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Old 01-14-2005, 06:56 AM   #1  
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Default Time For Serious Fun #94


We are a thread dedicated to making losing weight a pleasant experience. We laugh, cry and talk together. We have challenges, points for staying on program, drinking our water, and exercising. We have a daily topic to join in. Our only focus is to help us realize that dieting and all that goes with it need not be unpleasant, but can be fun. Come join the fun here at Time for Serious Fun! Everyone is Welcome!


Monday: Mission Monday New mission each week
Tuesday: Target Tuesday We target something to work on
Wednesday: Wednesday's Woes Our day to complain about anything and everything
Thursday: Time for Us Thursday The day set aside to pamper us!
Friday: Fabulous Lbs Down Friday. Report our losses!
Saturday: Sunny Thoughts Saturday We share stories and jokes to help us smile
Sunday: Silly Poll Sunday A new poll to give your thoughts to every week



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Old 01-14-2005, 07:04 AM   #2  
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FRIDAY: Today is Fabulous Lbs Down Friday. Hope we see lots of losers today!

I had another 4pt day, but still haven't gotten my scale to get to the point where I can weigh, so I just have to hang on. I know I have to be losing as I always always lose lots and quickly when I am behaving myself.

Everyone have a great day

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Old 01-14-2005, 08:09 AM   #3  
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Good morning chickies!


Well, I got 3 points yesterday. TOM and the kids being sick--STILL--has left me pretty lethargic. Plus it's been raining--it's almost 60 here right now!! Which means we're back to bare ground, grrrrrr. It sucks cuz one of the best things about maine is winter sports and we've had basically no sledding or skating this year.

Not sure how I'll get exercise in today, but I'll try. Maybe I'll do some yoga, though that's not so great during TOM. Things get flowing the wrong direction and then you get cramps. Too yucky to walk outside. Maybe I'll bring my weights inside or attack the woodpile or something.

The editing is done on my book and now I'm typing in the changes and working on my synopsis which I hope will sell the thing to an agent and/or editor. Don't suppose anyone here knows an agent or editor? Just thought I'd ask....most people find their agents through friends or family who know one. The whole six degrees of separation thing. I don't know anyone who knows one........That's okay. I've got such great vibes about this book, I know it's going to sell.

The kids are home one more day.....which is really 5 more days cuz they don't go back until Tuesday. They should be good and healthy by then! I feel kinda bad about not taking them to the doctors. But they are recovering, and we have no insurance so it would be like $300 just to get them checked out. They have energy and color in their cheeks, just coughing a bit now. But everyone keeps saying "have you taken them to the doctor???" What are they gonna do? Give 'em antibiotics? Well, if their systems can fight it off by themselves, I'm not giving them drugs to do it for them. They'll be stronger this way. Don't get me wrong, if I thought they weren't getting better, I'd take them in a heartbeat. Just everyone seems to go in at the least little sniffle these days. Frankly, the docs can't do much but say...yup, got a little sniffle. Go home and rest and drink fluids. Wish someone would pay me $300 for that!

Okay, I've rambled enough now.
Amanda, WAY TO GO on getting the shopping done. It's great that you KNOW that if you don't have food in the house, you'll order out. That's recognizing and stopping a bad pattern of behavior. GOod for you!

Faye, I sure hope Jack can get out of that situation. I'll
for him.

Carrie, can't wait to see your numbers this morning. I'm not weighing right now cuz of TOM and I had pasta last night which always bloats me up. First time all year, though, and I didn't eat too much of it!

Everybody else, have a great day!

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Old 01-14-2005, 08:43 AM   #4  
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Woohhhhoooooooo! I got on the scale this morning and am down my 10 lbs! I had not weighed myself when I posted what I did earlier. I am jazzed man cause I really want to be lots smaller to go to Vegas. I get to move both the group's weight loss and mine! YEAH!!!!!!!! I have even made goal for the month already! I even withstood temptation last night. Told Jack I really wanted something fattening to eat like pizza, which I haven't had in a long time. He said, "I know I am enabling you, but if you want one, go get one." Well, I decided I wanted to fit into an airline seat without the extension more than I wanted that pizza so I went upstairs and stayed up there. I usually have cravings for something to eat around 7 or so because we eat so incredibly early, but I have tried to break this, but it is tough. So far, so good. This is also the first time and a long long time that we didn't go out to eat the day of payday. I stayed home and made lowfat beef stew and lower rolls and had a skinny cow for dessert.


Julie: It is always important to keep an eye on kids because of ear infections and bronchial trouble like pneumonia, but if after a few days they seem to be coming around with what you are doing and the fevers have abated, I agree with you that saving a dr trip and the money is ok. You know your kids and sometimes a kid just needs to go to the dr all the time when he gets a cold, like my grandson who always gets pneumonia when he gets a cold, but other kids have strong constitutions and fight it off better.

SandyG: I certainly hope you have a grand birthday celebration. You deserve it.

Well, need to go freeze my heiny off and walk. I have to laugh at you Julie, you are griping because of warm weather and no snow and I am griping because of cold weather! Must be the AGE difference. Achy bones and all!

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Old 01-14-2005, 10:07 AM   #5  
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Morning everyone!!!! Well guess what?? I was down 3 pounds this week !!!
yipee, finally things are moving back in the right direction, this weekend I am going to set up the treadmill in the cold garage and get started on that phase now...

Sandy - Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Faye - Wow 10 pounds, what an accomplishment, that should give you more than enough inspiration to keep you on plan and on track for Vegas!!

Julie - Sorry about TOM, hope you feel better soon, I will be there next week unfortunately.

Amanda - Hi !!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and I will check back in is to another OP weekend!!!!
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Old 01-14-2005, 10:19 AM   #6  
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I have jumped a barrier I don't think even when I lost before that I accomplished. We have decided to limit eating out to once a month (versus about 8 times a month if you include fastfood) So Jack called and asked if we could take our one time tonight and wanted to go to the Half Shell, this seafood restaurant. I looked to see if they have a website as it is a local restaurant and they do so I figured out what I should order and went and calculated calories etc best I could so I would stay within my range. Sometimes, we will probably go someplace that is just plain fatty food, but I am going to try harder to make good choices.

Carri: I am so glad you are starting to lose again! Have a great weekend!


Last edited by gma22; 01-14-2005 at 10:21 AM.
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Old 01-15-2005, 07:09 AM   #7  
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SATURDAY: Today is Sunny Thoughts Saturday. What do you have to share with us today?

Be back in a little later girls

Got another 4 pts. I am on a roll!!!!!
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Old 01-15-2005, 08:10 AM   #8  
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Morning girlies!

Points, hmmm......well, not so much. I got a point for water. DH got home early, the temps plummeted and we had major ice/snow on the roads (only an inch on the ground, though)...I did NOT want to cook. So, we ordered pizza. SOmething we almost NEVER do. I touted it as my "birthday meal", which is today really, and didn't feel guilty or anything. I need to have something in the freezer for days I don't feel like cooking. It happens at least once a week....fortunately, I usually have the crockpot going.

Exercise has been an issue all week with me, hasn't it? I realized that I"m obsessing over this book. I want to get it in the mail by the end of the month, I"m more than on track to do that. BUT I'm spending every minute I have sitting on the couch with my laptop just working working working. NO exercise, no sewing, no dancing, few breaks only for cleaning and cooking. have to understand that this obsessive mentality is part of what got me fat in the first place. I obsess over things until I have them built up in my mind so huge that everything else in my life falls to pieces. I thought I had that licked. But I guess this is so new, that I reverted back to old habits.

SOOOOOO......starting today. It's back to having a life beyond my book! I will exercise today and every day, got to got to. I have a costume that has to get started and I have to rehearse because I have performances coming up in Feb, March, April and June! Gotta stop obsessing. Everything I've ever obsessed over, I burned out and dropped completely. Can't let that happen here.

For my birthday today, we're going to a friends house to play games. We're not going out to eat, which is unusual. My friend, who is aware of the dieting , is making me a nice healthy soup. Not having to cook is the big reward of the day!

Guess I'm just a rambling now.....


I'll be joining you next Friday!

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Old 01-15-2005, 08:23 AM   #9  
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like everyone has been doing great! I have decided not to weigh in til mext Friday.

Amanda, I am proud of the choices that you are making. Keep it up and remember that small steps are nest.

Faye, 10lbs. You go girl. That is a great loss for you. By the way my goal for the year is 50 lbs. Can't remember if I have told you that or not. Still having trouble with the ticker so I am going to get around to taking it off of my signature.

Julie, I can relate to having to get things in my mind and blow it up. Look at it this way at least you have acknowledged it and are working to reslove it.

Getting ready to go back to bed. The article about lack of rest and weight gain has really hit home so I am aiming to get ample rest. Going to get in bed talk to everyone later.

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Old 01-15-2005, 08:56 AM   #10  
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Hi girls,

Guess what...... I MESSED UP!!!!

I just lost the plot due to my period arriving and I had a surge of hormones and felt absolutely rotten - so I ordered a pizza. Then I felt rotton yesterday aswell, so I thought 'f*** it' and ordered another one!

I don't think any of this would have happened if we hadn't had that first pizza on saturday - before that, we'd not had one for weeks and I had really lost the taste for them. But now I've set up the craving all over again! I think that this has just proved to me that takeaway pizza is a 'trigger food' for me - and I am best to steer clear completely. Homemade pizza's I'm okay with - but I'm really annoyed with myself for losing it completely with the Domino's!

BUT I am not going to beat myself up about this! I am thankful that I caught it early and have not gone into full binge mode. I will just pick myself up and refocus on why I am doing this.......and not mention the P word for a very long time!


May this year bring you all your hearts desires!

CARRI AND FAYE - Congrats on the pounds down - you have both done really well!

NIKKI - Hope your good mood stays with you!

Love Amanda x
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Old 01-15-2005, 09:55 AM   #11  
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Julie: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIRL! HOPE YOU HAVE A SUPER DUPER ONE! Don't stress about it. You can't become obsessed with weight loss either so you need to work on the obsession part more than anything (like the nut here can talk, right??? )

SandyG: Put your stats for the year into our group ticker so you are all set to lose 50 big ones this year!!!!!!

Amanda: I know I sound like a broken record, but I am telling you from experience if you have something you can't seem to control, you HAVE to get it out of your life permanently. I had not had a single regular soft drink in over 2 years and a couple months ago, I went out to lunch and had a coke and man I went down hill from there. I started buying them and drinking them again back up to where I was scarfing a 6 pack a day again. I just can't handle them and have to keep them totally out of my life. Now, like you can handle homemade, I can handle diet without binging on it so I would suggest having lower fat ingredients for homemade pizza on hand for when the urge hits and force yourself to get off the couch and make yourself one if you absolutely have to have one.

Ok, here is my sunny thought. Involves the dopey love of my life. Remember I told you he was taking the car in today because it still wasn't running right? Welllllll, he just called a few minutes ago and said it needed new spark plugs and that when he changed those things that go over the spark plugs a couple weeks ago, he threw out one of the new ones and put one of the old ones back on! Ya, gotta love him, he can take apart a computer or tv or anything electronic and fix it, but cars....... So, the mechanic did a nice thing. The diagnostic cost us $100 so he halved that and then charged us for the other part. At least my car is going to be working right again, yahoo and it is going to the fancy car wash when he gets home. I used to take it about every two weeks or so but with it running rough I haven't taken it in a long time. I want my beautiful car back!

Oh, I have a WTG and boy haven't had one of these in a long time. We went out to eat last night and instead of deep fried mushrooms and shrimp and fries and crap, I had some cold raw shrimp, grilled fish, rice and broccoli for dinner! I have never gone out to eat and really ate totally correctly. It is pretty awesome for me to be totally back on track again.

Gotta go and get breakfast. It is yogurt and fruit day for me. Everyone have a great weekend. (oh and because I was afraid my weight loss was going to disappear, I weighed myself this morning again just to make sure and lost another two lbs! )

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Old 01-15-2005, 10:51 AM   #12  
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Hey girls!
Just wanted to check in real quick before I go get my job back at the park. Yesterday was awesome! I went to the mall and tried on clothes at American Eagle....and they fit!! This is huge for me! I have never once in my life been able to wear clothes that are targeted at my age group!! Oh and I am down another two pounds! I got a call from one of my friends/kind of boss from the park at like one in the morning and he was like...hopefully you'll get promoted. So I am hoping my high from yesterday continues today and things go well. Alright I gotta start heading my way over there.
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Old 01-16-2005, 06:15 AM   #13  
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SUNDAY: Today is SIlly Poll Sunday and our Silly Poll this week is, do you now or have you ever had a nickname? Something given to you by classmates or parents, spouse or significant other....

Nikki: There is nothing better to get you going than a nice shopping trip where you find clothes to fit that didn't before. Glad you had a good time and hope things with work come out well for you.

As for the poll, my grandma always called me Donnie Say (Donna Faye), my mother however, never ever even called me Donna. She only called me Modonna and I have always hated that name. Don't forget I was a Beatles era girl so I got called Lady Madonna in jr high school and the guys always made a big deal of the "baby at your breast" thing. Junior High maturity you know! (Nikki, everyone here knows that I use my middle name because of a harrassment thing I had a couple years ago here)

I will check in later girls. We had a long day yesterday with getting the car fixed then shopping practically all day so I was pretty pooped by the end of the day. Neat thing is, I had a piece of toast for breakfast, a half of a half roast beef sub with lett tom and br must for lunch and a peanut butter sand for dinner. I was just too tired to eat much and glory hallelueh I wasn't even hungry! Such a miracle.

Everyone have a wonderful Sunday

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Old 01-16-2005, 09:04 AM   #14  
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Good morning ladies!

Well, yesterday was pretty much a bust...but it was my birthday, so who cares! I did eat pretty healthy, played games all day with friends, and they made me a small bundt cake from there wasn't nearly the calories as one of those grocery store ones. Plus, I played around on her new elliptical trainer for a I did get SOME exercise in The kids are finishing the last of the cake now, so I'm right back on track!

AND--my official new favorite snack is homemade dried apples! They are so sweet and tasty and since i make them myself, they have no preservatives or added sugars. DH is getting me one of those old-fashioned spiral apple peeler/corer makes cutting those suckers so quick! I can core and slice an apple for the dehydrator in 2.2 seconds!!! BTW, if you haven't tried dehydrating stuff yourself, it's really easy and cheap! I make jerky when we go camping and the dried fruit is awesome (the dried stuff in the store is always loaded with extra sugar and chemicals that you don't need). You can get dehydrators at wallmart for like, $20.

So, I'm back to work on the book today, and I will get some exercise too.

Amanda--you have officially designated a trigger food.......congratulations! We all have 'em. Mine is pasta (a GUARANTEED 2 pound gain, no matter how little I eat) I can eat the sauces on ten pounds of veggies, as long as I don't put the noodles in. Oh, and cookies! I love cookies.........can't have em in the house. DOn't worry about it, and move on.

Nikki--Hope we hear good news about your job soon! And congrats on the clothes

Faye--Woo hooooo for you! You are on a roll baby! Keep it up!

Everybody else have a super day!

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Old 01-16-2005, 09:59 AM   #15  
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Hey Yall
So I went to work yesterday...and I went through three different interviews for the was nerve wracking...I wont know for another week or two if i got it, but everyone in my department (including the people I am going up against) seem to be really pulling for me to get this. AND last season I was dating this guy in a different department and I got to be friends with his supervisor and yesterday I ran into the sup. as I was waiting around for my next interview. So I was joking with him and I was like, so you're going to hook me up with a job right? and he was like..."yeah, I will actually, give me a call in about a week and a half." He was dead serious. The people in his dept make $4.25 more an hour than I made last season. sweet. It was really nice to see all the people I worked with was like going back to school after summer vacation.
I have thousands of nicknames...nikki is one of them. Officer Nyx was a big one because my junior year in high school at the freshman orientation me and my friend dressed up like hall monitors and scared the mess out of the new kids. Beyond that the big ones are Nickster, Snickers, Nikathalia, Nickerbocker, Nick, basically if it has the "nic" sound in it anywhere Ive been called it...and my entire life people have sung "hey nikki youre so fine youre so fine you blow my mind hey nikki." to me thinking they were clever and orginal to switch Mickey out for nikki.
Julie-Sounds like you had a fun birthday!
Faye-You've really been on track lately!! Thats so awesome!!
Well girls, Im outta here. Have a great day!
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