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Sassy 07-19-2008 02:18 AM

A Fresh Start! The Thin Wannabee;s # 1
Welcome to The Thin Wannabee's! :welcome:

We are here to support, encourage and motivate you on your weight loss journey. We are a group of women of many different ages, and backgrounds. We are all on many different programs for weight loss, and we are into a healthy living lifestyle, wether it be Weight Watchers, South Beach, Dr Phil program, Weight Down, Sugar Busters, counting calories, anything else or just making healthier choices in your life, we are here for you. Please feel free to post with us, we are a great little group and will welcome you with open arms. We are here for you to talk about anything you want, not just our weight loss either, if you need to talk or even vent about anything we are all in this together to help each other through the tough times of our lives as well as the great times too. :grouphug:

When you post please tell us about yourself so we can get to know you and you can get to know us as well. :carrot:

Let's make 2008 the year to be where we want to be! :dancer:

Sassy 07-19-2008 02:45 AM

Come On Back Everyone!
This is more like it and we have a brand new thread now.

Jo-Of course I remember you, in fact I think about you very often. Gosh, I can't believe you are back with us, I am sooooooo excited that you are back. :welcome2: Just when I thought we were ready to die here, with most everyone MIA. :cry:

It is so good to hear from you. We really missed you so much, things haven't been the same without you as it has not been without our many other friends that have been in the group through the years. :grouphug:

It sounds like you have been doing wonderfully since we last heard from you. It is great that you are still with Rich and are engaged, congratulations to the both of you. Your ring sounds beautiful, how wonderful that it is the same one Rich's Dad gave his Mom many years ago. I know that has to have so much meaning to you. :cloud9: I am so sorry about your Dad and I hope and pray he will be ok. It has to be hard going back and forth every weekend to your Mom's, but you are a wonderful daughter and I know your Dad loves seeing you during this time. :angel:

Kim-Don't worry Kim, I plan to stay here with you guys and plan to post lots more often, this is home to me and hopefully like you said we will have more oldies back in the fold and newbies too, they are always welcome here. I am in the same boat as you and Jo too, I have been trying so hard, it seems at times that I take 1 step forward and 2 steps back, but we will be here for each other and get where we want to be. :cp:

OK, time for all the little Wannabee's to come on back, CJ, Rena, Dallas, Bethz and anyone and everyone else that has posted with us and any new people who are looking for a home too. Feel free to post with us, we would love to have you join our wonderful group. :gossip:

Jello 07-20-2008 07:56 PM

Hello again.

Well, it's over. My dad died around lunchtime on Friday 7/18. The past few days have been pretty bad and the next few will probably be worse. But I'll get through. My family's great and we will get through it. Dad was in really bad shape and is in a much better place now. He's seeing his mom and dad again and feeding biscuits to my dog, my brother's and my sister's, all of whom we also lost these past 2 years.

There's been an awful lot of sorrow in my family lately but we've rallied and, except for a few issues here and there, we're hanging in there. Saturday night, we went through literally hundreds of photos and laughed and cried. Unfortunately, we (I) also ATE and drank too much "stuff". But that too will pass.

Memorial service (dad never wanted a big viewing/funeral mass/etc) is Wednesday morning. Until then, I'm back home and back to work. I need to have some "mundane" in my life.

Interestingly, I read my horoscope (I NEVER do that) in the paper the day after my dad died. It talked about taking on new challenges and knowing that I can win.

I think it's time to recommit to weight loss!

I'll be talking to you soon, I promise.

Sassy 07-20-2008 09:38 PM

So Sorry Jo!
Hi Jo,
I am truly sorry about you losing your Dad. :cry: I know you must have loved him so much, but your family is there for you and so are we. If you need to talk, vent or cry go ahead and post when you need us. :hug: I too know about losing your loved ones, as I have lost my Mother, my little brother Rick-remember my SIL, Chrissy's husband-former Thin Group, and finally I don't think you were posting with us, but my brother, Jerry. he lived with us and I took care of him for 5 years, he was mentally challenged and had COPD as well and that is what killed him, his heart just couldn't take all the breathing attacks and having to go to the hospital all the time. It is so hard losing people you love isn't it? I didn't know you lost a brother and sister(s) too, did you lose more than one brother and sister? You know life sometimes isn't fair is it? :halffull: Now I only have 1 brother left and never had a sister, but have loved to have had one. You have been an angel :angel: for all you have done since you Dad has been sick, driving back and forth and for all you have done for your family. :)

It is strange what your horoscope said about you taking on new challenges and I think that is a good path to follow, I know I am tired of not being where I want to be. I was doing pretty good before and now I am just holding and staying the same, but let's challenge ourselves and everyone else to do this. :dust: You will win this Jo, like your horoscope said. I am with you for recommiting, but right now just focus on your family and friends and especially I know your Mom needs you to be there for her as well. So take care my friend and see you when you post again. :comp:

I know you will be back with us and until than I love you Jo, and hope to talk to you when you are ready. :yay:

Sharon :wave:

Jello 07-21-2008 03:03 PM

Hi again! Just a quick post from me. I don't have much time today but I wanted to post more often and I'm gonna! :D I'm at work today and tomorrow and then driving up to mom's to deal with all the "stuff".

Kim, thanks for the message. :hug: Like I said, you'll be hearing from me. Rich's dad died about 2 years ago and his mom is coming in for the memorial service. Nice lady but I'm not sure I need the stress of "entertaining" my future MIL.

Sharon, sorry, I think I caused some confusion. What I meant in my last post was that my dad is now feeding biscuits to my dog, my brother's dog and my sister's dog - all of whom died over the past 2 years. I got my love of animals from my dad so I think he's taking good care of them in Heaven. :angel:

OK, I did say this was going to be a quick post. I'm trying to get a week's work done in 2 days. It's all good. After the past couple of weeks, it's kinda' nice to have some mundane "normalcy" in my life. :kickcan:

Probably won't have 'net access while I'm away but I'll check back in when I can. Maybe we'll even have a few more Wannabee's by then!


Jello 07-29-2008 10:12 AM

Well, I never!
OK, I was kinda' hoping to see all sorts of names and "faces" here when I got back. Where is everyone? :tantrum:

Memorial service went well. It was, of course, sad but it was also nice. I was doing OK until my big brother made his speech and then I lost it. :cry: Still it was nice to see some folks I hadn't seen in a while, etc.

The family went back to the house afterward and ate. And ate. And ate. And ate. As is usual in things like this, everyone brought lots of food. :hun: No wonder I can't lose weight. I eat for ANY occasion! :ink:

Things have calmed down. I stayed with mom until Saturday afternoon and then had to come home. She lives with my youngest brother so she's not alone so that's good. Meanwhile, Rich had been your basic bachelor while I was gone. Yikes. :fr: I'll be cleaning the house for a while. Men!

But back to work now. It's almost nice to be back at work and getting back into my routine. (Who said that!?) I still have to get some good groceries into the house so I can stop with the :jeno: and :burger: and get reacquainted with the good stuff.

Come on, buddy, let's dance! :carrot:

Talk to you later!

KimV 07-29-2008 09:40 PM

Hi all,

Jo - I'm glad the memorial service went well. I also eat for any occassion. I can understand where your coming from!

I had an interview at Accountemps today. The gentleman that interviewed me was very impressed with my resume, and my evaluation scores. He said he shouldn't have a problem placing me, specially since I'm willing to drive to Indy or Ft. Wayne for a job. I'm kinda hoping for Ft. Wayne if I can't get someplace close to here because it is just a little closer than Indy, and the traffice around Fishers, Noblesville, and the Carmel area is awful. Money wise, it would probably be better to get a job in Carmel. The county that city is in is the 'richest' county in the state, and Carmel is the 'richest' city in the state so pay around there is a lot better than where I live. The county I live in had the highest rate of unemployment not too long ago. :( I figure my chances of getting something around here isn't that great compared to bigger cities. Then I have to factor in the gas money. Anything right now would be better than unemployment.

Guess that's it for now. I'll write more later.


Jello 08-04-2008 01:55 PM

Hi Kim and anyone else who stops by. :wave:

So Kim, how'd the interview/job stuff go? Hope it worked out for you.

Me, I'm getting my life back together, I think. The family stuff has finally quieted down a bit and I'm getting back to my routine. I'm going to be on vacation on Thur and Fri this week, heading "back home" for an annual music festival (read that as lots of really bad-for-me food ;) ) and will see mom and some other relatives again. She's slowly adjusting to life without my dad.

Anyway, hopefully, once I get back to town at the end of the weekend, I can finally get my diet plan back on track. Haven't decided if I'll go back to Weight Watchers (probably not - too expensive) or maybe try TOPS. It's taking that first step that's always tough for me. :stress:

But, for now, I'm at work and I guess I'd better get to it. Lots to do in the next couple days before I leave for vacation. Hope all is going well with all the Wannabees!


KimV 08-04-2008 09:01 PM

I had two more interviews last week. One was on Thursday with a company that is sort of a temp service company but they are owned by accounting companies, with one of the biggest accounting services in the country being the major stockholder so this temp service hires for the accounting companies that own them. It went well, and it's another one of those waiting games. Waiting on them to find someplace to place me.

Friday, I interviewed with F.E.M.A.

I received a call from them today and I have to go to Indy tomorrow for fingerprinting. It's a little less than I wanted ($0.50 an hour less), and it's only temporary (they are here in Indiana because of all the flooding that happened in June) until probably sometime in October or November. The upside is it is 40 hours a week to start, and once things get rolling, then it will easily be a six days a week job working 8 to 10 hours a day. Overtime is anything over 8 hours plus Saturday is overtime. I want to take it, but a little part of me is telling me not to take it. I think it's because it's a temp. job. But the overtime will be good and the bring home pay on even just the 40 hours is definately more than I'm making on unemployment. About $100 more than I'm getting now. Of course, that will probably be gas money to start with until I start working the overtime. I figured Saturdays will take care of the overtime, and then I will have the Mon-Fri. pay to live on (which will definately be more than unemployment).

The really bad downside to this job is it is an hour and a half drive one way. If it wasn't for the traffic in that area of Indy, or the area I have to go through to get there, mileage wise, it should only be about 45 to an hour drive. Like I said in my previous post, traffic in Noblesville, Fishers, and the Castleton area (where the job is at) is always heavy.

Guess that's it for now. Talk to you later.


Sassy 08-05-2008 11:21 AM

Hi everyone!
It seems we are the only ones here so far, but hope more come in and post with us soon. :comp:

Gosh this summer has been such a busy one for us, first going to New Orleans and than we all went to Gatlinburg, the whole family. Both of my daughters, Kelly and Tracy, and their husbands and their baby boys went as well as my 2 sons, Dan and Alan, and Alan's girlfriend too. We had a great time there, :joker: stayed in a 3 bedroom timeshare in Sieverville and did so many things, went to the aquarium, Parrot Mountain and saw all the birds there that we could actually hold and even went to play Black Light miniature golf too. We just enjoyed being a family and doing things together, the timeshare had a great pool, hot tub and kiddy pool too for the little boys, Tyler and Brandon. I love eating out much of the time, I love to cook but not so much when we are going all the time. It was a nice break for us. We have not been on a family vacation since the kids were much younger and that usually consisted of camping with our pop up camper, which was so much fun too. :lol:

Where did this summer go? It seems to be flying by doesn't it. August is here and before you know it fall will be too. Hope everyone is having a great summer so far. I am looking forward to just not going so much, we are going to Michigan this weekend, we are moving Ken's Mom to an assisted living facility. She is slowing down now, she is almost 87 and has been in and out of the hospital, first with a blood clot, that they did surgery on and than she fell down and couldn't get up. She is currently in a first floor apartment about 6 blocks away from Ken's younger brother and his family. But this will be nice, she will have her own room and nurses and staff to check on her and she won't have to cook either and she will make new friends. So we have lots to do this weekend to clear her out of her apt. The family has already moved her to the facility and we just have to get the rest of her stuff moved into Don's garage awaiting a garage sale to help her out. Ken and I will be taking two cars so I can go over to Chrissy's, my sister in law, cause her daughter, Emily had a baby boy, little Dominick :bb: a few months ago, I have never seen him yet, but they are having a christening for him on Sunday and I wouldn't miss this. So Ken will go back Sunday night and I think I will stay a few days during the week more to see my family. I haven't seen my Dad, Papa since the spring sometime and I want to spend some time with him too. I am leaving it open when I am coming back. But this way I will be able to see both sides of the family. :hyper:

How is everyone doing? :love:

Jo-I am with you, I am hoping to have more faces in here too, either previous Wannabee's or new ones too. All we can do is keep on posting and hope some lurkers join our merry group. :genie: I am glad your Memorial Service for your Dad went well. I know that is so hard, I remember my Mom's and my two brothers, but I know having your family there with you really helps doesn't it? I am glad your Mom has your brother living with her, that has got to help her out to have him there with all of this going on. So how did it go with your future mother in lawl when she came for the service? I hope it went well and your didn't stress yourself out over it. :eek: Have a good vacation with your family and post when you get back and let us know how it went and how your Mom is doing as well. She is a lucky Mom to have someone like you for a daughter. See everyone loves you Jo! :hug:

Kim-Gosh you have been a busy lady with all of those interviews and I know you are torn as to where you want to work, but you will make the decision that is right for you. :goodvibes I know there are so many pros and cons to the jobs, but maybe the job you choose will lead to a permenate position with a good company, especially the big accounting company, they sound like they have all kinds of connections with other companies as well. The FEMA job sounds like it would help you out better financially too, it is just I think a bit far for you to drive, but you can do it and the money will be good, especially the overtime $ you will make working there. It will be good experience too, no matter which of the jobs you decide to take. :lucky: Yes, I sure know about all of that traffic over there. When I was working those area's, going to all the schools for accessing the children I drove in those areas many times and geeze louise the traffic is nuts there, especially in Castleton anf Fishers, didn't go to Noblesville, but so much of Indy area traffic is crazy. :headache:

OK guys, hope to hear from more ladies or gentleman even soon. We would love to have any oldies or newbies too aboard. :welcome3:

Talk to you later, Love you, Sassy Sharon :wave:

fuzzyhare 08-05-2008 06:46 PM

Hi everyone!
I just happened to look in on this and it sounds like a nice group to be a part of. My name is Jen and I'm new to all of this(the site and my weightloss journey) and would love to be a wannabee :D

Sassy 08-07-2008 10:06 PM

Welcome Fuzzyhare!
Hi Jen,
A great big welcome to our great group. :wel3fc: I am very glad you are going to join up with us. Post again and tell us more about yourself so we can get to know you better. Tell us about your family, how you are doing or want to do weightwise and what kind of program you are currently on. :hungry:

Talk to you soon I am sure. Waiting to hear from you, Sassy Sharon :dance::dance:

fuzzyhare 08-14-2008 11:36 AM

Well lets see... I'm 25, I've been married about 2 years and have 2 wonderful children... my daughter turned 2 last month and my son turns 3 tomorrow. When I was pregnant with my son I put on about 20 lbs that I had no problems getting rid of but then put on about 30-35 with my daughter and its hanging on to me for dear life! I'd like to get rid of about 50lbs and see how I feel about myself from there. I'm not really on any program... just counting calories and exercising more. We're not really in a place financially for me to join WW or even be a member of a gym. I've been using the daily plate and that has been a huge help to me! I'm not a very motivated person when it comes to this (or patient for that matter) so this has really been a struggle so far. I guess I really don't know what else to say about myself right now!

Talk to you later!! Jen:wave:

Sassy 08-14-2008 11:51 PM

Hi there Jen,
Thanks so much for posting again and letting us know more about you. It really helps to know more about a person and let's us get to know you a bit more. Don't worry that is a good start and we can learn more about each other as we post with the Wannabee's.

Your kids sound cute, the ages they are that cute age they go through. I am looking forward to knowing more about them and the rest of your family as well.

Yes, it is hard sometimes to lose weight. I think all of us struggle otherwise we couldn't be on here I don"t think. I want to lose at least 40 more pounds myself so we can do this together. :dust:

I am still in visiting the family in Michigan, where I grew up. I have been here since Friday when Ken and I took 2 cars up here to first move his Mom from her apartment to an assisted living facility and I split and went to my family and Ken went back to Indiana and now I am having fun with my family. Went to Greektown in downtown Detroit. Did a little gambling in the Greektown casino was up around $120, :yay: but today went to MGM Grand casino and was luckily only down about $20 of that money I won so that is not too bad. We went with my sister in law's, Chrissy sister, Carol, who is recovering from breast cancer and just had both of her breasts removed a few weeks ago. She wanted to get out so of course we went with her. Afterwards we all went to Wolfgang Pucks for lunch. Than tonight we went to a local outdoor mall, than went to PF Changs for dinner than to the moves, we saw Mama Mia. :corn: I have seen this movie for the 3rd time, once with my husband, Ken, once with daughter Tracy and tonight with Chrissy. Now all I have to do is see it again with daughter, Kelly, than son Dan said we could rent it and he would watch it with me. Than son Alan said if I want when he gets back to Qatar AFB than he wll go see it with me too. How lucky can I get????????? I took my daughters, Kelly and Tracy to that a couple of years ago when we were in Las Vegas and just loved the job they did with this, especially with Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosman too. Meryl can sing very well and I guess all I can say about Pierce is that his singing fits him. Not a terrific singer, but he did ok, but Meryl was really wonderful I thought. It was such a feel good fun movie, no violance, sex or even swearing. Anyone else see this movie? I just love it so much. I might have to just buy the DVD when it comes out to save money from seeing it so many times. :eek:

OK, so besides that how is everyone doing. Let's get some chatter in here, the weekend is almost upon us and it gets pretty quite in here by the weekend. So speak up guys, speak or forever hold your peace. :comp:

Love you guys, Sharon :eek:

Trish 08-26-2008 10:44 PM


I don't know if anyone remembers me. I used to post on the Thin Group threads in 2001 and 2002 and for a short time in 2005. I haven't been back since then and was surprised to see Sharon and Jo posting here!

I live in the Lehigh Valley in PA and have two grown children, a daughter who is married and lives nearby, and a son, also married, who is a Navy doctor. Since I last posted, I have become a grandmother four times! I have three granddaughters, ages 3, 2, and six months, and a grandson, age four months. I work full time, but may retire in the next couple of years so that I have more time to travel.

I have not done anything to lose weight in the last few years, but I would like to try again, so I'm counting on you ladies for some inspiration. I hope some of you come back here and post again soon.


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