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Old 02-14-2005, 07:14 AM   #1  
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Default Sugarbusters Weekly Support Board 2/14 - 2/20

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 02-14-2005, 07:19 AM   #2  
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Good Morning! Here are the weekly challenges:

1. Get those three workouts in and post 'em! I am so proud of everyone for being consistent on this!

2. Drink your water!!

3. Get your Xs and Os..... to earn and X or O for your calendar, you must be totally on program for the day!

4. Try a new vegetable or fruit this week, and report your experience!

Now, go out there and make this a great week!
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Old 02-14-2005, 08:24 AM   #3  
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Good morning everyone.... Just got off the treadmill. Will work with my little handweights soon and then hopefully go to the gym later. My eating over the week end wasn't as good as it should have been and I did have wine two nights in a row. Hopefully I still will come out okay anyway. What is everyone going to do for Valentines Day? Today is my sister's birthday. I think I might cook DH a nice pot roast in the pressure cooker. Unless he wants to go out to dinner. Hint hint....... B-ww peanut butter bagel and juice L- Smart One t.v. dinner It has a meat and vegetable in it. D- Will probably be pot roast, vegetable (new mixture Monet) and a salad....

Monet- Thanks for starting the board. Thats so good of you. I loved reading about your chinese dinner..
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Old 02-14-2005, 10:00 AM   #4  
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Hi everyone!! Here I am, back from the missing person's list. I've been laying low because I've been so absent from my air dyne. And I haven't lost one friggen pound. Unless I fluctuate up to 171/172, then it goes back to 170, but I still can't break that barrier. So, here I sit with my bowl of oatmeal and my orange and coffee...and once I'm done, I"m going up to start the new week off with a daily schedule of once breakfast is over, I sit on the airdyne for at least 15 mins...more if all's well. Such as my son hasn't tried to start the house on fire or turned the bathroom into a waterpark for his hotwheels. Which is why early morning was good for me because everyone was still asleep and then I could slip in the shower as well. But this is just not possible with the DH trying to get ready for work and the DD trying to get ready for school. And there is no other room to put the airdyne...we live in a small 3BR colonial that was built in the 1880's and wasn't built for today's clutter friendly families!! LOL So, I'm trying to come up with a plan that involves mornings and keeping my son busy so he doesn't get into trouble. With the airdyne, it makes a lot of noise from the wind resistance, so I'ts hard to hear if anything's going awry in the house...

I'm just so sad about the exercise, though...I had a GREAT routine I started last fall after my DD went back to school. There is a lighthouse three miles from my house and its such a lovely walk to it on a single lane road along the river and I would put my DS in the stroller and walk him briskly all the way there and back...I'd be sweating and my pulse way up there and it was GREAT!! And then my son decided to boycott his stroller and said it was boring. I gave him some small binoculars so he could watch the birds and the boats and that lasted all of 15 mins. And then I gave him DD's portable CD player so he could listen to music on the way there and back and he liked that for a couple trips, then got bored of that. Or I'd have to keep stopping to change to a different song or something. But I really miss my trips to the lighthouse. But that wouldn't be very do-able inthe winter anyways because it is COLD with the wind coming off the lake, so, was nice while it lasted.

Well, the last orange is down the hatch!! On the airdyne I go!! put us to shame with your entertaining abilities...I'm waaaay to unorganized to pull off such an event!! I'm so glad it went off without too many hitches!!
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Old 02-14-2005, 10:30 AM   #5  
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Ok, I am SO discouraged I could scream. I was walking out to get in the car to take James to work, with the plan to go straight to Curves to work out. I wanted to get in four or five days this week. Well, its overcast and rainy here, and therefore the garage was dark. I missed the bottom two steps and fell down them, landed on my left knee on the concrete floor, and scraped it pretty badly. Thankfully, I did not tear a hole in my favorite pants. SO, instead of working out, I am home, nursing a sore, scraped knee and wanting to PUNCH something. Why is it that everytime I get motivated to work out regularly, something happens? I was sick last week, and could not work out, now its anyone's guess how long it will take for the knee to heal enough for me to work out. I feel like the Goodyear blimp with these extra 30 pounds I have gained since last summer, when my thyroid went wacky, and then my surgery exacerbated it....I just want to scream.

Ok, I am taking deep breaths and trying to calm down....

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Old 02-14-2005, 11:42 AM   #6  
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Good Monday Morning and a Happy Valentines Day to All of you.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

My eating was so so. Friday night had to have fried fish as they ran out of the baked by the time we got to eat. I had it with slaw and green beans. Wine later. Sat we took DD to dinner after tha game and they wanted Mexican. Need I say more. Back on track today. But I'm starving.

Monet, thanks for starting the boards. I'm glad you dinner was such a success. But I knew it would be. Sorry about the knee. Maybe it will be bette tomorrow and you can still make it to Curves.

Toni, sounds like you got a good start on your exercise for today. We are not doing anythign for Valentines Day. I have a meatloaf already cooked and have to run by the funeral home on my way home (BIL's sister died). Plan to get my exercise in after that. Nothing exciting or romantic.

Tech, don't stay away b/c you lack in exercise or eat off plan. that's when you need us the most. Glad you have worked out a way to get back on the bike. Hang in there.

Got to run.
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Old 02-14-2005, 01:39 PM   #7  
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Just a fly by....

I posted on the hysterectomy board a response to a woman who was touting the wonders of soy. I very factually stated its detrimental effect on thyroids, and man, you would think I attacked her religion or something! She posted another inflamatory post trying to rally the group against me! This makes me want to go ahead and get my naturopathic doctorate so I have the credentials to blow her away! Um, not good motivation, though, huh?

I emailed Fillise to find out where she was. She is busy, and dealing with the lack of sunshine and warmth. I did not threaten her, but if she is not back soon, I may have to drive over to Auburn and connect some foot to some tushie.

Ok, off to take a nap. I think I deserve it.
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Old 02-14-2005, 01:47 PM   #8  
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Hi everybuddy,

Hope everyone has a good week.

Monet--sorry to hear about your fall. Just ice it and rest it--go heavy on the ice, like all day! Then maybe you'll get back to Curves sooner than you think.

Tech--keep trying to find something that will work for your schedule on the bike. And, don't forget, you are the parent--your DS is the child. So YOU get to decide where you both are going to walk. Maybe he is ready for a trike, when the snow melts. Or maybe he can walk by himself. I actually forget how old he is. Anyway, good luck on the exercise.

I have 8000 steps so far. I just strapped that little ped-o on first thing this morning after my shower, and it counts everything I've done. I got in my 2 mile walk and then did lots of running around for groceries and this and that. I will work out with the weights this afternoon at the gym. I have my 3rd quiz in French tomorrow, and a test next week, so will be studying all afternoon except when I'm working out.

Not much news here. My Bday is tomorrow, so I get a little short changed on Valentines day. My DH treats me so well all the time, tho, so I really don't mind.

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Old 02-14-2005, 03:05 PM   #9  
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Gator, I know what you mean, mine is Wed and it sorta spoils both days, but I don't ususally get slighted. Just hate them being so close together.

Monet, now that dosen't sound much like a support board to me.
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Old 02-14-2005, 05:06 PM   #10  
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I have had a terrible time today with feeling munchy. Maybe I need to eat some veggies. I had some popcorn earlier...but it did not hit the spot like I thought it would. I am trying to stay out of the kitchen to keep from eating things I shouldn't.

JACK: Yeah, I got a private message from another poster there telling me she thought my post was interesting, and kindly stated. I went and looked up the crazy woman's posts, and she is crazy. She is all over the place, and can't spell or write in logical sentences. At least that kind of post drives ME crazy!

GATOR: Wow on the steps! I did not wear my ped on Saturday, and I really wish I had! I bet I got in 10k steps just walking back and forth from the table to the stove! Good luck on your quiz! I have been resting my knee today, and it is not as bad as I thought it might be. I may give Curves a try tomorrow.

TECH: I can relate to your frustrations on the changing of routines that were working for you. I got into the habit of getting up and walking hard on the treadmill back a few years ago. After a few weeks, I was really hoofing it on it, and getting really used to it too! Then Tom got laid off, and was home in bed sleeping right next to the treadmill. Once he was up, I just could not seem to consistently get on and get my walk in. Then, he got a job and I got sick, and could not work out for a few weeks. I lost the momentum and could not get it back. It is frustrating. I wish I could think of a solution to your light house walk problem. Having a little one in tow makes it challenging. He can't walk that far, and I can understand why he would be bored sitting in a stroller all the way. Maybe in a while, he will be able to ride a bike while you walk. In the meantime, I hope you can figure out something that will work for you. I know how it feels to do everything right and not lose. I have been there for years. Right now, I want to scream and rant over the 30 I have gained back and can't get to budge. Its just not fair! Others can stick to a diet and lose, why can't I? Oh, well. Sorry to whine.

I guess I will go take a nap. I have already taken two today, and it actually felt pretty good. Maybe I will sit in the recliner and read some. I should go to the store and get something I need for dinner tonight, but I just don't feel like it. I am planning on Beef Wellingtons, but I don't have the mushrooms. I don't use the pate' cause I don't like it!

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Old 02-14-2005, 09:36 PM   #11  
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Well, I got 11824 steps in today. I expect more tomorrow because I plan to do my 2 mile walk in the am. and then park off campus and walk to class, which will give me a bunch more. I guess I should post on the exercise board, but I saw that things were kinda slow here, so decided to check in. Where is everyone? Pancho? Country? Fruit?
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Old 02-14-2005, 10:13 PM   #12  
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How depressing! We only have ten responses so far today?! BOB, FILLISE, PANCHO, FRUIT, KENGJW, COUNTRY, SEF, SEBRAY...where are you guys?

I made Beef Wellington for dinner, with Bearnaise sauce and steamed broccoli and carrots. We drank a couple of glasses of red wine too...Condensa de Leganza which is sold at Costco and really a great wine for the price.

I made Tom's smoothies and lunch for tomorrow, and cleaned up the kitchen a bit. I still need to decide what I am going to make for dinner tomorrow night. I did not do much today, but I think I will go ahead and go to Curves tomorrow. My knee is sore, but not that bad....and I just don't want to get set back on the exercise by not going.

I am off to read a bit before bed. Talk to you all tomorrow!

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Old 02-15-2005, 08:23 AM   #13  
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Default Good Tuesday morning

Hi everyone, I feel bad because I inadvertently posted on last weeks board yesterday! Must have been the hearts and flowers...DH got me lovely roses and lilies. I cooked him shrimp scampi last night. I'm sure it had too much fat, but at least the rice was brown. I ate too many starches yesterday and tried to make up for it by walking extra on the treadmill last night, 75 mins, plus 70 crunches on the ab lounger. I'll hit the gym today after work and walk some more tonight while DH is at his meeting.
We're trying to plan trips for the summer. SO far we've reserved a campsite in the Adirondacks for 4 days in July, and we're looking at rentals on Cape Cod for June. I told DH I would rather do some smaller, less expensive trips this year(last year we did a 2 week trip). We need to find something for August too.

tech - I hope that you can find something that works for you. I used to walk my sons everywhere and it really helped me.

monet - glad that your knee feels better, just go a little easier at Curves, you'll be fine. I had a muscle spasm once that I thought would keep me out of the gym, but I just lowered the weights on the leg machines and kept going. It really helped a lot.

Hope that everyone had a nice Valentine's Day!

Poughkeepsie, NY
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Old 02-15-2005, 08:50 AM   #14  
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Good Morning Ladies.

I had dinner all cooked last night and ont he way home I called DH and told him to warm up the meatloaf. He said I thinkwe will go get some ribs (my favorite food). I told him we already had dinner. He said it would keep for another night. So we did. I ate way to many ribs and was miserable all night and am still miserable ig: At least I had green beens and slaw with it.

I did manage to get my wt training in when we got home. I was too full to do the treadmill though.

So today I am eating very light. My sister is taking me to dinner tonight for my birthday tomorrow so I think we will go to Texas Roadhouse so we can get meat, salad and veggies.

DH gave me some perfume, a CD and an ice srcaper. I broke mine in the last snow and he jockingly said he would get me one for Valentines, and he did.

Gator, Happy Birthday Hope you have a wonderful day.

Monet, glad your knee is feeling better. 3 naps? I would be up all night after just 1.

Barbara, I am just in awe over the time you spend on the TM. Plus all the other exercise you do. Cape Cod sounds wonderful. Is it very expensive?

Where is everyone? We need to pick up the posts. Have to get ready for a meeting. Be back later.

Have a great OP day.
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Old 02-15-2005, 11:28 AM   #15  
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Happy Birthday Gatorgal!

I hope it's a wonderful one! AND you ace your quiz!

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