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Old 10-09-2004, 09:52 PM   #46  
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It was really beautiful in Wisconsin today. The two grandaughters that I was taking care of today and I took subs sandwiches out to DH and the the guys who are building the road through our woods. We walked as far as the road is built into the woods. I have lived here for 40 years and have never been that far into our woods before. It is really pretty in there with all the fall colors. They are building a road because they make wood in the winter for our wood burners, cause gosh knows our winters are cold.

Charlotte it is good to see you back posting with us. I don't have insomnia, I am stressed our right now and am having trouble sleeping is all. I respect someone that wants to be in the medical profession. All my daughters are and my DIL is a veternarian. I personally would rather faint than look at a wound.

Got a very nice thank you note (letter) from DD in Point today. I miss not being there with her and Adam, but they are getting along fine now.

Sheila, hope Dad is doing better, and hope that DH brought good news home from his meeting in Boise.

Sunny, I am sure you are busy with your church and your friends.

Puss, miss you more than chocolate

Have a good Sunday everyone!!!!!!

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Old 10-11-2004, 04:46 PM   #47  
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Bluet, how cool to be able to go to a place that you've just been able to view for the last 40 years. I'm so glad that your daughter is doing so much better now that Adam is home. Just wait for that first tooth or cold! I remember freaking out at the first sign of illness. Did I ever mention that I almost moved to Madison because I visited one summer and loved it? Reading that winter weather report in the newspaper stopped me cold (pun intended!).

Hey, Charlotte, what's up with that computer? Strange how it was okay until you tried 3FC. Glad you're feeling better now. Hope the treatment lasts a long time. I remember going through all the stuff here first when my Mom died, and then when my Dad moved to assisted living (before moving back). In fact, in the days I was with my Mom before she died, we went through her jewelry boxes and through photo albums. She really enjoyed it, too, although she got pretty tired. I'm so sorry about your FIL. That must be really hard for your DH as well as you. Where is your FIL? Still at home, or at a facility?

Speaking of Dads, mine was just awful yesterday. I mean, AWFUL! His paranoia has started up again, and now he's mixing all sorts of stuff up in his head. I need him to go back on the behavior drug, but I'm not sure how to get him to go back. I called the Senior Services who recommended I call the Altzheimer's Association. My Dad has dementia, but I guess the Alzheimer's Assoc. deals with that, too. Anyway, I need to talk to his doctor and get him to get my Dad to go back on the meds. I feel guilty, but I can't take the stress, and it's doing a number on my DH, too, since my Dad is really creepy to him when he's having one of his "spells." DH and I both need to learn how to deal with Dad and not feeling like we're walking on eggshells. It's like having a teenager again--you never know what mood they'll be in when they come down for dinner and what will set them off. Unfortunately, we can't treat my Dad, who has a legitimate illness, like we'd treat the teenager.

Sorry to dwell so much on it. On the plus side, even though I was horribly upset yesterday, I didn't eat any of the leftover birthday cake (my son turned 26 on Saturday). I was pretty darn proud of myself! I told my DH today that he needed to eat that remaining piece immediately because I wasn't sure how long my "won't power" would last.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday. The sun has started to break through the clouds and the rest of the day is supposed to be beautiful. I still have old green bean vines to take down so I guess I'd better get started.
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:32 PM   #48  
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I am so sorry that you and DH are having a difficult time with Dad right now. Even though I don't know how to help you, I am not knowledgeable about alzheimers or dementia to advise you, I feel deeply for you. I hope it helps to know that someone cares and wishes you were not so upset.

I am signing on early, for me, because the kids next door are going to the Packer game tonight and DH and I are babysitting for the the three grandchildren next door. DD promised to have them fed and their baths done and their homework done before she and SIL leave for Green Bay, which will make me happy, because I am tired when I get home from work. The grandkids are staying over night and DD is picking them up in the morning to get them ready for school. Of course the baby won't go to school. DD is off tomorrow so it will be easier for her to pick the kids up in the morning, and we can all go to bed tonight instead of waiting up for the kids to get home. I wonder why they start Monday Night Football so late? It is even an hour later on the east coast which makes absolutely no sense to me.

Charlotte, that is really a cool plan you have for the children's Christmas gifts. They will really appreciate it.

Sunny, how did your weekend go? Hope your tummy is doing o.k.

Take care all......

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Old 10-12-2004, 08:38 AM   #49  
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Well, I made it, again. I couldn't post, again, yesterday! This thing is driving me crazy! Talking about crazy.........I must really be more stressed out than I even knew. I went to the TV Station to work awhile yesterday. DH didn't have any work, so he was home. He called me later, & asked if I was the one that put Butter Beans in the crockpot for supper. (our son lives here, & cooks, sometimes.) I told him I did. He said there was a paper towel in it!!!! My goodness,, tell me.......what's this a sign of????????? I remember wiping the lid, after getting it out of the dishwasher. It must have fell in, & I just didn't notice. He thought it was funny.

Sheila, I am so sorry about your dad. I know how stressfull it must be. You may be forced to do something. We're facing that decision with DH's dad. He's still at home. He keeps everyone there up all night, though. Seeing people that aren't there. Imagining all kinds of things. It hurts so bad. As I've said, he was the strength of the Borden family. We all depended on him for advice & his wisdom, & love him so much. He may have to go to a facility for his (& other's) on safety. You may have to make that decision, also. I know it can make you feel guilty. I felt that way about my mother. Once she was there, though, I saw how much better off she was. They're equipped to handle situations better. Mother is much happier....going down really fast, now, though. I'm glad my step-dad decided to go in with her.

Yes, we've enjoyed going through all the pictures, & different items we've found. It has helped with the things I lost in the fire. Also, one of the things I valued most was found, & I got to keep it. My dad's camera. He'd had it since before I was born. Every time the family went out anywhere, he had it hanging around his neck. So precious to me!

The kids BETTER appreciate those albums, Bluet! It sure is a lot of work! I really didn't realize how much work would be involved, with all the scanning...resizing...etc. Also, one thing leads to another...I keep getting new ideas. It's labor of love, though.

I've gotta go. Hope you all have a great day. I sure do miss Fatpuss!

Hello to everyone!
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Old 10-12-2004, 06:56 PM   #50  
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Meeeee... with our Autumn Decorations *~*~* A Closer Look

Good Evening Gals!

Hi Bluet ~ I am so sorry to read how much you are going through at work! I was just catching up with all the posts and it is heart-breaking to see you suffer so much there! I so wish I could take that away from you and you could have a better place to work in. I will keep you in prayer that you will find a better workplace or that things get better in this one. (((Hugs)))

I am doing great... all is going well with me!!! Aren't you sweet for asking. I haven't been ill with constant pain in about 6 days now!!! Hoorayyyyyyyyyy! I still feel a bit tired, but I am not in constant pain! And moving regularly if you know what I mean (double yeah!). I think I am tired because I am so very busy these days and not getting nearly enough sleep. Gotta work on that...

Yes, I do favor pastels... it is relaxing for me and I need to stay as calm as possible in all ways. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed the pictures and like my decorating. My father is very talented and sells his painting in Maine privately. He has done very well for himself... selling some as high as $500.00 - $550.00. I have two of his paintings in my home. I am very proud of him. He loves bright, vivid, true colors as you can see.

Hi Sheila ~ Awwweeee, I am so very sorry to read about your Dear Father taking a turn for the worse I don' think you should feel badly for doing what you must to care for him. Sometimes, we do what we have to - even though it doesn't feel good. I remember all we had to go through with Joe's father, it broke our hearts to have to take his things away from him to move him into a smaller space at a nursing home, but once we moved him in and he got such good care we knew it was all for the best. After about a week or so he accepted the move and even enjoyed the company and care he received. None of us had the space in our homes to care for him (or I would have in a heartbeat!). Your father is blessed to have you taking care of him, so that he doesn't have to move. But those meds are something he obviously needs to stay as well as possible, please don't feel guilty. You are doing the very best you can!

Hooray for you getting in your exercise lately & resisting that cake (that is so tough sometimes!) I see you have been enjoying the weather... good for you. As far as exercise... I walk everyday (if I can) now and am enjoying the weather here too! As of yesterday I am not going to Curves anymore right now. They have put me on Medical Hold and if I decide I am able to go back next year I will begin again at the same locked in price I signed up for, but as of yesterday they will not be charging me any longer. She also said she was going to see if I could get reimbursed for last month ~ being I only went once. I was so pleased to hear that. I just think it's too much for me right now and I need this time to heal up completely... I am doing great with just the walking everyday & watching my diet. I have been a very good girl and have been richly rewarded with almost pain free days.

I am glad you like my pictures also, it means allot to me to hear everyone's input... especially when you like what I have done... I am rather insecure in that way. I just do what brings warmth and comfort into our home.

Angel ~ Your paper towel story was very funny!!!! I hope that stress leaves you real soon, but at least you don't have to worry about the fiber intake

I am sorry to hear that you are having so many problems with your pc... I think some of it may not be you, but this site! I too have times when I lose everything or cannot get on 3fatchicks. That's why I save everything I write on my pc notebook... this way all I have to do is copy and paste when I lose it here.

Glad you enjoyed the pictures too... sure I would love to come over and help you with your home decor when the time comes!! You aren't that far away you know!!! You are just too funny... I won't be that old... you will get your home done soon, you'll see. Bet you get allot done this coming Spring into Summer now that things are settled with Maytag. Renovating takes so long to begin with and then with you having problems with Maytag - it only made things worse for you.



Joe & I had a wonderful weekend!! We were gat-abouting all day Saturday visiting family at a birthday party (no cake for me either, Sheila!) and had dinner out with our friends (I was very careful too and didn't get sick!). And Sunday after church we went to breakfast with our friends and then we came home rested for about an hour. Then we went out to work in the yard. We went out at around 1:30 and finished at around 6:30... got all our weeds pulled, the perennials cut down and put the yard decorations away (most of them - had to leave the birdbath out for our friends till at least November ).

Well gals... the boss is home from work and I have to get dinner put on the table. Please know that I hold you all close in my prayers always!!! That goes for you too Puss!!!

*God Bless*

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Old 10-12-2004, 11:52 PM   #51  
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Hello all!

Hee I am back again. The past few months have been so hectic I just don't know where the time has gone.
We finally got my MIL moved into the nursing home. We then had to clean out her apartment...its amazing how much can accumulate in 30 years. After the move I had our 2 grandsons for 2 weeks. Busy Busy!!
Then it was on to the yard sale for both my MIL and DM which took up another 2 weeks. After the yard sale I had the misfortune of dislocating my hip!! I am finally back to semi-normal and able to do a few more things but still in physio. We have also had company on and off through August and September.

My what a summer !!

I have been reading some of the posts I have missed and am up to the last 2 threads
so I have more reading to to get fully caught up. It looks like everyone has had a busy summer as well. I just thought I would let you know I am still here and have been thinking about you all even though I have been MIA.

I will try to get all caught up the next few days.

Good to be back !!
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Old 10-13-2004, 05:18 AM   #52  
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Smile Welcome Back!!!!

Our tree here in NE, Ohio

Good Autumn Morning Gals!!
Buuuurrrrrrrrrr... chilly day here in Ohio! I woke up to 34* this morning!


Welcome Back Jacquie ~ It is so good to see you again! I know we don't know one another very well... but maybe this time we will have a chance to I am glad to hear that all is going well with your DMIL and her move. How is she accepting the move?

Aweeee, I am so sorry to hear of your hip!! Ouch!! Is it therapy you are doing to recover? I do hope that you begin to feel better soon and that the exercise is helping you.

Looking forward to getting to know you, Jacquie.
God Bless.


Have a Great Day Gals!!!

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Old 10-13-2004, 09:27 AM   #53  
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So good to hear from you, Jacquie!! I've been wondering about you. I hope your MIL is doing well. We just went through the same thing with my step-dad. He decided, suddenly, he would go in with my mother. They share a room, & has turned out well. Only, my sister & I had to get the appt cleared out by the end of September! Neither of us are in good health, so it really took a toll on us. Then, we had to get everything of their's & our dad's (deceased) out of storage, he had rented...also, by the end of September. It was nice going through some of the things...especially of our dad's, but so much work! We ended up throwing out a lot of things, & most of the rest is boxed up & stacked in my "under construction" house.
So sorry about your hip. Hope it's all better now. Maybe things will slow down a little, & you can get some rest.

Hi Sunny...beautiful pictures! I'm glad you're feeling better. I know it must be hard having to watch everything that you eat. I can't hardly do that when I'm on a diet, much less, continually. I suppose we do what we have to, though, huh?! You must be very desciplined. (I know I mispelled it, tried several ways. )
I'm working on a picture album for my children for Christmas. Really enjoying it...but, gee, it's a lot of work! Gotta scan the pics...fix the pages, etc. They had better appreciate it! I'm finding myself really "caught up" in it, sometimes, though. Projects like this can be very interesting. I remembered not having any pics of our family after I got married. Mother gave most of them to our older sister(??).....we hardly ever hear from her. So, I wanted to make sure our kids had plenty of all of us.

Well, I've got to get ready to go to the TV Station. I hope all of you have a beautiful day!
Fatpuss........PLEASE POST!!!

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Old 10-13-2004, 10:02 PM   #54  
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Hi, all!

Jacquie, welcome back! It's so wonderful to see you here! Dislocating your hip? Sounds painful. I'm glad you're doing better now. Sounds like you had an incredibly busy summer. Time to take it easy, right?

Hi to Charlotte, SunnyD, and Bluet! I'm not going to stay on long because I'm tired. Will get back tomorrow. Beautiful day here in the Northwest--70 degrees and sunny. I've got to take advantage of it and get some yardwork done before the rains start this weekend.
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Old 10-13-2004, 10:43 PM   #55  
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Jacquie, how nice to see you posting again, very nice to see you back. You really had a busy summer. Dislocating your hip sounds mighty painful.

Sunny, who is that pretty girl sitting on your porch? Looks like a sixteen year old waiting for her date for the homecoming game. Your decorations look absolutely apropos for fall.

Charlotte, paper towel in the soup, must have had your mind on more important things. Now I don't feel so bad, when I do something like that.

Sheila, I have to get out in the garden one more time too. We are suppose to have temps in the 30's and 40's this week with a slight chance of snow flurries . The Green Bay grandkids are coming down to go to a pumpkin patch on Saturday to pick out some pumpkins. Never fails, should have taken them last Saturday, but we were into road building. Always something.

I am still recovering from Monday night, grandaughter next door slept in my bed and she kicked me to pieces in her sleep, so I got very little sleep. Went to bed early last night, but still am tired this evening.

Tomorrow night is Survivor and CSI. DH isn't into Survivor this time, he said it is too many people to try to remember. He is busy studying for a test every night, that he has to take on Friday in Green Bay. He will be his old self after the test is over.

Have a good Thursday, everyone, take care of yourselves you are very important to me.

Hey Puss, miss you more than chocolate and a good glass of wine!!!! Have'nt had any chocolate or wine for a year and a half now.

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Old 10-14-2004, 04:59 PM   #56  
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Our trees here in NE, Ohio
Picture taken by Moi

Good Afternoon Gals!
Whew! I feel better! This morning I spent two hours paying bill's and trying to locate a large payment that was missing... we found out that hubby forgot to mail it Luckily I was ahead with it, so no biggie He also had two birthday cards that were to be mailed with that payment... now I feel so much better knowing where they went to. He gets so upset with himself when that happens, but hey... it does. When I stop making mistakes then I can get upset with him... in the meantime, I guess I can be understanding He feels better too now that we have found them.

Today, our weather is a bit chilly and wet, but it has been so nice lately I am not gonna complain...

I went to see the movie *Shark Tales* with a friend yesterday and found it to be VERY COLORFUL!!! Awesome to see what they can do today with the animation!! It was a cute movie.

Tomorrow, Joe is taking the day off and we are taking our 3 boys to the vets for check-ups and their shots. Joe likes to go with me... they are his kids too Really, Guido & Zeppe are very heavy and I cannot go alone and they hate going one without the other - so this works best. Then I think we are just going grocery shopping tomorrow cuz we cannot go on Saturday as usual. Then Joe has to go to his chiro. at 4:00 --- he pulled a muscle in his back at work the other day and now will be going there for a few treatments. He said he was feeling better already just after one treatment.


Bluet ~ You sure do know how to make a person's day!!!! Awwwe to be 16 again... NOT! I like where I am today... well, minus the aches and pains that is. I wouldn't want to be a teen today but I sure don't mind looking that young Thanks!!

I am so glad that we got our gardens done this past Sunday... we have a few things to do yet, but nothing to be concerned over. Joe does want to put up our Christmas lights before the cold sets in... I sure do hope we have another warm weekend before Thanksgiving week. And we still haven't gotten our windows washed yet either

Yeahhhh... tonight is my favorite night too! I really enjoy the shows *Survivor * CSI * WITHOUT A TRACE * & ER*. I always tape the 10:00 shows, but then stay awake to watch one of them... I know I know... silly me!

Hi Sheila ~ So glad to hear that you are enjoying the beautiful Sunny weather there! I see that your Mt. St. Helen's is still a little steamy!! OOoooo

Hey there Angel ~ My favorite purple in that rose! I am a February baby and Amethyst is my birthstone - that purple reminds me of Amethyst... really pretty! Thanks! Glad you liked the pictures. So much fun to have a place to share them

You know Charlotte, in the beginning it was real hard to watch my diet and what I could eat and sometimes when I see others enjoying a dessert I feel a little sorry for myself... but most times I do just fine, I do better then I thought I would. I tell you... I would rather do without the sweets then endure that kind of pain, you know.

I know what you mean about making that album!!! When I did the one for Joe's 50th birthday (whew!) it took allot of time... so I can only imagine the time and talent it is taking you to do those albums for your kids. I am sure they are going to LOVE them!!!! *Have fun doing them* there are so many fun things to add to the albums now ~ with all the card embellishments and scrapbook stuff they sell at the craft centers! I go crazy in there! Many times I wish I had my own craft room to do projects ~ I think I would do more! It is so hard to do without the space. I wish you the best in getting them done, I know they will be beautiful!!!


Time for me to get dinner made for my hubby and I
You have a wonderful evening gals!!!
*Gods Blessings Always*

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Old 10-14-2004, 05:06 PM   #57  
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Oh Angel ~ I was wondering how your DD and her family was doing after that storm... is everything coming together for them? They have been on my mind lately. Is there any way I can help them??


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Old 10-14-2004, 08:20 PM   #58  
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SunnyD, thanks for sharing the great photos of your porch and of you. You definitely have a sunny smile! Also love the fall leaves photo that you took. Is that part of your yard or some place near your house? Hey, everyone screws up the bills once in a while, and at least you found it before it was due. I still remember when we were trying to buy our first home. We had a credit card balance and were paying it off before we got the home loan. I wrote the check and mailed it in time, but then it was returned because the written out part didn't match the numbers. Dang! Of course, then I got a late fee and interest because by the time it came back to me, the due date was past.

My DH and I always take our animals to the vet together, too. When you have more than one, it's such a struggle to get their carriers out of the car and into the vet's office by yourself. When we had 4 dogs and 3 cats, it was quite interesting taking them all to the vet's office. We would end up with 5 carriers and two dogs on leashes. Always had to make two trips from the car. Now that we only have 3 cats and 1 dog, all in carriers (the dog is the smallest animal), it's a lot easier.

Gotta love Thursday TV. I usually watch Without a Trace on reruns--don't know why I don't just tape it. In addition to CSI and ER, I watch Landscaper's Challenge on HGTV. I'm not a Survivor fan, but I do kind of like Extreme Makeover. It's pretty incredible what the surgeons can do for those people.

Charlotte, the kids will love those photo albums. My friend also did something that was pretty cool. She took artwork that her kids had given her when they were in grade school and framed it. The now adult kids really loved that gift. I'm sure every parent has some artwork saved in a box somewhere. When my DH turned 50, I put together a photo collage of each decade of his life, and then had that on the wall at his surprise party. I also put individual photos on candy bar wrappers and gave them out as favors. Everyone got a big kick out of that.

Bluet, snow?? Not yet! When do you usually have your first snow? When we lived in Colorado, the first snow was always around September 12, and the last snow was always around May 12. That doesn't leave much in between. The pumpkins patch sounds fun. Hope it doesn't snow so you can have a great time.

I'm such a meanie that I would never let kids sleep with me for that very reason. I love my sleep! I hope that you aren't too bruised up.

Instead of working in the yard, which I should have done, we took the dog and walked down on the beach. The blue water, the warm sun, the ferries traveling back and forth to the island--it was wonderful! I told my dog that was his last walk until spring. Probably not true, but the forecast is for rain for the next week. I've been saving all my inside projects like balancing the checkbook, putting recipes in order and the big one, cleaning my desk, for the rainy days.

Happy Thursday!
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Old 10-14-2004, 10:33 PM   #59  
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Well, I am catching up on the laundry tonight. Started right after supper and have the last load in the washer now. Ran back and forth from the Family Room to the Laundry Room during commercials, so I wouldn't miss Survivor or CSI. I don't have any favorites on Survivor this time yet, perhaps Scout, she is a very nice lady, but not any of the others yet. CSI is getting too gruesome, I am not sure I can keep on watching it. DH usually does the laundry in the morning before I get up, I know I am unusually lucky , but he has been studying for his test that he takes tomorrow and hasn't had time to do the laundry, so it has been piling up.

Sounds like they are going to be building that road again on Saturday. It is suppose to be cold, but I guess it will be ok in the woods. We can get snow anytime from October to next spring, but most of the snow we get comes in December, January and February. I know none of you know this, but I hate winter!

I am going to cut this short tonight, I have a load of towels to fold yet and then I need to get to bed. You know work and all tomorrow.

Take care....bye for now.

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Old 10-14-2004, 11:56 PM   #60  
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Hi all!

I haven't had much time to get caught up on all the posts for the summer yet....had a busy day with 2 assisted living homes to go to. I have still been doing my DM's laundry but finally gave it was too much work bringing it all home. I finally decided I have to make things as easy as I can... so I can have some time for myself!!

The past few weeks the weather has just been beautiful the nicest fall we have had for a few years but today cooled down and I think we are in for some snow on the weekend ...hopefully it won't last. Tomorrow I will have my GD for the morning then have a stay at home day to get caught up on a few things. The diet has gone by the wayside for the summer. I haven't gained but haven't lost either. I started back at the pool yesterday so... maybe that plus being back posting will get me motivated again.

Just wanted to touch base with everyone ..... time to turn in its been a long day!

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