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Old 05-16-2009, 09:52 PM   #16  
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Cool bootstrap time...

Ok, the morning after....a sugar binge of pathetic dimensions....

Today I am starting a No Sugar Challenge and I'm making it EASY with three pause days allowed. Wish me ... whatever I need.

No Smoking Day 6 completed no pauses allowed
No Sugar Day 0 completed 3 pauses left


Tracy -- Welcome!

miriam -- Hurrah! You're still here. Thanks for the congrats. Yeah, I'm hanging in there. Too bad about your challenge, but that's still nine more days than you may have had had you not done it. Best of luck on this round!!

Last edited by redballoon; 05-16-2009 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 05-17-2009, 07:44 PM   #17  
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Thumbs up successful liftoff!

Day 7 on No Smoking done
Day 1 on No Sugar done

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Old 05-18-2009, 03:48 PM   #18  
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Day 8 on No Smoking done
Day 2 on No Sugar done

Not much fun around here....where is everyone?
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Old 05-19-2009, 10:27 AM   #19  
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Hi All!!! This definately looks like fun to me and a great way to stay "accountable" lol
My Challenges will be
1. Start and stay on track with the 3 day a week(for a total of 8 weeks) running program Couch to 5K
2. Start the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred for 30 days straight
3. Create daily meals plans and stick to them, no skipping any meals

So I will say tomorrow will be the first day of my challenges, as I am home from work sick today with a low grade fever... lol but tomorrow.. here we go!
I know it is a 21 day habit forming challenge.. but I know if I can get through the first 21 days of these goals.. I will be laughing lol

... and Red... way to go you have an incredible determination and drive .. Good for you!

Last edited by Gracie Gats; 05-19-2009 at 10:32 AM.
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Old 05-19-2009, 11:45 AM   #20  
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Hey guys- sorry I fell off, but I really want to do this - this time I will make it
I started yesterday, but I know I will need accountablity to keep going. Hope it's alright if I join again...

Day 2 of 21

No Soda
30 mins activity
Stay under 1500 calories
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Old 05-19-2009, 03:20 PM   #21  
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Well - bombed the exercise challenge. I don't think I'm actually physicaly capable of much right now. I'm feeling really awful. Went to a private doctor today who ordered a bunch of comprehensive tests to see what <else> is wring with me, so I guess it's wait and see for now....

But I DO want to do a challenge, so it's 21 days of writing down everything I eat, 3 pauses. This used to be more difficult in the past to write the things down, but now I have a phone that can store this information and it's always on me sooooo.... here's hoping.

Red - for some reason I have this thread subscribed to instant email notification, but I don't get any! So I think no ones writing good for you on your challenges...if you do no sugar today - hopefully you will have broken the initial craving!!

angela...angeline... must be something with that name and a penchant for choosing the difficult stuff Good luck,gals!
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Old 05-19-2009, 07:19 PM   #22  
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Talking got through the cravings!

Yesterday, I really, really wanted to eat sugar but I resisted. It's amazing how my mind turns to food and it's all sugar, not good sugar like fruit either. Why can't I crave fruit? That's sweet. I guess it's the white stuff, which they say is chemically akin to crack. No wonder I crave it. It's NOT the same as fruit. But, heck, I can't go on being a druggie all my life!

Day 9 on No Smoking done, no pauses allowed
Day 3 on No Sugar done, 0 of 3 pauses taken

Gracie (or is it Angela?) -- Welcome to our humble thread! Me? "Incredible determination and drive?" Ah, well, I don't know. Some people would more likely call it pigheadedness or something similar. I guess at times I do exhibit something that resembles those two noble traits, but only at times....and they are few. The other times, the times I am ****-bent on stuffing junk in my mouth or downing pint after pint of brew, seem to crop up a bit too often. Anyhow, thanks, and best of luck on your challenges!

angeline -- You're not the only who looks like she fell off. No probs! Main thing is you get back in here. Good for you! Are those three separate challenges or one mega-challenge?

miriam -- Gosh, you don't sound like you're doing too well these days. I wonder what's wrong. I hope the doctors can put a name to the cause and it's nothing you can't handle with ease. What a great attitude though to still be determined to look at what you're eating. It sounds like you have what it takes to succeed, both in tools and mindset. Best of luck!

Last edited by redballoon; 05-19-2009 at 07:24 PM.
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Old 05-20-2009, 02:12 PM   #23  
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Hey Red - looks like you've let the cat out of the bag, haha aren't i funny <not > And yes - i think that celiac and prediabetes and a rotten case of mono that won't shift would be enough, but i guess i underestimate myself.

Thanks for the compliments. I don't feel determined, i feel worn out and tired and miserable with a stupid pulled muscle in my shoulder <rantrantrantrantrantrant>

I'm almost done with day 1, I actually ate quite well today but have been SOOO hungry! don't know why. with this celiac for some reason nothing seems to be filling enough for me. hmph.

Good for you for holding strong. i know i have some stuff in my house begging me to eat it right now and I don't know why I feel so weak in the food dept. how on earth do you keep from eating the sugar?!

Last edited by miriam101; 05-20-2009 at 02:13 PM.
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Old 05-20-2009, 04:40 PM   #24  
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Cool a pause....

Gosh, I can't sleep at night because of the itching. And it's not just at home so I don't think it's some allergen in my bed. But gosh do I need rest and now that swine flu has hit Tokyo, I really need to take care.
Another reason to stay away from sugar.
Yesterday, however, I took a pause. I didn't need to but I'd allowed myself some crackers and they did have sugar in them (although they weren't sweet) and I could have allowed them, but I thought no, a little here, a little there and then it snowballs. So, instead of just taking the pause with that I decided to have real sugar, meaning sweet stuff I won't mention here. But it was only a bit of stuff, nothing bingelike.
Anyhow, the smoking was the more tempting one yesterday, seeing as I went out for a drink with a coworker and he's one that rolls his own and makes smoking look delicious. I was watching him thinking...oh, I would like to smoke. And I almost then threw all resolve to the four winds and mulled going to my former haunts, where smoking always happens...BUT, I didn't, I came home. Hurrah!

Day 10 on No Smoking done, no pauses allowed
Day 3 on No Sugar done, 1 of 3 pauses taken]

On the other hand, I am pretty disgusted with my weight. I don't dare weigh myself. I am really tired of that, but I am paying attention to the way my clothes fit. And though I feel tighter than I was, there is more fat on me than I would like, especially around my middle. It's strange because I don't think I'm eating that much and I'm definitely drinking less. Then again, my brain has a very short-term memory when it comes to such things, so if I have even two or three days of decent eating, it translates that to two or three weeks. Memories of nights on the town dissipate with the buzz. The bingeing, too, works similarly, with 3 weeks of pigging out being translated as 3 days (or less!). Sigh.


miriam -- I sure hope you get better soon. All that and then a pulled muscle as well.... But you ARE determined. Look at you! I would be pigging for sure. Staying away from the sugar is hard but not as hard as one would think. It's the all-or-nothing mindset I excel at. And, I've learned you MUST absolutely eat good food, no processed stuff or the cravings become impossible to resist. What my mother always said about not spoiling your dinner by eating sweets beforehand is so true. I can bring a good meal to work but if I get going on some junk, I can't even bring myself to eat it. Like yesterday, I hadn't eaten junk, but I didn't want the good stuff. Then, I forced myself to eat it and know I was better off for it. That's why the apple challenge was good. I now try to incorporate it into my routine without a challenge.
Well, sorry for the ME tangent. Please get well soon!

Last edited by redballoon; 05-20-2009 at 04:43 PM.
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Old 05-21-2009, 06:31 PM   #25  
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Day 11 on No Smoking done, no pauses allowed
Day 4 on No Sugar done, 1 of 3 pauses taken]
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Old 05-22-2009, 05:08 PM   #26  
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Really wanted to smoke yesterday, but didn't!! Hurrah for me!
Day 12 on No Smoking done, no pauses allowed
Day 5 on No Sugar done, 1 of 3 pauses taken
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Old 05-23-2009, 01:49 AM   #27  
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If I may I would like to join the 21 day challenge. Mine will be to take my blood pressure med every day. I don't know why this is so hard for me.

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Old 05-23-2009, 01:40 PM   #28  
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day one completed--bp med taken
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Old 05-23-2009, 03:14 PM   #29  
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Cool can't believe how hard no sugar is....

Another day notched. The no-sugar is tough....

Day 13 on No Smoking done, no pauses allowed
Day 6 on No Sugar done, 1 of 3 pauses taken


ceejay -- Welcome and good luck! Congratulations on a successful liftoff! You can do it!
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Old 05-24-2009, 06:56 PM   #30  
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Cool two weeks done....

Well, I did another day. Not that anyone is watching or cares....

It was hard and I really felt like smoking yesterday as I watched people enjoying it. Also, I'm discussed with what seems (yes, I hear the "seems" .. ) to be ridiculous weight gain. I have a gut again! and yet I have NOT been eating or drinking excessively. I guess it is the lack of working out. I used to go and now I just don't have the energy for it, physical or mental. But I'm sick of feeling second-rate and feeling the eyes and looks of disdain at me because I am overweight. It is horrible here, really and being in racing, I am around a lot of people who place high importance on appearance. Not that I agree, oh, no, **** no. But I'm sick of them feeling they can turn their noses up at me because they perceive their sorry selves as better.

When I was younger it was this realization that made me eat. Now, at last, I'm feeling that this realization will make me get the body and the look I want so I can feel good about every aspect of myself.

Day 14 on No Smoking done, no pauses allowed
Day 7 on No Sugar done, 1 of 3 pauses taken
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