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Old 02-16-2005, 09:50 AM   #31  
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Happy birthday to our birthday chicks!!

WIW....hmmm....let's see...the scale says

We'll see...I haven't been exercising except on Monday I managed 15 mins on the AD and some crunches. I had leftover chili for lunch yesterday and it didn't agree with me at all. I was up last night a few times with a feeling of rocks in my stomach and thought for sure I'd be in the bathroom, but I didn't and now my stomach is still feeling heavy and I have a feeling I may be sick later. I truly hate that...but, hey, maybe it'll make the scale least it's a silver lining, albeit a slightly tarnished silver lining...not exactly the way I want to lose weight. So, I'm off to go have some tea and thinking of Monet having some too... On the bright side, it's snowing here in chuncks and has been all morning!! I love's all currier and ives looking with the trees all white, and we live in a very old village with big, giant maple trees (7 just in our yard!) and they're all pure white now...just lovely!! So, I'm going to go sit on the couch and read a book and will myself to feel better. Bye, guys...will do replies some other time..the computer chair is not where I want to be sitting at the moment...

Talk to yas later!! Kris
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Old 02-16-2005, 09:51 AM   #32  
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Sorry guys! I've been AWOL for a while. I've had some sort of cold or something that has really dragged me down. I'm up 1 and 1/2 today.......... I havent really been drinking the water like I should. (Just didnt taste good with this cold). Monet, sorry to hear about your fall! (I have done that once myself =)) Cindy sorry to hear you're feeling bad......chin up! THe rest of you, I'll be back in a few. I have a wee one wanting to be fed.!
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Old 02-16-2005, 02:49 PM   #33  
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A fly friend came and left. Our conversation was not as lively as usual. Not sure why...but it was ok. I ate a few pieces of sushi Laura brought home...and had a couple thin slices of New Year cake- which is not legal, but not very sweet- so I have not been good today. I went to Costco and got stuff we needed. I got some flank steak and I am making beef jerky to carry on the retreat this weekend. We will be leaving Friday noon, and be coming back Sunday afternoon. I can't wait! A weekend alone with my hubby, and all our friends from church! Yay!

ANGEL: Good to see you back! I need to drink more water too....

TECH: Hmm, I think I ought to come drink tea with you, and while we are drinking tea, my husband can climb your maple trees. He is a member of TreeClimbers International. They climb with ropes and saddles...he loves it! It will have to be summer though...he doesn't do winter.
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Old 02-16-2005, 11:05 PM   #34  
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Goodness gracious...where IS everyone? This is beginning to be depressing.....

Good night, anyone who might look in here....sweet dreams!
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Old 02-17-2005, 09:13 AM   #35  
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Default Good Thursday morning

Hi everyone. It's so slow on the board, I almost feel like I'm talking to myself! Went and did our regular bowling league last night, I managed to twist my poor arthitis-y finger mid-way thru the 2nd game and it kept aching. I didn't do very well, but we managed to win all 3 games and total pins, so that was great for our team!
Tonight we're having our belated Valentine's Dinner at a local resort, we happen to have free dinner passes, and figured we might as well use them.
their food is always great and they often have healthy choices too, so it shouldn't be too bad.
Food today:
bacon, egg and cheese on whole grain toast(1 slice)
carb ocntrol yogurt
triscuits and cheese later for snack.
I also have a dentist appt this afternoon, so may only get in 20 mins on the TM, but a little bit is better than nothing. I purposely didn't walk yesterday, but now I'm thinking that I should have anyway, just for the routine...
Monet - keep drinking that water. I've got green tea this morning...
Take care everyone!

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Old 02-17-2005, 09:18 AM   #36  
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Talking Hello

Thought I'd just say "hi," as I've regularly lurk in your forum here!

As of 33 days ago I've been following Sugar Busters and getting more and more into it; have lost 4.8 pounds just specifically on this program, body fat percentage has changed, jeans falling off and blood sugar is stable. I like it better than any food plan I've ever tried and it's changed my life, actually. I do find it's a little hard to find specific Sugar Busters support and discussion of the plan ... most people I meet in the virtual world think it's South Beach or Atkins and online, the resources are skimpy.

Well, again, just wanted to say hello.

Sugar Busters rocks!
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Old 02-17-2005, 09:53 AM   #37  
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Good Morning! I woke up at 4 this morning and could not sleep. I finally got up and made the bed. Then, at about six, Tom got up and wandered back in here. He had left at 3:30 because my snoring was so bad. He was surprised to see me up. I surfed online a bit, looked at a few pages on Sugarbusters, then all of a sudden I was SO sleepy, I could hardly keep my eyes open, but the bed was made! So, I crawled into the recliner wrapped up in a blanket and slept there for two hours! I woke James up late, and I still have not heard him up and in the shower, so I guess he is going to be late for work today. sigh. I am planning on going to Curves this morning, so I wish he would get moving.! I have had a cup of hot tea and two pieces of beef jerky so far today. I may drop all starches for a few days and see if that will help. I think I could not sleep because I was thinking about how fat I feel and how hopeless it seems to be to lose any of it. I just know I need to try something else since I am coasting and not doing a good job of anything.

AMARANTHA: Hi! Welcome to the board! I am so glad you decided to say hello. Sounds like you are doing great on Sugarbusters! I know what you mean about people confusing it with South Beach...which is just a combination of Atkins and Sugarbusters. You have lost a lot of weight already...what plan were you using before you started on SB?

WOOD: I can totally relate to the feeling that you are talking to yourself. I hope its only temporary. I am sorry your finger is bothering you. I have arthritis in my hands some. Have you tried glucosomine, or does it not bother you much? I just got some cream with it in it, and I am hoping it will help my arthritic knees when I work out.

I definitely need more hot tea, or some coffee! Later!

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Old 02-17-2005, 10:25 AM   #38  
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Wow its Thursday already and I just finished my last walk of the week on my treadmill. I was hopeing after two weeks I would get stronger from walking on the treadmill but I just don't seem to be able to up my time. I won't give up but am a little disappointed. Anyway so far my eating has been good and I'm hopeing for a good weight loss next week. I'm not getting enough water in so I've got to work on that.

Monet- I hope cutting back on starches help you drop some lbs. Please don't get discouraged, you are such a rock on this board!!!

Jack-K- Sorry I missed your birthday.... Hope it was a happy one...

techwife- I hope you're feeling better and get back on your AD.... Was the book good?

angelnic- Sorry you've been under the weather too. Hope you're feeling good again soon.

woodfrogs- Bowling sounds like fun, I haven't done that in years....

Amarantha- Welcome to the board we're usually busier but something is sure slowing us down. Maybe the flu or something. Hope you stay!!! Its a great place to be and you sound like you're doing well.
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Old 02-17-2005, 01:06 PM   #39  
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Good Morning everyone:

Let me just say I've been busy, busy. I managed to read posts, but wished I had of sooner. It sounds like Gator is in Scottsdale, which isn't too far from me; I would have made a trip over to Scottsdale to meet up with her. I sure hope she enjoys the day today because it sounds like rain is moving in and is supposed to stick around tomorrow, Sat, Sun & Mon. If you check in Gator, send me a PM, and maybe we can meet up.

Britt is getting really bad again with her esophagus/spastic colon...she is due to go back to the doctor on Monday; can't get her in any sooner. She needs to get her drops re-adjusted. She has been having coughing spasms at night, and I had to pick her up at school on Tuesday since her tummy was hurting her so bad. I also pulled her out of Physical Therapy because it is doing nothing to help her with her toe walking. Apparently the orthotics are the only thing that will help since she is completely flat footed, and it is impossible for her to walk flat. Poor little baby; why does she have to suffer so?!

I didn't do well on Valentine's Day, but let's just say I'm doing a lot better now. I weighed 122.5# this a.m., and it's that TOM. Need I say more? So far today, I have only had a bowl of legal cereal w/ blueberries, and some ww pita crackers w/ laughing cow lite wedges. I also drank 1/2 of a Diet Dr. Pepper.

I went to the gym on Monday and Wednesday, and plan to go tomorrow and Saturday. I have also done my AB Scissor two time this week; so I am back on a roll. On Monday, I ran into a friend's sister-in-law....I don't know her very well, and hadn't seen in a long time. We recognized eachother at the same time. She commented on how awesome I look, and said that she was watching me do squats, and said to herself, "I wanna have legs like hers." Is there a smiley face on here that shows a big ego???? That was exactly what I needed to get my motivation back up there. I realized how hard I have worked, and I am not going to let all that work go down the tubes.

Lane has a playgroup that we have to leave for in awhile; it's supposed to be at a park, so I hope the rain holds off for awhile.

Amarantha: Welcome aboard!! We are happy to have you. If you've been lurking than you know that our board is not usually so slow. I think we have a few people in a winter funk, and they will find their way back to the board soon. In the meantime, there are a few of us here for support, so post anytime with any questions, concerns, advice, etc... It sounds like you are doing well; keep up the good work. What is your goal? How close are you to it? SB will definately get you there and keep you there.

Toni: You'll eventually increase your time/intensity on the treadmill; just go at your own pace. What is important, is that you are getting on there and doing it!!!!

Monet: Did you get to Curves? I hope you are not too tired today, waking up so early. I went to bed around 10:30 and slept until 6 a.m.; I am feeling refreshed today. It sounds as if your CNY party was a huge success; I'm sure it was wonderful!! Have you heard from Julia? I'm beginning to be a little concerned...I checked another site that she posts on often, and didn't see any posts from her there either. I know she had a doctor's appt. the beginning of Feb; I sure hope all is alright with her.

Wood: Enjoy the belated night out. I just wanted to ask if you are eating lite/lowfat cheese? I notice that you eat it a few times a day, and wanted to mention that I definately got into a stall when I did that awhile back. Just thought I'd pass that on. I was eating regular though.

Tech: It sounds white and beautiful there! Enjoy curling up with a good book, and a hot drink.
Well, I better run!!! Have a great day everyone!

Where has Teensy been? Wasn't Fillise going out of town again? I know Heart is out of town, and Gator....where's everyone else?????


Last edited by Pancho; 02-17-2005 at 01:11 PM.
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Old 02-17-2005, 02:13 PM   #40  
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PANCHO: Good to see you! Fillise is in her winter funk, busy and said she will be back soon. Teensy has been posting on the exercise board, but not here. Heart should be back...I think yesterday. She is probably busy. I don't know why BOB has not posted...and I have not heard from Julia. I too wish she would check in, as I worry about her. I did make it to Curves, but only had time for one circuit as I was meeting Tom for lunch. We did Chili's and I had a burger on a ww bun and steamed broccoli. I have to admit the french fries at the next table looked really good.... I hope you can get Britts meds adjusted right, and quickly. Poor dear...suffering at a young age seems so hard, but honestly, it does build character.

I need to go...I was just walking by the computer...I stopped at home to use the potty and now I am on my way to get new tires!

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Old 02-17-2005, 02:45 PM   #41  
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Good afternoon ladies.

Had a meeting this morning and it has been busy all day. Didn't do anything exciting for my firthday. DH wanted totake me out to eat but we had been out Monday and Tuesday and probably tonight and Friday, so I had meatloaf which I made Sunday we had never eaten. So that was it. We will go out with the kids Sat or Sunday.

Did get my tm and wts in last night. About 50 minutes.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

Have to go set up for the fish fry tonight. Cut the pies and dish up the slaw into containers. The girl that ususally does it asked me if I could help her and now she can't even be there. I have a friend going with me for help. Then we are going back to her house for burgers.

Monet, thanks I will check for it the next time I am at WF. I love hot and spicy. Sorry your visit with your friend was not whatyou expected. I didn't know Chili's had ww buns. You are such a wealth of info.

TEch, hope your tummy is feeling better today.

Barbara, enjoy your dinner tonight.

Amarantha, welcome. You will find lots of SB support right here. Sounds like you are doing great so far. Join in anytime you like.

Toni, I know what you mean about increasing your time onthe TM. I keep thinking each week I will, and I just can't make it any longer. I think it's all in my head.

Nat, sorry Britt is having so many problems. Hopefully a trip to the dr. will help. Glad you found your motivation again. Nothing like some nice comments to do it.

Have a great evening.
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Old 02-17-2005, 04:35 PM   #42  
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Hey, guys, I'm back! That was the absolute most horrible trip! Totally exhausting! My connection flight in Atlanta(to Meridian) Tuesday was canceled! I ended up having to get a flight to Jackson several hours later and my husband had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get me and then take me home! There was nothing to do at the airport but walk around Yep, did okay until then. Boogie and I munched out. Had a plate of pasta for lunch, had a couple candy bars, chex mix, a very indulgent, rich piece of chocolate cheesecake, Wendy's combo, and a protein bar(that morning before the flight)!! I expected the scale to be up about 3 pounds today from Tuesday's eating. But to my surprise(amazing), it was actually down 1 from Sunday morning. I weigh 161 this AM. I knew that my stomach didn't look as bloated but I didn't expect that. I haven't exercised since last week, and I have to teach exercise tonight at church. Wonder how that will pan out. I'll be drinking a sf energy drink on the way,lol. I've been reading about calcium helping your diet, so I'm increasing the yogurt which is also suppose to help with belly fat. Hmmm..we'll see. Boogie is doing fine. I'll tell you later about the visit and such, right now I have to cook supper before I go.

Pre-bf - was LC yogurt
BF- 2 eggs topped with some cheese, a spoon of salsa and sour cream. 1 cup 2% CC milk
Snack- LC yogurt
Lunch- Wanted some veggies so I sauteed cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, red onion, in olive oil and garlic and herb seasoning. Had 2 spoons of PB and 1 boiled egg for my protein and "staying power."
Supper- grilling barbecue chicken and sausage(carb well sauce) and salad with Ranch dressing(carb well). Need to watch the sausage intake due to salt and fat.

ALright, I gotta run!
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Old 02-17-2005, 04:47 PM   #43  
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I just got in from getting tires. I expected to get two, and ended up needing four! They gave me one for free, though, so I only had to pay for three and the installation on the fourth. They did an alignment and decided that is why the two on the front that were not that old needed replacing. He said they were bought in Feb. of last year...I could hardly believe it had been a year! Amazing! So now my sweet little five speed Camry is ready to rock on up to the mountains for the weekend! yay!

HEART: Gosh, that is too bad you were stuck in Atlanta. I am about 45 minutes away from the airport, but I would have be happy to come down there and meet up with you. Next time you are going through Atlanta, let me know. I am sorry the trip was not great, but it sounds like you did pretty well in spite of that! I hope the class goes great tonight!
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Old 02-17-2005, 07:50 PM   #44  
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Old 02-17-2005, 08:07 PM   #45  
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Default A cure for the funk. . .

I may have found a cure for the annual February funk. . .

I've spent the last three days planning a trip to italy. We will go the first two weeks in May. I bought the plane tickets today and rented a villa in Tuscany for a week. I've also booked our B&B in Rome. Now I need hotel rooms in Venice and Milan and we are all set. This is my parents 50th anniv present from my DB and me.

Sorry I haven't been on, but I've really been in a bad state the last couple of weeks. It didn't really have anything to do with eating, just it was dark and rainy and my mood really was low. But the trip planning has helped a lot!

Jackie--I'm sorry I missed your B-day! Happy belated birthday!

I'll try to get on in the morning and do replies.


ps--Monet, no need to put the foot to the fanny!
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