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Old 02-22-2002, 08:38 AM   #1  
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Default The Thin Group #76

Hello and welcome to the Thin Group! We are a great group of ladies (but men are welcome if there are any who care to join us) who have one thing in common. We are all working together toward our goal of being healthier in our daily lifestyles and to lose weight in 2000. There are all different ages and backgrounds here and we all have different ways of losing our weight. We all love to have fun and laugh, but we also give a lot of support, encouragement and motivation for one another. Please feel free to post with us - just jump right in and believe me, you will be welcomed with open arms. The more the merrier!

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Old 02-22-2002, 08:41 AM   #2  
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OK, seriously now....

I've been SWAMPED at work and haven't even had the chance to check in and read posts. Thought I'd have to quick catch up but no one's been here!! Just me and Judy I guess. We'll have to have all the fun without you guys!

Eating right and exercise have gone completely down the drain this week. Just been too busy to plan and/or exercise and/or drink water (and go to the bathroom). Today's going to be another one I'm afraid. Hopefully, I won't find time to eat at all. Maybe that'll save me???

Have to go. Hope to hear from you all!
Love, Jo.
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Old 02-22-2002, 11:20 AM   #3  
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Default drawing a blank

I don't know what to say about myself except I'm still laughing about the 100 lb. potato sacks.

I wear a size 12/14 which isn't bad, I know, except that I have the skinniest little bones. With the globs of fat I've collected, here and there, I resemble marshmallows stuck on toothpicks. With hands, feet and a head.

I've been doing better lately by skipping meals when I know I'm still full from the last one, munching on apples and Kashi and such, drinking water and thinking somewhat postive.

I run in the problem also of being sooooo careful with what I eat and gaining weight. But, I reason, it's probably the water or the accumulation of all that fiber. It's normal. It'll pass (no pun intended).

Thank you for the welcome.
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Old 02-22-2002, 12:01 PM   #4  
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Hi Everyone!

TGIF!!! I lost 1 lb. this week, so my overall total is now 22. I'm glad I'm finally losing again. My goal is to lose a total of 30 lbs. by the first of April. We are going to Pensacola and New Orleans then. My son is in Navy flight school training to be a flight surgeon, and we are going to his graduation in Pensacola the first weekend in April. It will be shorts season there.

Jo, your workload sounds like mine. I've also been working really hard, so hard that I've hardly had time to eat lunch and haven't been getting home until after 6:00. I have off today, so I just read through the last thread. I've joined your Valentine to Easter challenge.

Svelte&Lithe, welcome to the Thin Group! Try counting points (Weight Watchers). You can join a group or check out weight watchers online.

Sylvia, glad to hear you had a good vacation in Mexico, but sorry to hear you lost your job.

Judy, I loved your potato sack exercise! Ha, ha, ha! I'll have to check out Diet Power. I've been using WW online and like it.

Sharon, sorry to hear your father is not feeling well. It sounds like you and your family had a nice birthday party for him. Congratulations on 42 lbs. That's great!

Hi to Peggy, Chrissy, CJ, Sherry, and everyone else. Hope all of you have a good weekend.

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Old 02-22-2002, 09:46 PM   #5  
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Jo----Sounds like your job is about to get you down. Take care. I never miss a meal, unfortunately. You will probably have a successful week. Good luck.

Sharon----My prayers are with you also. It hurts to watch someone you love go downhill. May his life be easy from now on.

Judy---- How's all the work going now? I remember thinking when I was involved in all that, "I'm never doing this againl" How's the new diet going? I wish you well.

Svelte&Lithe-----Welcome, I know they've told you this before but you really will love it here. I don't get here as often as I would like but when I do they always pick my spirits up!

Sher-Bear-----How's Nashville? I need to get there again. I know the mall's are missing me! Have you heard from your tests? I may have missed your post.

Well I think I just (almost) have completed my first really legal day in awhile. I am just coming off a time of depression or frustration, I'm not sure which. For some reason everywhere I have been lately was full of great food. And you would have thought I hadn't eaten in a month. I hope I have turned myself around now and gotten back on the WW wagon. My weight lost has been very slow and that gets frustrating. Enough about me, where is everyone? I weigh in on Tuesday night I will report back then.

BTW Jo did you ever make the Hearty Chili. We've made it weekly and still like it.

Have a great week-end! Carolyn
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Old 02-23-2002, 09:56 PM   #6  
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Angry Good Evening

Good evening all. Well not a whole lot new here except that my hubby came home and it sure is good to have him back. Although I will miss my sister as she really treated me like a queen. Tomorrow we are taking the grandkids to the International Dog Show here. I love to go to see all those animals.

Judy.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! I just had one too. Now I remembered we weren't too far apart. I loved your verse. So much truth in it really. How is your new diet going? Is it easy to follow for you?

Jo...Slow down girl and take a break. You work way too hard.

SvelteandLithe...Welcome to the group. I had to laugh at your funny description of yourself.

Trish......Gret job on 22 pounds gone. You will get to 30 in no time. How wonderful that your son will be a flight surgeon and you will be attending his graduation. That will be a tear jerker when and if they play all those military songs at the ceremony. It would for me anyway.

CH......You just keep on trying for those legal days. Glad to hear you are back on the ww wagon. Iyt sure doesn't make it easy for one when there is always so much food around and most of the time it is the wrong type.

Chrissy....Miss you girlfriend. I know how busy you are with your father in law and your mom and school and work. Will touch base with you soon.

Sharon....You and Papa are still in my prayers every night.

Love to all
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Old 02-24-2002, 12:15 PM   #7  
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I was so busy yesterday that I didn't have time to wish you a Happy Birthday.....So This Is For You Girl!!!!

Happy Birthday To YOU.............

Happy Birthday To YOU..........................

Happy Birthday Dear Judy ................................

Happy Birthday To YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Ya,
Sherry (Sher-Bear)
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Old 02-24-2002, 12:40 PM   #8  
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Hi Ya'll................

I'm taking a break from washing & cleaning and wanted to post. I have been watching what I eat (fat grams), eating smaller portions & walking!! I've done good all week without any set-backs!! Hopefully the scales will be good to me tomorrow!! LOL

TRISH****** Congrats on the lb. loss! That's just a start for more to lose before your trips in April! You can do it!! I know you're proud of your Son.Wow...a surgeon! That's wonderful!!

CAROLYN******Next time you're at the Malls in Nashville, let me know.About my results, (thanks for asking). I found out that the H-Pylori is now in my stomach.There's a cluster of ulcers.She is going to keep an eye on them & I'll continue to take the new medicine I'm on. Hopefully I'll do better with these ulcers then the ones I had in my Espoghus.Sure don't want surgery again!

JUDY******Hope you had a great Birthday.Sorry I was late.Did you start the DietPower? What exactly is it? What types of foods do you eat? Loved the story that your Daughter sent you.Thanks for sharing it with us.

SUELTEandLITTLE******Welcome!!! So nice to have you here!!! I loved your description about yourself using the marshmellows stuck on sticks! I got a big laugh!! Again...Welcome!

SANDI******Glad that your hubby is home safe now.I'm sure you do miss your Sister.I'm glad to hear that ya'll are so close.My Sister & I aren't.We haven't spoken in 9 years.(Long & Sad Story)How's your nail?

PEGGY****** A personal Trainer huh? Wow...I'm so jealous!! LOL! Do you mind me asking you how much one costs? Maybe I could lose weight better if I had one of those AND a Personal CHEF!! LOL!!

CJ******Oh Where,Oh Where..Has My CJ Gone???? Are you at the cabin OR in the tub? Hehe...I miss you! I also miss you making me laugh & smile.I've been kinda in the dumps lately and need some BIG TIME lifts! Hope you're doing ok...Hurry back soon! {{{ CJ }}}

SHARON****** Oh girl, how I miss you too! Are you at home? Or did you have to go back to see your Papa? How is he? I've been worried about you.Hopefully you'll post soon so I'll know what's going on.I'm here for you if you need me.Love you Sharon!

JO******BRAT,BRAT.....BRAT!!!! CJ was probably in the tub again & couldn't start the new thread.But boy you sure hung in there!! LOL!!! Hey girl.....Keep getting tough and don't give up! You'll reach your goal sooner or later.Hang in there & smile!

Ok.....I took longer posting then I expected.My dryer is buzzing like crazy!! Better go get those clothes out! Have a great OP day!

Love Ya'll...
Sherry (Sher-Bear)

Last edited by Sherry; 02-24-2002 at 12:45 PM.
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Old 02-25-2002, 08:42 AM   #9  
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So good to hear from you all! The bad news is that I GAINED one lb. on Saturday. I got on the scale at home before I went and expected a little gain but not a whole pound. Actually, it's PMS and water retention. Last night, my period came on full and I'm suffering from cramps and nausea today as usual.

I was still at work with the boss at 7:00 last Friday night and told him that he could either pay me overtime for those 2 hours or give me Monday afternoon off "for free". I was supposed to go to the hospital for tests this afternoon and didn't want to use vacation time. As it turns out, they can't do the test today because of my period. So I called them and rescheduled for next Monday at 5:00. Boss will be away anyway. I've decided though that I'm taking the afternoon off today anyway, just because. Got some shopping to do (who me?!?) and it's a nice sunny day, etc.

Anyway, I thought I had only 1.2 lbs. to go until my 40-lb. star. Now it's 2.2 lbs. I'm hoping it'll go back down by the end of the week at least to where it was before. Rich and I made a deal. I have to reach the 40 lb. mark and then have another loss the following week and he'll take me out to dinner. He also gave me a ticket to Atlantic City on Valentine's day but I'm not going to use it until I reach 42 lbs. lost. Yes, I am playing little games with myself but maybe this will work.

SvelteandLithe, welcome. Glad you found us. Post often!

Sandi, slow down!?!? What's that mean!?!?!

Sherry, I am smiling. Well, I'm trying. Thanks for the "bratting". Actually, I followed CJ's lead and took a nice long bubble bath last night. Hey, she's got something there!

Carolyn, nope, haven't made the chili yet. Not enough hours in the day! And no kitchen! Made some veggie soup in the crock pot last night and packed it all into containers this morning. That's lunch for the week I think. Maybe dinner too?

Trish, congratulations on the weight loss! Send some of your vibes south to me, would you?

Have to go. Boss has a presentation this afternoon and hasn't even started it yet. Guess if and when he finally decides to roll in, I'LL have lots of work to do. Sigh.

Have a good one all!
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Old 02-25-2002, 12:47 PM   #10  
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Hi everyone. I'm back online from the disruption of vacation time (actually so much work on the house), and the news is bad, bad, bad. I was soooooo bad last week, I didn't even write down what I had eaten. That's a first since I started WW last July. Well, WI told the complete story. Up 7 (I'm so embarrassed), yes, it was 7 pounds. However, the good news is that I am back on track today. Looks like a lot of WW vegetable soup over the next while.

I am also starting with the personal trainer this week, so hope that everything speeds up a bit.

Everyone has been so busy this past week. I have read all your posts, but haven't got time to respond...must run to a meeting in a few. Great to hear from everyone, though. Has anyone heard from CJ?

Welcome to Svelte&lithe. I can just picture the marshmallow person held together by sticks. Hope to hear from you often. We're still looking form someone to keep Sherry and Jo in line. LOL.

Sherry - I don't know how much a personal trainer costs. I work in a college that has a complete fitness centre and the personal trainers are provided for staff use. It's really embarrassing to have worked here for over 15 years and not used the facilities very much. I just find that if I work out at lunch, I feel like I haven't had a break, have to shower before I go back to work, etc., then start to feel like it is not enjoyable. When the kids were small, it wasn't possible because they needed to be cared for before and after work. Now those are my excuses... I don't have many of them anymore, so need to start to take advantage. This is a new year, so need to start a new plan.

Hope everyone has a great week. Talk to all later.

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Old 02-25-2002, 06:10 PM   #11  
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Hi everyone ...

I'm sorry I haven't been around ... it's been a series of things - we were up at the cabin when Sharon was in Michigan - Sharon, I'm so sorry we didn't connect! Next time I hope! Then, I was a few days without my internet as my cable co was taken over by another and we had to make the switch, and there was problems. I can't even get my email to work so I can have the same name ... so I have this real long name and number bit ... oh well ... I'm still working on it. And, I am still not feeling well .. my arm is still bad (pulled muscle or ligament and it is taking forever to heal) .. I try not to use it at all but that is so hard! I have such a bad headache right now I won't be on here long. And, last but not least, I have been very down about my weight - I still have not lost those stupid 2 lbs that I was up - it just won't come off! I almost (I said almost) decided to quit going to meetings cuz I just was not doing well ... but I am not going to give up! I am slowly getting my determination back!

Sherry: I am sorry - no laughs for you today! But ... I'm back! hahaha

Swelveandlithe: Welcome to the group! You will get a lot of support here ... I'm sorry about the "whining" I don't usually do this. Just a bad time for me right now. Hope you post often so we can get to know you better.

I haven't posted any of the updates (as you probably have noticed) but I have all your "updates" and will post a fresh update this Friday, ok?

OK ... have to go - just wanted to let ya all know I am still around ...

Judy: I'm so sorry, I didn't keep up with the birthdays - so will you accept my belated birthday wish?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

Later ...
Love, CJ
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Old 02-25-2002, 07:12 PM   #12  
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Good Evening Ladies, hope everyones week-end was relaxing. Our weather was great and even today isn't bad but as all good things must come to an end, the rest of the week doesn't look to good.

CJ----So glad to hear from you. This board isn't the same without you. Went to my Dr. today and she encouraged me not to give up WW even if losses are small. She kept saying remember what you weighed a year ago. I wanted to share that message with you because I think you need it too. Several of us are in a slump right now, maybe it's the time of the year. I don't really know so everyone pick yourself up and let's get with it again. We can Do It!! Glad you've got that email worked out.

Jo-----Don't worry about that pound, it's probably water. Have you been to the doctor over cramps and nausea? In this day and time no one should have to go thru that. If I lived closer to you I would make that chili for you, I know it would make you feel better.

Trish----Congratulations on your 1 lb. That is my goal, I want to lose a lb. a week. You've done great. I know your son will be amazed to see you anyway.

Sandi----I know you are happy to have your husband home. Do you think your sister would come and stay with me for awhile? I sure could use her help. Maybe I should call my sister and ask her to come and cook for me. LOL My sister doesn't cook, I would wind up cooking for her.

Sher-Bear-----I hope your new medicine is working. Can you tell a difference? I don't understand H-Pylori, I will read about it. I would love to call when I get to Nashville again. May be pretty soon.

Peggy-----Good luck with your trainer! Sounds like a good idea! I too have belonged to a club for 3 yrs. and am just now getting started there. Now of course, the school system is talking about cancelling it next year. Wouldn't you know when I join it's like the kiss of death for the program. I plan to stay and pay whatever, hopefully.

Well tomorrow night I weigh in and see if I am doing better. Say a prayer for me. I will probably post the results tomorrow. (especially if I lose)
Take care, Carolyn
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Old 02-26-2002, 10:46 AM   #13  
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I have a headache!!!! Waaaahhhhhh!!!!

No, I don't know what that was. Just thought I'd vent a little. Took yesterday afternoon off and did a little bumming around. Didn't really feel well enough to really shop or anything but rented a movie (Legally Blonde) and watched that. Pretty good. Totally unbelievable but funny and a good diversion.

Felt a little better and went out in the unseasonably warm weather to clear out the garden a little. Pulled out the tomato cages and bean poles which (I admit embarrassed) were still there from last summer. Pulled out some old dead plants. Found parsley and spearmint growing like crazy!! Love this warm winter. Crocuses and daffodils and some of the bulbs I planted last fall are coming up too. Now I hope the weather stays warm.

Don't know why I'm rambling on like this. Oh, wait, I do know why!! I'm bragging that I got a little exercise and I didn't spend my afternoon off vegging out and eating like I normally do. How's this for a small success? I was going to stop at McD's or somewhere and splurge on a Big Mac and fries and a shake. Then I decided to skip the shake. Then I decided I didn't need the fries. Then I thought maybe just a burger. Then I thought I'd find someplace that had sandwiches instead. Then I actually stopped at the food store and saw some already-made sandwiches, even picked on up... then put it down and walked out. I went home and had some of the veggie soup we made on Sunday instead.

OK, what makes it a SMALL success instead of a big one is that I also had a toasted cheese sandwich but it was made with light bread and fat-free cheese. But it's a step in the right direction.

I guess I'd better get to work. Boss is at an off-site meeting this morning but is due back around lunch time. Guess that means I have to do all the work he left for me before then. Yikes! Just looked at my in-box!!! Gotta go!

Love you guys.
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Old 02-26-2002, 11:17 AM   #14  
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BBBBBBBRRRRRRRR! What happened to Spring? It's 19 degrees out there right now, and it's already warming up!

Had to take the dog to the groomers and papers to the tax man. Important stuff that had to be done, otherwise I would never have gone outside this morning!

My weight has stalled at the same spot as always. I'm at 249 one day and 250 the next. Got down to 247 a couple of weeks ago then right back up again. I haven't changed my eating habits, if anything I'm eating less, so why, WHY, WHY!!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. My daughter and her friend brought a cake to me with 60 candles on top! I had one small piece and gave the rest to my neighbors. My friend across the street invited me over to her house for dinner and a movie. All in all it was a very nice birthday.

I'm working on putting some of the cross-stitch pieces I have done over the years into frames. It cost too much to have them professionally done so I'm doing the work myself. I have four finished and even if I say so myself, they look pretty darn good (for someone who doesn't know what they're doing)! Now, the big job will be to figure where on my new walls in the living room I will hang them!

Welcome Svelte! This is a good group to post with. We're pretty close, almost like family. You'll find lots of support here.

Everybody have a good OP day!

Hugs, Judy
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Old 02-26-2002, 11:31 AM   #15  
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Default How is everyone doing?

I just have been going going and going more. Got back from Michigan and have been running around with my brother, Jerry trying to get him squared away. He will probaly be living with me for the time being and I want to see if he can qualify for anything in Indiana. For those of you who don't know Jerry is mildly retarted, when he was born he got too much oxygen they think. But he is able to work, as a dishwasher when he was in Michigan and he also has a drivers license and can drive too. My Dad, Papa is not able to take care of him since he has cancer, Lymphomia and he is 85 and choosing not to take chemo, but I can't say that I wouldn't feel the same way. He is pretty weak, would never survive the chemo and he is still on a feeding tube since they did surgery to remove his tumor. He has been through so much and how much time would it buy him? We have to think of his quality of life now. Anways Jerry did get food stamps in Michigan and so we applied for them here. We asked about SSI, but since he is able to work they said he couldn't. So we will let him get a job eventually to help put some more into his social security for when he retires. We also applied for Medicaid. Poor guy hadn't had his teeth cleaning in about 7 yrs before Mom died. I just Dad just figured, why bother with taking care of you teeth, you just end up losing them anyways. That is from the depression era that he lived in. But our generation knows better and he has already been to the dentist 3 times for cleanings. They scheduled 3 appointments because of the amount of tartar he had. But now his teeth look great and I can see he feels proud of how he looks now. I just want him to feel good about himself, that is the important thing.

Anyways had a tiny gain at my WW meeting yesterday. It was 2/10 of a pound-.2 not too bad, like 3 ounces, like a small bag of potato chips. HA HA But I have worked hard this week to get back to where I was before I went to Michigan and we ate out all the time. I tried to have salads when I could, but you know sometimes you just don't feel like a salad. LOL So I worked out, followed my program and drank all my water everyday. So I will take that small gain. I went back and checked my WW card and I haven't had a gain in 3 months of 12 weeks. I have just had losses, but life is full of up's and down's and so is your weight so I will keep that in mind as I continue to work toward my goal.

Last night Ken, myself and Jerry picked up Alan from the airport. He is my youngest, 18 and will be going into the Air Force the end of April. He was visiting my daughter, Tracy who is also in the Air Force, stationed at Eglin AFB in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Though before he went in he should finally visit his sister and the base ect. I guess he had a great week visit and Trace even took him to work one day with her. She works with Transportation and Al signed up to be a mechanic and she arranged for him to talk to alot of the mechanics in the hangar and see what it entails when he gets to Tech school. So I think that did him good to see how Air Force life will be for him.

First of all I want to wish a warm welcome to SvelteAndLithe. So glad you have decided to join our wonderful group. I got your private message back and was happy to get it. Thanks alot. Oh you are sooooo funny with that marshmellow description, but I'll bet you really look great. I can only wish I could get to a size 12-14. Maybe one of these days. I know you will fit right in with this group and already you are one of us. By the way, what is your name besides SvelteAndLithe? Also tell us about youself. Just so we can get to know you better. I know you will love it here. Post often if you have a few minutes to spare.

Carolyn-Good luck with you weigh in, I will surely say a prayer for you and I hope you do well. You have been working really great on you program and I know the results are showing. Keep up all the good work. Thanks for the kind words on my Dad, I hope and pray like you that his life will be easier from now on too.

Peggy-You will get that 7 lbs off if you keep on working like you are doing. I also have had some big gains in my lifetime. It seems like we work so hard to get it off and than if we do anything to enjoy what life has to offer, boom here it comes bigger than ever. It's just no fair I tell you is it? But I think we are all entitled to do that once in a while. I most certainly say "Enjoy life" and I know with all that vegetable soup and with the help of that personal trainer, I just know all that and than some will come off really soon. You will keep on going down down down.

Sandi-I know it is great to have Spence back home again, safe and sound. But I also know that you really enjoyed the time you had with you sister and especially all that cooking she pampered you with. You had asked about Social Security, but they said no. But I will keep letting him work, when we know what's what, so when he retires he will have even more social security. I also commented above about SSI. Thanks for caring.

Judy- Oh it sounds like you had a great birthday and I am glad it went well with your daughter and her friend, and way to go giving that cake away. It also sounds like you had a good time at the dinner and a movie that you neighbor/friend had with you. Happy Belated birthday to you. I know that you cross stitch frame will be really beautiful when you are done. Think of all the money you will be saving too. Maybe you can take a picture of it and scan it for us all to see when it is done.

CJ-Oh I too am very sorry we missed each other when I went to Michigan to visit Papa. We just couldn't do it. But don't worry, there will be other times as I will be going back and forth from now on to see him and Chrissy and the girls too. So we will fit a time in to get together and have lunch. I just send you an email and hope you got it. But I want to say now to just keep on going like you are doing. You have come so very far and are so dedicated to your program. I know first hand cause I have been with you at many meals and I truely admire your perseverence. MISS YOU! YOU CAN DO THIS! Here is a big hug for you to show I love you lots. HANG IN THERE!

Jello-Hey buddy, only one pound isn't too bad considering all you have lost. almost 40 lbs. Also since it is water retention from your time of the month it will come off when everything is done and over with. That is nice of Rich to give you that ticket to Atlantic City, I know you will get to your 42 lbs and look so good when you go there too. Be sure to get a new outfit to show off how great you look with your weight loss. Good for you on passing up that Mickie D burger, fries and a shake. I am proud of you. Isn't that a great feeling when you walk away?

Trish-Wow you are sure doing great with that 22 lb loss. I am so proud of you for all you have done to get there. I know it hasn't been easy, but you are doing it. You must be so proud of you son in the Navy, gosh a Flight Surgeon. How wonderful and what a great profession. I know you will look great when you go to his graduation in April.

Sherry-Hey Sher. how you doing so far? I know you have been struggling with those ulcers and sure hope that new medicine is helping with everything. Yes I am now at home and glad to be here again. I love seeing my Dad so much and I miss him when I am here, but I still want to be here for Ken, Dan and Al as well. This is the way it will be for however long I have Dad around to treasure. At times it is rough, but I will do whatever it takes to be with him. Thanks so much for your concern and everyone else on The Thin Group for caring. One of these days I will try to connect with you again and give you a call. Oh one more thing- HAPPY BELATED 15th ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!! I am glad it was so special and how romantic a Valentines Day wedding. Miss you and love you lots.

Sylvia-So you are now officially June Cleaver eh? Well you just enjoy your time off and go to the gym, do some things you have been wanting to do around the house and anything else you now have the time to do. I know you will be able to find something else when you are ready. Good luck on that purple dress for you sisters wedding in July. I am sure you will find just the right one and look wonderful in it too.

Chrissy-Gosh I miss you sis in law already and I haven't been home that long. I love seeing you and El and Em when I come up there. We sure have alot of love between each other don't we? I know it is rough with all that you do, taking care of Papa, your Mom, Mary and working and everything else you do, but you always keep on going. I love you so much for all you do. I know you know that. Let's just take things day by day and see how Dad does. All we can do is be there for him and love him like we have been doing. I know I will talk to you soon. Love you so much.

Well guys this is long enough and I hope I have addressed everyone and not missed anyone. Have to go to work later this afternoon right after I go with Jerry for our appointment with his caseworker. Take care everyone and sure hope the rest of the week goes great for all of you on your program and everything else too.

Take care and love you all, Sassy Sharon

Last edited by Sassy; 02-26-2002 at 11:54 AM.
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