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Old 10-22-2008, 12:22 PM   #1  
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Default New Beginnings - Supporting Each Other on Our Weight Loss Journey

Hi there people!
I used to be on a thread called "Supporting Each Other on Our Weight Loss Journey over in the Weight Watchers area of 3FC.
I've been away for awhile and have been trying to focus on something other than Weight Watchers, and weight loss in general. Kind of fed up with "programs" as I was almost feeling as if being constantly preoccupied with food, points and all that stuff was taking away from my JOY in life.
I still think Weight Watchers is wonderful, make no mistake, and I owe a great deal to them, BUT, I have to try to do this on my own for awhile. I need to see if what I learned about making proper and healthy choices for myself is something I can do without writing everything down, without worrying about points and all the rigmarole that goes along with any kind of program.
It's been an interesting couple of months for me. I've not been here on this web site and I've been just seeing if I can do something on my own.
I've lost about 3 or 4 pounds. I'm not getting on and off the scale all day, every day and freaking out. I'm relaxing more and if I "blow it" on one day, I'm not feeling remorse and punishing myself. I'm just moving on and moving on easily.
I'm hoping there are some others like me out there and maybe some of my old friends are still here and will try to encourage each other here.
Hugs to all, it's nice to be here once again.
Linda in NH
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Old 10-22-2008, 05:50 PM   #2  
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Hi Linda,

I think this thread is a wonderful idea. I think it may be what I need. A new beginning with support.
Thank you for starting this thread. I hope others stop by to say hello and share how they are doing.
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Old 10-22-2008, 05:54 PM   #3  
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Linda - What a great idea! I'm moving this to the "Support Groups" forum so people looking for a group will find it more easily.
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Old 10-22-2008, 07:47 PM   #4  
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Linda~ Hey Woman!!!!! I saw your thread in the weight loss support forum I'm posting in and thought "Could it be?" and it was it was you!!!!I've missed ya girlfriend!!! But it was moved I've gotten away from weight watchers also...actually like a looooooong time ago,I just enjoyed talking to everybody there and was still losing the you I am trying to make better choices and I have actually thought about getting back to WW but I don't like having to keep up with everything I'm just trying my own thing....watching this and that trying to do water... and a bunch of us have a thread called Christmas goal setting and alot of people have come on there to set their goal... mine is 185.....I hope I can do it
Anyway girl...I'll be back if ya like...I left the thread over in WW cause nobody was coing back....I guess all got busy and it's really hard to support yourself and that's basically what I was doing....talking to myself!!!LOL So I'll talk later!!! I'm watching a phone on ebay and it ends at 8:30!!!Be Back
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Old 10-22-2008, 07:52 PM   #5  
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You go girl! Hope you get that phone.
I'm glad you found me. I sent the link to people from the old group and then it was moved, I have no idea WHY truly, but whatever....
Good to hear from you.
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Old 10-22-2008, 09:00 PM   #6  
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HI Linda I am in.. I also stopped ww awhile ago and did well until I sprained my foot. Than it was summer and i gained all I lost and Just today I was saying I need to get serious... I even ran today about 1 and a half! Yes I did.. Wahoo. So it is odd that you emailed me. I am so in.. I am just watching my food counting cals per say... I need to get the db in bed so I will check in again.. Busy weekend ahead so if you do not hear from me you will next week. See yah.. Thanks for the email.. Barb
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Old 10-22-2008, 09:03 PM   #7  
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Hey - if you linked them they'll be re-directed here no problems. The link is based on the thread number, which doesn't change even if it is moved.
I moved it here because you're trying to start a group, and the "Support Groups" forum gets more members who are looking for a group to join, and you're more likely to grow this way!

So yeah, don't worry about the link - it'll still work just fine!
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Old 10-23-2008, 12:14 AM   #8  
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Linda as you well know... I am lurker extra-ordinare. Thanks or the link its great to see you back at it. Meaning in the right mindset.

I havent followed followed WW for a long time. I took what I needed from their program ( Portion control and the 8 Healthy great. ) fusing it with Calorie counting. Which I find easier and travels better no matter which country you in. Calories are marked clearly on everything.

I will be popping in ocassionally... Cuz I like you and your gang.

Good luck to all.
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Old 10-23-2008, 06:51 AM   #9  
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Barb and Sarry great to hear from you all again.
It's kind of funny that many of us who were tried and true WW memebers have moved away from it. I'm not saying I won't ever go back there, but I don't think I need it. I sure paid them hundreds, even thousands, of dollars, and I thank them for teaching me. I'm ready to spread my own wings and fly. I need to see if I can be on my own and work this through.
Barb, congrats on getting back to running and trying again.
Sassy, that tracker of yours is amazing, you are getting so close and you are truly doing it! I'm so very proud of you.

For today, I'm doing this one day at a time thing, I guess. I have a VERY busy day, a quilt group in the morning and a wake (very sad, a friend's son died) and then working for the political group of my choice (no affiliation ought to be mentioned here for sure). Meals might be scetchy and I think I need some planning ahead. I'll try but it's going to be crazy.
I actually blew off an on line quilt group I've been part of for a long time recently. It was habit and taking up lots of time. I can use that time more wisely and perhaps for meal planning or exercise? We'll see.
One thing that I might say, if I were to give out (and take my own) advice today is to look at how you are spending your time. If something you do regularly (not a paying job as we all need money) is no longer rewarding, you need to cut your losses and get out of it. If it's not "good" for you at this time in your life, deal with it and move on.
I guess that could be said for weight loss programs?

So, aside from a busy day, I can think ahead to things that I will do for myself that are positive. I'm thinking about getting my hair highlighted. That might be fun and give me a brighter perspective.
Hey world, it's me again, I want to be part of it all and have fun!
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Old 10-23-2008, 04:26 PM   #10  
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I like your attitude Linda've inspired me and I thank you for making my day better!
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Old 10-23-2008, 05:46 PM   #11  
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Hey guys,

Thanks for getting me the link so I can chat with ya'll again. Well interesting about the WW, b/c I always posted over there but pretty much kind of mixed things together between ww and calorie counting and just trying to eat right. So Linda, I think this will be a great thread. I hope everyone is doing well. I feel good to be a part of something again. As far eating this week I have been good!!! I have been really trying to focus on watching my portions. I know I need to get in more vegtables, and definatly more water. I too spent a lot of money on WW stuff and I finally decided that instead of spending money to weight myself I needed to spend money on buying groceries that are healthy. I too have nothing against WW it's a good program and taught me a lot. Anyways, good to be back.
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Old 10-23-2008, 07:55 PM   #12  
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Great to hear back from so many of you right away! Feels like "old times".
I thought of you guys tonight. It was a rough day with lots of crazy and unexpected twists. I went to a wake this afternoon, which was rather sad as a friend's son died. No parent should outlive their child.
So, after that some volunteer work and then I was driving home well after my normal dinner time, starving. I drove by MacDonald's, I drove by Burger King, and several other tempting places that would be a "quick fix".
You know what? I got home to some chicken, string beans and a 2 point (still using points as a reference) roll with lite margarine. It was filling and it was so much more of a healthier choice than a burger and fries. I wanted to just grab something as it would have been easy to do, but I am glad. What kept me going was thinking about all of you and how I just started this new thread and how I do still want very much to succeed.
What NSVs were in your day, if any?
Any good recipes that you have tried since we last spoke?
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Old 10-23-2008, 08:12 PM   #13  
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Hello Ladies,

It does seem like old times. Welcome back to everyone. It sounds like we all need this thread. Thanks for starting this thread Linda.
I like your "Mantra" Linda.
Hello to you Barb, great job on getting back to running.
Hi Trysh, yeah you, that sounds like a very realistic goal, you go girl.
It is nice to see you Janelle.
Sassy, you are doing awesome? How many calories do you have each day?
Hello to everyone and anyone lurking.
To new beginnings. Congratulations to all of you.
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Old 10-24-2008, 02:06 PM   #14  
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TGIF! Hi Linda,Ann,Haylo and evrybody else outhere!! I weighed this morning and I'm back down to 196 and I'm pretty happy!!! I think maybe my self conscience new I was gonna lose my weight and get to my mini week goal and that MUST be why I bid on a purse and phone on ebay and won!!! I treated my self without even knowing it!!! But I have to say I really don't do that all the time...I think it's cause I was down cause DH was in Florida all week and I was bored....and I was kinda mad at him too...the other day we kinda got into it over a phone...I really need one...mine is being held together by a phone cover and it goes out for no reason sometimes .....I wanted this phone,it was "ON SALE" for 299 and he still said it was high and flat out "no" like he's my daddy....well these past few weeks I've been trying to play secret santa and I've got an upholstery job pending(reall good money)...and I was planning on buying DH a guitar for Christmas... I could've gotten the phone free with contract but he said "no",but anyway I looked at him and said " I can't believe I was gonna buy you a 1500 dollar guitar,and nevermind,I'll get me a phone,without your help" it really changed his toon,then he started asking me about signing a contract and everystuff....I really didn't want anything to do with him for 4 days...then he went to Florida and I don't know,sometimes I feel like I care more than he does...I happen to think he's worth it...but he doesn't think..I am...or that's the impression I get sometimes...but apperently it didn't sink in because when I won this phone off of ebay he didn't offer to help and I even asked him..and he laughed....oh well......atleast I can say that I got the dern thing on my own.....but he still paid 20 on my purse...he found that out this morning when he was looking in his check book hehehe Well I guess I'll go,I gotta lotta nothin' to do Ya'll have a great weekend!!
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Old 10-25-2008, 08:16 PM   #15  
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Hey everyone!

Thanks, Linda, for starting this thread. Maybe this is just what we all need...just support.

I've been in an odd place the last month. My weight has gone up about 5 lbs; I know I've gotten lazy, but even when I feel like I'm doing good, I can't get the scale to do much of anything. I get annoyed, say screw it, what is the point? And then here I all caught up and now I don't know what to follow, what to do differently. I've been trying to add more fiber to my diet; that does seem to help some. I've been trying to pack my lunch at work, and that has helped some. I just have to take it day by day.

I'm in the same boat as everyone else...I'm "sort of" following ww. I don't journal, don't count my points. I know point values for everything, and I still go grocery shopping with my points calculator. Before each meal or snack I figure out what the point value is going to be and determine if it is worth it, if I can "afford" it.

I've come to the realization that I have a true love-hate relationship with food. I love food. Not just eating...I love to LOOK at food. I scour the internet, magazines, cookbooks, whatever for pictures of food. I'm mainly looking for dessert ideas for work, but it has truly become a "thing" for me. I hate how comfortable I've become at work around food. Some days I really have self control and am able to avoid the b-l-t's, but other days are HARD!

Anyway, I am glad that we have a new beginning here with this thread. It really does feel like "old times" again!

Have a great night all!
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