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Lindor 06-19-2009 03:15 AM

I want to jump out of a plane from 12,000ft!!!

Oh, yeah, I want a parachute when I do it too!!

They are really promoting Skydiving here at the moment and I would love to give it a shot! Problem is, the cut off weight is 90kg!

So there it is folks! My short term goal and my reward for reaching it! I want to get below 90kg so I can jump out of a plane! :D

Going to weigh in on Monday so I can really assess how far away that dream is!

Amy, sorry about your Nan. And well done on your loss.

Ani? What's happening?

Barb, well done on your loss too!

Vonni, I love your food analysis! Today, we had a farewell feast at work! Plenty of dairy, protein, minerals and vitamins there!!! :lol:

Alright...gotta go find pics of skydivers to stick around the house as a reminder of my goal and reward!!

DoingItRightNow 06-19-2009 03:21 AM

Hi, Im new to this site and would love to get to know some other aussie members :)

pacman12 06-19-2009 06:25 AM

Amy, I'm so sorry to hear about your nan.

7senuf 06-19-2009 06:29 AM

Amy sorry bout yr nan. sucks all these people around us getting sick/old/dying. But I guess thats what life is about. Test us and our ability to handle things. And all the hard stuff ends up giving us strength for other things to deal with.

Lindor, glad you like my philosophy.

Must be a cheezely day. I had some today to Kel. Yumm But i like the homebrand cheese rings. they have the best flavour, though prob the most salt to.

Had my biopsy done today..... OUCH! I thought they'd put a local in but apparantly by the time they jab u several times and wait, it is over and done with just shoving the needle straight in. I suppose it wasn't that bad, but my neck muscles at the front are a bit sore tonight. They ahd to go in about 2cm they said and it was in a hard to reach spot so a bit of moving around in there. Right between the carotid artery and jugular vein. Scary when they told me lol.

Hi Doingitright now, I'm Von. Hope u find us gals ok. I think they're an alright bunch :)

I better go get some sleep. Have a shift to start in a few hours.

pacman12 06-19-2009 02:58 PM

Glad that's over Von. Fingers crossed for the results.

It is going to be very hard to give back my foster babies next week - one in particular was a shy, scared little possum when I got her, and now she's all slinky malinky around my legs and smooches my face. The other two perch on my shoulder and nibble my earrings. They are so cute, they'll get adopted right away for sure though, which is the point I suppose. I don't usually get super attached to the kittens because you don't have them long enough, but these ones are lovely.

PerthChick 06-19-2009 07:49 PM

Gen you're a stronger woman than me - I would hate to have to give them back. I'd cry :dizzy:.

Vonnie when do you get your results?

Hi Doingitright - I'm Ani. Glad you found us - we're a chatty bunch here who often go a little off track with our weight loss. But we'll support you, commiserate, laugh - and occasionally come up with a few pearls of wisdom.

Lindor! A plane? Do you have Superman fantasies or something? :D

Amy are you OK? You've had such a rough trot lately :hug:

My new housemate moves in tomorrow. Is he a nut? Probably! But hey, my housemate stories do tend to keep people entertained - and I suspect you'd all be disappointed if I found someone who was sedate, boring, normal…

I'm on track with my weight loss this week, working on reaching my goals, trying to conjure some enthusiasm for drinking water, and doing OK.

Had a really, really crap week back at work - not going to bore you with the details, but feeling a bit blah about it all.

Anyway, must go and move furniture and junk out of the studio so the new housmate can put his stuff in there.

pacman12 06-20-2009 10:18 AM

Oh - I think I have found a roommate. She is in New York though, so I haven't met her!! A bit nervous about that. She sounds sane and the most fun person I've spoken to so far. Am going to be talking to her this weekend so we'll see. She will be in town late August to do a PhD at the same uni I'm at, so hopefully she's not a total loser.

7senuf 06-20-2009 06:14 PM

Gen sounds like the one.

amouse 06-20-2009 06:48 PM

hey guys .. ty for your well wishes . :) Nan passed just b4 5 on friday with her children at her side.. They all made it up there in time.. which i think is very important .. MY mum an her brother ans sister havent spoken in a couple of years becuase mum was fighting to get nan to the city through some age care tribunual thingy.. .. Our biggest concern was her dying alone. and when mum rang my friday and told me she was dying i was beside myself.. i was sure they wouldnt be able to make it in time , but they did and Nan being Nan held on until they were all there .. Mum said she seemed to go .. and the nurse said she had gone but my aunty wasn't there .. and Nan came back and waited til she came .. just like my nan .. fight to the end .. ..

Anyway Im ok i went out last night to a quiz night at the school .. it was a hoot .. my friends were drunk and playing up something shocking.. it was so funny .. ... i ate way to much crap.. but oh well thems the breaks .

Gen and ani i hope your room mates are good to live with ... love you comment about the stories ani.... your right they do entertain ...

Vonni i hope the results are ok with the nasty biopsy ...

Lindor sky diving hey.... wow ...

Barb well done on your loss

Kel what did you do at pony playgroup?

welcome doing it right now

on a side note .. guys we get shutdown at 500 posts so we better keep an eye on that and be ready to create a new one with this post we're at 474..

smylie 06-21-2009 02:57 AM

at pony playgroup jemima got to brush the ponies and play with the ponies and then they also had swings and trampoline and stuff so got to play on that stuff, probably going again this tuesday and then it is fortnightly so will probably keep going... depends how many other kids there are etc

i am sick as a dog - and benji is being an awesome nurse.... tomorrow benji's mum is looking after jemima all day so i cant wait to just sleep all day

not sure what the scales are going to say tomorrow

got an awesome picture for my study 'the kiss' by gustav klimt it was the ONE picture i didnt get to see when i was in austria - it was a total bummer i did not know i was only 20mins away from the picture i have had on my fridge since i moved out of home, gustav klimt was always my subject in art when i had to research stuff so i can not believe i didnt know there was a whole museum for him in austria - but i saw some of his work in different places in venice and austria so it's all good and now that it is on my wall i dont have to go back to austria just to see it......

barbegirl71 06-21-2009 07:02 AM

Amy I'm so sorry for your loss, seems like all of us are dealing with something at the moment. My mum was the same only she waited till we had all said our good-bye's and she was alone with dad. i think she didn't want our last memory of her to be taking her last breath.

Just on that subject, Gen and Vonni can you tell me exactly what heppens to the body once life support has been removed. I asked the nurse and she told me we wait for her heart to stop, but what I want to know is what exactly happens to make that happen given she was breathing on her own and blood pressure was normal. Is it a chemical thing or does the brain just stop giving its signals??????????

pacman12 06-21-2009 09:15 AM

Depends what you mean by life support. A ventilator? In that case, if you don't breathe deep/fast enough on your own, your CO2 builds up which makes you sleepier, and you breathe even less. Eventually when it gets high enough, it signals your brain to stop breathing. Once you're without sufficient oxygen, your heart stops.

Amy, I'm glad your family got to your nan before she died. It's amazing how people will really hold on until they are ready, whether it's waiting for a certain day or for a certain person to arrive. She sounds like a tough lady.

smylie 06-21-2009 04:57 PM

wow, i hope i am as strong as that when it is my time.... must be hard not to feel sorry for yourself and bring down everyone around you, i have a friend and her mum just diagnosed with hodgekinson and lympotic cancer (i know u guys know what i mean) but was not going to tell my friend coz she didnt want to upset her, how self less is that! people are amazing

i lost 300grams this week, not surprised it was not more and pleased i had ANY loss
i had told myself i would have a choc eclair if i lost any weight but now that it was only a little loss i am thinking i wont... which is good step in right mindframe direction - however i also said i would have a naughty lunch if i lost coz i am sick..... but that also seems silly at the moment.....
however i KNOW and can feel my body is going to want more than a salad so i think i'll be thinking about it all day - and as possibly will be a naughty dinner i should restrain myself.
jemima at inlaws all day so i can imagine dinner will be either sent home from there (benji's mum makes extra dinner and puts it in special crockery it's so nice) OR benji will pick up takeout on the way home.... i am planning on sleeping all day and am VERY lucky i can do so so should do it

lindor - jumping out of a plane - wow - my dad has done it as he was in the 'SAS i think it would be amazing but it is now not something i think i would do as there IS a bit of danger involved and i just think about jemima.... if i didnt have jemima i would be there too.... we are talking tandem?? i dont know if i could honestly step out by myself..... i have a wicked fear of heights (i cant even go down a down escalator without freaking out) (there is a name for that fear too so i am not alone)

gen - i can wait to hear about your flatmate, does she like cats? i was thinking last night about getting another cat, i want a ginger one

ani - tell us more about your flatmate?? whats he like?? where did you find him??

danni - how are you going?

vonni - did you get your results yet? (or did i totally miss reading them)

doing it right now - can you tell us your name? where are you from?? welcome, i'm a little all over the place with my posts and with my train of thought, i am sure the girls sometimes just skim over my verbal diarrea but i DO try and be supportive - sometimes though i miss the mark and you just have to tell me to pull my head in!

barb - i am 103.3 we are almost the same!! we can do this together, i cant wait to get under 100!

amy - the quiz night sounds like just what you needed so dont beat yourself up about eating too much crap!

my friend FINALLY weighed herself the other day - she has been "pretending" to be into the weight loss game for years.... but i felt that she couldnt really focus until she knew where she was to start with so i kept pushing her to weigh herself.... now we have msn open all the time and confess to EVERY bad thing we eat - she is shocking she keeps eating crap at midnight and only sometimes it is becuase she has not had dinner....... she weighed in at 128.9kg and she is short so i think that has FINALLY triggered her into making a commitment to save her body etc..... so she is aiming to get under 100 by xmas.... or close enough.......... she wants to have a baby and has been trying for 5 years but she has been fat and a smoker etc for the whole time i've known her so hopefully now she has me to nag in her ear she will be able to have a baby

oh yeah the doc reckons same about me - i will fall pregnant when i lose some weight - if that is not incentive to have something "heathly" for lunch today what is

and we are looking at houses with lots of bedrooms and acerage - i have to ring the banks today to see if it is even possible... but that is exciting and scary

7senuf 06-21-2009 05:31 PM

Amy big hugs for you and yr family xox
'Read everyones posts but so much to reply to lol.
Kel no i get results tuesday week at 11am. And "The Kiss" is in a book i am reading at the moment called Evernight. Well, finished that one and am onto Stargazer (the sequel). Its another of them vampirey novels lol. The girl in it loves that art and has it on bedroom wall and often mentions it in book. So now i am off to search the net for a pic of it now u mention it to.

LittleKiwi 06-21-2009 07:59 PM

Wow, so much going on. Amy, I'm so sorry for your loss. Great though that her children made it in time to say goodbye.

Welcome to our new member :wave: tell us a bit about yourself!

Ani, how's the new housemate going? All good I hope :crossed:

I'm finally getting over the dreadful cold that I had last week. My diet was horrendous last week, didn't even think about anything that I was eating so I'm back on track and have the food diary out again today. Will also get back into the gym tonight but I'll start off slowly to be on the safe side.

I'm in the midst of planning my trip to Malaysia. Really need to earn some extra money to help with the savings so I've managed to pick up a couple of extra Saturday shifts in July and August and am trying to think of things to sell online. So far I've put a nice suede jacket up for sale so fingers crossed that it goes.


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