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Sassy_Chick 05-06-2010 07:22 PM

Good Evening!
Good Evening.........


Well just got back home from running around like an hour ago. Had my interview at 2, well it was actually a little bit after 2 by the time the lady came to get me. But it went really well, I think she would have offered me a job right then and there if she had the list of jobs they were hiring for. She said if she didn't call me tonight (she didn't) that she would give me a call tomorrow and if I do not hear from her by 3 pm by tomorrow to give her a call. She also said that she would put in for me to make extra money because of my Customer Service Experience! Boo Ya! So not as much money as I was making at the Call Center, but still not bad esp since its literally like 2 miles from my house!

I most likely will be working in the floral dept. Which is fine because I used to work at a flower shop a long time ago. My old room-mate owned the flower shop and showed me a few things. So that is perfect because I won't be around food! She did ask me what dept I did not want and I said deli because I was trying to lose weight and did not wish to be around the food. I mean its a store and food is all over, but in the deli its ready-to-eat. Big difference there and the floral dept is right next too the produce!!! :D The HEALTHY stuff! lol.

So sounds promising. I did go to a few other places and applied too, just to be safe. Also had to pick up some things at the store as we're having a friend over tomorrow night and he's bringing the steaks for my DH to prepare (my DH makes really awesome steaks and our friend who is coming over is a VEGETARIAN and loves how my DH prepares his steaks! ;) ) and I'm making Cucumber Salad because our friend loves it and we do as well, plus ITS HEALTHY! Well it does have a teeny tiny bit of sugar in it, but not much.

So my bff just called and asked what I was doing and I figured she would and I had to say "Nothing as I'm tired." I'm just pooped out. All this exercise I've been doing and all this out and about today and plus my back started hurting badly too. I plan on doing nothing tonight. Also because this may be my last "free" weekend off. Which I'm def not complaining about! ;)

Sue -- I can sympathize with ya. Where as I don't have leg spasms yet, they are pretty sore and my back is starting to kill me now, I think my back is due to its supposed to storm soon though. I can tell that my muscles in my legs are building up though, even if they are sore. DH even commented that he can tell that my legs are losing weight and gaining muscle. ;) Hope you have a nice bike ride! I can't wait to buy a bike!!! If I ride that to work and back, that is 4 miles and its mostly uphill coming home!!! :bike2:

Anywho, I hope you all have a Great Evening!!! :D


suetalks 05-06-2010 09:34 PM

Quickie...I rode for 1 mile and my right leg started hurting, so I decided to quit and see how the leg does throughout the night. Last night it brought me right up out of bed...pain in the calf and then in the back of my thigh I had a spasm. So...I think the 3 miles yesterday might have been too much too quickly. Will do a mile or two tomorrow and get back to it.

Susan, my bike is just a Huffy with coaster brakes....no hand gears. They call them beach bikes now..since they are the going trend.

Sassy- Hope you get the job.

Jules- Keep us posted about Ashton.

Nothing else here...same thing, different day.

Sassy_Chick 05-07-2010 02:05 PM

Good Afternoon Ladies! :sunny:

Sue -- TY and Big :hug: I know those leg spasms are torture I used to get woke up with them ALL the time when I rode my bike. I know it does have something to do with Potassium. So try eating some bananas or other foods that are high in Potassium. I hope that helps! :hug:

Well I did not work out today. I was cleaning all morning/afternoon. So I am counting that as my work out. Plus I needed to rest my legs today. They do feel much better. ;)

We are having my inlaws over tonight for Mother's Day dinner as we are having a friend over for dinner tomorrow and Sunday night my DH works. I haven't heard anything yet from the grocery store. I have to call her in about an hour if I don't hear from her. Also got a call from the Cable Co for a job that I applied for Customer Service but the number the lady left took me to a mailbox system and I typed in her name and her name was not listed. DH and I both called the Customer Service # for our cable co and finally a lady sent out and email and also left a voice mail with the ladies supervisor. So lets hope she calls back or emails. Anywho I hope all is well with everyone.


RosieKate 05-08-2010 09:58 AM

Hi y'all!

ugh - allergies are kicking my butt...and my voice is gone. My family doesn't know what to do without me yakking at them all the time, lol! Supposed to have some friends over for dinner tonight - I'll be SO entertaining!

Jules - Congrats on the arrival of Ashton Spencer - sorry it was so scary, but glad he is here and well and I bet Dom is just going to love having a cousin.

Susan- you might move back to PDX? (yay) Would be cool for the girls to go to the same school, wouldn't it? Can't remember when you are going to Hawaii, but have a great time! I'm jealous :)

Sassy - fingers crossed for the job...you are doing a great job with your exercise. I have not been since this cold knocked me on my butt.

HI to Cristina, Anne, Sue, Kathy, Mindee, and Francie!

One more week of my teaching assignment, then some papers to write, then I am done! Well, sort of..I need to look for a job, but can't get a job until I get the endorsement, so one thing at a time. My scale said 170 this morning, so I am encouraged..I am planning to run soon, and I really need to since I haven't been exercising much this week. Hope you are all well!

saksn4 05-08-2010 10:24 AM

My family is on a trip for the weekend with my younger daughter's band. The band competed at the State level and WON!!:carrot::carrot::carrot: The kids really played their best!! I am so proud of them! Today we are going to an amusement park, then off to local sight seeing tomorrow. I am trying to eat as healthy as possible! I did pack a cooler with water bottles and some healthy snacks. But being a daily scale watcher, I am a bit leary!!:( Hopefully my choices will be ok!
I used to have problems with muscle cramping and spasms. My doctor gave me potassium pills. Those pills are a BIG help! I do notice a difference if I forget to take my pill in the morning!
Happy Mother's Day to all!

Sassy_Chick 05-08-2010 02:00 PM

Good Windy Afternoon! :wave:

Katie-- Allergies stink! Hope they clear up for ya soon! Thanks I called her yesterday and still no word yet. I hope something comes up soon!

Saksn4 - WTG on your daughters band! :congrat: Have fun!!!

Its a colder, windier day here in OH! Not too cold, its about 60 but the with the wind kicked up it feels like the 50's. But kinda a nice change from being so hot I guess. ;)

Well I did my W.A.T.P today, 1 mile. ;) I think the 1 day of rest (yesterday) helped TREMENDOUSLY not that I slacked off and did nothing, I cleaned ALL day yesterday in preparation of my inlaws coming over last night and our friend coming over tonight.
We had Pork Roast, Corn on the Cob (and OMG it was so good, (yes I indulged! HA!) esp for being the 1st in the season!!!), and Baked Beans for the dinner with my in-laws. It was for Mothers Day as we don't have the money to take my MIL out, so just cooked a meal, actually heated up most of it. The Pork Roast was from the other night and so were the baked beans. lol. But it was all still very good!
Tonight we're having Steak that our friend is bringing for DH to prepare and cucumber salad! YUM! LOVE Cucumber Salad!! :D I never used too when I was a kid, funny how your tastes change!!!

Also lastnight I bought a snickers bar, a KING SIZED one! lol. But only ate half. I just had such a craving for one and there it was staring at me in the check out! DH said, "Buy it, one candy bar won't hurt you." My little enabler. lmao. But I know he is right. (shhh don't tell him I said that! HA!) I mean my parents are SKINNY and always have been and they occasionally eat/ate sweets, just not all the time. Maybe that is the secret of skinny people. Wow you mean you don't eat 20 candy bars at one sitting!! Dang! lol. No I'm just joking and no offense to anybody out there who has done that. :hug: My choice of poison never was candy bars it was just a bunch of different junk so no difference really, I guess I just preferred variety! HA!
So I'm gonna ask you all, and you don't have to answer if you don't wanna, of course, "What is your Choice of "Poison"? What is the one or two foods that you just LOVE LOVE LOVE??" Mine has to be bread. Thats why this low carb gig sucks for me. lol. I'm a CARB LOVER! Love bread, love pasta, love rice..........LOVE it. Now I know there is Whole Grain Breads, pasta and even rice now, but still trying to be a "Good Girl" ;)

Ok back to working out and getting healthy.....See how easy it is for me to get off track?? LMAO! I do want to find a really good UPPER body workout. But ONLY upper body to do on the days I'm not doing the W.A.T.P. To give my legs a rest. If you all have any suggestions, please let me know! ;)

Ok Guess I have blabbered on enough! :blah: Thanks for listening!

Big :hug:

FrouFrou 05-08-2010 04:40 PM

Hello all...

Well, I meant to get back here to chat, just didn't happen.

SUSAN...you are welcome for the card. Hope the itchy thing is gone, such a pain eh? A good salad sounds good to me too! Probably have a chicken salad for dinner since no one will be home.

KATY...sorry about the cold and allergies. I know last year I had the allergies bad, first time I ever had to go to the doctor for them to get something strong. You'll be back to running in no time!

SUE...sorry about the cramping. I've not gotten on my bike since last year when I went out for a short ride and my knee starting hurting. Going to have to have the hubby put some air in the tires and give it a try again. Hugs to you! :hug:

SASSY...grocery store sounds like a decent job plus don't you get a discount? And only two miles away! Hoping you heard something by now. Good job on the exercise! :carrot: I too get bored with the treadmill and the WATP. I'll tell ya a good upper body workout...it IS a killer and I never have gotten passed the 10 minute warm-up, lmao...okay, nevermind...daughter must have taken it in her room. I'll get the name of it though...another one though is the Biggest Loser, there's some GREAT upper body workouts on the one I do. About the question...I think just food in general and most things sweet are my poison. For some reason in my old age I crave sweets, never have before.

ANNE...WTG to your daughters band! Enjoy your trip!

JULES...CONGRATULATION'S grandma! :congrat::celebrate: Hoping Tonia is feeling better!


Not a lot going on here. Was supposed to go to lunch with the son and DIL, that was the plan last week. Guess something changed and we didn't, oh well. So I got ready this morning for nothing and have basically done nothing so far today, lol. It is cold today or I would have gone to the park for a breather. Maybe I will do that tomorrow just to get out of the house. Feeling more like a hermit than ever before and not really liking it.

Did get in my walk at the mall everyday last week. Only thing that keeps me sane. I NEED those walks even if it is early and most days I dread them. Just need to get a handle on the other stuff...weights and dvds.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day ladies!

Sassy_Chick 05-09-2010 02:06 AM



Mom2Gaby 05-09-2010 08:33 PM

Happy Mothers Day!
I am late, I am sorry.
I have been running a temp since Friday night, only at night. It is 100.4 right now. I'm at work and just wanting to make it thru the shift. It is time and a half, and I got a seatblet ticket yesterday pulling out of Freddies w/ asprin and just wanting to make it home and was pulled over. I know, that is no excuse but I almost wanted to cry, $157 fine. *sigh,.....
Might move back to PDX, I am so tired of this job, almost 2 yrs and I am still only part time, frustrating to me. Plus the job is hard, I am not young anymore. *waaaa. We'll see, I am open to it though.
Better get!!

jules1216 05-10-2010 08:17 AM

Quicky for me since I am at work...computer CRASHED Friday...perfect ending to a perfect week...I almost had a breakdown Friday, but I had a good cry went with my brother to Sam's Club had a good long talk with him. He really is a good guy.

Mom had a few episodes last week, they did up her anxiety pills and that seemed to help. The tumors are really growing and she is beginning to have more bad days than good. My brother got her pink roses and then added red tulips to them...they are beautiful...there was a interested nurse at the cancer treatment center and now it's happening at the Nursing home. I'd like to see him find a really great lady....SuzyQ.....if you were only closer...

Baby Ashton spent his first 3 days in the nursery hooked to an IV. Ry's work was really great and left him off extra. The paycheck will not be good but we can help with that. They spent alot of time there. No infections turned up so it was truly precautionary, which makes it worse in a way since they had to go through. Will post pics when we have an up and running computer again :(. Ry had to work 12 to 12 yesterday so Tonia came out and spent the day at our house. Dominic likes baby Ashton though he still wants Mimi and granddad to do everything we usually do with him and let Ash stay in the crib.

Went to Mothers Day at our fave Mexican restaurant. Everyone but Ry since he had to work. Hubby even behaved around JR who he really doesn't like. I don't think anyone is ever going to be good enough for Teri and now that she has Dominic its worse. I am not saying JR and Teri dont have any problems, but we all do and he does love both of them. Hubby just needs to straighten up, hes started to make me mad about the way he acts.

Well that the update...no Facebook for me for awhile!!

I will try to keep posting!!

suetalks 05-10-2010 11:29 AM

Jules..So sorry to hear the news on your mom. I am praying for her to find peace and not suffer. Praying for you and your family to be strong enough to get through the coming times. :hug: I hope your brother does find the right lady...he sounds like a special guy. I am glad to hear that Ashton is doing okay and hope to see pictures soon. :)
*and I hear you on the husband stuff...mine behaves around others, then I hear about all that upset him after...grr..*

Susan- Naughty girl on the ticket...but don't beat yourself up about it. Happens to the best. (I can not believe it was so darn high. DD got a speeding tix and it was ONLY $ 147.) Hope the fever is gone and you are feeling tip top.

Cristina- Hope you had a nice MD... The mall walks sound great. I wish I didn't have to drive 25 minutes to get to our mall. :( I hope to get back on the bike today, but I tried over the w.e. and my leg hurt badly. I think I am just a wimp.

Sassy- Hope you got news on a job. Sounds like the store close to home would be good. Did you have an enjoyable week-end?

Anne- Hope the trip with band went well. Sounds like you will be busy now until school lets out...but then..yay..SUMMER.

Katy- Oh, allergies. DO hope yours are not kicking your behind quite so badly this week. For some reason my allergies have been manifesting themselves in earaches the last two years. I hate earaches, but at least I can breathe and talk. :) Get better soon!

Had a nice week-end here. Family breakfast with DH's fam. on Saturday. His brother was in from out of town. Good times, good food.
Yesterday we went to an afternoon brunch with DD and her family. Nice visit...and I got calls from the 3 kids away from here. So, a very pleasant day. It was cold all week-end, but is warming up today (I hope)

So..here it is Monday and I am going to get my rear in gear. Have a good week ya'll.

Sassy_Chick 05-10-2010 05:40 PM

Hey Ladies!
Hey Ladies!

Well I'm kinda bummed today. :( I WI and gained 3 pounds. :( I know that isn't a huge gain esp since I lost 8 pounds last week, which probably was mostly water weight......But still a gain is a gain and I hate gaining! I totally broke down into tears after and refused to eat breakfast even. (sounds like a toddler now doesn't it? lol) Finally DH talked to me and made me realize that I have still lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks and am eating right + exercising and my blood sugars are normal. I just gotta work harder. :) I think I'm also more emotional due to I've been on Prometrium for about a week now to induce my period, so I think it is making me extra emotional as well.

Cristina -- Thanks, haven't heard from the grocery store. Yes I would get a 10% discount, but they are union so I would have union dues taken out, but I know union is a good thing. Yesterday I did some upper body, nothing special just a few exercises I saw online. I'm feeling like a hermit myself. I took a shower and got dressed and was planning on going to see my bff and take a walk with her, but forgot today is the 1st day her daughter goes to daycare before she goes into work and so she's leaving early. Oh well I can go walking alone or just do W.A.T.P but I should get out I guess.....:p

Suzy Q -- I hope your feeling better dear! My DH's throats been bugging him so I told him to have a dr check it out at work. Dr said it's viral and probably what is going around at the hospital, all the kids have it. But so far he has no fever or nothing, just a sore throat. My mom is sick too, has bad bronchitis. I told her to get some Delsym and Mucinex. Get Well Darlin! :hug: I know how you feel about being bored with a job, that is how I felt about my last job. Its a miserable feeling I know and if its physically hard, I know that too, used to work in a factory and after my car accident I couldn't do it anymore. So I wish you well!

Jules -- Oh so sorry hon to hear about your mom. BIG :hug: Glad there were no infections with Baby Ash.

Sue -- No word yet. She said she'd call me. Man I hate that! I may call her tomorrow if I don't hear from her around 3 pm? What do you think? Too pushy? I called her on Friday like she told me too and she acted like I was bothering her even though she TOLD me to call her! UGH. DH was just there this morning and said they are very short handed right now, so maybe just trying to get caught up I guess. I had an ok weekend, it was cold and blechy here. DH is taking off Wed + Thurs so we are planning on maybe going to the Zoo and seeing the Zoo Babies. :)

Well girls I need to go walk or do something gotta get rid of those 3 extra pounds+! lol.

Big :hug:

Mom2Gaby 05-10-2010 09:26 PM

I am overwhelmed. Fever still and feeling chills and just want to sleep. Started boxing up crap in between taking my temp. It's my hobby now. So, much to do and I don't have time not to feel good. Might call sick tomorrow, I have like 1 day I can do that, the rest has to go to Hawaii.
anyway, whatever, I have nothing to say. :(

Sassy_Chick 05-10-2010 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by Mom2Gaby (Post 3285682)
I am overwhelmed. Fever still and feeling chills and just want to sleep. Started boxing up crap in between taking my temp. It's my hobby now. So, much to do and I don't have time not to feel good. Might call sick tomorrow, I have like 1 day I can do that, the rest has to go to Hawaii.
anyway, whatever, I have nothing to say. :(



jules1216 05-11-2010 01:19 PM

Sue-it is freezing here today...going to flip flop from upper 50's to upper 70's each day this week....crazy!!! sounds like you had a good mothers day

Sassy--I say call them or just pop in to let her know you are interested

Suzyq--hope you are not to sick and the blue skies, sandy beaches and warm water help you get well really quick...the plane ride will bite the big one if you dont get any better--I say take the sick day!!

Cristina, Francie & Katy--cant post on FB till the computer gets fixed or we get a new one.

Welcome Anne--I will have to go back and catch up on all your posts!! I have been MIA..on this site..but this is a great group of people

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