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Old 04-12-2008, 01:48 PM   #1  
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Default Where's My 70's show gang ?????

Hi girls ! I haven't been here for a LONG time
Just logged in and saw a thread from FEBRUARY for that 70's show group.

Is the group officially over?? Did all of you drop 70 pounds???

Guess I'll have to join a new club?
Please tell me some of you are still out there? Even if you reached your goal please please check in and let me know how you are.

Sorry I've been MIA for a long time. A million things going on, no excuse I know. Just spread too thin with life and the family/kids...I'm a little more organized this week so I thought it was time for a Slim Fast as well as to check in with each of you.

Take care!
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Old 04-12-2008, 11:12 PM   #2  
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Okay just posting to any newbies out there -- this club started early last fall (I think?) ...and there had been a group of us that wanted drop about 70 pounds (give or take)...
If anyone out there would like to join, I'd love to hear from you!!
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Old 04-18-2008, 10:56 PM   #3  
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2BThin - I don't know what happened to the group - everyone disappeared, so I jumped off the bandwagon here too!!! Glad to see you back!!! Let's get this thread going full steam again - I miss everyone here!!!!

I'm doing well...holding at 60lbs lost....but still working out 5 nights a week and eating well...damn plateaus! In any case, I've ramped up my running and am now doing a 5k on M/W/F nights on the treadmill at the gym...tonight I ran all but a tenth of the 3.1 miles (needed a water break) and came in at 33:04 = 10:39/mile - I'm so happy with this!!! Can't wait to better my times!!
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Old 04-21-2008, 04:01 PM   #4  
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I'd love to join you guys, if you don't mind. I've been away from 3fc for a while, need to get back on track, but have had a hard time finding a fit this time around.

Having lost 80 pounds, I reached my goal weight of 135 about three years ago. I kept the weight off for more than a year and couldn't have been happier. But, then all of my kids started school and I took on a part-time job. I didn't change my eating habits much but did find myself eating the odd lunch out here and there and not planning like I once had, both of which I know contributed to my regaining 40 pounds. But the big difference has been that I went from working out twice a day and chasing three kids in between to literally sitting in an office chair for 6 hours a day. Even though it has taken two years, it seems like the weight just creeped up on me.

So, now, the season has changed and I'm faced with the realization that my warm weather clothes don't fit anymore. I'm also trying to find the right balance to lose weight again as I simply can't commit to the same amount of time to working out as I once did. But, where there is a will there is a way. Right now, I am toying with my calorie intake and trying and trying to create opportunity for exercise. Just because I'm sitting for much of the day doesn't mean that I have to JUST sit. I've taken resistance bands to work to use while I weed through emails and make a point to find a reason to walk around the building. I'm trying to duplicate as closley as I can the same level of activity I had when I was at home with my children. And, I probably will just have to accept that until they are older I won't have 2 - two hour blocks of time to go the gym for intense workouts (Did I REALLY ever workout FOUR hours a day?). I CAN carve out thirty minutes 3 or 4 times a day to exercise and really rev up the exercise on the weekends, though. I tend to have an all or nothing attitude and so I have to remind myself that every little bit counts.

The funny thing is that I can remember being 214 pounds and reading comments from people who had "just" 40 pounds to lose and thinking what I would give to be THAT close to my goal. And here I am. Again. It is a lot more daunting than I remember. I don't think of myself as needing to lose "just" 40 pounds. To me, this is just the second half of the original 80, if that makes sense. With that said, I feel like this group might just be the one I need. I look forward to getting to know the existing memebers and any new ones!
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Old 04-22-2008, 08:51 AM   #5  
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Gator - OMG, 60 pounds GONE FOREVER! And running so well! You must be so proud! Makes me feel good to know one of our own has a great success story. Congratulations and keep up the good work!!! Remind me how long it took you to lose the 60 pounds? I know I started the club a long time ago but am still basically hovering at the same weight.
We are going to Disney in the fall and that is my push now to get back on track. You will be my inspiration and motivation!!!!!

Lucky - I'm so glad you have joined That 70's Show -- I have little kids still at home. ages 6 and 4. Our 6 yr old is in half day kindergarten. It's funny when I see skinny moms who say they are thin because of chasing the kids all day, I chase mine all day and play with them all the time but still can't drop my weight. A little background on myself so you know who we all are and where we came from -- I was thin my entire life. 105 in high school, 115 as college graduate, then 130 when I got married. I had 2 kids in 2 yrs, and 2 miscarriages. Both of my kids only went to 33 weeks. So I was never even 9 months pregnant!
I gained about 45 with my first and perhaps the same with our 2nd. Now and then I seem to lose 20 pounds, but it always comes back.
I have not been below 190 in 2 years. Right now I'm at 213...down 7 since I'm back on the diet.
I am hoping to hit 200 by Memorial Day, and I know what you mean about thinking 40 pounds from goal weight is great -- be glad you are closer than I am to your goal weight!
Good for you for working out while at work and trying to burn those extra calories.
Please check in with us often and hopefully we can get this board going again!
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Old 04-22-2008, 04:53 PM   #6  
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Thank you for the welcome, 2B. It sounds like we are cut from the same cloth! Although I've always stuggled with my weight, I haven't always been obese. I'm only 5 foot 2 and so what I thought was "fat" through high school and college was really more like not being tall enough to ever be super thin like so many other people I knew were. I've come to terms with that though and think I have a pretty healthy sense for where I need to be. And these days, health comes before vanity (but vanity is still a definate factor!). We have three children. Our oldest sone is 9 and we have twins that are 7. However, like you, I've had some tragic pregnancies...our first son was born prematurely and didn't survive and we have a daughter that was still born. Both pregnancies were at the 6 month mark and so I had plenty of time to add pregnancy weight and stretch out my stomach. I had a tummy tuck last summer to not only celebrate my weight loss but also get rid of my "twin skin" once and for all. It looks great, but I am kicking myself for letting this extra 40 pounds pile on. With that said, it has been a great motivator...all I can imagine is if the tummy tuck makes this big of a difference at 170 (I was around 150 when I had the surgery) pounds, how awesome will it be when I get back to 135. I'm guessing pretty freaking awesome!

So, I started at a couple of weeks ago in the 176 range (the battery in my scale was about to go and so it may have been off a pound or two up or down). And, today, my offical weigh in day I'm at 170.8. So, I'm making progress and am feeling very in control of things right now. I count calories and try to average 1500 per day. I prefer to cycle them and so I look at my intake over the course of a week. I'm still trying to figure out what my exercise program will be. Right now, I'm walking and adding more activity in general. I'm not really interested in joining a gym again. But, I have a friend who has taught gymnastics for years and is a certified personal traininer (and has a body to die for too - but don't tell my DH that I said so1 ). He swears I can get all of the resistance training I need at home with little or no equipment (weights were really the only reason I ever went to the gym anyway). He's going to put a plan together for me and we'll work out together for a couple of weeks. Then when I'm ready, he'll make a new plan for me and we'll start all over. He's already talked me through a couple of moves over the phone and if they are any indication his plan will probably be more effective than me just rambling through the gym circuit anyway.

My sister and I are going to Las Vegas for a concert in August and that will be my long term motivator. I don't like to set date goals because who knows what my body will do between now and then...but I do want to get on that plane knowing I look and feel the best that I can and have done all in my power to get as far as possible weight wise. But, hey, if I can swing 40 pounds by then you won't hear me complaining either!
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Old 04-22-2008, 07:35 PM   #7  
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Lucky - sounds like you are in the right mind set now and once you get back down you'll stay there. How cool that you have a friend who is a personal trainer. If you have any tips of things to do at home, please let me know. I tried joining a gym all of last year, but I was leaving to check on the kids in the child watch area, and it was always crowded - mid day and early morning, and I hated it when it was crowded.
Right now I'm trying to walk more.
I am so painfully sorry about your babies. Ours were premature and we know how lucky we are. When people ask if we'll shoot for #3 they just don't understand. I can't stand in a NICU one more time, I just can't do it. Plus when our youngest was born it was an emergency Csection at 33 weeks and they actuall told me that I might die. ???? Who would want another pregnancy and risk anything? Anyway, my heart breaks for your loss.

As for the weight, of course I have so much more to lose than you do. I am at 5'6.
Long time ago I heard you should count 100 pounds for your first 5 feet and 5 pounds for each inch after that. So I guess I should be at 135ish.
In my dreams.
I'd love to hear more about your tummy tuck.
Were you asleep? That is my greatest fear -- dying while under ---
I want a breast reduction & lift but know of people who died during that procedure. A tummy tuck would be so cool. But don't know how the procedure works or how dangerous it is.
Freaks me out to think my kids could grow up without a mom..and to explain to friends "well she went in for a tummy tuck and never came back".
My aunts best friend went in for breast reduction/lift, and never came back. It was a surprise for her husband who was out of town. Can you imagine how freaked he was???
I know it's not good to set date goals -- but at the same time it's a little motivation. I want to feel better and be healthier in general of course, but also when I'm walking around Disney all day for 8 days, I don't want to carry this extra weight. I am hoping to break 170 by that point, which is a LONG LONG LONG way away.
If I hit the goal of 200 by Memorial Day, and drop 10 pounds a month I think I'll be where I want for vacation....then keep working more after vacation.
Feel free to PM me any time so we don't hog up the boards.

GATOR -- you'd better come back soon. Did you post any success story photos yet???? Where IS everyone else?
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Old 04-23-2008, 07:56 AM   #8  
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I thought I posted here before, but maybe I started and got pulled away. Anyway, I would really like to join this group.

Here is my background: I am 32 years old. I am 5'11" so I am looking to get to 160-165, which is a good weight for me (or at least years ago). I was that weight when I got married back in 2000. I was working out to look good for the wedding. After the wedding, I quit working out and it was all down hill from there. I have two children 5 and 2, I put about 50 lbs on with each pregnancy. I had two miscarriages in between and put some weight on with each of those. I worked out and got down to 204 and moved out of country and quit working out and put 30+ back on. I am going to be moving back to the US in November and want to look good, I don't necessarily have to be at goal but I want to be well below 200.

I love to exercise and now that I am exercising, I feel great about it. I am going to be meeting with a trainer and she seems to be very good and thorough. My eating can just get away with me in the day. I don't know if I am restricting myself on foods or am not getting enough calories because I just feel like I am starving at times.

So I am here with you ladies on this journey and hope to stay till the end. Good luck everyone.
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Old 04-23-2008, 09:18 AM   #9  
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Okay - here is my story - to update and let the newbies in on it - I am 26, oops, I forgot, I've been 27 for over 6 months now...gosh....okay...I'm 5'8" and am currently fluctuating between 167-169lbs. I started my new life on September 23, 2007 (I know it says I have been a member since 2003....but I only checked in once and wasn't serious about losing weight back then. My life history has always been that I was thin...I was actually anorexic in high school....was down to 108lbs at my height :X Wow! That was a crazy time. In any case, I got healthier...and managed to get a bit too healthy in my first couple of years in college. Managed to get my act together about 2000-2001 when I started using the *FREE* college gym (Go Gators!!!) and was working out 5-6 nights/week for about 2 hours/night. I enjoyed it immensely....then I met my boyfriend. Ugh. The downfall came due to major eating differences. Seriously....I didn't even eat meat when I met him (not so easy for my tummy to digest at that time in my life....much easier after years of shoveling it down now!) however...I don't think you realize how good a cheeseburger smells when you are eating rice and beans. Wow....serious overload on the junk food with him....and I moved off campus and it was difficult to get to the gym and spend time with the new b/ that went out the window completely. I'm not sure how fat I was when I left college, but I'm fairly certain it was around 185-190....and it wasn't pretty. I moved south to West Palm Beach area and continued to eat junk and not exercise (still with same b/f) and I know my highest when I left that town (almost 2 years ago) was 227lbs...which fluctuated up and down over the next 6 months-1 year that I was living back in my hometown (where I happily live now!)....Well, mom (at my asking) paid for the first 3 months of a gym membership for me as a Christmas present....but I knew I didn't want to be one of those New Years Resolution I joined in May 2007....lost 3lbs. between then and September 23rd (going 2-3 days/week)...however, during that time at the gym...I did not change my eating habits at all.....

It was Sunday, September 23rd. I decided to make a late night trip to Walmart and purchase Slim Fast. I know it's not for everyone...but I needed something easy and a bit structured. I found 3fc again and started going to the gym 3-4 nights/week. It wasn't easy. But...the 3fc message boards gave me tons of inspiration and helped me find new ideas that work for me. I find new foods all the also helped me find out that having a high fiber diet, low sodium is what has worked for me. Once I got my diet straightened out....the lbs. melted away. I haven't been working so hard since March...when I hit 167...basically because I've got a lot going on in life...and am sorta ready for a break. I have 12lbs to go to reach my goal...although I feel like I may actually want to get down to 145 eventually...I'm back at working hard to reach my goal and would like to lose a few lbs each month for the next few months to get there....but basically, I lost 60lbs over the course of 5-6 months. I feel so much better with myself....ahhhhhh.....and I'll get some photos up here for you guys when I get home from work......

2bthin - Haha - I forgot to check in again - I just recall you taking a few days to check back (before), so I figured I'd give it a few....surprise!! I can't believe how much activity is going on here in just a couple days. Thanks so much for starting this forum back up. Disney is going to be great fun for you - I know it well considering I grew up here (just 2 hours south of Disney)....and have gone many many times in my life...where are you coming from? Maybe we can set up a *healthy* lunch date while you are in the area.

Lucky - Wow - I thought i exercised a lot - back when you were doing 4 hours a can't imagine it - but then I know that whole "All or nothing attitude" all too well...unfortunately it can be my downfall at times. Of course, I've never really attempted to lose weight like I am I'm hoping this is a one time (albeit lifetime) investment. I hope to make a fully healthy life and not ever turn around from it. Oh...I have never truly cycled my calories (I'm at 1400/day) but am honestly thinking about doing it. I currently use to record my calories....but found a calorie cycle calculator somewhere and am hoping that will help me with these last few lbs.

Overit - I love exercise too...I rarely miss a day (except for special occassions or illness) and honestly have days where I'm just waiting for 7:30pm to come along (the time I always go to the gym) so that I can get my run on. I also lift weights 3-4 nights/week. Unfortunately I can't go tonight because I promised my mother that I'd attend an event that she was going to be in...she attended all mine growing up, so it's kinda hard to say no when she asks for my attendance hands are really thinking about cramping up for all the typing I just I swear I'll check back more often....let's keep this show going!!
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Old 04-23-2008, 07:36 PM   #10  
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Gator - I'm trying Slim Fast - one in the morning and one for dinner, around lunch time I'm trying a lean cuisine or something. I miss my chocolate very very much. And my soda.
Can you share some recipes with me? You are so much younger than me, and I think it's so cool that you are finding healthy recipes now that work for you.
I think at my age it's just harder to give up. (Excuse I know).
Anyway any recipes you might have - or lunch ideas, snack ideas, etc.
I also think it's cool that you remember the date that you changed your ways. 60 lbs in 5-6 months is about 10 per month, that is my goal, so we'll see if I can be @ 200 by Memorial Day -- oh girls, what will I do if I'm not.
This is week 2 for me, and I'm already wanting the bad stuff.
We'll be @ Disney in September sometime...I'd love to meet for lunch, how cool would that be! We won't have a car though. Any Disney tips would be very much appreciated!

Overit - WELCOME!! I'm in the same boat as you. the 2 kids put so much weight on me. Please keep coming back and keep us posted on your progress!

Lucky - where are you????? Check in!!!

Girls I'm really craving junk food right now. Why is it when you want to be serious about the diet, all the commercials come on for all the good stuff???
One day at a time right? ONE DAY AT A TIME.
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Old 04-23-2008, 09:13 PM   #11  
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I'm so excited about this group! I think it makes a huge difference to talk weight loss with people who are on the same page. I don't think it matters if you are following the same plan, at the same stage, or even have the same attitudes towards weight loss...just bouncing thoughts around with people who are making the same effort is so motivating.

2bthin: This tummy tuck was the best thing I ever did. It is one of the very few truly life changing experiences I've is right behind marrying and having children for me. Being put to sleep didn't worry me much. Of course, there are risks to every surgery and I did not take them lightly. And, it was certainly a much bigger decision now than it would have been before I became a mother. The risks I take these days are very calculated compared to my pre-children days and the surgery I had was relatively low risk compared to a lot of my day to day activities...less dangerous than getting in a car and driving to work everyday. So, I have no regrets and would not hesitate to have another procedure. With that said...we can't foot another bill like that one for a long, long time and so the decision to have something else done (breast lift and arm lipo anyone?) isn't likely to ever be considered.

Gateramanda-I think it is great that you are giving your health the attention it deserves. And I do remember that when I got as close to goal as you are now a break was in order. I considered it a mental rest from the emotional roller coaster watching the scale move in much smaller increments than when I started. And it was good practice for maintaining the weight loss - which I did for almost two years. I'm convinced that I would still be at goal had I not gone back to work - or at least PLANNED better for the lifestyle change that having a job would bring about. At any rate, when I took my "break" I didn't actually change much about how I was eating or my exercise plan...I just relaxed a bit and stopped EXPECTING to see the scale move. That's what really wore me out at that point...feeling like I'd worked and worked and not seeing a loss at all. It is hard when 1-2 pounds a week stopped being a given!

Overit - I think I'm probably the opposite of you. I don't have much trouble keeping my eating in line. As long as I plan in advance but I'm fine. But exercise... It actually isn't the exercise in and of itself. Once I get started I love it. I've never once regretted a workout. It feels so good, gives me a little time to myself (usually anyway!)...I love to sweat. It's the getting to the exercise that holds me back. I have to make myself throw on my seakers and get moving. But once I do, I'm glad I did!

Today was good day for me...eating is right on track and I did sneak in a workout. Yay me! I think I'm going to hit the stores for some new workout clothes tomorrow. And tonight I'm going load up my shuffle with some new music...gotta have something to help me pick up the pace when I'm walking! Hope you all had a succesful day today and have a terrific tomorrow!
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Old 04-25-2008, 09:56 AM   #12  
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Okay...all this surgery talk in here...I had a dream that I had a boob job and tummy tuck and they came out looking the same and I was so disappointed!!! Not a good sign!!! haha!

2bthin - I only have 1 slimfast each day - around 8:30am for breakfast....very rarely do I have it twice a day...I think I'd get tired of it - for now (and since I started it) can't wait to have it every single morning....I just love them and feel like it's my source of chocolate each day (I do the Rich Chocolate Royale) far as additional chocolate - I buy the Extra Dark Chocolate that different companies make usually has a couple grams of fiber in it....servings are somewhere between 4-6 pieces depending on brand...and about 200 calories - I only eat about 100 calories worth about 2X each week.....

My New favorite recipe - I got it from - I get her daily emails and if you haven't signed up for them....I highly suggest it. On the recipe below....I used Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze Milk which has only 60 calories in a cup...also, I needed to use a little more than the recipe called for (a couple dashes) since it was too dry to mix as it was.... I also highly suggest using the No Pudge brand of brownies - the only other brand available where I live is Krusteaz and that ups the calorie count in this recipe by 50...yikes!!! So therefore...since No Pudge is no longer stocked in my grocery stores...I order it thru

Ooey Gooey Chocolate Cherry Muffins

(1 muffin: 131 calories, <1g fat, 123mg sodium, 35g carbs, 3.5g fiber, 24g sugars, 2.5g protein = 2 Points)

Chewy, chocolatey, cherry goodness in every bite!


No Pudge! Original Fudge Brownie Mix or other fat-free brownie mix

2/3 cup Comstock’s Original Light Cherry Pie Filling or other light cherry pie filling

1 cup Fiber One cereal

1/4 cup light vanilla soymilk

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a bowl, mix all of the ingredients together. Place batter into muffin tins lined with paper or sprayed with nonstick spray. Bake for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.

Well...I'm out for now...more updates later
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Old 04-25-2008, 10:31 AM   #13  
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Hey girlies I'm jumping in here. I'm Heather, 27, single, no kids, one dog and one fish and currently at 233lbs.
I've been large my whole life and dealt with extreme dieting to lose weight (the lowest I remember being as an "adult" was around 180) to binge eating. Needless to say food is an issue for me. I've sought help recently and feel that it's finally getting under control. Oof course I know all too well how easy it is to get off track but positive thoughts right? I'm not super restricting my calories right now, just trying to stay under 2,000 (average 1,800) and work out pretty regularly. I walk about 4-5 times a week about 30 minutes, play tennis occasionally(when I can find a partner), and try to go to the gym at least twice a week. The biggest thing for me is not making food my whole life, I've got to quit obsessing over it. This means striking a balance between omg all I want to do is eat camp and the NO you can't have that ever camp. Just trying to figure out what being "normal" is.
Since I've fluctuated my whole life I'm not certain what my ideal weight is - I think it'll be whatever weight means I can strut out in a bikini . I'm thinking anywhere from 55-80lbs is what I need to lose. I do recall being fairly happy at 180, certainly not stick skinny but comfortable in my own skin. I think 160 is a bit more realistic though for my ideal weight.

gator - I love Hungry Girl. She has totally turned me into a Fiber One lover!!
lucky - you did it once so you know you can do it again!
I'm not sure how you girls do the Slim Fast, I need food!! But the one thing I've certainly learned over my many years of dealing with food is that everyone is quite different and needs different things to get their body working right!

Have a great day all!
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:24 PM   #14  
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Fatchick - I love the Slim Fast - it's like a treat for me....but I understand that it does not work for everyone. I'm what I like to call a Fiber Whore...I get anywhere from 40-80 grams/ has been key to my weight loss success thus far Sounds like you are on track to a great weight loss... I'm a little taller than you and was a little lighter when I started...but I lost 60lbs from between Sept. 23, 2007 til about March when I went on dieting break...I'm trying to get back on the wagon...but failed miserably this week with too much dining out....good news is I'm staying on track......and not gaining....

Okay...still working on finding some fat pics for y'all..may have to scan some in....will see if we can do that this weekend
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Old 04-25-2008, 11:26 PM   #15  
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Heather, thanks for the words of encouragement. You are right. I CAN do it again. Losing and managing my weight will never be easy for me, per say. But, I'm at the point now (about 3 weeks into it) that it all is at least becoming routine. Eating isn't mindless at this point which means that even though I may WANT to eat more than I need, I'm aware enough to talk myself out of it.
I completely understand what you mean about striking a balance and figuring out what your personal normal is. I have to constantly remind myself that there is the body that I would love to have and then there is the body I'm willing to work for. There is a middle ground and if I'm going to get there I have to find a compromise between being obsessive and paying no attention whatsoever.

Amanda - thanks for the link! I can't wait to try the muffins. I am in grave need of some new recipes to try. That's one thing that helps me stay on track. I love routine because I don't have to think too much about food since I have my staple meals...but new recipes ensure that I don't stop thinking about what I put in my mouth all together. When I have to factor in something new in my calorie count it keeps me aware and on my toes. I'm not familiar with the site but, thanks to the recipe you posted, I can't wait to take a peek!
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