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Old 07-15-2004, 08:22 AM   #1  
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Post StaY AT HomE MomS...#216!!!

Welcome all to a thread full of wonderful women taking on the responsibilty of raising a family and trying to take care of themselves too. Please feel free to jump right in a say hello and to all you regular posters I look forward to another wonderful day with you!
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Old 07-15-2004, 08:25 AM   #2  
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Good Morning Ladies! I hope everyone is doing well. I'm doing ok, not great this week. I am trying hard to watch what I'm eating. I know this sounds strange, but I got thrown off with this computer down. Anyway, I have to get my butt in gear and get movin. I hope everyone has a great day! TTYAL.
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Old 07-15-2004, 08:29 AM   #3  
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Good Morning Ladies...
How was everyone's night? Mine was okay, I was exhausted yesterday after having those dern kids. I'll tell you, they are pure spoiled, now the 3 month old is spoiled like most infants are, but she is also a cranky baby, doesn't sleep much, just takes cat naps all day and that's how Ally and Andrew always were so I can deal with that. But the 18 month old, they must do EVERYTHING for her because she wouldn't do anything for herself, just throw a fit until it was done for her. But they let the 10 year old daughter pretty much mama her so that leaves little the real mama has to do.
Off that now, today is a busy busy day. I've got to get my mom's cabinets ordered, I've got to go to Mardel's, a book store, and get some school curriculum they have on sale and stop by my mom's work and leave some Avon and Watkins books. I'm sure we'll have to get lunch in the car and I've also got to deliver some Watkins and Avon to my MIL.
Spryng, how was your day? How is your cold?
Melinda, glad to see you drop in!!!
Michelle, you're doing awesome with your exercise, keep it up.
Hi to the rest of you. We are gonna know by next Tuesday if we are building or moving so I will let you all know how that is decided and the outcome as soon as I know. Hopefully sooner, but I'm not sure.
Well, I'm gonna get ready to start breakfast, I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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Old 07-15-2004, 09:48 AM   #4  
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Smile Morning Ladies

How did everyone sleep?I slept ok.Still did'nt go to sleep till after 11 but thats better than 1am which is when I normally get to sleep.I feel pretty good this morning.I had a jelly biscuit and some grits for breakfast.Now i'm going to catch up on house work and get some exercise in.I'll check in on you chickies later.--Have a great day girls.
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Old 07-15-2004, 09:51 AM   #5  
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Rise and Shine!

How is everyone doing this morning!

Thanks to the lovely ladies on here... I am beat!

It was wonderful talking to you last night! We always have a great time! Let us know how the ww points goes today.

I say we plan a weekend meeting. But like I said not until 2008 so I'll be skinny! Hope you had a good night and got some rest! MIL called bright n early and woke me up!

Have a good day! Hope you got in some rest!

Glad you got in some rest. 11 is still late! Hope you get in your exercise today! Have a good one!

What about our challenge? It sounds like we need one!

Hope you get all your running done today. Have a great day!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Melinda, Leigh, Cindi, Kirsten, Doulachic, Ginny, Ricci, Jaymi, Candy (Hi if you are still around) and anyone else I missed! Luv ya all!
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Old 07-15-2004, 09:57 AM   #6  
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Penny, Yes a challange sounds great. Send me a private email and we'll talk.
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Old 07-15-2004, 10:20 AM   #7  
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good morning ladies!!

Penny I had a blast last night too!!! Us women are wild and crazy!!! I promise I'll drop your note in the mailbox this morning

Spryng you are such a riot girly!! I loved chatting we should definately try to do it more often!! I'm gonna be looking for some good low point casseroles for ww today I'll let you know how it goes!!

Geri - I am so glad that you could join us in chat last night you always crack me up!! I hope you can do it again!!

Ricci so glad that you were able to chat as well!! Maybe we can find a time that everyone can make it lol YEAH RIGHT!! lol Hope your day goes well!

Kristen you too girly!! Chat was a blast and hope we can do it again soon!! No more burger lust girly stay far far away from the burgers don'tcha know the smell is hypnotic

Mel hope everything goes well for you today!! How was the day at your grandmothers!!

Crystal I can't wait to hear about your house!! How is your mothers kitchen coming along?

Melinda so glad you could pop in even for just a short post Let us know how your WI goes!!

Ginny are you still running around crazy? You are always so busy, but I'm glad you make time to come say hello to us all!!

Tricia where are you girly?

Di how bout you? Are you on your trip? I can't remember when you were going on vacation lol

Leigh any big plans today? I think we'll spend the day inthe pool again!! Woo hoo!!

Cindi!!!!!!!! What happened to the healthful snacks? girl I woulda brought brownies with chocolate fudge icing or something lmao no worries I hope you enjoyed it though, you know the rule: If you fall off the horse, pick yourself up dust off and get back on!!

Man oh man our group has grown quite large I hope I didn't leave anyone out but I'm sure I did and I'm sooo sorry!!!!!! Blame my head and not my heart!! Well I'm gonna get stuff ready for the day!! I will TTYL!!!
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Old 07-15-2004, 10:36 AM   #8  
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Hi! I am up early todya. I am so pumped, after getting so frusteratred yesterday with Potty training, I think she is getting into it. We have only wet our pull-up/panties, one time since yesterday morning! WOOO-HOO!!!! ANyway - just wanted to check in and say hola! Got lots to get done today, and I am feeling motiviated so I better get off hree and get something done!

BTW - it was so nice to talk to you last night, Michelle and Ricci! Sorry I had to go so quickly, that sorbet was awesome...passion fruit...mmmm

TTYL! hugs and love to you all!
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Old 07-15-2004, 11:15 AM   #9  
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Good morning all!!

Chat last night was so awesome! Thank you Penny, Michelle and Geri! Sorry I missed that that happened at 9 pm. My kids don't even go to bed until 9:15-9:30 pm and then I have to talk with Dh so I'll never get to chat before 10 pm. Last night Tanner went out at 8:45 so I got the other two in bed a little earlier. But that doesn't happen often. I didn't get in bed until 1 am, I thought I'd be a whole lot more tired today but I actually feel great! Tanner got up at 7:30 so I watched The amazing race that I taped from the other night and the ultimate love test, which was on last night this morning and now I'm here. So after I post here I'll start getting stuff done in my house. I didn't go tan last night, my cousin is sick so we are planning on tanning tomorrow evening. Which is fine with me. So I'll just be staying around the house today. What do you all planned? What is for dinner? Since it's the end of the week I'm running low... so maybe chicken burritos tonight or something simple.
I do have a confession to make, I went way over my pts yesterday. I never have a problem staying OP during the week but yesterday I was craving something sweet and my kids had me a little stressed so I caved and ate a candy bar (which put me over my pts by 2) so that wasn't so bad, but I didn't stop there, I also had icecream with chocolate syrup and carmel on it, which was probably another 6 pts or so. I'm not going to dwell on it too much but i'm not happy about it. Plus I haven't exercised at all this week and that drives me nuts. I just feel like I fail myself sometimes. I can do so much better I just choose not to and that is a lousy excuse to me. Ok, enough ranting about it, lol.

Penny, I don't know why you are so tired! LOL! Last night really did feel like a slumber party! We are definitely going to have to make plans to meet and have a girls night out! Would be so much fun with all of us. And NOT in 2008! LOL. You'll be at your goal weight long before then.

Angel, did you get some exercise in this morning? I am definitely going to try and get something in today too. Your grilling sounded interesting yesterday, lol. Don't feel bad about burning that bucket, I once put a oven mit in my oven (it stuck to the pan I was using and I didn't notice) and I burned it to a crisp. This wasn't so long ago, lol. So stuff happens, lol. And you are right, getting a good nights sleep is very very important. I took an online test yesterday about our age verses our oREAL age and I was happy to find out I am younger than I am! It said I was 23 years old because I live a healthy lifestyle. Here is the link it's kinda neat how certain things can make us older than what we are or younger.

Crystal, I'm sure you were exausted after yesterday. Hope you got that rub down for dh, My dh gives the best massages, even though I have to make a deal with him for it, lol. And I think my cold is gone. I took allergy pills for it yesterday afternoon and haven't had any problems since so maybe I nipped it for good. I hope so. Did you ever go look at houses? If so what did you find?

melinda, I would get thrown off if I didn't have my computer either, this site keeps me honest, lol. Glad you are back!

Geri, we loved being sassy with you too last night!! And did we talk about you after you left?? ABSOLUTELY!! LOL. But only good things, right penny, michelle? (*wink wink*) LOL.

Cindi, what did you make for your bible study?? Must have been good. Don't feel bad about not making something healthy though... there is always next time. And I am hoping like you to just maintain this week but I'm afraid I will see the scale go up tomorrow. O-well... it happens. Lets just be better for it. ok?

Michelle, if you get a trampoline it could be fun and exercise for you too! I just love those things and would like to get one next year too for the kids. A play house sounds great too! My kids would love that. What about a doll house? That is something they can keep forever. I want to get my dd a really nice one when she is about 5 or 6. One of those big wooden ones you can get at hobby lobby or someplace like that, right now she has several plastic ones she just loves, my ds does too, they will play for hours with them. And then of course there are barbies! My dd loves them too.

Leigh, what is that book Naked, about? Is it drama or funny or what? Did you find a new workout video you liked? Ricci bought the new denise austin one, with workut bands and she likes it alot. I want to get it too soon. I saw it on the other day. On the dvd you can do all of it or cut it into segments, which is what I love to do.

Kristin, you didn't blow your WI, you have all week now to work that burger off so I wouldn't worry about it. hey, I have a weakness for whoppers so I know how you feel. Thankfully there isn't a burger king in my town so I have to travel for it, lol. You got a pts calculator at a garage sale??! That is so great! I have the paper pts slider, I would love to get a calculator someday but they are so expensive even on ebay.

Jaymi, did you get that extra 60 min in?? Are you using weights when you work out? I just ask because if so, getting two hours of working out in each day can be building muscle and getting to 139 may take a little longer, not that it isn't worth it because you'll lose lots of inches it just may take longer for the scale to catch up. Just a thought. How tall are you? And I know what you mean about people saying to be happy with your weight. I'm at a very good weight but my body fat percentage is 31% and that means I'm still fat. So even though my BMI is good, I need to lose more fat not really more lbs. So I plan on stopping the weight loss when I get to 120 and then adding a few lbs of muscle on me, so I should be 125 when it's all over with and probably a size 6 or so. And yeah, dh said florida is wonderful. He's hoping that is where we get to go when I go with him. He got to take an air boat ride through the swamp yesterday and saw lots of alligators. He took pics so I can't wait to see them. If we do get to go back to Miami, I want to hit the beach and a boardwalk... that would be fun to me.

Well I guess I caught up with everyone, it's taken me over an hour to write this post because dh called in the middle of it, lol. So I'm sure after I hit send there will be more posts to reply too, lol. O-well. Talk to you really soon! LOL
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Old 07-15-2004, 11:15 AM   #10  
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Hey all, I'm so glad you all had a great time on chat last night. I'd like to get in on the next one.

Michelle, good luck with points today. You're doing great! My visit with my grandmother went well. It's the same thing every week. I bring her my left over grocery bags, so she can use them for her garbage, I take her to the bank, to the diner and to the store. I bring her home and chat with her about an hour and then I head home. By then the kids are pooped and need to rest. THey usually fall asleep on the way home. It's about a half an hour drive. She is 82 YO and she is mostly grumpy . I love her she so cute, even when grumpy.

Spryng, I hope you're feeling better today.

Cindi, Glad you had such a great time at your book club meeting. Don't worry about the snacks, today is a new day.

I took Abigail is ballet and gym last night for the first time. She absolutely LOVED it. I think we are going to end up sending her in the fall.....ughh. Another expense. Her school is going to cost us so much this year, since she will go 3 whole days instead of 2. Dance school I think is 50/month. YUK. At least next year we don't have to pay for her school, but then PJ starts. HE will only go two days though.

Anyway, HELLO to all of you ladies that I didn't get personal with. I will another time. Jaymi, I hope you're having a better food day/week.

Ok, one more thing. I had thought I was 207.5 when I wrote my signature, but I was really a yukky 212.5. I am happy to report a nice reduction from last week. Down to 209.00 this morning! 3.5lbs down. Must have been water mostly. As long as it goes down now.
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Old 07-15-2004, 11:21 AM   #11  
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ok, only two posts snuck in on me, lol

Michelle, I am not the riot, lol you are!!! You always make my day. I love your personality. Proud to call you a friend!! yes, definitely let me know how the casserole hunt goes, lol. I need ideas. Have fun in your pool today!

kristin, I am so glad you are excited about today! How old is your potty trainee?? Sounds like it's going well! That's one thing I don't look forward to but it's needed. At least I don't have to worry about potty training for at least one more year now, the other two have been done for a long time. only one more year of diapers! Sorry I missed you at the 9 pm chat! I would love to chat with you sometime soon to get to know you better. I know for sure, we have alot of fun posting here and we feel we know each other pretty well... but not until you can chat live with them do you REALLY get to know them, lol. It's always a blast.

Well, I've wasted my morning away again, lol. Guess I should get dressed and get cleaning. Have a great thursday all!!!
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Old 07-15-2004, 11:24 AM   #12  
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Melissa, you snuck in on me! LOL
Congrats on the 3# loss!! hey water weight is lbs lost which is great! I wish this town offered ballet and all that for my kids. There is nothing here. I would love Ava to be in dance or ballet or SOMETHING! LOL. But once they are in school there are lots of activities and sports to do, I'm sure I'll be busy then.

ok ok ! I really need to get off here! LOL. TTYL!
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Old 07-15-2004, 11:32 AM   #13  
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Default Thursday First Post

Hi! I've already had such a busy morning We went for or power walk in the park, I showered (always a great accomplishment), and ate. Last night I was at my first book club meeting - it was fun! Our next book is The Monk Downstairs, which got really good reviews on Amazon, though I've never heard of it before.

Angel- glad you got some exercise in and liked it That's sooo funny about burning a hole in the bucket!

Penny- Dh and I don't like leftovers either. I'd love to see pics of the boys with colored hair - how cute

Crystal- how sweet of DH to offer you a night of relaxation Can't wait to hear about the house.

Michelle- I always wanted a trampoline as a kid. But I always wanted a playhouse too so either she'll love, I'm sure. One of my friends found a plastic fisher price type playhouse in excellent condition on ebay for her little girl.

Melinda- we've missed you! Glad you're doing well. As for exercise in heat- you may want to try some videos - Liam will play by my feet for about 20 minutes or so and I can get a quick workout in (though I do have to pause now and then to put out fires).

Cindi- what did you bring to Bible study? Sounds good.

Geri- hope you slept well!

Mel- on being down in weight! don't worry too much - it sounds like you're trying hard to stay on track and will be back on top of things soon.

Spryng- as you know, I've been having a difficult couple of weeks and have been caving quite easily as well. So, I know exactly what you mean about giving in to cravings yesterday. Do your flexpoints cover that? It sounds like you know how to handle it, though, and just get back on track. Hmm- I'll have to look at a clip of the Denise Austin workout. I haven't quite decided on one yet. Naked is a humorous memoir.

Michelle- enjoy your time in the pool!

Kristin- have you gotten a lot done so far today?

Okay, I have a bunch of phone calls to make today TTYL!
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Old 07-15-2004, 11:58 AM   #14  
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ok ok .. so I haven't left this desk yet, lol. I did balance my checkbook and send that shipping payment to Melissa so I haven't been goofing off! LOL.
Leigh, no I have no flexpoints left so I'm just in the negative. I'll try to eat lighter today and stay under my target and get some exercise in and maybe I'll just maintain this week. But that is ok, because once I WI tomorrow my new flex rolls over and Burger King here I come! LOL... JK, lol. But I will eat out tomorrow, lol.
ok, I'm off here now... leaving this bedroom. I did get dressed, lol. TTYL!
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Old 07-15-2004, 01:12 PM   #15  
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Hey Ladies! Everyone sounds so upbeat today! That's great!

Bil will be here any minute from Hawaii. I am really excited to see Andrew's reaction to him. He has only seen him twice. And the boys have only seen him maybe 7 times in their live. Anyhow, I don't have much time to post.

But I did want to post a pic of the boys with their hair. Everyone in Wal-Mart thought Nicholas's hair was bleeding........ lol Too funny

Ok Leigh this one is for yoU!
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