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Old 08-27-2008, 12:40 AM   #16  
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Default Hi Trish!

Hello Trish and welcome back to the group. I have missed you and thought about you quite often and wondered what had happened to you.

It is great that you have come back to us. I remember you quite well and am so glad you are back with us again. I so remember both of your kids too, and of course your son, in the Navy, who is a doctor too. lad you are doing good and wow you are a Grandmother 4 times since you last posted. Congratulations to you! I'll bet you sure love those little Grandchildren so darn much. I am a Grandmother too, of 2 little Grandsons. Remember I have 2 girls than 2 boys, both younger than the girls? Well my youngest daughter, Tracy, the one in the Air Force and stationed at Scott AFB in Illinois, near St. Louis and her husband have a boy, Tyler about 16 months now. Than my oldest daughter, Kelly, who is a teacher in Indy had a boy about 9 months ago, they were born last year and 6 months apart. I am in heaven with those little babies and such a proud Grandma too. In fact we just all went to Gatlinburg for the 4th of July and everyone went, including the little guys too. I just love being a Grandma as I am sure you really do. So I know how you feel, both of us are happy Grandma's indeed, I never knew it could be so much fun for me. My youngest son, Alan, is in the Air Force too, stationed at Qatar AFB near the United Emerence and Saudi Arabia. He will only be there for 6 months and than will return to his home base, Andrews AFB in Washington D.C. Only my daughters are both married and both my sons, Alan and Dan are both single.

Don't worry I have not done good either on my WW program and we will help each other I just know it. We are kind of missing some ladlies, but hope to remedy that soon when we have more posting or for that matter any newbie who want to join a great group, just join us and post with us. We would love to have you. Let's both work on this together to get where we want to be.

I sure hope that you can retire soon, that's all my husband talks about so one of these days it will happen I swear it will.

Talk to you all soon and hope we have lots and lots of posts on this thread.

Sassy Sharon
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Old 08-27-2008, 02:02 PM   #17  
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Hello all!

Hi Trish! I'll echo Sharon's welcome back. Of course, I remember you! In fact, I think of you each and every time I'm up on the Bethlehem/Allentown area. You live so close to me. One of these days, we just might have to meet up.

I've been in and out of Bethlehem quite often these past couple months. I was up there in July because my dad passed away. More recently, I was there for Musikfest, a better reason. Anyway, I have thought of you.

Add me to the list of folks not doing so well with the weight loss. Can't remember if I told you all that my niece is getting married in Hawaii next May and, after much debating , I've decided I'm going. When will I ever get the chance again!? Anyway, that gives me not quite 9 months to lose some weight. Geez, you think that'd get a fire burning under me, wouldn't you!?

One of these days, I'll get it, I think. I too need the help of the Thin Wannabees! I'll be talkin' to you!

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Old 08-27-2008, 03:31 PM   #18  
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Hey Jo,
Glad you could join Trish and myself, now if we had a few more posters or even lurkers posting that would be great!

Yes I am with you too, went to my Weight Watchers meeting today after not being able to go for 3 weeks, with traveling to Michigan for one week and everything else, but was disappointed to gain 5 pounds. So now I have to try to get that off and get to where I want to be in the long run. Well let's see, the holidays are coming upon us, well once October is over it will be here really quick. doesn't it seem that once Halloween is over with, it kind of sneaks up on you? So I figure we have a few good months till Thanksgiving is here and than we will have another month till Christmas So Jo and Trish and everyone else-let's do this and help each other with our journey too. Anyone else care to join us? Post and let us know what you think and if you have any suggestions for that matter, than we would love to know and would love to get to know you.

So what is your plan? Here is mine:

1. I will get back to my WW program faithfully, and start eating heathly and right. Keep my journal so I can see at a glance how I have been doing.

2. Go back to my exersise program, get back to Curves or walk, do my Leslie Sansone tapes or go on my treadmill or exercise bike.

3. Drink all my water required and cut back on the diet pop too.

4. Work really hard to get to where I want to be and to take one day at a time and not get hung up on the numbers, but rather start better choices in life and the rest will follow when I am doing what I need to be doing in my life.

Anyone else have a plan for the rest of the year and for the next year as well? Anyone, post and tell us what your plan is!

OK guys, we can do this! Please join us, we can use all the help we can get and we can all help each other!

Talk to you guys soon! Sassy Sharon
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Old 08-28-2008, 09:04 AM   #19  
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Sharon and Jo, thanks for the welcome back. I'm at work and don't have time to write much now, but I wanted to let you know that I am here and will post at least a couple of times a week as long as you are here too.

I have a busy weekend planned. We're going to an Iron Pigs game (Phillies minor league) this evening. My four month old grandson (my daughter's son) is being baptised on Sunday, and my son and daughter in law are the godparents, so they are visiting for the weekend from NC. On Monday, we're going to a Labor Day picnic. Therefore, I'm waiting until next week to start a weight loss attempt.

Hope all of you have a great Labor Day weekend! I'll check back in early next week.

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Old 08-30-2008, 11:41 PM   #20  
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Hey Trish,
That is good that you will be posting a couple times a week, I will really try to do the same and hopefully Jo will be able to stop by and anyone else who either wants to come on back or start fresh with us Wannabees.

How was your game you went to. Did your team win? I sure hope so, it makes it so much better when you have a win. Hope your Grandson's baptism goes well and you have a great time this weekend with your family and friends. We are having a great weekend with our family, our daughter from Illinois and her family are visiting and tomorrow we are having a cookout with the rest of our family. So it will be great to see both of the Grandsons tomorrow at our house when our Indianapolis daughter, Kelly comes as well. We will be having a houseful, right now I am just taking a break from making potato salad, chocolate chip cookies and brownies too. Gosh this is a bad time this weekend, I already got into the cookie dough and am ready to start the brownies and who knows about that. Yes, I will try and keep my mouth shut but it is so hard sometimes when I am making food. We are having this barbecue so everyone can see Tracy when she comes to town, much easier than trying to run all over trying to see everyone. I am looking forward to tomorrow.

Jo-How is your holiday weekend going so far? Are you at your Mom's house with your family? Hope you are having fun and relaxing. Post and let us know!

Everyone have a wonderful weekend and Happy Labor Day to all!

Sassy Sharon :
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Old 09-08-2008, 09:52 AM   #21  
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Where is everyone? I am feeling lonely in here. Keep me company. Anyone????? Post and let me know how you are doing or if you are new, introduce yourself to us!

Sassy Sharon
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Old 09-09-2008, 11:45 AM   #22  
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Hi Sharon (and anyone else – Hello? Hello?). Sorry to have been MIA. I have no good excuse. Time just seems to fly by. Just yesterday, I was looking forward to Spring and planting flowers and such and now it's September and almost Autumn already! Yikes. How'd that happen? Could I be getting old!? Nah. Just busy.

As for my weight loss efforts, well…. Can't say much. Did I tell you guys I'm going to Hawaii next May? The big plan was to lose 40+ lbs by then. So far, over the past couple weeks, I've lost … well, let's just say "oops". I've been trying to be good – watching what I eat, making better choices, portion control and all that sort of thing. I've been drinking rivers of water and even trying to get some exercise in. But I certainly haven't made the great progress that I was hoping to make. Still, it's a move in the right direction.

I'd been thinking of rejoining Weight Watchers but $$$$ = yikes! I'd also thought about the local meeting of TOPS but just never quite got there. I'm just "not ready", you know what I mean? I have a really bad habit of thinking only as far ahead as the next weigh-in. On Tuesday (or whatever my meeting day is) I practically starve myself just so I can see a good number on the scale. But after that, I just fall off the wagon again until the next week's weigh-in. And I tend to obsess about the meeting and the scale. What if I have a meal that's high in sodium or if I take a piece of birthday cake or something right before I get on the scale? I know the weight gain I see is probably only temporary but I get all worried about it. Then I skip a meeting and then another and it's a downhill slide.

No, I've pretty much decided that I've got to try to do this on my own, try to eat right and not worry so much about the scale number. The weight may not come off quite as fast as if I were on a more formal program but it's a learning process. Still, I really really really don't want to go sit on a Hawaiian beach at the weight I currently am! Blech.

Meanwhile, in other news, I've been spending a lot of time with my mom since my dad died. She's doing OK, not great but she's hanging in there. The whole family's pretty much rallying around and we all take one day at a time. Rich has been working long hours, 7 days a week, since the company he works for got new owners a couple months ago and decided to change a lot of things. That pretty much leaves me on my own evenings and weekends so I'm trying to keep busy. The house has never been so clean! LOL

Last weekend, we had a little damage from Hurricane Hanna. Not bad but it brought down some tree limbs and such. I spent Sunday outside cleaning up the yard and it felt good to get fresh air and exercise. Speaking of Hanna, Trish if you're out there, I heard about the damage to the high school in Allentown and all last weekend! Hope everything's OK with you.

In February 2007, some friends and I went to Vail, CO and I fell in love with snow-shoeing. My brother even got me a nice pair for Christmas last year. We didn't get much snow this past winter but the Farmer's Almanac has been calling for it this year. All I have to do is find a place where I can strap on the snowshoes and go out trekking. I'm tickled because, usually in the winter, I just stay inside and hibernate.

Other than all that, there's not much going on in my life. Same ol' – same ol'. I miss all the activity we used to have on this forum and hope to see some new (and old) faces again soon. Be talkin' to you!

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Old 09-09-2008, 02:35 PM   #23  
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I apologize for not checking in here last week like I promised. I guess it's because I don't have anything positive to report. I keep making excuses for myself and have not gotten started on a weight loss plan. In the past, I did WW Online with some success, so I may sign up for that again, but I haven't been motivated enough to do it. I'm going on a cruise in one month, and I'd like to lose some weight before then.

Jo, I live just west of Allentown, so I wasn't near the tornado. We just had a lot of wind and rain.

I'll check back later this week and let you know if I have gotten my act together!

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Old 09-11-2008, 11:43 PM   #24  
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Hey Trish and Jo,
We may be the only ones here, but hopefully not for long.

I am in the same boat as you Trish, struggling to stay on program and trying so hard to get on the right track. Wow you are going on a cruise soon, how wonderful is that.

My gosh and you Jo are going to Hawaii soon, how wonderful is that? I just loved when we all went to Hawaii last September. Yes, Weight Watchers can get pretty expensive, I get the Monthly Pass and right now I feel like I am just losing my money, but we will hang in and all get it right and hopefully soon.

We are going to Illinois tomorrow to see daughter, Tracy startioned near St Louis. I am looking forward to the weekend. I can't wait to see little Tyler again, they were last weekend and we had so much fun and had a party so people could see them. I also watched my other Grandson, little Brandon earlier in the week and had so much fun with him. He spent the night and for some reason was up off and on lots of the night. I finally ended up putting him in the guestroom and after laying down with him and putting him back in the crib several times I gave up and just laid down with him in the guest bedroom bed. I was sooooo tired the next morning, but I recovered and caught up on my sleep now. I so loved having him overnite and still loving this Grandma thing.

Take care everyone, have to go, we are leaving for Illinois tomorrow for the weekend and better get to bed.

Sassy Sharon
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Old 09-22-2008, 01:10 PM   #25  
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Default Hi all?????

K, where is everbody? Hope I am not alone now and others come back and join our merry group!

Well guys, I actually did talk to CJ last week, got hold of her. She said I could post and let you know what is going on in her life. She is going through a big change right now, she is going to get a divorce, that is what she wants to do to move on with her life. She is doing good now though and says she will come back and post soon as she can and misses all of you very much. It was good hearing from her and she seems to be in great spirits.

As for me, just been busy with the family and Grandkids too. My husband and myself went to Illinois the weekend before last and spend a wonderful weekend with my air force daughter, Tracy and little Tyler. We had a great time, went to an apple orchard and picked a bunch of apples to make apple pies with. My Grandson had a ball, my husband carried him around on his shoulders so he could try to reach some of the apples. He is only 17 months, but he sure tried and than he walked around with them chomping into one with his 12 teeth and sure ate the heck out of it too. LOL But other than that, nothing more going on, just enjoying this cooler fall weather, I love fall the best, walking in the crisp fall air with the leaves crunching beneath your feet is the best in the world.

Well don't be a stranger anyone, I am here and am lonely. Hope we get some more back and some newbies even would be great.

Love you guys, Sassy Sharon
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Old 09-25-2008, 10:19 AM   #26  
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Hi Sharon! And sorry. I keep meaning to get in here. But I have no excuse.

Thanks so much for getting in touch with CJ. If you talk to her again, let her know I'm thinking of her. I've been through what she's going through and I understand. Hope everything works out for her.

Meanwhile, I've been looking at my weight loss efforts. Unfortunately, just looking is all I've been doing. I just got a card in the mail about WW's new Fast Pass (well, it's new in MY area anyway). Says I can pay monthly and go to as many meetings as I want. I like that idea, I must say! Probably the kick in the pants I need. Still waiting for their website to catch up and give me the info I need.

There were other weight-loss groups and plans I was thinking about as well but I have to say that WW is the one I'm most comfortable with. Even if, sadly, it seems to be the most costly!

In other news, I turned 47 on September 19! My plan is to be skinny by the time I hit 50. 3 years should be plennnnnnty of time, right? You'd think.....

Gotta run. I'm supposed to be working right now. Just can't quite get myself motivated today. It's just too nice outside my window to be stuck here in the office. I know I've said it before, but I promise to check back in soon.

Talk to you later!
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Old 09-28-2008, 04:41 PM   #27  
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Hi Jo,
Don't worry I do the same thing as you lot of the time. I mean to come in and post, but sometimes get so busy that I say "Tomorrow I will post" LOL than that turns into a week or more even very often. Thanks for posting, we need to keep this group alive and well till the others rejoin our happy group. LOL

I know exactly how you feel about your weight loss effort and what you have done and want to do too. I am in the same boat, not doing very good lately bur not wanting to change how I do it as I too have been on Weight Watchers a very long time. Because for me it is a great program with healthy eating and it is a safe program for me to be on. Plus when I am on the WW program I have the accountability I need as well. If I could just get with it though. I was starting to do so good when I was watching my Grandson and staying at my daughters house during the week and was down 10 lbs, but now it is back on and I go up and down once again. Boy Jo why does it have to be so hard to lose and so darn easy to gain????? It's just frustrating sometime isn't it? I mean why is pizza and cheesecake so darn fattening and lettuce and veggies not? It is just not fair at all is it! So we are sisters in spirit aren't we Jo. I think there are many other's out there like us, just can't seem to get it right. But that is why we need each other and everyone else on this site. So come on back guys and welcome to any newbies!

OK enough said I guess, hope we get some other peeps in here, either oldies or newbies too, everyone is welcome and post with us, we welcome all newbies and oldies as well.

Talk to you later, Sharon
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:59 PM   #28  
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Default Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are!

Hi Ho Everyone!

How is everyone doing? I am doing ok. I had to find this thread, it was buried in the back somewhere. So I thought I would pull it up so you can post!

This weekend my little Grandson, Brandon is celebrating his 1st birthday, so his party is Saturday and I can't wait. I can't believe he is almost a year old already. So we will have some out of town company, Air Force daughter and her hubby and our other little 18 month old Grandson are coming from Illinois for a week for a visit. We will have fun I am sure!

I hope everyone is doing great and I miss all of you and hope that we have another poster in her to join me cause I am getting soooooo lonely.

Love you, Sassy Sharon
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:57 PM   #29  
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Hi Sharon! Thanks for "finding" us! I keep wanting to post from home (my 'net connection here at work is soooooooo slow ) but I never seemt to get to it. So here I am, hoping the boss doesn't come through for a few minutes.

I finally bit the bullet after lots of hemming and hawing and soul-searching and excuse-making and went back to WW last week (10/7). When I weighed in on 10/14, I was down 4.6 lbs!! Just wish I could do that every week! I'd be skinny in no time at all.

Not much else going on in my life. Rich has been working hours and hours of overtime so I told him I'm kidnapping him next weekend and I made reservations at a little Bed & Breakfast place in the mountains. I told him he needed to get away and do nothing for a little while.

OK, the truth is I told him that, if he couldn't go, I was going to go without him! So that's next weekend. Hopefully, all will go smoothly.

But, like I said, not much else going on. Can't believe it's Autumn already and almost time to start thinking about Christmas shopping! I guess that also means it's "food season". You know and and then and . Yikes! Hope we can all do well this holiday season!

Gotta run. Hope to check in often with weigh-in updates! Be talkin' to ya!

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Old 10-22-2008, 12:37 PM   #30  
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Default Me again!

Just a quick check-in to say hello and brag. Went to weigh-in last night and was down another pound and a half. That makes a total of 6 lbs. in 2 weeks. Wish I could keep up this pace but I'll be happy with a pound a week or so. Especially over the holiday season.

Hope everyone's doing well. Be talkin' to ya!


P.S. I just love smilies. Have ya' noticed?
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