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tommysgirl18 09-23-2009 11:23 PM

just thought that I would pop in here......I need to get a lot of stuff done tomorrow while the boys are in school! the main thing is to get every thing packed.....since we are going to pack the van up after the kids are asleep tomorrow night.

jules1216 09-24-2009 06:18 AM

Happy Birthday to Sassy!!! Have fun on your trip!!

luckycharm 09-24-2009 07:43 AM


Happy Birthday Sassy
I hope you have a great day. And my fingers are :crossed:

Jules, how is Ry's girlfriends family taking the news? Hope you get a day to rest.

Mindee have a great day packing

hello to everyone. Have a wonderful day.

tommysgirl18 09-24-2009 01:05 PM


I had to sneak on here and see how every one was doing!! I was just reading on Yahoo!, well actually watching a video, on a woman that had gotten pregnant, and then 2 1/2 weeks after she got pregnant with that baby, she got pregnant again.

well, off to start packing and getting things together!

FrouFrou 09-24-2009 03:55 PM

SASSY...a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU!!!! :hb: :balloons:

KATY...CONGRAT'S on the run Sat!! :carrot:

Hi to everyone else and THANK YOU all for the congrat's! Was going to try and catch-up but I am so pooped, have no energy whatsoever. Went to FB first and it was being stupid, or thought it was but I'm thinking it is this computer. Thinking I am going to take a short 20 mn nap and then get this house straightened and some more laundry done, after I try FB again. Anyway, thank you again everyone!!! I will try and catch-up tomorrow!

Have a great Thursday!

Mom2Gaby 09-24-2009 04:14 PM

Happy Birthday Sassy!!

I am at work and having lunch, so have to be fast. Get some rest Crsitina! Glad to see you here :) I love the pix's of the baby Lily, she is a cutie.

Mindee- argh,so that article on the pregnancy of the lady, wow is all I can say.

better get!

tommysgirl18 09-25-2009 12:50 AM

just wanted to sign in to let you all know that we made it safely to our hotel in Ohio. we were going to wait until Friday morning, but Tommy went to rotate the tires, and found that his jack and a box of tools were missing, so we left Thursday night. we are now trying to get to bed.....so I need to go make sure that Logan and Marissa get some sleep.

jules1216 09-25-2009 09:01 AM

Sue--So cool..say hi to Ty for me!!

Mindee--what happenned to the jack and the tools??? Glad you made it safely. Enjoy the fun!!

Suzy---good morning--who's your head??

Cristina--give little Lilly a big squeeze!!

Sassy--hope you are enjoying that jacuzzi tub!!

Kathy,Katy & Francie--hi to all of you too!!

after I throw the laundry into the dryer, it's off to the post office, the library (fingers crossed that I find something good to read!!), exchanges at TJ Maxx, the Framers Market for some veggies, groceries and picking up my little man!!

Mom2Gaby 09-25-2009 01:11 PM

I want to meet Ty Pennington! I think he is so cute. :D

Jules - you mean how is my head? Not sure who is my head...lol I am ok, just burned out already on the job. With all the extra hours I am still going to be short of money. Geepers. I need a better paying job, I guess.

Hi to everyone!

Beck got a job at Papa Murphy's, so happy for her.....now she can pay her own cell phone. Her dad and I shared the expense.
Ate a plate of soba noodles yesterday and it was carb heaven. I am up to 154 now, joy. I really need to get it back down. :(

anyway, off to do a few errands before work. :wave:

luckycharm 09-25-2009 11:49 PM

Lost my post grrr.

Sue that is way to cool. I love Ty, His personality comes across as him being a really great guy. Hot too.

SusieQ I hope that you get some rest. Glad that Beck got a job. Hope she enjoys it.

Jules how are you enjoying your new washer and dryer? What did you find to read? Enjoy our little cutie while he is there. Give him a big hug.

Mindee I hope that you have a great time.

Katy how did your run go?

Cristina is everyone home from the hospital now? Will you be having Sunday dinner at your house?

Sassy are you enjoying your days off? What are you doing for your birthday?

Francie how are you? What shows were you watching with Fonzo?

Well I must run I have to work the nightshift tonight. Worked my first night last night.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Sassy_Chick 09-26-2009 03:55 AM

Hi Girls!

Yes my bday was so fun! I will hopefully be posting pics next week when my friend sends them to me! :) DH and I had fun at the hotel with the spa. I also have some pics from that. No nothing bad! lol Just something that was at the hotel that I found quite hilarious! :rofl:

Anywho, today is our Anniversary, 11 years. ;) So we plan on doing a whole of nothing today. DH is cooking me din din. But that is about it for today. We've been running around the last few days we just want to stay home and relax and enjoy!

Oh I took 3 preg. tests. 1 did not work at all, and the other too were negative. I have another I plan on taking in a few days just be sure. Cuz its just weird that for so many months now my period has been starting the same day every month then all of a sudden it stops? I know I have PCOS and have had irregular periods but it just seems weird to me........But I don't wanna get my hopes up. I pretty much just accept that its negative.........:( But doesn't mean I'm gonna give up! :D

Big :hug: Everybody and THANKS for all the Bday wishes!!!

FrouFrou 09-26-2009 01:54 PM

Happy Saturday All!

Nothing going on...thinking I am going to go take a nap, got up too early for a Sat, lol.

KATHY...all is home and well. Yes, Sunday dinner is a go as usual. Wasn't sure Charlotte wanted to take the baby out so soon, I probabaly wouldn't but she took her out and about Thursday or Friday...to Wal-Mart! How is your job, are you liking it?

SUSAN...yay to Rebecca and her getting the job! It's a start for sure.

JULES...did ya get something good to read yesterday? I have been trying to get back to reading but it's just not happening, still working on Stiff...funny, it really makes you think about things that one (me anyway) would never think about, what they do with the bodies that are donated to science.

MINDEE...hope you guys are enjoying your trip.

SASSY...a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and the hubby today! :cheers:

SUE...did I see something about Ty?

Hi to everyone else :wave:

Sorry I'm not doing a great job on catching up...it's all I have, lol. I am pooped!

Have a great weekend all!

Mom2Gaby 09-26-2009 05:53 PM

Happy Saturday!

Gab and I lounged around in our pj's til 1pm.Now we are out and about. I told her "I HAVE to go to the library!" So, she is happy doing a game next to me on the computer. Course that could change any minute! She is sooooo demanding.

Kathy - I thought you were done w/ the night shift??

Cristina - I probably waited a week before I would go out w/ my newborns. btw - wal mart is coming to town here, in about 18 months. I would prefer a Target store myself since I find more clothes there for gab but it will be nice to have an option. Hope you are getting some rest :)

Sassy - can't wait for the pictures! happy anniversary :)

I better go, I smell like dirt. lol I left my pants in the car overnight and my water bottle leaked and got them all wet and I dryed them not realizing they must have soaked in some dirt from the floor....yada,yada.....now they have dirt stains and I smell musty. Always a problem, huh? lol
I need to go get some cleaning supplies, pick up some video's for Gab and go home and clean! Nothing too exciting here.
Oh, thanks for the congrats on Becky, she will be making pizza's........and earning her pocket money.

anyway - chat more later.


Sassy_Chick 09-27-2009 09:40 AM

Hay Gals.

Well its back to work tonight.......yippee skippy! lollllll. I am sooooooooo nauseous...........:barf: I took some meds so hopefully they will be kicking in soon! I just hope I am able to get up for work tonight and function! lolllll.

Thanks for the Anniversary Wishes.........


tommysgirl18 09-28-2009 01:29 AM

just thought I would stop in here quickly to let you all know that we made it home safely! it was a lot of fun.......and a much needed break!

to answer the question about the jack and tools.......Tommy had them under the stairs that lead upstairs. the door has been locked up until about a month ago. Between then and the second day of school on September 10th, his jack and tools went missing.......so somebody stole them from under the stairs and nobody seems to know who took them or where they went.

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