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tommysgirl18 09-07-2009 05:13 PM

just thought that I would post on here to see how every one is doing....we are having a lazy day around here. we were supposed to have a BBQ, but the office manager backed out of it because her son wanted to have a BBQ at his place today. so, now it is raining and we are having a lazy day.......not sure what we are going to have for dinner.....but it will probably be something bought.

we had a great day yesterday at my parents house.....I took about 207 pictures while we were up there. we even stayed up there a little longer and made some smores with my sister and her family that were up there and my parents and some of my younger siblings. it was a lot of fun!

Cristina~ thanks for the nice comment on my new avatar.....that was taken at the tractor pull that we took the kids to about two or three weeks ago.

Kathy~ Tommy is actually doing more or less handy man work.....but he does a little bit of every thing. he does masonry, construction, maintenance.....basically anything and everything. the kids actually go for orientation tomorrow, and then they start on Wednesday riding the bus.

gotta run and figure out what we are going to have for dinner....Tommy asked Brandon what his name was earlier and he said "Brandon Thomas the tank Bricio"

Sassy_Chick 09-07-2009 08:55 PM

Hola Me Amigas! :wave:

Well here I am another fun-filled night! WOO-HOO! lol. At least I get paid well for the next 3 hours! (Holiday Pay)

I didn't sleep well at all. Kept waking up every hour. Finally I got up and got dressed and crashed out on the recliner for a little bit and tonight I don't have the car to go and take a nap in on my lunch! It was raining and thundering when I got up so had to wake DH to take me in so he has the car. (he usually rides his motorcycle) He wasn't very happy about it, but I'm like, "Well if you wanna get soaked, I honestly don't care, just thought you wouldn't want to drive in the rain/storm." :p Men......They say WE are cranky! lol.

Cristina -- Yeah I dunno what is wrong with me. Probably just my bday this year. Just feeling old and I know that I am really not, but just feels that way. lol. Yeah I seen the CB and the Good Grief and that is exactly how I have been feeling here lately. Hope you get you some sleep! ;)

Jules -- Yeah I am not sure yet about my bday, kinda gonna wait until the last minute I think. lol. Maybe by then I will feel like doing something, who knows.

Katy -- I am the same way too. So that is why I most likely will force myself to do something, because I know once I get there it will be fun. Remember our cookout we had that I was dreading back when we first got our house? Well once it started it was a lot of fun, so I guess I just need to do it. ;) Roller Skating. Wow the last time I went roller skating I fell and bruised my tail bone and could not sit for a week! HA!

Suzy Q -- LMAO! Well you did manage to get a laugh outta me at least! lol. Well its not PMSing, too early for that, but yeah I know I need to get outta this funk. Maybe DH and I can get out this weekend and do something, maybe that might perk me up!!

Sue -- WTG on the 160's! :carrot: Glad your reunion went good and glad your mom had fun. ;)

Mindee -- All I got to do was work. lol. But I did get paid well for it and still am as a matter of fact, up til midnight at least! HEE HEE!

And thank you all for your kind words of support. :hug:

tommysgirl18 09-07-2009 10:39 PM

just thought I would pop back in here before heading off to relax before bed.....the boys go for their orientation in the morning and then it will be school as normal on Wednesday!

I am in the process of uploading pictures from this weekend to facebook and myspace....so take a gander and let me know what you think! (you can also see the new color of my hair.....our friend dyed it for me for my birthday...it is a dark brown color, but in some lights it looks almost black)

Mom2Gaby 09-08-2009 01:33 PM

Good Morning -

Gaby refuses to give me any peace and quite while I am on the computer, so have to be fast! Tomorrow though she is at school all day :dance:

Sassy - I feel old, wait til you get to 45, it is all down hill from here. I need to get into yoga or something....or some cult .....or far eastern thinking that puts peace loving thoughts regarding the aging of the soul or some mumble crap like that. lol There is hope for us yet! Anyway, snap out of it works too. lmbo Hugs!!

Mindee- gads, 207 pictures! what do you do with them all?? I like the avatar too,you sure have a handsome family :)

Sue -If we can't have perky breast I guess we could run. I kind of tried that before........ do a jog/walk kind of thing. Felt dorky though, everyone was watching me....ok, that sounds like I was dorky and paranoid.... *sigh. Bunch of *issues* , huh? lol

anyway, I am FAT today. I think I gained back my pound. It didn't wanna leave me. Cute.
I am reading Firefly Lane.
Gab & I went to school this morning. Bunch of fashionable little girls in that class,omg.
I was going to throw Gab in some shorts and summer garb but decided on a skirt and shirt,not new but nice.
Figured her new clothes could start tomorrow because it was only an hour orientation.
anyway, we managed to get through it and I liked the teacher a lot. She has taught Title 1 reading and math before and that is what Gaby needs with her IEP.
Now we are going to her day care because they moved last week right below where we live and I wanted Gaby to see it before she goes on Thursday for the first time.

AND.....tomorrow she goes to school and I have a day OFF!!! Yippeeeeee.

back later when I have more time!

Hi to everyone! :wave:

suetalks 09-08-2009 03:45 PM

Getting ready to rest for a little while. I have had a busy day and it is only 3:35.....
Rode 2 1/3 miles this morning on my trusty bike. Made a nice pot of homemade veggie soup after the ride. Then Mason came to visit and we walked 1 1/3 miles with him in his stroller and grandma panting...(it was warm) These new strollers have a spot for a drink though...so I did hydrate..lol. Then we sat on the porch, later came inside and got him all cleaned up. He took a brief (10 minute) sleep and woke up wanting to eat. ...Fed him cleaned him up AGAIN and just held him for awhile. He was fighting sleep when DD picked him up, so I bet he had a nice snooze in the car seat. 3 and 1/2 hours and I was worn out...thank goodness God gives babies to young people for the most part. DD is 44 and she says she gets worn out too...But then she never stops.

I am going to go check out FB for a few minutes then take a nap...since dinner is soup and it is ready I have some extra time.

I think my scales is playing games with me...and it is NEW. I was not in the 160's this morning...so I refuse to weigh again until Monday and won't be shocked if it was wrong yesterday.....*grumble grumble grumble*

jules1216 09-08-2009 07:29 PM

Sue--I am beginning to believe a grandma worries more than a mommy....but I still worry about my kids even though they are grown up and doing good for the moment...we have Dominic a minimum of Friday and Staurday nights and all day Sunday until around 3...sometimes we get him on Thursday nights too and an additional Sunday every now and then--Teri is was working Thursday night-Sunday night night shift but it's going to be changing a little to adjust to her school schedule--she's looking for a differrent job--WTG on the trusty bike...

Suzy--It 's pretty bad that screwed up is the normal....fashionistas are starting younger and younger---my babysitters oldest daughter used to do my hair a different way every morning until 2nd grade when she graduated got married and left me on my own---sigh...my yoga booty ballet has some new agey stuff...it mostly makes different parts of my body scream...

Mindee--so you and Marissa will finally get some "girl" time!! I can't believe that both boys are off to school...they grow up way too fast..I will go check out your pics in a little while...

Sassy--my man is ..I finally can't take it anymore and snap--and then I am the [email protected] told him I could start holding it all in again and plotting his painful torture....It's you birthday--you do what you want...

Kathy--we got lots of wet potty pants and on successful trip--I just don't think he's ready...will try again but not pushing anything, we did a followup to Baltimore with mom today--she's doing great--doens't go back for 3 months...

Katy--Teri was a breeze to potty train--she has always hated to be dirty or wet(unless she's taking a bath or swimming),Ry did pretty good too--I must have been lucky-I used cloth diapers which was an incentive to me....

Cristina--hey chickee!!

well I did my YBB dvd last night--gave blood today so I am going to take it easy..hubby wants to look online some so I am out of here...

Hugs to all!!!

Sassy_Chick 09-08-2009 10:23 PM


Suzy Q -- LOL. Yeah what is the Asians secret to staying so young looking and where can we get whatever it is that keeps them that way? lol.

Jules -- You sound like me. Only my dh bugs the crap outta me until I do tell him, then I finally snap because he drives me up the wall asking me what is wrong! lol. Thanks, still not sure yet on the bday thing, but yup your right its my bday and I should do what I want! ;)


tommysgirl18 09-09-2009 01:01 AM

just popping in for a quick second.......I need to get to bed because the boys have their first actual day of school today.....so I need to get to bed!

I will get on here more often now that they will be in school in the afternoons!

Mom2Gaby 09-09-2009 12:45 PM

Good Morning -

Sassy - I don't know. I use to have a friend that was (actually I am sure she still is......haha ) Vietnamese. She was 30 something but looked 16 and had a figure of a little girls. She was cute, she liked buying Miss Kitty stuff. lol

Jules -what is a ybb dvd? we should get into yoga. The lab manager lady teaches it at the hospital I work at, she is so nice and she has a great figure. I am not sure how yaga lets you have a good figure though:dizzy:

Mindee- did you survive the 1st day of school?? I didn't. lol

There was a meltdown, it wasn't pretty and it was mine. I had an idea of Gaby was going to wear and she had the nerve to protest and choose another outfit! And she insisted that she wear shorts under her skirt because she didn't want her panties to show. I told her panties don't show if you don't swing from play structures. Yada, yada. She started to cry and that upset me because I wanted her to have a happy 1st day of school. So, I raised my voice and she cried harder.
Lord, shoot me already.
In the end she looked very sweet and she was so good while I did her hair.
I helped her into the school and up to the 3rd floor with her heavy backpack. There are 30 students in her class and I am not too thrilled w/ that, see how it goes.

anyway, back to 150 and thinking that is where my body wants to be so maybe I will just maintain at 150?

k- chat later!

tommysgirl18 09-09-2009 02:47 PM

the first day went off without a hitch! the boys got onto the bus without any problems and without any crying.......Marissa on the other hand......well she was bummed as soon as the bus pulled away. she was asking for dandon and ogie, and I told her that they would be home later and she was fine with that. now she is laying down and I am on here checking my email and such.

I put up some pictures from today, so feel free to check them all out! (don't worry there are only 72 this time)

suetalks 09-09-2009 09:28 PM

A quick good evening to you all. Hope school went well for all the youngsters today. Sounds like it didn't go well for some mothers....lol.

I had lunch with family today...enjoyed that. My aunt is going back to TN tomorrow.

I only managed to ride 1 mile this morning after a sleepless night. I am tired now, but waiting for a talk with DD before I go to bed. Trying to plan a trip to Vegas and to visit DD and grandson in CA. the first week of Oct.

I didn't weigh and I plan not to until Monday...I am sure I am doing okay. (just have to convince the scale.)

Have a nice Thurs. Hope you are planning a great week-end.

tommysgirl18 09-10-2009 12:32 AM

just thought that I would pop in before turning in for the night......tomorrow is laundry day, although I am thinking of spacing it out betwen tomorrow and Friday while the boys are in school.....that way it won't seem so overwhelming to me!

Sassy_Chick 09-10-2009 04:48 AM

Hi Girls!! Be prepared -- Sassy is back ya'all! LOL!
Hi Girlies!

Suzy Q -- I think Asian Women are soooooo beautiful. Sorry you and Gaby had a difficult morning yesterday. But glad all worked out. :) 150's, wow I would love to be there. I know that is not very sensitive of me. I remember being at a lower weight and thinking man I hate where I am, if I could just lose 20 more pounds or whatever. But 150 just seems soooooooo far away for me. lol. But I wish you well in whatever you decide. We all think your beautiful. :hug:

Mindee -- Glad the first day went well! Awwww poor Marissa, well at least she will have time with you!!

Sue -- Hi Sue, what part of TN is your Aunt from? My husband's family is from the Knoxville area. When are you going to Vegas? My husband and I want to go for his birthday, which is in December. I need to weigh in as well. I haven't touched the scale in a while and need to know where I am. Scary. Isn't it hilarious how women can handle cramps, bleeding, wiping snotty noses, cleaning up puke, but are scared of a stupid scale??? LMAO!


tommysgirl18 09-10-2009 01:17 PM

the kids laundry is almost done....the loads are in the dryer. marissa is laying down, Tommy should be pulling in here soon......he got out of work early today. then tonight we have to take him to the doctors tonight for his check up and we will get the results from his x-rays and bloodwork!

off to find some lunch and see what else I can check off my to do list

Mom2Gaby 09-10-2009 01:42 PM

Good Morning -

Sassy - That is really a long post! I think Asian women are pretty to. There is one that I worked with that was my assistant and she was pretty funny. Very social and never seemd to work but I guess she did because she has never gotten fired.lol ,,,,,anyway, she would always come back to my desk and plop down in a chair and we would talk the day away. I miss her. Anyway, she was Asian. The End. Oh, ya. And I was the one that was fired. haha

Sue - My mom just got back from Reno. I weighed this morning as was up another pound, Grrrrrrrrr

Mindee- I thought of you yesterday:D I took my disposable camera and only had 1 shot left on it because Gaby aimlessly was shooting pictures of the carpet the other day and I was even standing there combing her hair not even paying attention. Anyway, so I had 1 shot to take of her her first day of school. And you had 71 more???? lol

Hi to everyone!!!

I joined Facebook but kind of confused what to do there......we just like talk? I think I am too anti social for that, but I'll try.
Gab managed to get to school happy! So, that was ...ummm, helpful. lol Her backpack has wheels and another child said yesterday it wasn't "cool".I told her "tell them to shove it!!" and she replies... "mom, it's ok. I like my backpack"......
That is a new concept. What other people say is just their opinion, I mean....we have our own that is just as valuable?? Why is this 7 year old so smart?? lol

I better get to work!!!

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