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Old 02-17-2008, 02:42 AM   #1  
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Smile Weight Loss and Chitchat #288

Hello and to the Jaded Ladies site!

We are a group of ladies that come here for support and encouragement on our weight loss struggles, and we also find time for some chitchatting. So please, won't you join us? New members are always welcome.
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Old 02-17-2008, 10:38 AM   #2  
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Hello to all!!

Well --I finally got the WATP video at Walmart Yesterday. I was only able to do 3/4 of mile, but I guess that is a beginning. My goal will be to work up to 1 mile by the end of the week. I lost 1 lb--and although I am not thrilled with that --at least I didn't gain. I have certainly realized that at my age, I will have to work harder.

Christina-Thanks for the tip on the videos. I hope I can keep it up--I like the fact that I don't have to go outside and I can hop right in the shower helps. Hope you had a great Valentines day!

Franci--Who is your favorite author? I try and read alto too, but it is hard with a busy schedule. I like the motivational stuff, but if I had more time I would read some good fiction. I didn't know you guys might be moving. - you will have to fill me in on your life!

Mindee- Your flowers sound beautiful!!! And the backpack story was too cute.

Jane - I so hope that Neal is OK...Please keep us posted. I am sure you saw that I got the video. I am praying for the discipline to keep in up a day at a time.

Tammy- Congrats on the weight loss!~! You have done a great job. I only wish I was 139 lbs

Sue -I will be heading to Aruba in May and I've heard we are staying at a Casino. I have never gambled so it should be very interesting experience.

I hope all you guys have a great Sunday!


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Old 02-17-2008, 02:18 PM   #3  
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Hello Ladies,

Jane -I haven't checked the closed thread yet. I do pray Neal is better today. You 2 are in my prayers.

Vann - CONGRATULATIONS!!! 1 lb gone is 1 lb gone. Whohoo!!! Small weight losses and even staying at one weight is a great accomlishment. I think I am beginning to learn that. I'm glad you got your videos. I love the WATP but my knee won't let me do it. I hope when my weight gets back down some that I will be able to do it again. I would love to alternate with it and my Sweatin' to the Oldies DVD I just got.

I thought I might share with y'all how I have revised some things on my way of eating. I still do IE with the idea of "I eat what I want, when I want, but moderately". I always hated counting calories although I have always had great success doing that. It was so time consuming having to look things up. That is why I loved WW old way of doing it, because it gave you more of a guideline on the amount of starches which I feel the pts system doesn't do. When I bought Richard Simmons "Sweatin' to the Oldies" DVD, I also ordered his FoodMover while I was at it because he still gives a limit on starches. While waiting for the materials to arrive, I suddenly realized counting calories is so very easy to do these days because everything is on labels. I also would love to have a flat tummy when I get down to my goal weight and I had read about the MUFA foods of the Flat Belly Diet in my recent Prevention Magazine. I also read some message about it on a thread here on 3fatchics. So I have finally designed my own Food Plan. I counting calories with the principles of both IE and the Flat Belly Diet. I didn't buy the book and didn't have the jumpstart, but I do eat small meals throughout the day and am learning to use some of the MUFA foods in them as much as possible. I have been doing this 100% for the last 3 days of this week.

As you may have noticed I took my weight loss scale off of my signature. That is because I had gained back my weight + a lb. Two weeks ago I weighed 221 and last week I had gained up to 225.5. This is why I have been working so desparately to find something to work for me. Well this morning at my WI I am back down to 221. I have lost 4.5 lbs of the 6.5 lbs I had gained last 2 weeks. I am down .5" in my waist since my last measurements taken 2 weeks ago. The interesting thing to me that I weighed what I did two weeks ago. So I believe the belly fat is going down. I have tried to take the best ideas of the different things I read and make it work for me. What really excited me about the FBD is that I am 64 years old and there is a lady on this website on another thread that is around my age and she is doing the FBD (she got the book and joined on-line) and she has lost 12 lbs on it. That is great news to me because we have always heard that whn you hit a certain age it is hard to lose. Maybe it is what we eat with or on our diets that makes it difficult for us. Who knows. She does exercise too. Any way, I just thought I would share with you. I will keep you posted with how it is working since this is an experiment in the works for me.

To everybody. I hope is doing well and have a great Sunday afternoon.


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Old 02-17-2008, 02:51 PM   #4  
I can dream, can't I?
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Jane- I hope you didn't have to take Neal to the hospital. Keep us posted.

Trish...I am going to be 60 this year. Doubt that I would ever have a flat belly again.....but I am interested in reading about that eating plan. Anything to get some pounds moving at this age. I have had such little motivation this winter, and some I think is feeling like just saying "what the heck." But I am trying to get back on track and even walked outside today for 1 and 1/3 mile. That's not much, but a beginning. It started raining or I would have done more. Thanks to some of you gals mentioning Richard Simmons I just got out my two tapes... Sweatin to the Oldies 3 and Sweat and Shout. Maybe this is the week that SOMETHING will get me moving.

Vann- We have often talked about going to Aruba. I hear it is wonderful. We like to gamble, but really don't go for the big bucks...just low rollers here. I am having withdrawal though from Vegas and can't believe I didn't get to go yet this winter. Maybe next month.

Kind of a lazy, rainy day here even though it is warmer today. As I said above, I got in a walk. Now I am getting ready to prepare a meatloaf dinner.

Hi to everyone and have a nice Sunday....
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Old 02-17-2008, 03:10 PM   #5  
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Hi ladies,

I did have to take Neal back to the ER yesterday with extreme pain. I thought they'd admit him, but they put him on stronger meds and told me to schedule an MRI for him. He was in a lot of pain through the night, still, but seems a little better today. I'm worn out, and worried about him.

Take care,
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Old 02-17-2008, 04:13 PM   #6  
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Jane - You have been on my mind a lot. I hope the meds work and that the MRI helps you find the problem and it will be correctable.

Sue - Boy do I understand about wondering "what the heck". My sister and I laughed when I talked to her yesterday because I told her that sometimes I wonder "why bother" especial when I would work so hard and the scales either would not move or go up. Then I get up to walk across the room and I know and remember why. But it REALLY IS NOT FUNNY. I think many times those of us who are over weight laugh at ourselves to keep from crying.

I understand the women who designed the "Flat Belly Diet" are going to be on the Rachel Rae Show Tuesday explaining the diet. You can also go to and read about it as well. I get the magazine which is where I saw it first. Then I went to the website and printed up what I could about it. I also found a thread about it under General Diets on 3fchic. I think if they get enough of us interested in it they will finally get one going. That is where I learned about the woman Bobbi from Golden Girls thread who has lost 12 lbs. You can read what she wrote there under General Diets and go to The Flat Belly Diet if you like. Don't give up Sue. We may be in our Golden age, but I believe it should be and can be the best years of our lives. Good luck!!!


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Old 02-17-2008, 08:54 PM   #7  
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Red face Hi Chicks.

Hi Chicks.

Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. Forgive me that I don't do Indiv. but I just found out that my Uncle had a heart attack. He is home now, he was in a hospital not too far from here, only I just found out today, and so did my mother. 30% of his heart was damaged, they put in a temporary pace maker just to get his heart going right and then they took it out.

So needless to say this scared the $#@! out of me. This makes #4 in my family who has had a heart attack, and one has died from it. One was my cousin who is younger than me and healthy (or so we thought) and he still had one too.I don't know why the others never opened up my eyes before, but that is no matter, the matter is my eyes are wide open now.

So in the morning I plan on calling my dr and having him send over scripts to the lab for DH & I to get our blood drawn to check everything. He wanted me to do that last time I was there for my back and I never did. Now I am going to just tell my dr, you tell me exactly what to do and I will do it. No questions, no complaining, no whining, I am doing it.

Lots of fruits and veggies, even if I have to hold my nose to eat them, I will. lol. Whatever it takes. Infact here in few min. I am going to do some exercises, even if its just 10 min. a day, its a beginning and I will do them every day regardless. No excuses!!!

Sad that it takes something like this to open my eyes. But I guess sometimes it takes something serious to make you "wake up" and realize you are not invincible.

I also told DH whatever it takes for me to lower my stress, if it means getting another job, I will do it, its for my health and stress doesn't help. Either that or find ways of dealing with the stress a lot better. Yoga or something.

I also told my mother, whatever it takes, I want her here with us. I told DH I don't want her alone. So she is going to look into what it will take to get her out of that contract from work. I said whatever it takes.

Anyways I am sorry to go on and on about my family and all that, but it has scared me.

Thank you all for listening.

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Old 02-18-2008, 03:39 AM   #8  
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just popping in here quickly.....I have been kept busy with other things that I haven't really been online that much this past weekend! I am sure that I will be able to get online on Monday since Tommy is going to be busy all day pretty much.

we went over to my sister's house on Saturday night and had some fun! we had pizza for dinner, and then went into her basement and played some pool. It was a nice night to be had by all! we talked some about my dad's party but mostly it was about what was going on with us. I did find out though that she has the Carmen Electra Strip to Fit workout dvd's and that she likes them. SO, I am thinking about bagging the TurboJam and just getting those ones instead! I have been wanting to get them since I first saw them, but I was wayyyyyy to self conscious to even attempt to try them out then!

Vann~ I had tears in my eyes when I saw my oldest son with a back pack on! It really made things real that he is going to be going to school soon! I will try and take a picture of my flowers on Monday. Great job on the 1 pound!!!

Trish~ I have been wanting to try the WW thing. I have been getting some of the WW boxed meals for lunches for me and so far I have found plenty of options that I love. So, I am going to look more into that. I am even going to look to see where the nearest WW location to me is. I know that there is a curves literally right around the corner from me.

Jane~ I hope neal's back feels better soon!

Sassy~ A friend of ours just lost her grandfather to a sudden heart attack about a week ago. It really does take one of those "aha....wake up" moments to make some one sit and go "wait a minute, I need to rethink what I am doing here." I have just found yoga and I do the limited movements that I know from my Biggest Loser dvd to help me calm down.
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Old 02-18-2008, 12:41 PM   #9  
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Good Morning Ladies!

I was gone all day visiting my sister. She & BIL are moving in the next few weeks and they are selling some furniture that won't fit in the new house. So.....we decided to buy some of it. A new couch (not even a year old yet) a lounge chair and a canoe. Well....the canoe isn't furniture but we've been looking at canoes for the last few years and just haven't bought one. They only used it 3 times. So I'm pretty happy. Also getting a large dining room table. That used to belong to my grandparents and so she's just giving me that (to keep in the family) I felt like I went to a major discount sale!!

Jane--How is Neil doing? I hope he's starting to feel better. I worry about you being so stressed and worried about him. Let us know how he's feeling.

Shannon--I hope you made it to the chitchat! Very happy to have you a part of our group. Looked at your profile photo....beautiful! Looking forward to getting to know more about you.

Vann--Aruba?! How fun. (Or is this a business trip?) If so, will you get to enjoy the surroundings? My BIL is leaving for Canada in a couple days....always traveling for business, I threatened him w/my company the next time he's sent to Hawaii!

Trish--I have gotten rid of my tracker bar long ago due to my inconsistencies of losing/gaining weight. The holidays really get me out of my "good" eating routine. And then it seems to take me a good few months to get my mind set back. I'm starting to feel that it's time to get serious (again!) Someday it'll just "be".

Sue--I've had little motivation this winter too. It's almost tiring to try to be good and self cautious. But I really need to snap out of my little rut and just get back on track. I want to feel good about myself and not so sluggish all the time.

Sassy--Hugs about your uncle. I just found out my Uncle who lives in Seattle had a heart attack a couple weekends ago! It really makes you take a look at yourself to see what we can do to improve our lifestyles. When I gain weight, I gain all in my belly area....worse place to gain it! So I need to lose that extra cushion.

Mindee--Have you already ordered the Turbo jam? Have you looked around to see about renting either DVD before purchasing? Maybe that would help you to decide. I get so excited about new exercise tapes and then once I get them....I use them for a little bit and eventually....they're collecting dust. I'm terrible!

Hello to the rest of you gals!!

Well ladies...I need to get ready for work. Wish I didn't have to go, I want an extended vacation....but work doesn't want to give it!

Have a lovely Monday!!
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Old 02-18-2008, 12:55 PM   #10  
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hello are you all doing?

nothing new on this end.....just enjoyed some yummy macaroni and cheese that Tommy made. dealing with a few snags along the road to planning my dad's party. now I just need to get on the same page with Brandon and Marissa's party. we are almost there on both parties so that is a great feeling for me!

Marti~ Nope, I haven't ordered it yet. I will look into seeing if I can rent it first to see how it is. I just might get both that way I can keep it all high impact and a lot of fun!
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Old 02-18-2008, 01:16 PM   #11  
I work with germs!!
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Hello Ladies!

I'll make this a quick one considering I'm sick, probably with the flu We had a 3yr old last week admitted with the flu and at the change of shift, he decided to turn blue on us and, I'm sorry, but if a child is in distress, the last thing I'm going to do is take the time to gown, glove and mask up before helping that child. I just rushed in, put him on oxygen while others were helping. It didn't occur to me what his diagnosis was. I did get the flu shot this year but they are saying that it didn't cover the strain that is prevelant now. The child survived, was placed on life support and transferred to Johns Hopkins Hospital and I believe that I ended up with his flu. I got an appt for 4 today with my pulmonary doc. I'm just in a panic because I have my eye surgery scheduled for 2 weeks from this Thurs. I gotta get better!! Anyhoo, Jane I hope Neal is feeling a little better and you have sched his MRI. I've never had back issues but I understand they can be unbearable at times. I'm heading to lay down for an hour before my appt. My chest and stomach muscles have had a workout from all the coughing just wish it was from really exercising
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Old 02-18-2008, 04:35 PM   #12  
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Tammy~ I hope you are feeling better soon!
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Old 02-18-2008, 07:16 PM   #13  
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Jane--Hope Neal gets feeling better soon!!

Tammy--Hope you get feeling better!!

Marti--DS loves canoeing!! He actually worked for a whitewater outfit one summer. He actually did well cause it was near Harpers Ferry which has alot of civil war history (Cristina--it was on a question on Jeopardy the other night). He's such a history buff he made a great guide. The place in Eugene fell threw. The couple he was going to move with are getting married and moving back here. It looks like he's going to end up in Portland this summer. I actually feel alot better about the friend he is going there with.

Mindee--I love to play pool. I used to be really good at it. Our friends are fixing up a cabin on their property and are have put their pool table in it.

Sassy--sorry about your uncle. my brother had a scare a few years ago and the men in my mom's side of the family do tend to have heart problems.

Trish--I am going to check out the thread & the website. Trish I took my ticker off too. I had lost and then went back up--I have been so frustrated. Unfortunately I have been unmotivated--hopefully I will get myself back on track.

Sue--it was warm this morning but didn't last--did get to see some blue skies--almost forgot what they looked like.

Vann--I'd like to sneak to Aruba with you. My dd and I were going to go on a cruise for her 21st bday in June but her having the baby kind of put a damper on that. I told her the next cruise will be a Disney one!!

I am taking my President's Day floating holiday tomorrow and watching that grandboy. I am so wrapped it's not funny. Hubby is too. We went to hubby's grandad's 97th bday on Saturday. It was fun seeing everyone. I can't believe I didn't take pics!! Heard some really sad news today. The grandbaby of a coworker that was born Jan 24th died this morning of sids. So sad, makes me worry about my little one. He went to the cardiologists appt last Friday--the hole is still there and they gave Teri & I some things to watch for but they are thinking like the peditrician that it will close shut on ot's own. He goes back in 3 months to keep an eye on it.

Hope everyone has a good night!!
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Old 02-18-2008, 10:54 PM   #14  
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hello are you all doing?

nothing new on this end.....just putzing around online. Tommy just got home from his Lodge fling.....and we are spending some time together since all three kids are asleep.

Jules~ I will keep your co-worker's family in my thoughts and prayers during this time. I can't believe that Dominic is almost six weeks old!!
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Old 02-19-2008, 03:08 AM   #15  
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Evening ladies.

I'm getting ready for bed, thought I would stop in and see how you're all doing.

Mindee--Sounds good to have a variety of exercises. Hope you can get them both. Is it already time to plan for Marissa's birthday? Didn't you just have her????? (boy time flys)

Tammy--Oh I hope you start feeling better. I can understand not wanting to take the time to glove up when a little one is so sick. Take care of yourself and get rest if you're able.

Jules--Moving to Portland is he? Then I take it that he's definitely coming to Oregon! He'll love it. Did you say he's visited before? I like Portland. It's just so busy for me....I'm such a scaredy cat when it comes to lots of traffic! I do hope you give me a buzz when you plan for a visit.....I will meet up w/you!

Hello to all the rest of you girls.

I got my walk in today and that's w/my backend aching! Sciatica is acting up on both sides. Never had that happen. So I'm a little wobbly. I was hoping to stretch it out w/walking...sometimes that helps. Tonight though....I had to cut it short. Too much.

I better hit the eyes are drooping!

Have a good night!
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