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Old 12-09-2014, 05:31 PM   #76  
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Good afternoon all. Two meetings this morning & one this afternoon, all bears. I'll be back.tomorrow to catch up with you.
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Old 12-09-2014, 05:36 PM   #77  
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I have a neighbor who is similar to your friend wanting me to pay for everything. She invited herself out to eat with me Thursday but I said no. I'm learning. If you have to move to a different part of the room do so but enjoy yourself.
I'm not sure they make my bike anymore. It's called the Stamina bike. It's like an eliptical but I get to sit down. Really good for both upper and lower body.

I'm proud of you and C. Unfortunately the church I attend doesn't do any Christmas stuff. But I really enjoy going with my sister to their church during this time of the year.

I went to bed last night at 7.30 p.m. I had a splitting headache. Probably from the mold on the leaves. I'm proud of any one who can go to bed early.
My last day of freedom means I have to go to work tomorrow.
Back to work today. Not much going on in which I'm thankful. Two days a week would be perfect for me. If I could find a job that paid as well as this one does. I'm rested both mentally and physically, even though I work outside for a couple of hours.
I really hate that I made an appointment with the dermatologist for Thursday. I'm thinking about calling and cancelling it. I will need to go next month to my regular doctor for refills.

Last edited by ceejay52; 12-09-2014 at 05:41 PM.
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Old 12-09-2014, 05:45 PM   #78  
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The Stamina Airgometer bike is similar to the bike I have. This one is newer than mine.
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Old 12-09-2014, 09:32 PM   #79  
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Hi. Thank you all for praying and thinking of ua yesterday. DH got a good report yesterday.
They did remove 5 small polyps. They always send then off but the doctor said that he wasn't concerned at all and would see him in 5 years.
Now we can schedule the surgery to repair the colovesicular fistula after the 1st of the year.

It was a long work day today so I will do them tomorrow.
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Old 12-10-2014, 03:40 AM   #80  
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Evening all,
Busy, busy day at work today. Got to work early. Got set down with a couple of documents only to get my lady boss ask me to comment on a powerpoint presentation. I really shouldn't open my mouth and brain because I then got to put the mess right and before lunch please. Ye gods. Got that done only to find that they (2 bosses) wanted a demonstration of a time fence line in MRP in SAP. I'm not going to explain it again. Just be assured it exists. So I stood there in front of about 5 people (3 with mouth open) and explained the process. Then answered the questions. Then went to a meeting where we decided who was going to document what. Seems I have something like 300+ simulations to complete, another 10 or so powerpoints presentations and a series of manuals. Okay. Give me another keyboard and I will use my toes. They don't seem to believe I will get it done. I should start taking bets on it. Enough of work. Tomorrow is a home going day and the gutter man will be there tomorrow as well. Over the weekend, I have a mountain of stuff to do so I better get some sleep on the plane.

Susie - so glad to hear all is well with the DH. Must be a load of your mind. My brother gets polyps as well. He's had several removed from time to time.

Annie - well done on the 3 months anniversary. Since you are going back tomorrow, I guess you passed the test? Glad you had a good time at Church - even if it did reduce you to tears.

Ceejay - yea for the leaves going. We don't have much in the way of autumn here. Generally the new leaves push the old ones off. Or the trees only lose their leaves when the wind blows in the spring. We are an upside down place. Many don't lose leaves at all. I just pick up the ones on the path and the road and put them on the garden. They provide good mulch.

Michelle - seems like you are taking to this new way of eating well. 13.5lb is good going. How are you going at the scrabble. Most Americans over here refuse to play, since we keep telling them they can't spell and the word is wrong. English it ain't

Laura - Roast beef sounds nice. If you like them, make some Yorkshire puddings to go with them and the gravy. Actually I think I would go for the beef and a whole lot of different warm salads.

Dee - I obviously don't have the patience that you do. I would have torn strips off your 'friend' who isn't a friend at all if she is trying to push you into something you can neither afford or need. She would be a currently ex friend of mine after that. Ignore her. Sit where you want to sit. You have other friends I hope.
I grow all sorts of plants. Occasionally I get the heirloom type tomatoes but generally I just dig in some of the last crop and get free ones. Better than buying the wee darlings. I've nearly given up on seedlings and now plant seeds - get lots of results with beans, potatoes, and tomatoes. I have a few problems with carrots for some reason. And they don't take long to get to the same growth rate as the seedlings.

Happy - Hope the knee is okay again. Sorry your Aussie mate is gone, but they come and they go. She may be back when she sorts out the family stuff.

Okay, better get off here and get my packing done. Tomorrow is another day and I want an early night tonight. See ya
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Old 12-10-2014, 08:42 AM   #81  
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Morning all,

Sorry I can't post right now. Very busy day today from morning until night. Had a bad night's sleep on top of it - kept waking up all night long afraid I'd over sleep. Too much in the head. Might not be back until tomorrow but if I can, I'll stop back and catch up. Carry on soldiers
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Old 12-10-2014, 08:53 AM   #82  
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Annie ~ Yeah your probably right I shouldnt wear the shoes again, I'll call this morning and see if its too late to return them. I wear a size 8 but I bought a size 9.

Dee ~ I'm glad to hear your gonna do my challenge with lifting hand weights. I hope Santa brings you a stationary bike for Christmas. I am still trying to get the hang of Portion Control too. Congrats on getting below your goal weight. Yeah I'm gonna try to get my money back on the shoes, Especially since they were $50.00 dollars which to me is alot of money.


I woke up at 2 a.m. this morning and I went to sleep at 6 p.m. last night so at 2 a.m. I had slept for 8 hours so I went ahead and got up. Its now 6:19 right now. I have to start watching for my bus at 10:40 so in 4 hours + 40 mins. I'm going to a Christmas party today at school, Its from noon until 4 pm today. Before I go to school today though I'm gonna make sure I do my morning chair exercises and then I'll my evening chair exercises tonight. I think I'm gonna do morning chair exercises and then at noon I'll do my walking dvd and then at night I'll go back to my chair exercises. I hope everyone has a great day. Take Care Everyone.
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Old 12-10-2014, 08:56 AM   #83  
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Hump day has arrive, boss is in Chi-town today with our BDOs (salesmen). Also trash day and Cs day off, of course I left him a honey do list. He is really great about finishing the chores I leave him. Of course they are really easy ones...put washer towels in dryer, fold and put away. Put trash bags in cans that need them and scour toities. I hate doing toities so I usually leave that for him. I think he rather misses his Wednesday fishing days with his

Tonight we are going to meet his youngest daughter and her beau for dinner at Hitachi Grill. Yum. Of course we will pay for it. That is ok as we rarely meet them for dinner, maybe every other month or so and it is usually for pizza and Pizza Hut.

Last night Sissy colored my hair. Poor Royce is sick with a sinus infection and ear infection. Off to the doc he went yesterday. Zithromax for kiddies and ear drops. His temp was 101.9 yesterday. I just held him and loved on him last night as he was more than willing to let me, he is such a cuddler anyway. Then I read Jacob two books, sounds, noises, grunts and whistles supplied by me. lol. One book was about dinosaurs and other trains, so you can imagine how much racket I was making while reading them. you have your work cut out for you on this job. Hope you get extra pay for OT that is may involve. Fresh tomatos sound wonderful about now. I have been putting salsa in my cottage cheese in the mornings rather than fresh tomatos, just not the same. happy for DH and the great report of yesterday. Lot of worry off both of your minds. Amen, prayers answered.

CEEJ...I hear you on the two day work week, same pay AND benefits would work great for me too! Let me know as soon as you find a job like that, it would be worth the move. lol. No more leaves, yahoo!!

LAURA...hope you get some relief from all the meetings. Meetings are so boring, unless you are the one putting it on or have lots of input. Otherwise it just seems like people just droan on to hear themselves talk.


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Old 12-10-2014, 04:36 PM   #84  
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Afternoon all.

Annie – Hope Royce gets well soon now that he has all the drugs. There’s still a good amount to do on the half bath. Yes, it’s the one in the hall just off the entry. It’s really just a powder room – no tub or shower, so it’s probably not even right to call it a half bath…Anyway, bf is being the perfectionist with all the wall-patching he’s doing, so it’s not going as quickly as you’d think. I’m going to start pushing him though by telling him I plan to paint it this weekend. With all the other stuff there is to do for the holidays, we don’t have time to be leisurely about this. I’m so glad you enjoyed the church tea last week and your church service this past Sunday. Our building does nice tenant lobby events like that – a summer ice cream social, a winter celebration, a breakfast buffet. It’s so nice your co-worker grabbed you to come along with her to attend. I bet your Christmas tree smells so good! Re meetings – none today, yahoo.

Dee – How’s your foot doing? Hoping it’s feeling better. I had a problem with plantar fasciitis a couple years ago and it was tough trying to stay off my feet, and I didn’t like having to ice it as was recommended. Honestly, your “friend” was being really pushy and obnoxious about trying to get you to sign on for a mission trip. What’s wrong with her??!! I hope you found a way around having to sit at the same table with her and her dh at the company Christmas shindig. Re our hosting the Christmas Eve meal – I’d like to “shake up” tradition with something NON-traditional, but I think I’ve decided to go with a roast of some sort because it’s easy – season the outside and throw it in the oven or electric roaster, make gravy and possibly put together a sauce, voila. I might make lasagna also. That’s a bit more labor intensive, but it can be done ahead. Re the holiday parties I’ve got on the calendar – none are formal, so yay for that. BTW, my doc gave me a med for my asthma at my appt 10 days ago and it’s helped tremendously. I go back for a follow-up next week on Monday. I don’t know if this was intended to just get me past this bad spell, or if I’ll need to use this on a daily basis from now on. We’ll see.

Michelle – Sounds like all is going well post-surgery. How nice you’ll only have three days of work before your office shuts down for two weeks!! I’m sure you’ll have recovered enough by the time you return to work next week to get through those three days.

Terra – More strange sleep hours for you! What’s up with that??!! I hope you enjoy the Christmas party today! Re the shoes – I’ve read that shoes that fit properly, especially athletic shoes, shouldn’t require “breaking in”. And you’ve already bought a size larger than your usual size. I think those just aren’t the shoes for you. Hope you can still return them. When I’m not sure if a shoe is going to work for me, I’ll try to only where it around inside the house for a short time over a few days to see how it feels.

Happy – Hope the bad night’s sleep doesn’t catch up with you during your very busy day today! I’m sure you’ll catch up on your sleep tonight.

Susie – Glad to hear your hubby’s procedure went well and he’s good for five years. I sort of weaseled on getting that done…my annual physical was in April of this year, before I hit the big 5-0, so I didn’t schedule the procedure then, or even after my b-day in July. Looks like I’ll be scheduling it for April or May of next year… The suggestion you made about volunteering some time for an organization that interests me is a good one. I’ll have to do some thinking on that.

Ceejay – Yay for the leaves being picked up and gone! Tomorrow’s our last pickup, but we didn’t get out to rake (my doc didn’t want me raking due to the asthma) this past weekend, so we’ll be stuck with the leaves. My thought is to use a leaf blower to blow them all to the back of our yard by the fence. This area of our yard has arborvitae evergreen-type trees all across the back and there isn’t any grass under them, so nothing will be harmed with the leaves sitting there. If you have leaves on top of the grass and then it snows on top of that, the leaf mold that grows can kill the grass underneath. I don’t want that to happen. Re your saying about going to bed with the chickens to get up at 4 am (i.e., EARLY!), that reminds of a women at the office who when I see her at the end of the workday will say “Time to go home and feed the chickens.” She’s a city dweller and I’m sure doesn’t do that LITERALLY. So now I wonder where that phrase comes from… Yeh, wouldn’t 2-day work weeks be heavenly??

Shad – You sound crazy busy at the moment, so you certainly won’t be bored!! You mentioned Yorkshire pudding – I’ve been to a popular prime rib restaurant here in town, only a couple times many years ago, but I still recall them serving it with that. Hmmm. I’ll have to look into that.
Busy again this morning, so this entire week has been rather busy. Glad that I finished my performance self-appraisal Monday (the due date!), and today I completed my input for our department’s monthly report. Those are both icky tasks.

Let’s see, what else? Bf phoned two mechanics re the car on Monday. One made a better impression, and also gave a suggestion about starting the car that worked (woohoo!), so that one got our business. Even though bf got the car going, he took it to the shop and had them check a couple things to see if a real problem existed. Nothing found. But we already planned to have our brakes done, so we had that done as well. Yay.

I saw the movie “Birdman” last night. The cast and acting are great – Michael Keaton, Edward Norton, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts. It’s got 4 SAG award nominations. The story’s sort of wild, but I enjoyed it.

The calendar is so full of holiday stuff – this Saturday evening is our block’s holiday party, hosted by a couple across the street from us. Next Thursday is my employer’s holiday party – employees only, at a nearby restaurant from 3-7pm. We have a party at a friend’s house the following night. Bf’s family is gathering at his sister’s on Sunday, the 21st. My family’s gathering is the 24th at my house. We have another friend’s party on the 27th, which will also be a celebration for of the friend’s son’s b-day (bf is friend with both father and son). Supposedly bf and I are hosting a NYE gathering at our place… it’ll be a small gathering, since many people we know don’t want to be out on the roads on NYE. We can accommodate two guests in our spare bedroom and 2-3 others if they want to crash on our sofa or recliner. We’ll see… Gonna be a busy 3 weeks!

Tonight I have a hair appointment. I’d rather be at home…oh well.

Okay, I have to finally get this posted before another interruption comes along!! Buh bye.
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Old 12-10-2014, 05:48 PM   #85  
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It's getting cold outside.
My lower abs have been very painful the past couple of days and last night was even worse. Maybe 2 hours sleep at most. Thinks it's due to diverticulitis. From now on I have to be very particular what I put in my mouth. I don't like this feeling at all.
Don't know who's been into my computer account at work but more than half of my reports for fluoride and alum were gone. Thank goodness I have the back usb flash drive. I have them with password and don't think anyone knows the code. There's only one that would even try this.
The mystery water leak was solved last night. Heard a weird noise and went on the hunt. My goodness what a mess! The pressure release valve had blown. Thank goodness it was a tiny heater.

I'm not sure about a time limit on the leaves. But from now on I will be putting them in a garbage bag and putting them to the curb. There's a few more out there but nothing like last week.
Wow you are going to be busy with the parties this month. And it's very nice that you will/can accommodate those who can't drive responsibly.
I have heard "getting up with the chickens and going to bed with the chickens" all my life. Mainly because my grandpa did just that.

At least you are getting your 8 hours sleep in. Enjoy the Christmas party.

Know the feeling. I didn't sit down this morning before work because of the lack of sleep.

Hope the baby get better. Good for grandma to hold and snuggle with him. I can hear you reading to the kiddo's. Makes me smile.

Michelle, Dee, Susie, and Shad
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Old 12-11-2014, 07:45 AM   #86  
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Good Thursday Morning....just got a message from my boss saying he has an 8:30 appt and will be in later this now I can post in peace. lol

We met Cs "good" daughter and her boyfriend at Hibachi Grill last night for dinner. I had shrimp, mushroom and onions stir fried on the grill and then a couple of wontons. That was it. Couldn't finish shrimp, so C ate it, as he does EVERYTHING. No wonder he has intestine and bowel issues. All and all it was really good. His daughter brought C his birthday present, how nice, cosidering his BD was Sept 30th. Hmmm, strange math these days.

Royce is not much better yet when I stopped on my way home to check on him. Still lethargic and crabby, but I can't blame him a bit. He had only had two doses of his meds at that point, so maybe today will be better. Poor lil guy, still manages to drink plenty of fluids and give his Nanna big smiles.

LAURA...I still think you should serve Christmas Tacos for your family. lol. Yes your bathroom can be considered a half bath, most half baths do not have a tub or shower.

CEEG..what is your holiday schedule like this year? Are you actually working on the holiday itself?

Hello to all you missing beauties.

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Old 12-11-2014, 01:46 PM   #87  
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I will be working Christmas eve, but not Christmas day. I may make plans to go to my aunt and uncles but I may also make plans with bff. I'm going to Jonesboro tomorrow so we will talk. Seeing the pictures of my sister grand babies make me want to be in Missouri this year for Christmas. I haven't been to Hibachi grill in a long time.

How is your foot?
It's been a quiet morning. Only completed one load of laundry but going to put in another load in a few minutes. If it's not to cold I'm getting up the rest of those leaves. Don't know why they'll just blow into the yard from the neighbors.
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Old 12-11-2014, 02:04 PM   #88  
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Afternoon all.

Ceejay – Sorry your diverticulitis is acting up and causing you pain. That’ll sure get you back to avoiding those foods that make it act up…until you feel good for a while and ease up on the restrictions. I love popcorn, so that would be a tough one for me. Re the missing computer files - good thing you have them backed up to a flash drive. I'm glad you have Christmas day off!!

Annie- Sounds like dinner was tasty. We have a Hibachi grill in our area - I like the stir fry part of it, but I'm not crazy about the buffet, except for the fruit/dessert part, LOL. Little bit late for the birthday gift, but oh well, who am I to talk? I had my hair appointment last night and didn’t give my girl her Christmas gift yet. She’ll get her gift (usually a Target gift card) a little bit late – my next appointment is January 7th. Oh how fun a taco buffet would be – choice of beef or chicken, maybe chorizo, crispy taco shells, soft tortillas, all the toppings (including the Christmas green lettuce and guacamole and red tomatoes), and yummy sides – black beans, refried beans, rice…yum. Oops, sorry for the food porn Michelle!

Where’s the rest of ya?

I don’t think I mentioned this, but because the fundraiser went so well this year, we’ve been granted jeans days through August of next year!! I’m not sure if it’s started yet or if it officially begins in 2015…not sure if it really matters. Jeans days are “sold” as one of the fundraiser items, so people can buy a day, a week, ‘til end of year, so a lot of people around here are wearing jeans right now. Some of whom may not have even made a donation…lame. Anyway, it’ll be fun.

Even after I deduct vacation days I’ll take on the 15th, 23rd & 24th, January 2nd AND 3 carryover days for 2015 (max allowed), I STILL have 1 day left to schedule. I might take it on Friday the 19th. I have year-end work to do, so I don’t plan to take any days the 29th-the 31st until I get that done.

Not much else to report, so I’ll get this posted.
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Old 12-11-2014, 03:02 PM   #89  
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Happy Thursday ladies,

I had no idea I haven't posted in days! Sorry about that. I'll try and catch up on personals today.

I finally got to ONEDERLAND this week!! I've dropped 18 lbs in the 3 weeks since surgery. I know people who have lost faster post-op, but I'm doing just fine.

In less than a week (next week Wednesday), I go back to work, but it will only be for 3 days and then I get two weeks off (unpaid) because my company closes down for the weeks of Christmas and New Years. It's unpaid leave because I used all my vacation time with the vacation to Washington and Oregon and being out for surgery (since disability doesn't pay the first 7 days). But I'm grateful to "ease into work slowly" and then have two weeks more to rest. Plus, the past few months I've put money aside to get me through Christmas (especially since I didn't know how much I'd get on disability).

I'm not going to get to the hospital today since California is having it's worst storm in 5 years. Only 2-4" of rain in 24 hours where I live, but some areas will receive up to 8" which might bring mudslides (in the mountains). And we're all experiencing really strong winds! Hopefully the property damage, flooding and traffic accidents will be minimal. Nevertheless, I'm staying home. I was thinking about having Santa in daycare for the day so he and I wouldn't have to get wet when he does his business....but I don't even want to drive over there. Plus, he was vomiting a lot last night. I think a new person at the dog park gave him treats. I think it was a new person because nearly everyone at the dog park knows that Santa has a pretty sensitive tummy lately. Anyway, right now, he's curled up and cozy on the bed.

I've gone to the gym the past two days, and rode the recumbent bike. I'll do Wii Fit later so I don't have to go out in the storm.


Ceejay - I'm so sorry you're having such abdominal pain. I hope the pain eases up soon. Definitely be careful what you eat. Good for you for finding the water leak. Glad they finally came for the leaves. Thanks for the suggestion to rest. I really do need to do that more. And that's my plan for today due to the weather. I am glad to be back to exercising. Whenever I want to skip the gym or shorten a walk, I just remember what my surgeon said that now I can burn a lot of calories through exercise and it's physically impossible for me to eat more to "eat up" the calories burned. Good that you are able to have Christmas Day off.

Annie - Thanks for the STRONG reminder to take care of me first. You're so sweet. And you're right I DO NOT want to end up back in the hospital. Christmas tacos actually sound good. I haven't gotten brave enough to try ground beef or even ground turkey yet (mostly I'm eating canned tuna, canned chicken and thinly sliced deli meat). Glad that you're still enjoying your job and co-workers! Wow, you got a great price on that tree! Sounds like a lovely time at church with C rededicating himself. Saying prayers and sending love for your upcoming surgery. I am sorry that your friends are battling alcohol addiction. I have heard that's very common among bariatric patients, as is shopping addiction. So sorry to hear that Royce has a sinus and ear painful for the little ones. I hope he feels better soon. Sounds like you had a nice evening reading to Jacob...I'm not at all surprised that you provide the sound effects too! So glad you had a nice dinner with C's "good" daughter and her bf.

Dee - Bummer you had to deal with your friend guilting you in to doing a mission trip over Christmas. You are definitely not selfish. As Shad said, I think she'd be an ex-friend of mine...or at least be demoted from good friend to acquaintance. Wow, with the money wheel and all those bonuses...that's a very generous company! Your dress sounds beautiful...will we get to see a photo of you in it? Congrats for not taking any Rx meds. That's excellent! I'm off my diabetes meds since surgery but still take a lot of other meds (hopefully most will drop off as the weight does). I don't drink much alcohol either. In my 20s I got drunk a few times, but since I hit my mid 30s getting drunk just doesn't appeal to me. So I would always stop after 2 beers, and then switch to soda. I'm so inspired by your dh's brother's active lifestyle. Bob has at least one and possibly 3 more surgeries to his "stump". They had to take half of Bob's pelvis with his amputation...but his sister and I have found prosthetics for the type of amputation he has. They strap over the shoulder and around the hip. I've seen the NutriNinja. Thanks for the tip. I have a few Blender Bottles, with the slotted metal ball, and I really like them. When I get back to work, I will keep one there and also a bag of protein shake mix. I don't have any Christmas parties or Galas to go to. I'm just trying to estimate what size I'll be in for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my bf's family and my family, respectively.

Susie - I'm glad that your dh got a good report from his colonoscopy!

Shad - I got a big laugh out of your Scrabble comments. I do pretty good. My step-mother and I are so evenly matched that we usually end up within 5-10 points of each other. You're right...what we speak (and spell) here is definitely not English!

Laura - Your Christmas meal sounds delicious...roast and lasagna...two of my faves! I'm glad your new asthma med has helped a lot. Is it Singulair or an inhaler? Glad the mechanic's suggestion worked and that no additional issues were found! You and your bf certainly have a busy holiday season!! Sounds like a lot of fun times. There are two movies I want to see..."The Theory of Everything" about Stephen Hawking and "Wild" starring Reese Witherspoon. I haven't heard of "Birdman", but the cast sounds great. Like Ceejay, I've heard of "getting up with the chickens" probably because my grandfathers were farmers. Thanks a lot for the food porn! Just kidding. Actually, most of the time I'm doing okay with hearing about food. In most cases, I'll be able to eat that stuff eventually. And in the case of just reinforces that I'll have to find sugar free options to my favorites. Congrats on the jeans days through August!! Awesome! And the vacation days you'll get!

Happy - Like Dee, I would appreciate it if you posted (again) the recipe for the dog biscuits. I know you've posted it a couple times, but I can't seem to find it. So sorry you didn't sleep well the other night. I hope everything is ok. Sending you

Terra - How was the Christmas party at school? Glad to hear you're getting back to walking. I hope you're able to return those shoes.

Ok. Time for this chick to get Christmas presents wrapped and ready for shipping to Southern Cal, and Christmas cards (and letter) ready to send.

Much Love and big hugs to all!
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Old 12-11-2014, 03:44 PM   #90  
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Morning all,
Home finally after a hair raising ride in the plane. We took off from Melbourne in calm but cloudy weather and had a smooth flight up through Victoria and NSW, but as soon as we hit the Queensland border we hit some bad weather. Storms, lightning, bumps, dips, soaring up and down, hail. You name it we got it. Very exciting ride. Funny how the conversation dies down in a plane where the going gets somewhat rough.
Anyway I am home. It doesn't appear that the gutter man got here yesterday so I might need to ring for an explanation. Looks like there might be 3 or so inches of rain in the bucket so maybe it rained all day,

So I will need to rethink my work for today since it is still raining. Something inside and maybe some thoughts on Christmas presents for the family. Most are easy. They want money. I have a gold chain to go with the locket for little miss S but I need to get her something else that she can use now. Clothes are out since nothing I buy is ever right. I refuse to get toys since she has so many, so I will have to find something else. Maybe a new pair of gumboots???? Aarrggh.

This computer is playing up today. I've already had to reboot twice. So I am going to keep this short. I'll be back later with personals as I think of them
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