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Old 02-21-2001, 09:01 AM   #1  
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Hello and welcome to the Thin Group! We are a great group of ladies (but men are welcome if there are any who care to join us) who have one thing in common. We are all working together toward our goal of being healthier in our daily lifestyles and to lose weight in 2000. There are all different ages and backgrounds here and we all have different ways of losing our weight. We all love to have fun and laugh, but we also give a lot of support, encouragement and motivation for one another. Please feel free to post with us - just jump right in and believe me, you will be welcomed with open arms. The more the merrier!

Please feel free to check out our website and learn more about us at:

Love, CJ

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Old 02-21-2001, 07:25 PM   #2  
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CJ, CJ, CJ! Don't you know how difficult it is for me to wake up enough in the morning to read one thread and then switch to a new one???? I can' handle it, you BRAT!!!!

So girls, last night I had a choice. I could either go vacuum the apartment as planned or... I could go with Rich down to Delaware (hour and a half drive) to buy lottery tickets and go to Delaware Park and play the slot machines.

Guess which one I did. Nope, didn't win anything much but had a great time. We were going to stay a couple hours and be home by 10:00 at the latest. Well, ended up getting home a little after midnight. In bed by 1-ish and then I was up at 6 this morning. Forget the decaf coffee! Today it's the "real" stuff!!

Oh and I guess I'll have to go vacuum after work today. Ho hum. Gotta do what you gotta do.

Another problem with a new thread is that I can't remember what everyone wrote. Sorry! But I do remember hearing from our mom-to-be!! Sam, I'm so glad you posted. Sounds like you're ready for motherhood. Do you know if it's a boy or girl? Do you have any names picked out? Take good care of yourself and baby! {{{SAM}}}

I have to go get another cup of high-octane. They're having a birthday cake here for someone in my department and I'm planning my strategy to be as far away from my desk as possible when the event occurs. Picture it! Jo dodging and weaving as she's chased by a huge piece of cake that's screaming "Eat me! Eat me! Eat me!"


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Old 02-22-2001, 08:38 AM   #3  
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Hi Everyone ~ I was out tonight, having dinner with my son. He called me at work today and asked if I wanted to go. Of course, I said YES!! He's here now, playing video I guess nothing has change other than he doesn't sleep here. (thank you Jesus.... ....)

CJ ~ I do enjoy being alone sometimes. I like it the first day or two but then, it isn't as much fun. This trip, he'll be gone LONG ~ he left Tuesday morning and won't be home until late (11pm) I've got the entire week alone. I'm going to clean up the house and have it really nice when he gets back...and with Chris moved out, maybe it will stay that way. Ha!

Jo ~ in case I didn't mention it, hubbys business trip he's on is in Las Vegas.....that's right, the gambling capital. He called tonight and said that he was up a few hundred bucks.....I would love for him to say he was up a few THOUSAND.

Hi to everyone else....have a great Thursday.

Zoe ~ soaking up the "SON" in Texas
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Old 02-22-2001, 12:00 PM   #4  
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Hi everyone. Just a quick note. It is late and I have to bowl in the moroning.

I have stayed the same for 2 weeks now. Not up and not down. I guess that is good, but I would like to go down at least 1lb this week.

Sam: So good to hear from you again. Hope things work out for you and your boyfriend. Can't wait to hear about your baby when he or she gets here. Take care of yourself.

JO: That is Great on you weight loss. I know that one day of see food diet won't change you from your goal. I bet it didn't even make a differece when you weigh in again.

ZOE: It is so hard when the kids move out. MY son moved out last month. It really hit me hard when I came home to find all of his stuff moved out. He did come home for dinner tonight. I also get to see him at least once a week and he calls me almost everyday. He also raids the house for food and whatever else he can find. Of course I don't say no.

Sandi: I am sorry to have forgotten your B_day! HOPE it was wonderful. Happy Birthday

Well, I am going to bed and will talk later. Take care everyone. Thanks for being my friends. Mary Kay
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Old 02-23-2001, 02:11 AM   #5  
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Hi Everyone, Thought I would pop in and say hello before this thread gets too long and I get lost in the shuffle. All is fine here. Thanks to all for the Birthday messages. Had a nice birthday with friends and family.
We did see all grass here up until this morning. Now we have about an inch of snow again. From 45 degrees to this again. YUK!

Judy....Congrats on your 5 # loss. And I will keep you and Cal in my prayers. It isn't going to be an easy road for you I am sure. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow.

Gail...I am so sorry I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday. I don't know how that slipped by me. Hope you are having a wonderful time in California.

Sam....So glad to hear from you here. Also very happy that all is well with you and the baby. Hopefully things will work out with you and your boyfriend.

Zoe...How lucky your hubby is to be in my favorite place. Las Vegas. Bet by now you are missing him lots huh?

C.J.....Hey what's going on? Is your luck running out? You usually do well at Bingo. LOL

Angeleyes....Don't fret. That 3 pounds will be gone in no time at all.

Jo...I see you are like most of the rest of us and like to put pleasure before work. The sad part is the work is always still there. LOL

Sylvia...Have a wonderful trip to Italy. Be sure to tell us all about it when you return.

M.K....I will have to ask my hubby where Granite City is from here. Sounds familiar but I have no sense of direction. How long ago did you leave Granite City?

Chrissy....Was so good talking to you. I hope you are feeling better by now and that cold and cough etc are all gone.

So off I go to work ladies. Hope everyone has a good evening. Love to all....Sandi

[This message has been edited by Sandi (edited 02-22-2001).]
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Old 02-23-2001, 07:46 AM   #6  
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HI everyone! Just popping in for a minute here ... sorry have been scarse but have been busy and sick too. Had the touch of flu ... luckily was feeling alright when Sharon was here so we got to "hoof it up" a bit.

Had my weigh-in this morning ... 1/2 lb down. Not much I know, but every ounce counts! Just wanted you to know I am still journaling and still going to WW! I have not been doing the food journal here, but am still doing it online - it was getting lonely being the only one listing my food ... my food journaling buddies deserted me - Gail (I know, on vacation) Carolyn - Sharon - Kelster .....

I'M GOING TO POST THE WEEKLY UPDATES FOR THIS WEEK SO IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO REPORT LET ME KNOW - I am going to go soak in a hot tub bath (for real!) and then I am going to do the updates ... unless I am too tired, then will do them in the morning so let me know! Jello - I have you at 30 lbs down and Zoe, I have you at 179.

Angel - did you lose those 3 lbs yet? Don't worry if not ... YOU WILL!

Ok ... later
Love, CJ

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Old 02-23-2001, 08:01 AM   #7  
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Hi Y'all ~

TGIF tomorrow!! YIPPEE!!!!!! It's been a long week with hubby out of town and my baby moved out. I went to the gym tonight straight after work and came home to an empty, dark house. I think I'll just read my junk mail and write some bills. Woo Hoo....

Mary Kay ~ Staying the same is a blessing ~ some weeks, I pray for that. Ha!
Your son just moved out too? It was hard, even though I knew he was leaving, when I came home Tuesday night and with my husband on a business trip, my eyes went straight for his room when I walked in (every light was on so it was easy to do....hehehe) and I saw that the desk, bed and computer were gone. That was hard. He informed me that he'll be bringing his laundry home. He does do his own from time to time but he doesn't want to go to a laundomat. Of course, I will do it for him....

Sandi ~ yes, hubby is lucky...he said he was "up a few hundred" but I'm not sure what that means. He loves it there too. When we leave for vacation next Friday, we are driving through Shreveport, LA and staying the night at the new Hollywood Hotel and Casino and then to Biloxi, MS for a night so he'll be having his fill of those places. Sure hope I have money left when we get to Florida. Oh, and yes, I'm missing him about now.

CJ ~ Hope you're feeling better kiddo. Hey, 1/2 pound is still heading in the right direction!!! And yes, I'm at 179 as of last Monday which is a total loss of 30 pounds. (started at 209)

Hi to everyone I didn't address personally. Hope you're all doing well. Tomorrow is Friday and I say YIPPEE!!!

Zoe ~ soaking up the "SON" in Texas
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Old 02-23-2001, 11:31 PM   #8  
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HI everyone. Hope your Friday is going well.

Judy: Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a Great Day.!

Sandi: I have been gone from Grainte City since 1980. I have a brother who lives there with his family. I still call it home. I go and see all the changes that have taken place. My nephew will graduate next year from the same school that my brother and myself graduated from. I am planning on going to see him graduate.

CJ: Hope you are feeling better. Congrats on the 1/2lb loss. That is the right direction.

Zoe: My son hasn't brought his clothes home yet and he said he might start doing that. And like you I too will do them for him. I am not doing anything with his room yet, just in case he needs to come back home. I did that with my daughter and everytime I madeher room into a craft room for me, she decided to come back home.

Well, I better go. Will talk more later.Mary Kay
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Old 02-24-2001, 02:45 AM   #9  
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Good Friday everyone! It's a good Friday because I'm not working. The only drawback is I have a cold and I'm a big baby. (The operative word there is big!) It's not as much fun when you are home and don't feel good. My friends wanted me to go to lunch today but I thought sitting at that table with a Kleenex up my nose might not look good.

CJ---It's official I'm joining WW on Tuesday, so I will have a new weight for you on Tues. night. My sister called and had joined so I decided me too. I will be happy with 1/2 lb. lost. I hope you are too.

Sandi and Judy---I guess I slept thru your birthdays, so belated Happy Birthday and many hugs.

Sam---I am so happy for you and your little one. Keep us informed. Do you want me to come and rock him/her when they get here? I love rocking babies almost as much as I love eating! Good luck to you.

Jo---I know you will get back on plan but will you get that vaccuming done.????? When it gets down to the last minute, I know you will.

I am sitting here with 5 boxes of girl scout cookies, unopened. How long will it last? CJ when I changed my e-mail address I think I lost the one where you gave the points on GS cookies. If you still have it could you send it again?

Sorry I haven't address everyone but it is time to replace the kleenex in my nose and take a nap. See you soon and have a great week-end.
BTW I to have a daughter coming home for the week-end and guess what's she's bringing. Laundry of course! Where did we go wrong?
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Old 02-24-2001, 03:03 AM   #10  
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OK ... just a quick post here for CH cuz I am running out the door as we speak!

Carolyn - here is the girlscout cookies points - and congrats on joining WW on Tuesday! YOU CAN DO IT!

Aloha Chips
(A vanilla based cookie loaded with white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts)
Serving Size: 3 cookies
Points Per Serving: 4 pts
Fiber: 1
Calories: 170
Fat Grams: 10

Animal Treasures
(Mouth-watering shortbread cookies dipped in rich fudge and embossed with endangered animals)
serving size: 2 cookies
Points per serving: 5 points
Fat Grams:9

Apple Cinnamon (Reduced Fat)
(A natural, reduced fat apple and cinnamon cookie, shaped like an apple. sprinkled with cinnamon sugar)
Serving Size: 3 cookies
Points Per Serving: 3 pts
Fiber: 1
Calories: 120
Fat Grams: 5

Do-Si-Dos also known as a Peanut Butter Sandwich
(Crisp 'n crunchy oatmeal cookies with creamy peanut butter filling)
Serving Size: 3 cookies
Points Per Serving: 4 pts
Fiber: 1
Calories: 180
Fat Grams: 8

Lemon Drops
(A luscious lemon cookie, tender and crisp, with creamy lemon chips)
Serving Size: 3 cookies
Points Per Serving: 4 pts
Fiber: 0
Calories: 160
Fat Grams: 8

Lemon pastry cremes (reduced fat)
(The same great combination of tangy lemon creme and lightly glazed pastry cookies-now reduced fat!)
serving size: 3 cookies
Points per serving: 3 points
Fat grams: 4.5

Samoas also known as Carmel delites
(Vanilla cookies drenched in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut and laced with dark cocoa stripes)
Serving size: 2 cookies
Points per serving: 3 points
Fat grams:7

Tagalongs also know as Peanut Butter Patties
(Tasty cookies topped with creamy peanut butter and covered with a luscious chocolate coating)
Serving Size: 2 cookies
Points Per Serving: 3.5 pts
Calories: 150
Fat Grams: 8

Thin Mints
(Thin chocolate wafers dipped in a rich chocolaty coating with a burst of pure peppermint oil)
Serving Size: 4 cookies
Points Per Serving: 4 pts
Fiber: 1
Calories: 160
Fat Grams: 9

Trefoils also known as Shortbread
(Tender, delicate tasting shortbread made with butter and eggs. Guaranteed to melt in your mouth)
Serving Size: 4 cookies
Points Per Serving: 3 pts
Fiber: .1
Calories: 130
Fat Grams: 6

Upside down frosted oatmeal
(Luscious oatmeal treats with sweet sugar frosting on the bottom)
serving size 3 cookies
Points per serving 4 points
Fat grams:7

A big hello to everyone! Catch ya later..
Love, CJ

"It must happen in your mind before it happens in your life!"
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Old 02-24-2001, 06:04 AM   #11  
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Hi CJ, hanging my head a little low...and no I haven't lost those 3 lbs yet. 'Yet' being the operative word...BUT I WILL. I am more determined than ever...but I am getting tired of the +1,-1,+3,-1,+1,-1 lb.....well you get the general idea. Been like that for 1.5 weeks now. BOO HOO. I've tried varying light days of carbs to a higher day with protein. Yogurt for breakfast rather than my cereal/skim milk. Bigger meal at lunch and lighter cal meal at supper...3Litres of water and increasing my fibre. Any ideas?
Today was a good day, but then so was the rest of the past 1.5 week. Who knows? Somethings got to give, right? RIGHT! Well, thats why I didn't post my numbers on Tues and why I've been lurking. So glad I got THAT off my chest. Have a great weekend, and stay on plan! bye
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Old 02-25-2001, 10:27 PM   #12  
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Hi guys,
It's me, I have been around reading everything, but just haven't posted till now. I am trying to get back on track again. I went to my WW meeting and was up 6 lbs, but I knew I would have a gain cause last week during the trial just didn't do anything on program except one time Chrissy took me to her gym to exercise. Lot of good it did. We ate out the whole time. I tried to cut back at breakfast and would have a bowl of oatmeal, but with even lunch and dinner out, it was hard to stay on program for me. Also the places we went to were really hard, like Detroit's Greektown with their wonderful flaming cheese or Saginacki they have there on greek bread. In my frame of mind I just didn't worry about anything and it showed for me. I was much too stressed to do any of that back than.

Anyways just didn't want to post till I was doing something and this past week I have been trying. I have been eating better according to WW, not perfect, but it is a start. I have been trying to drink my water too somewhat. The only thing I haven't added yet is the exercise and hope to do it this next week. That is always the last thing to kick in. I will try to fit it in at least 3 times to help motivate me.

Can't even begin to catch up on everything, but wanted to say to a few people.

angel-eyes: I know how you feel with you gain, cause I gained twice as much as you and I know why too. But let's hang in there and do our best as I see by your post that you have been doing great and everything right, but keep it up cause it will pay off soon. YOU WILL LOSE THOSE 3 LBS!

CJ:My gosh girl you are on a roll arn't you? I am proud of you and knew you would do good this week. You did really well at Logan's Steak House too when we went last week with you hubby Dick. Thanks for posting the points for the girl scout cookies. We have a few boxes, but I am proud to say haven't had even one. So I am trying I really am. Hope you are feeling better soon. It's hard to be sick and stay on program, but you are doing it girl!

Carolyn-CH: That is great that you are joining Weight Watchers, you will love the new program. It is so easy and something we can stay on for the rest of our live. You can have most anything you want, you just have to count the points so it is great in that way. That is good too that you are going with your sister too. It helps to have a buddy doing it with you. You will do fine, I just know it.

Mary Kay:If you want your son to move back in than just make his room into your craft room. If you don't than let it be. LOL I am with you on that doing their laundry, they are so pathetic when they move out and at least when they bring their laundry over you get to see him again. So that is a good thing for you.

Zoe:Wow you vacation to Florida sounds great. My daughter in the Air Force stationed in Fort Walton Beach just got back from Mardi Gra in New Orleans and said it was quite an experience. You are soppose to show your upper part to get beads, but she didn't even show anything and came home with some beads anyways. She went with her boyfriend and you know he would be mad if she EVER did that. I would get no beads, and have to pick them up ofr the street that people maybe dropped to get them. LOL Have fun when you go and save some money for Florida too.

Sandi:Glad you had a great birthday. Hope you got my e-card. It doesn't get much better than being with your friends and family on your birthday.

Gail:Speaking of birthdays, gosh how could I have forgotton yours? I went to the Thin Group website and noticed yours was the 11th of Feb, that was the day I left for Michigan for the trial. I must have been just thinking about the trial. I went back and wanted to see if anything was said in the thead when I was in Michigan. But I didn't remember. So sorry my friend, hope it was a special one. I will give you a call soon and wish you Happy Birthday personally. Are you back from Florida yet? I hope so, post with us and let us know how it went. I have been thinking of you and hope you are doing well.

Jello: So you opted for the slot machines eh? Well hey the vacuming can wait I always say, if you would have done it before you left than there would just be more dust or pet hair when you get back. LOL You made a great choice and I would have been right there with you at those slot machines too. Only I go cheap like the quarter ones, even the nickle ones when I can find them. Hey you still have just as much fun I always say. Wow a 30 lb weight loss, you are doing great Jo. Keep it up!

Sam-Oh it was so great hearing from you and knowing that things are going good with your baby. Gosh in 8 weeks you will be a Mom. I hope everything works out well with your boyfriend. Let us know and keep us posted. We love hearing from you!

Judy-A belated Happy Birthday too you too, my gosh I am sure missing these birthdays. Thanks for posting and on congratulations on your 5 pound loss too. I will say a prayer for Cal too, let us know how things are going. We love you Judy!

Sherry-Gosh sorry I just went back and read before I left for the trail and forgot to comment on something you asked me about you son being in band. You had said that you make him go practice in the woods behind your house cause you couldn't stand hearing him play and you had asked me if you were a bad mother. My answer to you is NO! Because you can ask any of my kids and I always told them to practice in their room and they were so horrible with so many squeeks and sour notes that I used to yell up to them all the time "CLOSE THE DOOR". We still laugh about that, but he will get better each and every year. I promise you, cause now when they play it brings tears to my eyes how beautiful they play. You are a good mother, I can tell that. Hey where are you? I miss you! Come on back and post with us. If I can do it you can do it. Love you Sher-Bear!

Chrissy-Hey sis in law, it was nice getting your email the other day. I just now replied to you and hope you got it. I too hope and pray that on April 2nd we will have some justice for Rick. I am sure we will, we just have to. Glad you are feeling better and sorry that old flu got you and the girls too. Like I said in my email, I never caught it from you guys so don't even worry about it. Looking forward to seeing you again when I come to Michigan for the trial. Love you Chrissy.

Well the trial-or shall I say knocked the wind out of me big time. I want to post the new article the columnist Pete Waldmeir wrote the day I came back from Michigan and will post it when I get back from work today. I have to leave right now, bummer working Sunday, but we are so un-busy now it isn't funny so we just sit there and talk and read magazines. Rough job eh? Well somebody has to do it. LOL We are out of our "peak" season now so that is pretty much what we get to do. Kinda makes up for when we run our butts off at H & R Block. LOL

Take care guys and I will be back soon to post that article.

Love ya, Sassy Sharon
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Old 02-26-2001, 07:30 PM   #13  
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Oh, girls. I'm hanging my head in shame. I'm embarrassed to admit this but for the first time since I rejoined WW, I simply could not face going to get weighed in. I got up Saturday morning with a feeling of dread, even got dressed and drove TOWARD the meeting but just couldn't bring myself to go in. I knew I'd be up at least 3 lbs. and I just couldn't face it. I even lied to Rich and to others about how I'd done at the weigh-in, etc. Oh, this is bad.

And of course I got my period yesterday which added to both my weight and my emotional frame of mind. Oh, I've got to really really really behave this week. Or else!

Sharon, you should be proud of the fact that you went and weighed in even though it wasn't good news. I wish I were as brave as you. And you had better reasons for your gain too.

Well, I'm having a typical Monday morning so I'm going to sign off now. The boss is already on my last nerves and I'm not even supposed to be working for another 3 minutes!!! Think I'll tell him I have to leave early now and see if I actually get out of here on time.

Have a better day than I'm having!!!
Much love, Jo.
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Old 02-27-2001, 02:29 AM   #14  
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Chin up, Jo. We know you can do it. Toss it off as a weak moment and get on with it. No pressure on you but.......I'm joining WW tomorrow night because you and CJ (and others) have set such a good example. Kidding aside, what's 2 or 3 lbs. compared to what you've already lost. It's that PMS thing. Aren't they awful. Men should have them, not us! I have faith in you.
Love, Carolyn
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Old 02-27-2001, 09:56 AM   #15  
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Here you go guys this article from Pete Waldmeir a columnist for The Detroit News. We were gonna wait till the trial was all over but decided the heck with it. This judge is already mad at us so what the heck. This guy is a piece of work and really does hate us for not only appealing to sucessfully get the confession back that he threw out but because he acts like he is a God in his courtroom and you know you don't go over his head now and get back what he already threw out. He is also really very unprofessional acting in his court, high five-ing all his workers when he comes into the room when court is in session and a bunch of other things. So read this and tell me what you think of it all. For those of you who don't know Christine Scandirito is my sister in law and our own Chrissy. This ran the day I came back from Michigan after the judge ordered a mis-trial. It mentions all we have went through and Judge Morrow by name too. April 2nd is the new trial for my brothers killer so I am all ready to go once again and drive from Indiana back to Detroit to be with Chrissy, her daughters Emily and Ellen as well as my dad Papa and my other brother Jerry. This is the 2nd piece the Detroit News has run and I copied and pasted the 1st piece before I left under The Thin Group # 38 if you want to go back and read the 1st one also.

Christine Scandirito will have to wait to deliver a symbolic valentine to her late husband, Richard, until at least April 2. She's just hoping that the criminal justice system doesn't turn it into an April Fool's joke.
"Our family hoped and prayed that we'd have some closure on Richard's murder by last Wednesday," Scandirito said, referring to Valentine's Day. "I just can't believe the justice system can be so messed up.
"This case has been dragging on for more than 14 months. The accused killer has been in jail all that time. Now there have been seven delays and four different prosecutors. The last prosecutor got it three days before we went to court," she said.
"First one judge withdrew, then another (Wayne County Circuit Judge Bruce Morrow) threw out a signed confession and the Michigan Court of Appeals had to overrule him and let the confession back in," the widow continued.
"Now Judge Morrow lets the trial go on for two days and then declares a mistrial last Wednesday because of some mistake that he says the prosecution made.
"I'm beyond being devastated," Scandirito said. "I'm sick, sick and tired. Now my two daughters and I have to wait another six weeks for justice. It's just not fair, to us or even to the family of the man who's accused of killing Rick."
The October 1999 robbery-murder of Richard Alan Scandirito, then 42 and a Detroit Newspapers circulation supervisor, was sadistically brutal. The killer shattered the victim's skull with a heavy thermos bottle and stabbed him several times.
The body was dumped in a parking lot and the victim's blood-soaked van was abandoned on a Detroit freeway, where his wife found it when she retraced his route to work after he was reported missing.
Ex-convict Robert Person, a parole violator from Detroit, turned himself in to Detroit homicide detectives and confessed hours after the killing. He's charged with first-degree murder, which carries a sentence of life in prison.
At his arraignment before Morrow, however, Person claimed the police forced him to sign the confession. The judge refused to admit it into evidence, but prosecutors appealed and it was reinstated.
During trial testimony last Tuesday, however, an arresting detective mentioned that Person had been a parole violator when the murder was committed. After the jury was dismissed, Judge Morrow ruled that the officer's statement was prejudicial to the defense and ordered the mistrial.
"I spent an hour on the witness stand, describing how I found the bloody van," Christine Scandirito said. "I broke down. It was terrible. Now I have to do that all again?
"Time after time my family has had to go through this. There were 14 of us in court those two days. Now we all have to suffer through this again in six weeks?
"You know, I laughed at first when some attorneys referred to Judge Morrow as 'Turn 'em Loose Bruce,'" Scandirito said. "But after this, I see what they mean."

Pete Waldmeir's column appears Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday in The Detroit News. Call him at (313) 222-2345 or send e-mail to [email protected].

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