, DS asked if I wanted to do Dance, Dance Revolution (DDR) on the playstation. For those of you not in the know, it's a dance mat and you have to move to the circles on the pad that the screen directs you to. I was so sweaty and breathing hard by the time we were done, I knew I got plenty of exercise. Lori, speaking of exercise, I did crunches and lifting weights. I can feel the crunches today. That's a good thing.

Have a great day, chickees.

Loud_Librarian 04-10-2005 09:09 PM

Marie - Dance revolution sounds just my style. I am such a chicken when it comes to sports. It sounds like you really enjoy some of the things I am afraid of. I broke my foot biking and my wrist blading. Yikes! Now I'm afraid of both.

Probably because I'm such a clutz too. Robin - I feel for you falling down in public. :lol: Though you gotta laugh. Usually when it happens to me my DH just busts out and I get so mad at him.

Lori - I went looking for the book, but didn't find anything by her at the bookstore. I'm going to have to order off Amazon. It looks like she has a lot of titles, should I still try the Definition one first? Good luck with hitting your halfway point at WI. I guess I did that unceremoniously last week.

Judy - Your walks sound wonderful. Good luck with your choices during your events and luncheons next week.

Kim - I'm a carb junkie too - love them!! Can't stay away from them :s: They are my enemy. I don't think I get enough protein either.

I haven't been great this weekend. DH fried flounder and zuchinni and mushrooms on Saturday night and we drank beer. It was fun :D But probably not good for me. I still haven't got movin and I know I didn't lose any this week. I'm craving chocolate and salty stuff. Grrrr. I know I know -- :workout: + :tread: + :drill: + :barbell: = :goodscale
Get with the program :p

lmatis 04-11-2005 06:33 AM

Good Morning Chickies :coffee: !!
I hate getting up for work, but I did hit the half way mark this morning 149lbs. Yea!!! I wanted to be at this point last weekend, so I'm not too far off this mini goal. Now to concentrate on the next 140lbs by Memorial Day!

I'm making my lunch now, I just love these Tyson Chicken Stir Fry meals, 15 mins. in the microwave and I have a healthy lunch or dinner.

Kerry, yes Joyce has many books, but her Definition one is the best weight lifting book she has. I have some of her others, but I always turn to this one. I get the best results from this work out. When you get it read it over and I'll be happy to help you. I wore my first book out, so I picked up a hard back on E-bay.

Marie, I'll have to check out that PS game. We have 3 Play stations, my DH is just as bad as the kids, our original one broke so when I sent it in to be fixed he ran out and bought another one! I also read about a rebounder being easy on the knees and not being a crazy hard work out. Have any of you tried this??

Ok you guys, your scaring me with your accident stories, I think my best was when I bought my bike. I got it at Wal-mart so it was already together. I got home and jumped on. (hadn't rode in years) I'm zipping around and the handle bars flew off. I didn't wreck but was darn close! I had to take my bike that was a few hours old back to the store. Who ever put it together stripped the handle bar screws. Now skiing, I had the most fun in my life, but I don't have time to tell the story now, but just let me say I was on the ground more than my feet!!

Ok I have to get ready for work, I'll check in later today!!

kimberlydrn 04-11-2005 09:51 AM

Alright, Kerry and Lori, you're both in the 140's. I'm jealous, lol. I had a MAJOR cheat day yesterday. I cheated from 9:00am when I stopped for Krispie Kremes for church until midnight last night, nonstop. I put away like 4500 calories. I felt miserable too. It's like once I start eating sweet stuff, I can't stop. I'm going to try not to beat myself up too bad. I'll just work out extra hard all week and try to keep my calories around 1200 each day to make up for it. I'll try my best to stay off the scale until my next weigh in on Sunday. Does that sound like a decent plan? I'm open to any other suggestions. At least I'm off for 3 days now. I'm pretty exhausted. I'm going to get some sleep and hopefully I'll feel like going to a step class at 5:30.

Loud_Librarian 04-11-2005 09:56 AM

I must do better!
Not to happy with myself today after being such a bad girl all weekend. I seem to have probably gained 1/2 a pound, which I guess isn't bad. I have stocked the fridge here at work for the week and have full intentions of staying ON PLAN. I'm also going to force myself to walk and do some strength training this week. Walk at LEAST 3 evenings and strength at LEAST 2. I've got to do it. GOT to!!! Stress and anxiety or not - exercise is important and I must make time. I MUST!!!!

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