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Old 05-20-2004, 01:06 PM   #121  
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Angry Y'know what my problem is? No caffeine.

Hallo, Queenly Queens.

Yes, I'm going decaf for the most part - ever since I've learned that the caffeine, antibiotics, preservatives that we consume and forth as waste are polluting good ol' Mama Earth. This is typical of me. I can give up meat and caffeine, fine, if the earth is affected, but giving something up 'cause it's no good for my body? Naaaah. Maybe if I tell myself that large food portions and no exercise affect the fragile ecosystem I'll actually get somewhere. Hmmm.

All right, then. Enough boo-hooing about the state of chaos my life is presently in. I'm going to start a list: "What Can Cerise Do To Feel Better and More In Control Of Her Life?" Then start ticking things off, I guess.

Kaylets, I'm continuing to send positive energy your way. Keep your chin up and exude all the best traits you possess: energy, matter-of-fact-ness, a curious mind, excellent intuition, strong will, and a kind heart. You're totally in!

Amarantha, I'm sorry that the dark clouds are hovering. I'm hoping for little beauties to catch your eye today, to gladden your heart. You are such a bright light to the rest of us - I hope that you'll receive support and joy in an equal measure. Here, have another banana:

Arabella, sounds good. Here's hoping that it's The Thing that resonates with you in just the right way, that it'll change your life and habits for good. I know we do that for ourselves, but pushes are essential. Hey, can you post that wellness checklist again? Please? Can I use it? Hmmm?

Eydie, "cock-chafer" sounds like some sort of husband-punishment. In fact, ... no, I'm not going any further with this line of thought. I hear you on wanting to eat everything in sight. Are you figuring out why? Do you think it's psychological, having to do with having "made it" into maintenance? Or, perhaps it's hormonal, perfectly natural...who knows. No fear - it's probably some sort of stage that will either wear off naturally or is something you can get to the bottom of and successfully fight off, right? We're all with you, dear.

wsw, thanks for your kind words. I hope that you're having a good day today, darling. How's life in your new place?

All right - I'm off to work and thereby feel much better. Keep busy.

Love to all and thanks for your patience with me - I swear that I'd have posted more often if I weren't convinced that each post would say: "I feel like crap. Life's in chaos. Haven't the strength to do laundry. I'm a big loser."

Never mind. Happy, productive days ahead!
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Old 05-20-2004, 10:17 PM   #122  
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Hi, Sizzlers

No, I don't follow American Idol (nor did I follow previous shows).

So nice to have the Wood Nymph and Cerise check in. Methinks spring fever must be hitting our gentle folk and causing some to be more up and some more down than a few weeks ago. But positive vibes of energy and encouragement to all for whatever is called for to make life go in rewarding cycles again.

Though, sad to say, I'm not as perky tonight as some. Any of you ever dealt with a periodontist? Dh has had the unpleasant experience and is considering not returning for his hopefully last appt. We feel like we've been through a financial wringer with this thing and while money is not as important as his health, his blood pressure goes up everytime I mention the Dr's name. Believe me, neither the surgeon who replaced his heart valve nor any of the doctor's who saved his life last year charged anywhere near the hourly rate involved here. It's particularly galling that the actual work was done by a technician (and I doubt she gets a large share of the fee). Just a bummer all around.

Wood Nymph, my "beautiful" car is a '96 Lincoln Town Car. It's white and has a navy blue cloth roof. It wears it's 108,000 miles well. And for my birthday last fall, I told dh I wanted it detailed. It seems to have a very feminine personality as I felt it loved its makeover and I swear I've never owned a car that's as thrilled with an oil change, lube, etc. as this one. No, please don't call the men with the nets. I know I'm not imagining this. We have a very sweet relationship. She's been getting a little lonely lately as she's usually driven only when I'm going somewhere alone or when ds is around (he's very fond of her too). He did take her to MA over the Christmas holidays but that's been her last real runaround and I think she's chomping at the bit to get out for a bit of real exercise.

The palace isn't really crumbling, nothing that can't be fixed with a full crew. Things have been quiet but I do think it's spring fever of a sort. And maybe a sign that things are going better for some? Kaylets, we'll be waiting with you with baited breath for any news.

Empress, hope the new challenge gets you revved up again. Only 11 more days to go on the journalling thread too. Yikes!
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Old 05-21-2004, 06:35 AM   #123  
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Arabella, sounds like you're feeling 'revived' with your new program. I'm going to check out the site you mentioned. Thanks! How's your son doing?

Kaylets, thought of you yesterday during a program at work. The speaker was absolutely unbelievable. His name's Elliot Engel. He's been to the Homestead before and even if I go to these programs with no interest at all in the subject, I find myself hanging on his every word, because he's so engaging and animated. The most amazing thing was he didn't use notes and not once did he utter an 'ummm' or 'errr'. His website's if you're interested.

Cerise, about my wanting to eat anything that doesn't move. This time I think it's a hormonal thing or maybe it's just one of those stress eating things. This week's been really busy, but it's been fun! I've gotten really good at giving tours to schoolkids. I think that I prefer them to adults, because adults always ask 'sensible' questions--like dates and family tree stuff. Boring! Today a group of 100 librarians from Virginia Tech are coming and my task is to take the ones that want to go on a 2-mile hike thru the woods. Most of the time I love my job! Hey, do you think your recent malaise has something to do with your birthday. For years I'd get a bit weird around my birthday, don't exactly know why, but I have my theories. This year I haven't experienced any of that---it's very different. In the last few months I feel that I've shifted quite a lot in a really good way---but that's another story! I'll tell it, when I can think of a succinct way to tell it!

Anagram, your affection for your car doesn't sound odd at all. Last week, I made the decision to really clean up the interior of our 2 cars and I could swear they're running better. Must be a feng-shui thing. Sorry about the thing with the periodontist---how frustrating!

Amarantha, sorry to hear that you're feeling depressed. Anything we can do? Anything bring it on?
Old 05-21-2004, 06:55 AM   #124  
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Hello all!

Thanks for the positive thoughts... I too am waiting... in fact, have to call a moratorium on thoughts in that direction as my imagination is running away with me and I am also superstitious enough to believe in "jinxing" myself....
I do know I am not the only one being considered and that is just a fact of life, no matter where you go.

Now you know everything!!!!

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

No piece of paper can be folded in half more than seven (7) times.

Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty (50) years of age or

The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.

The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.

American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one (1) olive from each salad served in first-class.

Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.

Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.

(No wonder my house is so DUSTY! LOL!)

The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer. So did the first "Marlboro Man."

Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

Pearls melt in vinegar.

The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca Cola, and Budweiser, in that order.

It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.

A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. (I keep my toothbrush in the living room now!)

Richard Millhouse Nixon was the first U.S. president whose name contains all the letters from the word
"criminal." The second? William Jefferson Clinton.

(Please don't tell me you're SURPRISED!?!!)

And the best for last.....

Turtles can breathe through their butts.

(I know some people like that; don't YOU?)

Now you know everything there is to know.


Thought of the day :

"There's no place like home."
--Wizard of Oz

Question of the day :

Some say the Wizard of Oz inspired their love of tornado chasing, studying exoctic animals or as Oprah says, the shoes inspired her to love shoes....
What most impressed you about the Wizard of Oz?


Wish I could hang out longer this am...

Big hugs to everyone... Did I ever tell you that you're my favorites?

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Old 05-21-2004, 07:13 AM   #125  
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Exclamation Holy Crow, Universe -- I hear you!!!

Wow! The messages are coming fast and furious! I checked in today and saw that Amarantha had posted a 21 day challenge thread. Thought, yeah, I should see if I can find the list, originally posted for the old 21 Day Challenge, of behaviors aimed at integrating mind, body and spirit (and coincidentally making me healthy and slender ). Then, lo and behold, Cerise requests that very list.

Furthermore, this is the first day of a 21-day exercise minutes contests that I've signed up for, and DH leaves tomorrow for a 21-day business trip (SO much easier to take care of me when I'm not taking care of him!).

Yup, yup, I found the list and will post on the 21-Day challenge thread.

Cerise, I was wondering if you'd tried yerba mate. (now i shall proceed as if you'd responded "Why no, I've never heard of it, Arabella. Please do tell me everything you know about yerba mate."

I'd seen it around for ever, but just read something about it a while back and it sounds like it does wonders for humans and is not harmful to the environment. I bought some the other day and have started using it although I'm not off the caffeine yet (it has a different compound called mateine - not the same thing, although also one of the zanthines). Supposedly energizes, calms, lifts spirits, boosts diets. Is packed with vitamins and etc. I'm really liking it, although I think I'd have to give it a chance on its own (that is, not after numerous cups of tea and coffee). I find it has a mild, pleasant, herbal kind of taste. I got the loose regular and some chai tea bags, although the loose is supposed to be much more powerful. Thinking it would be easy to pop some spices into the pot to make the loose stuff chai-flavored. Here's a link about it:

Anagram, I concur! (I love to concur, ever since Leo in "Catch me if you can," whilst pretending to be a doctor, emerged from a doctor huddle and said "Damn it! I should have concurred!") We're just having a wee quiet time and will be here in all our royal glory! We've been quiet before, and methinks this is traditionally a quiet time. People are busy and getting outside more.

Your car sounds lovely -- positively regal, and I can just see you in it!

Amarantha, thanks for posting the 21 Day Challenge thread! I'm on my way!

Kaylets, if you sneaked on there while I was posting, sending all positive job vibes your way!

To all, mentioned or unmentioned, have a great day! Love to all!

Last edited by Arabella; 05-21-2004 at 07:15 AM.
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Old 05-21-2004, 07:28 AM   #126  
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Eydie, thanks for asking about my son. He's doing... okay. He's a bit depressed, and is not feeling motivated. I'm going to try to get him to do the checklist thing with me. I devised it originally, years ago, to get myself out of a similar slump. I know it works. He'll be much better when he gets a job. He's just overwhelmed with everything now; it's like he's got to start back at zero, gain independence from us (and especially me), get a job, get more of a social life. Difficult, but --- what can you do but pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again?

I was surprised last week when I had lunch with a friend I hadn't seen since the fall. She didn't know what had happened and I found that I didn't want to tell her, because the thought of going into it just made me feel like I wanted to cry and cry and cry. I'm coping, I guess, but it's still very upsetting.

Eydie, how cool is it you're going to be at goal this birthday (the 25th, is that Cerise's too?)!!!

Kaylets, thanks for that excellent trivia list! I adore trivia!
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Old 05-21-2004, 08:18 AM   #127  
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Red face

Is this where the party is? I heard that word in the murky depths of the pond and have emerged. Actually have been lurking. Am as crazy and busy as ever. I need a new word in my vocabulary "NO". Do you know that there are courses out there to teach you to slow down and relax and de-stress....???? Jeepers....I think it is cheaper to say NO. Which is going to be one of my new strategies.

Nice to see you back wsw. Cerise girl, wadda we gonna do? We love yah! Now what is our plan of action...all of us, me inclusive? Gonna relax and ruminate on that.

Ceara (of the shining me hairs highlighted, and muddy feet...darn rain!)
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Old 05-21-2004, 11:21 AM   #128  
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Ceara of the Shining Lockes! Glad you emerged from the depths. That's right -- we'll set our course and find our way.
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Old 05-21-2004, 12:43 PM   #129  
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Talking Happy...

Punkin, that's your cue, babe. Git on out here and declare it Friday! Or I will, dammit.

Arabella, you literally made me laugh through your entire post! Yerba Mate sounds wonderful. I'm not quite off caffeine - I'm drinking the tea and coffee that I have at home until it's gone, but I won't buy more caffeinated stuff and I won't drink what's provided at work. Weird little rules we give ourselves, but it makes me feel better. And that's what matters. Thank you for posting that list, darling. I'm looking forward to implementing it.

Yes, Eydie and I are Birthday Sisters. I think I am going through weirdness because it's my last year in my 20s. I keep getting this feeling of Losing Time (well, we're all losing time...) - like if I had followed my goals I'd be thinner, healthier, more mature. Maybe I'd already be a professional musician. I feel like so far in my adult life my Two Big Things, music and health, have both gone by the wayside because I've been ruled by fear, stagnation and living for instant gratification. Fear keeps me from taking steps to make music with people much more regularly. Fear that I'll find out that I'm Not Good Enough. (for WHAT? you ask. I dunno...) Stagnation is the lack of momentum that keeps me from getting off my butt to get moving, to practice my singing. Instant gratification keeps me eating eating eating, reading on the couch instead of moving, and on and on. How do you fashion yourself into a disciplined person when your life has revolved around Fear, Stagnation and Instant Gratification? Kaylets? Anyone? Book ideas? Don't say Tony Robbins - I'll kill ya.

Anyway. Arabella, I think that if I were going to have to go back to the beginning in gaining independence, I'd want you as my guide. I think your son's in good hands. I really do. I can read your stuff and get this clear feeling that you're a good, good mom.

Speaking of music, by the way, I started voice lessons with this great lady in the city. She's eccentric, old, messy, cluttered, a terrible pianist, and just what I need, I think. She's also brilliant, courteous, professional, kind and generous with her opinions. I've never had a teacher like this. Ramon says it's because she's older - she had her day (and it was a good day - made her independently, modestly well-off) and now her voice is gone. The ego and disappointment that my pushing-35 voice teachers in college gave off hindered their teaching and our learning, and I think he's right. And she has none of that. In the first lesson, we had a talk about my goals and needs and dreams (mostly I let her know that I want to do something with my voice and am desperately in need of guidance). I told her that I hadn't had a lesson in 6 years and that I was pretty rusty. Then she had me sing something ("I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" from Handel's Messiah) and turned around from the piano with this look on her face. "Oh, yes, you'll be great" she said. Yikes!!! Uh, okay. She could be lying, of course, to keep me at her side (monetarily it wouldn't do her any harm, and if I compete she'll look really good), but I trust her. And I need her. And more importantly (I'm sorry, I really can't be modest with you, my sisters), I've never doubted, really, that she's right. I could be great. But lack of discipline will kill a talent just as much as gargling battery acid, and that's what scares me. That my work ethic will always be this bad and I'll never amount to anything.

All right. Me-me-me-ness over. Thanks for listening, dears, and for not thinking I'm the most arrogant puss on the planet. Singer's Ego, but I can't help it.

Ceara, good for you. Here, let's practice. "No. I'm weeding out my schedule. I won't be much good to you if I die of stress. I'm sorry, I have a previous engagement. Did I mention that I have a heart condition?" Really, though, saying "no" is so very hard, especially if you're involved in a church or other non-profit org. Picture? Of your hair? Please?

Anagram, your car does sound wonderful. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels a relationship to my car. Well, it's Ramon's car, really, but we named him "Stitch" and pat him on the dashboard when he's laboring up a hill. Hills? In this city? Your DH's periodontist has really bad karma. He must. What a bloody rip-off. I'm so sorry for you both.

Kaylets, your factoids were very interesting. Especially about the young coconut milk. I love that stuff. It's delicious. It's my favorite drink. Speaking of drinks, I had my first Mojito last night - wow. Rum, simple syrup (whatever that is), lime juice, soda and ice, then mint leaves are sort of crushed in. Very, very refreshing. Sorry to you teetotallers out there. I'm sure you can make it virgin. I hear you, by the way, about jinxing yourself. I'm that way too, but I also, when going out for a job, get into this BELIEVE! Be-LIEEEEEEEVE!!! vibe that's helpful and not helpful. Basically, job hunting sucks and there's no getting around it. Thinking about you today. That's me drumming up positive energy for you.

Eydie, since succinctness (is that right?) has never been a strong point of mine, and since we all have lapsed into gross verbosity at one time or another (note length of this post), please do tell us about your shifting for the better lately. Whenever you feel like it, of course.

All right. Time to work. Love to you all, dears.
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Old 05-21-2004, 01:00 PM   #130  
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Oh, yeah, and Kaylets, I'm seriously going to start eating an apple every morning instead of drinking coffee. This is episode # 53 where Kaylets' superior knowledge has improved my life.

Thank you, Amarantha, for getting the 21-day challenge set up again. I'm really excited to get some forward momentum going again. Episode #53 where Amaratha's generous ideas and enthusiasm have gotten me moving, too.

What can I say? I really couldn't do this without you guys.
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Old 05-21-2004, 07:14 PM   #131  
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So hard to accept that it's Friday without Punkin declaring it so. But here 'tis anyway.

Ceara of the Shining Locks - what a great visual that makes with you climbing out of the muck and the gorgeous hair aglimmering. And welcome to the party.

Wood Nymph - glad son is doing "ok". That's better than a few weeks back. Of course he's depressed but I'm sure you and he will pull him through. Sometimes the coping mechanism breaks down at the time you least expect it, doesn't it.

Apples be one of my favorite foods ( applesauce, too) and I've been known to pour some apple cider vinegar into my water to change the pace of things.
I gave up most caffeine years ago, Cerise, but have been having some in my Tab and tea for the last year or so. LOTS less than I used to have though. I went to half regular and half decaf the first few days I tried to cut out the coffee. Finally decided that was too much trouble, quit colder turkey. It wasn't really too hard because I had cut down to just one cup a day prior to that time. Earlier it sure would have been.

Eydie, I am usually a very grumpy critter for two weeks or so before my birthday. Every year not just significant birthdays. I don't know whether it's because my hay fever catches up with me, or the heat, or the aging. But I noted it years ago. Fortunately once the birthday passes, so does the mood (so far).

Never been a fan of the Wizard of Oz - in fact I'm probably the only person I know who actively dislikes it.

I'm calling on all Queens to huff and puff to the southwest (well, at least that's the direction for me) and blow all of the Empress' dark clouds into the Pacific.

Hi-de-ho to wsw, zadie, and all lurking "queen"s. And a Happy First Anniversary to Frogger whereever she may be.

Last edited by anagram; 05-21-2004 at 07:16 PM.
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Old 05-21-2004, 07:18 PM   #132  
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Anagram, I'm not crazy about the Wizard of Schnoz either.

Last edited by Cerise; 05-21-2004 at 07:28 PM.
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Old 05-21-2004, 07:23 PM   #133  
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Someone just sent me this prayer as part of a chain letter thingie. I don't do those but thought this seems to express many of the goals of our regal ones.

St. Theresa's Prayer:

> May today there be peace within. May you trust your highest power that
> you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the
> infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts
> that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
> May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence
> settle into our bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance,
> praise, and love. It is there for each and every one of you.

I particularly like the "settle into our bones" part and allowing my "soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love" (I guess that means no matter how badly")
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Old 05-21-2004, 07:44 PM   #134  
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Queens, I'm so far behind on this thread that I hope thou'll all forgive me if I don't respond to everything. My brain be friedeth! Now I have to work tomorrow because I didn't today. Instead I put together a packet and delivered it for a job that someone called and asked me to apply for because she wanted me on her new project. But no one at the publishing company seemed to know about this thing, so I just gave them the packet and left. Very interesting. I'd like it if it's not going to put me in a worse situation. We'll have to see.

I could use some of those career vibes we've been sending to K ... send them in a southwesterly direction, if you wouldn't mind: 'YOU MUST HAVE AMARANTHA!!! AMARANTHA IS GOOD!!! YOU MUST HAVE AMARANTHA!!! AMARANTHA IS ..."

Ok, bye, sorry for brevity. No can think anymore!!! Will be back later to do journal and 21-day threads!!! The 21-dayer saved me from another binge!!!! I'm going to make it!!! Yowza!
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Old 05-21-2004, 09:48 PM   #135  
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Came back from Michigan with the bruises to prove it. Anyone know what Whirlyball is? Well, it was a team-building activity at my conference. Whirlyball is two teams of five in motorized bumper cars on a basketball-type court with a lacrosse-type scoop and a whiffel ball, the object being to hurl the ball from the scoop to the net in the center of a backboard. It's crazy, it's fun, and it's violent. Oh, here...have a look, although as my DH said, "It doesn't LOOK dangerous." I am bruised from hip to hip across my lower abdomen from getting hit rather hard by an opponent...if I hadn't had the seatbelt on I would have been thrown out of the car and headfirst into a wall, so it could be worse. Also have a bruise on my left thigh bigger than my hand, it's swollen and lovely shades of red, purple, and blue. Yep, team building.

Been preoccupied with my sister. She is just 30 weeks pregnant and has been in and out of hospital because her blood pressure has been so high they are afraid she is going to stroke. She is hitting numbers like 220/130, which the doctor has told her he has NEVER seen. She is on all kinds of medication to try to keep it stable, but it isn't working. Baby is fine, but it is a balancing act with what is good for baby and what is keeping her from stroking. This has been going on for about a month now. They gave her steroids today to help develop the baby's lungs, and are prepared to transfer her to another hospital four hours away if they have to deliver. Would much appreciate any good vibes you can send.

Will catch up over the weekend.
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