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prepping 04-27-2010 03:08 PM

oh ya, and mini beef for the day: don't you love when you try on a pair of jeans at the store that are the "right size" but barely come up over your butt?! Sure I can do them up, I just have the constant plumber bum. That's great. sexy too. ;)

PammyFl 04-27-2010 04:10 PM

Preppin- I struggle with the "goal weight" problem myself. Im not sure where I want to be for sure. I chose 160 only because the fact that it was the middle range for the height, but I have been struggling to get to that point for a while now....if I EVER even get to that point :/

PammyFl 04-27-2010 04:49 PM

How many calories are you ladies eating? Ive tried 1400,1600,1800 and still seem to be stalled. I have the INSANITY program and read the "diet" plan and they have a mathematical equation to figure out how many calories you can eat and still lose weight. SOOO tell me how it makes sense that my body can eat 2300 calories and lose weight?!?!?! I don't eat no where near that amount and I cant seem to lose anything. Does being tall make our calorie deficit different because I am so lost?!!

redliss7 04-27-2010 05:19 PM

Helloooo all. I thought I would join this lil thread because while I'm not above 6', I would probably be classified as tall in most books. Plus, I love being tall. Everything about it.lol. I even like wearing really high shoes. My boyfriend always jokes that I only do this because he's 6'10. Nope. I'd do it anyways because I like it for me. :D

Pammy, as for calories, I find that I will lose on anything less than 3000 calories a day, though I workout twice a day for around 1.5-2 hours each. My loss has stalled though so once finals end, I'm going to overhaul the diet program.
Goal weights are tricky. I picked mine based on body comp stuffs and based on what most rowers my height weigh.lol.

prepping 04-27-2010 05:28 PM

Pammy, I just wrote a big thing on those calculators and how on earth are we supposed to eat as much as what is recommended when I realized that I was writing a long version of what you just posted. So i deleted it and wrote this instead. lol.

These are the stats I found from those calculators: (approximate)
5'11" @ 180 = 2300 calories to maintain weight
5'11" @ 170 = 2000 calories

So to lose, it says to deduct 500 calories. Less if working out.
That means I still have to eat anywhere from 1500-2000 cal a day... how??
Typically I eat anywhere from 1200-1500 cal a day. So if I were to throw in an additional meal somewhere, would that make me lose weight? I don't get it.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure my obstacle with losing weight has something to do with my social alcohol intake. Apparently those calories are not the kind that help lose weight. :p

btw, pammy, checked out your journey pics and you look fantastic! what has been your main calorie goal that you have been sticking to the most recently?

prepping 04-27-2010 05:34 PM

btw, welcome you two! It's awesome to have some talk in here again! :D

redliss, you lucky girl you! holy shoot, 6'10" boyfriend.... sexy ;) lol
My husband is 6'1" so as long as I'm not wearing shoes, he's taller. Of course, I do love my 4" heels and wear them to work and when we go out at night... so most of the time he's the shorter one. And of course I always get the comments on the heels and "how can you walk", etc... I have the tried and true response of "Well, I love shoes and I'm not tall enough". Some people actually go into hysterics.
btw, 3-4 hrs of exercise per day?! when do you sleep???! I can't imagine working out for that long and have no idea what I would do for that long. Are you on a team of some sort that has you doing activity each day or is this your own plan and what do you do?

PammyFl 04-27-2010 06:31 PM

Rebliss- LOL im so with you on the tall shoes, except my bfs not a big fan seeing as hes only 5'8 so I'm already taller than he is without shoes! So I tend to avoid tall shoes around him. I seem to be stalled as of the last few months so I'm not sure if I should eat more calories or what. 3000 calories.. you lucky girl you lol

Preppin- Thank you so much! I have been staying around 1600-1800 calories but I started doing intuitive eating and not really counting but going off of portion size and just more healthy foods. Since I have been stalled on the weight loss in I started to search for proper calories for myself, and I come to realize I really don't think those calculators are right for us tall woman!

prepping 04-27-2010 11:41 PM

See, I've pretty much been intuitive eating for the last 3 yrs which I guess is why I have maintained. That's why I've started paying more attention to calories as I figured I'd go back to basics. That, and I've also started focusing on being active again.

I reallllllly want to be all set for summer clothes! gotta be smokin. No alternatives. :D

fra 04-28-2010 09:01 AM

I find it over exciting to have all jeans my size go down just below my knee and stop there =_= I don't want capris I meant to buy regular pants! *mope*

OrganizedChaos 04-28-2010 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by preppingbride (Post 3266390)
Hi all! I've come across a few girls here that have been excited at the thought of a thread for us tall women to get together and talk about life in our giant world. j/k :D

So this is an official BUMP!

Where are all of you hiding and what do you want to talk about?

I know that the constant question in my mind lately is "What should my goal weight be??" Right now it's 170 because I remember how I felt when I was briefly 170 a couple years ago. But should it be 160? smaller?
Last night I was looking at height/weight charts and found that I have a medium frame (on the higher end) so should weigh 145-159 lbs. If I was verging on a large frame it is 155-176 lbs. Holy crud! how on earth would I be able to do any less than 165 lbs?! Maybe there's some enlightenment from you ladies based on your experiences??

Thank you for bumping this thread.

I struggle with this question on what seems like a daily basis. I picked my goal weight solely on the fact that I would finally have a normal BMI. I can't imagine weighing less than that, Heck I can't imagine weighing 199 at this point. However, reading a few of the posts on this thread has been motivational that I can do this. I started my journey last October and in 6 months have lost 80 pounds but it can be depressing that I am just now at some peoples starting weight.

PAMMY I posted on your pics thread, but wanted to say again, You look awesome!

For those of you that are at or close to goal. What size are you wearing? My ultimate goal is to be able to walk into any store, not just the fat girl store, and fit into their clothes.

prepping 04-28-2010 10:41 AM

OrganizedChaos, welcome to the thread! In regards to sizes, I'm a size 10 (or medium) top, and a 12/13 bottom. This is pretty much because the majority of my weight is hips and thighs.

I look forward to being closer to a size 10 bottom when I'm reaching 170 lbs.

Good question!

PammyFl 04-28-2010 03:45 PM

OrganizedChaos- You will get there. I never though I would ever get under 200lbs and now im sitting at a normal weight with only 15lbs to goal! You can do it! My original goal was also set to a normal bmi because I wasn't sure where I wanted to be and just adjusted it when I got to it! GOOD LUCK! I'm with preppingbride on the sizes. I wear a medium/large top (depending on the fit and a 12 in pants. I carry most of my weight in my thighs as well. I also am a 34FF so some shirts just don't work for me lol. I really want to be a size 8 but I have big hips and I think I may never see it :(

I also responded to your reply to my picture thread :)

OrganizedChaos 04-29-2010 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by PammyFl (Post 3268160)
OrganizedChaos- You will get there. I never though I would ever get under 200lbs and now im sitting at a normal weight with only 15lbs to goal! You can do it! My original goal was also set to a normal bmi because I wasn't sure where I wanted to be and just adjusted it when I got to it! GOOD LUCK! I'm with preppingbride on the sizes. I wear a medium/large top (depending on the fit and a 12 in pants. I carry most of my weight in my thighs as well. I also am a 34FF so some shirts just don't work for me lol. I really want to be a size 8 but I have big hips and I think I may never see it :(

I also responded to your reply to my picture thread :)

Thanks for the responses girls! I am currently in some 18's because some of my size 20's are getting too big. I was hoping that by that weight I would be in a 10, but as long as I look and feel great I'll be happy. Honestly you look much smaller than a 12 to me in your last few pics. My sister-in-law recently lost weight and is a size 6 and you look just like here to me!

prepping 04-29-2010 11:31 AM

OrganizedChaos, size 10 isn't completely out of the picture at this weight... but it depends on where you carry your weight. Because I have a smaller waist and bigger thighs, size 10 skirts tend to fit because I don't have to worry about my legs fitting in. Just means that they sit a little higher up my body -- hubby doesn't mind the leg show! :p

btw all, I'm getting tired of seeing the 180s. I've been seeing them for the last 3 years. 181.6 this morning and it feels like I'm sooo close to getting out.... Guess I'm just antsy.

How's everyone doing??

PammyFl 04-29-2010 09:28 PM

Organized- A size 6? Wow Thank you, Im seriously flattered! I like prepping carry all my weight in my hips and thighs and have a small waist so at my lowest 10 is probably going to be it for me. Right now I have very prominent hip bones. I could stand to use a few more pounds on my thighs though :( A size 10 Is totally doable at this weight depending on your hip size. :)

Organized- I also have a few size 10 skirts that I wear high up on my waist and they look fine. Boo for big hips :( I was stuck in the 180s for what seemed like FOREVER just hang in there.

Im GREAT today. Actually stayed OP today and walked over 3 miles plus did my 50min of Chalean Extreme so I'm feeling pretty good. Im doing a 6 mile walk for Cystic Fibrosis Saturday morning(Ive raised over 300$). Since loosing weight I find myself signing up for any charity event. Ive done a bike ride, 3 walks, and soon to be a 5k at the end of May. Its a great feeling. You girls should find something in your area to sign up for. My weight has been stalling lately but I got on the scale this morning and saw 173.5, BUT who knows If it will stick. Heres hoping :) If so I'm only 3lbs from being at a 100lb loss!! I'm totally going to go celebrate that and possibly get a tattoo.

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