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Mom2Gaby 09-06-2009 11:31 AM

Back In Kindergarten #82
Hello & :welcome2:to the Back In Kindergarten thread!

"I feel like I am back in kindergarten in many ways... personal, sometimes at work and now with the weight loss. I have done so many things wrong over the years.....emotional eating, pills for weight loss, eating the wrong things, failed diets, etc.

Now it's time to start fresh, kinda like back in kindergarten......"

You are welcome to join us in our chatter about life and our weight loss journey!

So please grab your coffee/water/diet coke etc. and pull up a chair and join us!

:comp::cheer3::cofdate: :cofdate::cheer3::comp:

jules1216 09-06-2009 11:41 AM

Hi all....too lazy to go back and try and remember everyone's posts so I will just start..

well...we had one successful potty trip--the rest were accidents....I just don't think he is ready yet...he does like his big boy undies though...

he is being a big old grandpas boy today--they are doing things outside so am geting inside stuff caught up...hanging out the bed stuff to dry on the line...love that smell!!

well, gotta go will be back later..

Mom2Gaby 09-06-2009 11:44 AM

Good Morning -

Started a new thread, hope no one is pissed. lol

I was going to add a pic from photobucket but can't access the site on this computer.

Francie - Hi! How was your summer? I was reading Nanny Diaries, thought of it as being a book you would enjoy. I thought it was pretty funny.

Mindee- Camping sounds like fun, get some rest now!

Sassy - *whispers* if you don't want to do something, you don't have to......that is the neat thing about being old. :D Hugs to you.

k- now I better get back to work!!!

Mom2Gaby 09-06-2009 11:47 AM

Jules- awww, you snuck in........ the weather here is beastly! Rain and wind. Love clothes on the line smell...:dizzy:, reminds me of my childhhood......the root of all my problems....lol....

k- enough goofing off!!! :wave:

FrouFrou 09-06-2009 12:23 PM

'Morning ladies...

SASSY...ditto what Susan said.

SUSAN...forgot to mention yesterday I think, we do plan on calling the baby Lily. I think Lillian is cute enough but Lily is cuter. Apparently Charlotte had that in mind all a long but didn't like just Lily with the last name. I was trying to get, rather suggested using a family mn and they kinda liked one but turned and are going with Paige...so far anyway. She said it is set in stone. Her mother of course is being a pain and says she refuses to call her anything but Chloe...that's what she wants her to name her, ugh. Anyway...Can't believe Gaby is going to be 7 already...they grow too fast! I've been seeing previews for The Nanny Diaries and daughter thinks I am goofy for wanting to see it, lol...I think it looks funny. I would read the book but for some reason I am stuck and can't get any reading done, or much anyway. So missy...do you think you will sign up at Facebook? So much easier and better than myspace...totally different.

MINDEE...love the new avatar, that is a good family pic and the kids are getting so big!

FRANCIE...hello girly...how is Fonzo doing in P? When will he get home, I know you and the kitties are missing him!

Hello to everyone else :wave:

I am such a lazy one today...I just got up about 15 minutes ago, lol. Don't know what happened as I awoke at 7. Turned over and then the hubby woke me at 8 when he left to go towork. Rolled over again and the next thing I know it's 10:47 and the son is saying "So lazy" I said I know, lol. Didn't realize the time though. Glad I made a few things last night less work to do today. We've been having family dinner every Sunday the last few weeks. Since I don't watch the little tyke anymore, I should say, since the kids started school last month, I never see them so I started up with the family dinners every Sunday. Nothing fancy...today we are bbq'ing...I've been letting them choose what they want but last Sunday we were out front and you could smell the BBQ and I told them we HAVE to grill today. So that is what we are doing today. Anywho...

Need to make my rounds online and jump in the shower before doing some prep work for dinner...really not anything to do except cook some bacon for the baked beans. And they won't be here
til 5 so...plenty of time.

Take car ladies, and have a wonderful Sunday!

luckycharm 09-06-2009 01:38 PM

Hi everyone.

Popping in really quick before I have to get ready for work.

Susan...finally. Now we can all recover from our SusieQ withdrawal. I can see we are all purked up already. And FYI we were not starting a new thread until you came back to do it. I am a RSA Resident Support Aid. I wake up, change, dress, get them out of bed, feed, entertain, clean, bath, do laundry, wash dishes, dress in pjs, and put back into bed the residents at an acute care nursing home. I have never sweated so much in my entire life as much as I sweat now. And I have not lost 1 single pound. How depressing.

Jules...that is so exciting that you are going to be a gramma again. I am glad that Ry has a good girlfriend. I hope his ex leaves him alone now. As for the potty training, good luck. Punkin is doing pretty good at training. She will tell us when she has to go poo on the potty, but it is hit and miss otherwise. She does go on the potty when she first wakes up. Did I read that your mom is feeling a little better? I hope so. I hope that you are able to relax a little now.

Cristina....Ooohhh that is so exciting that the time is almost here for the big event. Wow benadryl? Who knew. Is Charlotte's mom going to go in with her at the hospital? Hope that you have a nice family dinner. How are the kids liking school?

Sue...what a cutie. He must be such a joy to have around. Hope that the stresses in your life are working themselves out and everything is getting better. When I first started my job I thought what have I gotten myself into, and I don't think I can do this...but I do seem to have a talent for it. Now I really enjoy my job. However I know I will find it very depressing when someone goes. Most of them are in their late 90's.

Mindee....you must be looking foreward to just you and Marrisa time. I am sorry to hear about Tommy's job. Glad that he is still working. What is he doing now? Have the boys started school? You will need a few weeks to recover from your summer.

Katy...cute dog. Glad that he is fitting in with your family so well. Have you finished all your classes? I am doing the dance of joy for you that you have such a great number on the scale. WTG on finishing the c25k that is a great accomplishment.

Sassy when is your birthday? and how old will you be? I am sorry that you are feeling a little down. Glad to hear that you and your coworker are doing things together again. You and hubby will have to go out for a nice date night. I think that I might have to tell my hubby that he should take me out also.

Francie tell us about your convention.

Ok I must run and get ready to go. I work the 3-11:15 shift this weekend, but 7-3:15 tomorrow morning, I will be tired.

Oh Susie Cole loves his new school. I am so glad, because he actually comes home happy and smiling. Loves the teacher to. Good thing, because we certainly couldn't take another year like last year.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Sassy_Chick 09-07-2009 01:24 AM

Hi All. :wave:

I am still down. I was trying to get my spirits back up but my coworker seems down as well or tired. lol. So we're both just sitting here in silence, yay. lol.

Anywho. I dunno what I am gonna do about the bday thing probably just say have it and just stay a couple hours and leave.

Suzy Q -- :rofl: and thanks.

Cristina - Thanks. :)

Kathy -- We're not really doing things together again. Its just cuz of my bday is this month and her significant others bday is this week, only they won't get to celebrate due to her getting her wisdom teeth pulled, so we decided to collaborate our bdays together. So if anything like I said above, just have it and stay a couple hours and leave. I don't think I am even inviting anybody else. Just have my hubby, my coworker, her significant other and her best friend. (yes I have been replaced! HA!! lmaooooo!!) I don't even want to go out on a date with DH. How pathetic is that? lmao. I may change my mind come the end of the month, but we'll see. lol.

:hug: to all and to all a good night!!!!!!!! lol.

FrouFrou 09-07-2009 08:54 AM


Man, I stayed up way too late to be getting up early...5:30 came too fast and I didn't want to get up. Forced my lard arse too though and glad, I guess. I did get my walk in and it was cool so that's all good. Feeling sleepy and thinking I will end up back in bed in a couple of hours, lol. Hubby is working today so...nothing planned, sort of. Heading over to J & C's later. They forgot the burrito's yesterday so i am taking them over later. He loves these steak & cheese burrito's and it seems Sam's is the only place that has them so I picked him up a box. Anyway...going to try and get thru a dvd in a few minutes but not sure if I will make it. I am too sleepy.

SASSY...thank you! Well, hope you can try and enjoy your birthday. :hug: Sounds like you are in a funk, hope you feel better soon, especially for your BD! :hug:

KATHY...Charlotte just told me yesterday that she wants Josh, Chase, her mom and me in the delivery room. I had no idea she had that in mind and at first i though yuck, lol. But then I don't have to see her hot pocket so, lol. I will be there. Not sure why Chase wants to see/be there. Josh said no one under 12 can but C is saying yes...still don't know why he wants to but whatever. Kids are liking school...Charlotte gets maternity leave starting next Monday and she told Cambrie she will take her to school but she wants to ride the bus, lol.

Hello to everyone else :wave:

Have a good day all...gonna go visit FB and then try and do a dvd. Think when I go to J & C's will stop at Target and look for The Sons of Anarchy first season...the new season is starting and I have been wanting to see it but I need to catch up. Anywho...adios!

FrouFrou 09-07-2009 08:57 AM

Oh Sassy...love your Charlie Brown...I broke the habit somehow but for the longest time I said Good Grief...always made me think of CB, lol...said it so much it made my top 5 list of what I wanted to put on my car tags...GoodGrf...that may be my next one, lol.

Have a good one! :)

jules1216 09-07-2009 09:09 AM

Cristina--kinda weird about Chase being there--seeing Mom in pain may be hard for him...Dave's Mom got mad at Teri, but she had been so mean to her and saying that yntil a paternity test was done she wouldn't be sure Dominic was even Dave's...the woman was a real piece of work, no wonder Dave has so many issues. He's pretty much out of the picture...he has said several times that he would sign away his rights if Teri signs something that says she will never try for child support.

Sassy--I htink you should go out with hubby or even spend a day for yourself...massage, pedicure....all out Sassy pampering...I don't know how I would feel going out with my coworker/bff who replaced me....

Kathy--Teri has been very vocal about the ex's behavior and has threatened to "talk" to her...Teri loves her but this little game she is playing is getting old...she only wants him when he's happy or she's depressed and when things start going good for her again Ry's out of the picture. Mom is beginning to feel better and I am so glad, we have a followup checkup in Baltmore tomorrow morning. Dad bounced back quick even with the radiation...scary part with him is if that kidney stone had not turned into a bladder infection, it would have been too late by the time they found the fast growing tumor.

Suzi--isn't childhood the root of all our problems :dizzy:....I know mine screwed me up pretty darn good...

Hi to everyone else--last day with Dominic...they are going to come and get him this afternoon--going to go make breakfast and enjoy him...

RosieKate 09-07-2009 10:27 AM

Well, scale was a glitch..so I am right back where I started. Going to set up a ticker and get serious for the millionth time. I did eat pretty well all week, but ate some pizza and drank wine last night so I am up a pound today - bleh. Today will be a fun day - taking the kids to Oaks Park, so there is roller skating in my future. I will run this afternoon and try to get to 12 laps on the track. I tried running in my hilly neighborhood on Saturday and did ok, but did have to stop on the last big hill...just not quite ready for so many hills.

Susan- get your behind over to Facebook, lol! We are all over there, and it is fun...just don't feel like advertising my weight gains and losses over there. I agree with Cristina that is much better to use than MySpace.

Cristina - can't believe the baby is almost here..that pregnancy seemed to just zoom by. Can't wait to see some pictures. I think being the in the room will be amazing...it seems to be for everyone I have talked to. I've never been an observer before, but I think it would be cool

Sassy - If you go , it might just perk you up. I feel that way sometimes...just don't feel like going places or getting out there, because it takes alot of emotional energy, but if I make myself, I usually get into the swing of things, then cheer up...maybe you will, too? Whatever you do, spoil yourself, you deserve it!

Jules- have a great day with Dominic! GL with the potty...my kids didn't want to do anything until they were three,at lest. I hear there are kids out there who want to get those diapers off, too bad mine weren't in that category, lol! However, they both are potty trained now, haha.

Kathy - False alarm on the scale - harrumph. I weighed first thing in the morning after my run...maybe that had something to do with it. I am trying to eat vegan until 6 pm , and that is going well ( I read Mark Bittman's book Food Matters) I do feel better when I focus on lots of produce, so I will keep that up. Classes are done for now...will start fall term October 1.

Hi to Sue and Francie!

I'm off to set up a ticker...Happy Labor Day, everyone!

Mom2Gaby 09-07-2009 12:14 PM

Happy Labor Day!!!! :carrot: It is my all time favorite hoilday!! lol

jk - it is a time and a half day at work, so yipppeeeee.

It has taken me a whole week to lose 1 little pound, how frustrating.

Cristina - The MIL is going to call the baby Chloe? I think Lily is as cute as can be. I want to see Julie/Julia. The problem with reading books first is they are usually better, movies never match up. Cute Cambrie likes the bus, I'll have to get Gab use to taking one to her day care this year.

Kathy - Does Canada have CNA's?? Sounds like you are a CNA. lol :dizzy: It also sounds like hard work! And you haven't lost weight? I would be pissed. I walk a lot here on the job , but nada....course there is a lot of food around to nibble on.

Sassy - SNAP OUT OF IT!! lol I get in funky moods too, especially when I am pmsing. Hugs :)

Katy- ya,ya the runner......lol. I am going to have to come back to the village and watch you run, it might inspire me. Do you go by Starbucks? I can sit there and sip my latte and cheer you on, that is about as close to exercise as I am going to get. haha. How is Little L?? Is she ready for school? I love all the grade schools in that area.

Jules- we're not screwed up Jules, we're normal :) My ex's were together Sunday while one was picking up G from the other. Male bonding, gotta love it. I take comfort in the fact neither one appeals to me now. I have grown up and matured over the years. .....lol

oops better get!!! back to work. Hello to everyone!

suetalks 09-07-2009 01:03 PM

Alrighty then...I was here earlier and did a nice long post saying Good Morning. DD called and I told her to hang on while I posted...then I left the puter. Come back now and I don't have a post...DARN it. I knew I should have paid more attention as I usually save it until it actually posts....grrrrr.

So...Good Afternoon. HA.. Today is a normal day for us..we had our fun yesterday. I did my normal Monday bed sheets washing and cleaned the kitchen. Now I am contemplating riding the bike. It is overcast and dreary, so a nice time to ride.

I did weigh in this a.m....tah dah...I am BACK down to the 160's weighing in at 169.5. Of course, the way I bounce around before I settle on a number anything is possible.

Reunion was one of the best. Mom's 6 siblings were there...they got pictures and I forgot my camera, so will get one from my aunt. We had around 70 people in attendance..so lots of cousins to chat with. And of course, every type picnic food imaginable. I was very good and still today can not believe that out of a table FULL of desserts I only ate 1/2 of a choc. chip cookie. I even did well at both meals...stress this time seems to be curbing my appetite instead of making me scarf down anything in sight. Anyway, it was a long day, but such a nice one for all of us. Mom was so happy...

Not going to take time for indies right now....but "hi" to all and hope your day is super.

Mom2Gaby 09-07-2009 03:36 PM

Katy - I felt bad about teasing on your ability to run. I think it is actually pretty awesome and I am jealous out of my mind.
I have always wanted to
1.......... be able to Run and
2. .........have Perky Breast.
Not in that order of course but either one would make me happy.

Be proud of yourself!!! I am :)

Sue - Happy to hear that the reunion went well, sounds like you have a super family!

Short and sweet - have to get back to work!

suetalks 09-07-2009 04:56 PM

I am so glad I rode the bike...now we are having a downpour.
Susan- I also wished/wish to be able to run. At 60 I imagine I might as well forget it. And the perky breasts..a thing of the past. LOL

Katy- As noted above I admire your ability to run..and also the one where you swim and the one where you roller skate...You go girl!! You are doing great.

Cristina- That FB will get you going and keep you up till all hours. So fun and so addicting. I never really wanted to be in the delivery room with anyone. Stayed in the labor room with my girls and that was it. But then they both had C sections.

Jules- I bet you are lost now that the baby boy has gone home. How many days do you watch him now? I am watching Mason for a few hours tomorrow afternoon and Friday afternoon. His momma is working double shifts and going to school. DD watches him most of the time, but she works from home and needs 3 or 4 hours in the afternoon to get her work done. My DGS unfortunately is MIA right now..so hence, my stress level and everyone else taking care of his GF and baby. Not only is he MIA, but he is homeless and jobless and vehicle less...so I don't know how much more he can take before snapping. Not that it is the fault of anyone other than himself...but a grandma still worries and cares. More to it...but I just get so depressed.... All I can do is hug on Mason and do the best for him.

Okay...I am off to fix dinner and look out at this rain. Quite the dreary day.

tommysgirl18 09-07-2009 05:13 PM

just thought that I would post on here to see how every one is doing....we are having a lazy day around here. we were supposed to have a BBQ, but the office manager backed out of it because her son wanted to have a BBQ at his place today. so, now it is raining and we are having a lazy day.......not sure what we are going to have for dinner.....but it will probably be something bought.

we had a great day yesterday at my parents house.....I took about 207 pictures while we were up there. we even stayed up there a little longer and made some smores with my sister and her family that were up there and my parents and some of my younger siblings. it was a lot of fun!

Cristina~ thanks for the nice comment on my new avatar.....that was taken at the tractor pull that we took the kids to about two or three weeks ago.

Kathy~ Tommy is actually doing more or less handy man work.....but he does a little bit of every thing. he does masonry, construction, maintenance.....basically anything and everything. the kids actually go for orientation tomorrow, and then they start on Wednesday riding the bus.

gotta run and figure out what we are going to have for dinner....Tommy asked Brandon what his name was earlier and he said "Brandon Thomas the tank Bricio"

Sassy_Chick 09-07-2009 08:55 PM

Hola Me Amigas! :wave:

Well here I am another fun-filled night! WOO-HOO! lol. At least I get paid well for the next 3 hours! (Holiday Pay)

I didn't sleep well at all. Kept waking up every hour. Finally I got up and got dressed and crashed out on the recliner for a little bit and tonight I don't have the car to go and take a nap in on my lunch! It was raining and thundering when I got up so had to wake DH to take me in so he has the car. (he usually rides his motorcycle) He wasn't very happy about it, but I'm like, "Well if you wanna get soaked, I honestly don't care, just thought you wouldn't want to drive in the rain/storm." :p Men......They say WE are cranky! lol.

Cristina -- Yeah I dunno what is wrong with me. Probably just my bday this year. Just feeling old and I know that I am really not, but just feels that way. lol. Yeah I seen the CB and the Good Grief and that is exactly how I have been feeling here lately. Hope you get you some sleep! ;)

Jules -- Yeah I am not sure yet about my bday, kinda gonna wait until the last minute I think. lol. Maybe by then I will feel like doing something, who knows.

Katy -- I am the same way too. So that is why I most likely will force myself to do something, because I know once I get there it will be fun. Remember our cookout we had that I was dreading back when we first got our house? Well once it started it was a lot of fun, so I guess I just need to do it. ;) Roller Skating. Wow the last time I went roller skating I fell and bruised my tail bone and could not sit for a week! HA!

Suzy Q -- LMAO! Well you did manage to get a laugh outta me at least! lol. Well its not PMSing, too early for that, but yeah I know I need to get outta this funk. Maybe DH and I can get out this weekend and do something, maybe that might perk me up!!

Sue -- WTG on the 160's! :carrot: Glad your reunion went good and glad your mom had fun. ;)

Mindee -- All I got to do was work. lol. But I did get paid well for it and still am as a matter of fact, up til midnight at least! HEE HEE!

And thank you all for your kind words of support. :hug:

tommysgirl18 09-07-2009 10:39 PM

just thought I would pop back in here before heading off to relax before bed.....the boys go for their orientation in the morning and then it will be school as normal on Wednesday!

I am in the process of uploading pictures from this weekend to facebook and myspace....so take a gander and let me know what you think! (you can also see the new color of my hair.....our friend dyed it for me for my birthday...it is a dark brown color, but in some lights it looks almost black)

Mom2Gaby 09-08-2009 01:33 PM

Good Morning -

Gaby refuses to give me any peace and quite while I am on the computer, so have to be fast! Tomorrow though she is at school all day :dance:

Sassy - I feel old, wait til you get to 45, it is all down hill from here. I need to get into yoga or something....or some cult .....or far eastern thinking that puts peace loving thoughts regarding the aging of the soul or some mumble crap like that. lol There is hope for us yet! Anyway, snap out of it works too. lmbo Hugs!!

Mindee- gads, 207 pictures! what do you do with them all?? I like the avatar too,you sure have a handsome family :)

Sue -If we can't have perky breast I guess we could run. I kind of tried that before........ do a jog/walk kind of thing. Felt dorky though, everyone was watching me....ok, that sounds like I was dorky and paranoid.... *sigh. Bunch of *issues* , huh? lol

anyway, I am FAT today. I think I gained back my pound. It didn't wanna leave me. Cute.
I am reading Firefly Lane.
Gab & I went to school this morning. Bunch of fashionable little girls in that class,omg.
I was going to throw Gab in some shorts and summer garb but decided on a skirt and shirt,not new but nice.
Figured her new clothes could start tomorrow because it was only an hour orientation.
anyway, we managed to get through it and I liked the teacher a lot. She has taught Title 1 reading and math before and that is what Gaby needs with her IEP.
Now we are going to her day care because they moved last week right below where we live and I wanted Gaby to see it before she goes on Thursday for the first time.

AND.....tomorrow she goes to school and I have a day OFF!!! Yippeeeeee.

back later when I have more time!

Hi to everyone! :wave:

suetalks 09-08-2009 03:45 PM

Getting ready to rest for a little while. I have had a busy day and it is only 3:35.....
Rode 2 1/3 miles this morning on my trusty bike. Made a nice pot of homemade veggie soup after the ride. Then Mason came to visit and we walked 1 1/3 miles with him in his stroller and grandma panting...(it was warm) These new strollers have a spot for a drink though...so I did hydrate..lol. Then we sat on the porch, later came inside and got him all cleaned up. He took a brief (10 minute) sleep and woke up wanting to eat. ...Fed him cleaned him up AGAIN and just held him for awhile. He was fighting sleep when DD picked him up, so I bet he had a nice snooze in the car seat. 3 and 1/2 hours and I was worn out...thank goodness God gives babies to young people for the most part. DD is 44 and she says she gets worn out too...But then she never stops.

I am going to go check out FB for a few minutes then take a nap...since dinner is soup and it is ready I have some extra time.

I think my scales is playing games with me...and it is NEW. I was not in the 160's this morning...so I refuse to weigh again until Monday and won't be shocked if it was wrong yesterday.....*grumble grumble grumble*

jules1216 09-08-2009 07:29 PM

Sue--I am beginning to believe a grandma worries more than a mommy....but I still worry about my kids even though they are grown up and doing good for the moment...we have Dominic a minimum of Friday and Staurday nights and all day Sunday until around 3...sometimes we get him on Thursday nights too and an additional Sunday every now and then--Teri is was working Thursday night-Sunday night night shift but it's going to be changing a little to adjust to her school schedule--she's looking for a differrent job--WTG on the trusty bike...

Suzy--It 's pretty bad that screwed up is the normal....fashionistas are starting younger and younger---my babysitters oldest daughter used to do my hair a different way every morning until 2nd grade when she graduated got married and left me on my own---sigh...my yoga booty ballet has some new agey stuff...it mostly makes different parts of my body scream...

Mindee--so you and Marissa will finally get some "girl" time!! I can't believe that both boys are off to school...they grow up way too fast..I will go check out your pics in a little while...

Sassy--my man is ..I finally can't take it anymore and snap--and then I am the [email protected] told him I could start holding it all in again and plotting his painful torture....It's you birthday--you do what you want...

Kathy--we got lots of wet potty pants and on successful trip--I just don't think he's ready...will try again but not pushing anything, we did a followup to Baltimore with mom today--she's doing great--doens't go back for 3 months...

Katy--Teri was a breeze to potty train--she has always hated to be dirty or wet(unless she's taking a bath or swimming),Ry did pretty good too--I must have been lucky-I used cloth diapers which was an incentive to me....

Cristina--hey chickee!!

well I did my YBB dvd last night--gave blood today so I am going to take it easy..hubby wants to look online some so I am out of here...

Hugs to all!!!

Sassy_Chick 09-08-2009 10:23 PM


Suzy Q -- LOL. Yeah what is the Asians secret to staying so young looking and where can we get whatever it is that keeps them that way? lol.

Jules -- You sound like me. Only my dh bugs the crap outta me until I do tell him, then I finally snap because he drives me up the wall asking me what is wrong! lol. Thanks, still not sure yet on the bday thing, but yup your right its my bday and I should do what I want! ;)


tommysgirl18 09-09-2009 01:01 AM

just popping in for a quick second.......I need to get to bed because the boys have their first actual day of school today.....so I need to get to bed!

I will get on here more often now that they will be in school in the afternoons!

Mom2Gaby 09-09-2009 12:45 PM

Good Morning -

Sassy - I don't know. I use to have a friend that was (actually I am sure she still is......haha ) Vietnamese. She was 30 something but looked 16 and had a figure of a little girls. She was cute, she liked buying Miss Kitty stuff. lol

Jules -what is a ybb dvd? we should get into yoga. The lab manager lady teaches it at the hospital I work at, she is so nice and she has a great figure. I am not sure how yaga lets you have a good figure though:dizzy:

Mindee- did you survive the 1st day of school?? I didn't. lol

There was a meltdown, it wasn't pretty and it was mine. I had an idea of Gaby was going to wear and she had the nerve to protest and choose another outfit! And she insisted that she wear shorts under her skirt because she didn't want her panties to show. I told her panties don't show if you don't swing from play structures. Yada, yada. She started to cry and that upset me because I wanted her to have a happy 1st day of school. So, I raised my voice and she cried harder.
Lord, shoot me already.
In the end she looked very sweet and she was so good while I did her hair.
I helped her into the school and up to the 3rd floor with her heavy backpack. There are 30 students in her class and I am not too thrilled w/ that, see how it goes.

anyway, back to 150 and thinking that is where my body wants to be so maybe I will just maintain at 150?

k- chat later!

tommysgirl18 09-09-2009 02:47 PM

the first day went off without a hitch! the boys got onto the bus without any problems and without any crying.......Marissa on the other hand......well she was bummed as soon as the bus pulled away. she was asking for dandon and ogie, and I told her that they would be home later and she was fine with that. now she is laying down and I am on here checking my email and such.

I put up some pictures from today, so feel free to check them all out! (don't worry there are only 72 this time)

suetalks 09-09-2009 09:28 PM

A quick good evening to you all. Hope school went well for all the youngsters today. Sounds like it didn't go well for some mothers....lol.

I had lunch with family today...enjoyed that. My aunt is going back to TN tomorrow.

I only managed to ride 1 mile this morning after a sleepless night. I am tired now, but waiting for a talk with DD before I go to bed. Trying to plan a trip to Vegas and to visit DD and grandson in CA. the first week of Oct.

I didn't weigh and I plan not to until Monday...I am sure I am doing okay. (just have to convince the scale.)

Have a nice Thurs. Hope you are planning a great week-end.

tommysgirl18 09-10-2009 12:32 AM

just thought that I would pop in before turning in for the night......tomorrow is laundry day, although I am thinking of spacing it out betwen tomorrow and Friday while the boys are in school.....that way it won't seem so overwhelming to me!

Sassy_Chick 09-10-2009 04:48 AM

Hi Girls!! Be prepared -- Sassy is back ya'all! LOL!
Hi Girlies!

Suzy Q -- I think Asian Women are soooooo beautiful. Sorry you and Gaby had a difficult morning yesterday. But glad all worked out. :) 150's, wow I would love to be there. I know that is not very sensitive of me. I remember being at a lower weight and thinking man I hate where I am, if I could just lose 20 more pounds or whatever. But 150 just seems soooooooo far away for me. lol. But I wish you well in whatever you decide. We all think your beautiful. :hug:

Mindee -- Glad the first day went well! Awwww poor Marissa, well at least she will have time with you!!

Sue -- Hi Sue, what part of TN is your Aunt from? My husband's family is from the Knoxville area. When are you going to Vegas? My husband and I want to go for his birthday, which is in December. I need to weigh in as well. I haven't touched the scale in a while and need to know where I am. Scary. Isn't it hilarious how women can handle cramps, bleeding, wiping snotty noses, cleaning up puke, but are scared of a stupid scale??? LMAO!


tommysgirl18 09-10-2009 01:17 PM

the kids laundry is almost done....the loads are in the dryer. marissa is laying down, Tommy should be pulling in here soon......he got out of work early today. then tonight we have to take him to the doctors tonight for his check up and we will get the results from his x-rays and bloodwork!

off to find some lunch and see what else I can check off my to do list

Mom2Gaby 09-10-2009 01:42 PM

Good Morning -

Sassy - That is really a long post! I think Asian women are pretty to. There is one that I worked with that was my assistant and she was pretty funny. Very social and never seemd to work but I guess she did because she has never gotten fired.lol ,,,,,anyway, she would always come back to my desk and plop down in a chair and we would talk the day away. I miss her. Anyway, she was Asian. The End. Oh, ya. And I was the one that was fired. haha

Sue - My mom just got back from Reno. I weighed this morning as was up another pound, Grrrrrrrrr

Mindee- I thought of you yesterday:D I took my disposable camera and only had 1 shot left on it because Gaby aimlessly was shooting pictures of the carpet the other day and I was even standing there combing her hair not even paying attention. Anyway, so I had 1 shot to take of her her first day of school. And you had 71 more???? lol

Hi to everyone!!!

I joined Facebook but kind of confused what to do there......we just like talk? I think I am too anti social for that, but I'll try.
Gab managed to get to school happy! So, that was ...ummm, helpful. lol Her backpack has wheels and another child said yesterday it wasn't "cool".I told her "tell them to shove it!!" and she replies... "mom, it's ok. I like my backpack"......
That is a new concept. What other people say is just their opinion, I mean....we have our own that is just as valuable?? Why is this 7 year old so smart?? lol

I better get to work!!!

tommysgirl18 09-10-2009 11:18 PM

just thought I would pop in here before dragging my butt to bed......

we took Brandon to the doctor tonight for his follow up visit.......he tested negative for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.....so he is just having growing pains right now which the doctor said to give him motrin for.

SuzieQ~ LOL.....I actually had a couple of shots of the ground at my parents house when we were there on Sunday.....so I know that feeling! that is basically the idea of facebook, but you can get updates from your friends when they update their information and status.

Sassy_Chick 09-11-2009 04:23 AM

Hola All,

Nothing big on my end really.

Suzy Q -- Yeah that is why I have the individuals in a different color so nobody has to read the whole thing. It was mostly for me to "let off some steam." ;) Facebook is like Myspace. Just keeps you connected with friends and family, only you can do more games and quizzes and such on Facebook.

I went ahead and got rid of my "Ramblings" as they were just really for me to get out some feelings. The individuals are still there. :)

Big :hug:

jules1216 09-11-2009 08:07 AM

hi all--I gave blood on Tuesday even though my iron was borderline--it kicked my butt...I have been soooo tired. it was also less than 2 months since I gave last time. My washer threw uo oil all over the floor...hubby cn fix it but says it's time for new...(hooray!!) I need to go and put the order in for them today and pay taxes and go to the laundromat....and everything else...wanted to go to work to play catch up, but doesn't look like it will happen....

Sassy--sometimes we all need to vent, hope things work out for you. Have you decided what to do on your bday? What is the date again...

Suzy--Facebook is like myspace...there are things I like/dislike on both. This site is much more personal, there are things I wouldn't say on either of them that I would put here. Gaby is wiser than her years...

Mindee--glad the boys enjoyed school--Marissa can get some one on one with Mommy!!!

Sue--Teri and JR stayed at the Mirage in Las Vegas but they want to go back and stay at the Luxor next--they have decided that they will eventually get married in Vegas probably by Elvis..with a small group of friends and family

Katy & Kathy--hi to you both!!

well I need to get coffee going and get my day started...

FrouFrou 09-11-2009 11:01 AM

Just stopping by to say Hi...nothing going on, well there is but nothing worth talking 'bout. Have a great weekend!

Mom2Gaby 09-11-2009 12:02 PM

Good Morning -

It's Friday, it's payday, it's sunny, no one cried this morning or even in the last 24 hours!


And there are postings to read!! Yay, and where IS Katy & Francie?

Sassy - I enjoyed the whole post, I hope you are feeling better today though? I am not really into quizes and games. lol I am so friggin anti social. Not really into my family either. lol I saw my sister and SIL on Facebook but didn't add them. Oh, I think Beck is on there I guess I could go look for her? Anyway, how are the kitties? My Momo is ready to come in and be a nice,clean kitty again, he is so filthy from being outside and I have had to put Advantage on him twice this summer.

Jules- I love the laundromat! I wish I could still go to wash my clothes. I think the machines are so much better. :dizzy: I remember the ex was yelling at the girls one Sunday night to get there clothes ready for school the next day so they both bring down these huge piles because the dirty had gotten in with the clean and I guess it is easier for them to just .....umm, call everything dirty.
So, the ex was going to have a heart attack because it was going to take ALL night to get the laundry done and when the washer goes thru the spin cycle you have to sit on it because it is off balance. Like me. And he wasn't going to be the one sitting on it! Period!
Anyway, I gathered up the laundry and went to the laundromat and got it all done in 90 minutes....:carrot:

How fun to be married by Elvis! Hope you have a fun weekend. What is going on w/ your iron level?

Mindee- Hugs to little Brandon! I really need to get a digital camera, huh? Just seems really complicated. lol

Cristina - I want to hear about what you are doing! Goodness knows nothing ever is changing here with me. I could go put an ad on a singles site and start writing about that??? lol And the Pool Man is long gone and I am still thinking it could have been something special:o
hmmmm, or I could have a baby? I told the ex I wanted one this morning and he said no, I can't have one. Whatever. He has 7 and his last when he was
57-something, so who is he to say?
And I was really thinking that Gaby needs a sibling closer to her age. She says Momo (the cat) is her brother and she is fine. Wise little girl.
Anyway, come back and chat! Miss hearing from you.:D

k- :wave: to everyone else!! I need to go pick up my check and go and get my 1 picture of Gaby on her 1st day of school. Hope it turned out ok....lol.

oh, and weightwise I am 152 today!!! I think it is TOM, I hope so at least.

Mom2Gaby 09-11-2009 12:22 PM

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.'

When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better. Concentrate on this sentence... 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

Oh, I like this one too, especially the first part. I just hope that doesn't mean I have to exercise. haha. jk

tommysgirl18 09-11-2009 02:47 PM

hoping that this will be my last day in the laundry mat! and I hope that it all gets dried this time as well!

I am starving, and I have already had a couple of pop tarts earlier and our office manager just gave me two donuts when I was in the laundry room.....so I ate those, and now I am starving again! I will have to find something more filling here in a second!

SuzieQ~ I love those quotes.....especially the last one!

Jules~ You know, you would think that she would want some one on one time with Mommy while the boys are in school, but she would rather nap! LOL we get our time together if we need to go out for a walk.......

jules1216 09-11-2009 02:50 PM

SuzyQ--my Mom and I are both borderline anemic, so sometimes I get really tired and bruise easy, my arm is actually bruised from giving blood this time and it never does that, don't know whats going on since I have been taking my vitamins. I used to love going to the laundromat--I would take a book and enjoy the peace and quiet and I love the smell of dryer sheets...When Ry first moved out I used to take him to do his clothes or I did them for him at the laundromat--irritated hubby to no end...

Cristina--miss you..hope all is going well are you impatiently waiting for little Lily???

Well our personal and property taxes along with the county ambulance and fire fees are all paid and our new washer & dryer is ordered and should be delivered next Friday....just getting pizza tonight--I will have to make me a big salad so I don't splurge....going to go get paint to do the laundry room while the washer and dryer are out--it will be nice and pretty for them to put the new ones in....

jules1216 09-11-2009 02:51 PM

Hey Mindee--you snuck in there--she will start enjoying having mommy to herself after she gets used to the boys being gone...the pics on myspace were too cute..

suetalks 09-11-2009 11:07 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Fast one here....I also ordered a new washer/dryer today. I get mine Monday, so glad I don't need to paint my laundry room. :) Actually, they will take out the old ones so we don't have to.

Big craft fair in our little town this week-end and garage sales all over the place. DH and I went this morning and Mom and I are going tomorrow. Then off to the fams to play cards tomorrow night. I am making veggie pizza to take. We pitch in and the hostess makes the meats or main dish. Fun.

Booked the trip for Oct. 3rd....Las Vegas for 4 days then DH is coming home and I am going to California to visit DD and grandson for a week. I am excited. Also have almost firmed up plans for 3 weeks in San Diego in January with the sons. They are renting us the cute little beach place again...yay!
These are our concessions to NOT having that winter home in Vegas....we will take a few trips instead.

My aunt made it back to TN safely...she lives near Knoxville also.

Okay...I am adding the newest pic of Mason. We got him a new toy today. Attachment 33173Attachment 33174

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