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Old 06-27-2004, 07:36 PM   #1  
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Post Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 6/28-7/4

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:

Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 06-27-2004, 07:48 PM   #2  
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Yes, it's me! I'm still without my computer but came over to my sisters house and decided to give TRANQUIL a break from starting the board and give you all a HELLO! Miss you all - wish I could get on and tell you all of what's been happening but the computer at home I'm only able to get on and check e-mail and if anyone wants, I/M's are able to be replied to (just found this out from MICHAEL). I'm hoping to get my computer back this week but not sure, I'm sure TRANQUIL & BOB have filled you in, at least somewhat. My luck just SUCKS! What next???

Will let you all know when I get my computer back - which better be soon because this is driving me nuts!!!!:




Success is not a secret. It is a choice, a choice that is made over and over again.
The choice that brings success and achievement is more than a one-time event. It is a choice that is integrated into every moment of life.

It's one thing to decide upon a course of action and then leave it at that. Such a strategy will leave you with nothing but empty wishes and good intentions.

Real achievement comes from choosing to achieve, again and again, moment after moment, until the goal is attained. Real achievement comes from choosing to achieve, and then continually reaffirming that choice with action.

Choosing success is really quite easy. To actually reach that success, just keep on choosing it.

Keep on choosing, and acting on that choice, for as long as necessary. And anything is within your reach.

-- Ralph Marston



What if a thousand people were to come up to you today and express serious doubts about what you are doing and your ability to get it done? Think of how much your confidence would be shaken.
Now imagine how stunningly different it would be if a thousand people today were to offer you a word of encouragement, and to express enthusiasm for what you're doing. You'd be so completely confident that nothing could stop you.

In fact, you will receive a thousand opinions today. But the vast majority of them won't come from strangers. They will come from someone you have believed and trusted all your life. They will come from you.

In every moment, in each thought you think, you have the opportunity to express confidence in yourself and in the value of what you're doing. The power of those thoughts can add up very quickly.

Every moment you are thinking something, and you can choose what those thoughts will be. So choose the ones that will lift you up and push you positively forward.

-- Ralph Marston


Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 06-27-2004, 08:56 PM   #3  
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De-lurking to say hello to all my old SB buds I pop in and read every once in a while and see so many familiar names and new ones. I'm always glad to see so many successes, and saddened by the illness and stumblings.

Deb, I always read your Monday motivational posts. Sometimes they even get me all the way through until the next Monday

I'm still using all the principles I learned on SB to maintain, but I hang out in the LWL and Maintainers forum these days.

Just saying HI

175/130/135 (yipee! I've been below goal for the past 6 months- turns out my goal really wasn't where I wanted to be)
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Old 06-28-2004, 01:58 AM   #4  
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Smile Good Monday Morning!

I's almost 1am Monday morning, but I'm still up and playing with my new computer and dsl connenction, so I thought I'd pop over and be the first to post--but there is another night owl out this evening!

I think I've got most everything up and running, so I should be back in the swing--in fact now that the pages load faster I hope to be on more often.

I had a good weekend--I was elected to be an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention in NYC in August, so I will be headed to the Big Apple for some big-time politicking!!!! I'll wave to everyone from the convention floor Especially you BOB!!!

Monet--Thanks for letting everyone know where I was during the last part of the week. I hope your weekend was good and you got some quality pool time in--we've had nothing by rain here for two weeks, so I hope y'all are having some suneshine.

Merlis--good to hear from you and good to hear that you are below goal!!!!

Deb--glad to see you back on too--even if it is just to start the board. Hope you get the computer problems resolved soon, so you can come back to us!

I will be the first to wish everyone a good OP week! OP and 5 days of aerobic exercise and 3 days of strength training are my goals for the week.

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Old 06-28-2004, 07:53 AM   #5  
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Good Morning!

Just checking in before I go find some breakfast. The sun is actually shining today! I am having a bunch of people over Saturday to cook out and swim so I need to clean clean clean this week! The den is still a disaster area, and the rest of the house is not much better!

The 'kitten' has been running across my keyboard and trying to get comfortable in my open desk drawer all morning. I think he finally gave up. He slept last night right outside Laura's closed door. She still is mad at him and won't let him in her room. Poor kitty...

FILLISE: Don't you just love DSL? Enjoy!

MELIRIS: Good to see you! Its great you are maintaining and below your goal even! Pop in and say hi more often!

DEB: That is great that you could use your sister's computer to start the board. I hope you get the computer issues all settled soon. I am so sorry you did not win the jackpot in Vegas so you could buy a couple new computers....

off to find some breakfast!
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Old 06-28-2004, 10:02 AM   #6  
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Default Good morning!

I figured the best way to make sure to get to the board is to make it a part of my daily routine again. The only day I may not make it is Wed. My sister is having surgery. good to see your name this morning. Aside from the broken computer I've been wondering how your are doing. (((hugzz)))

Mel...WTG getting below goal. You look great. I'm still trying to reach goal...LOL

Monet...good morning. Sounds like you have a busy week ahead. I need to be cleaning myself this morning. neat to go to the Rebuplican convention. Is this your first time to get to go?

Well it's time to feed the crew. I'm gonna try some healthy french toast for my hubby this morning. Except for his chips last night he had a good eating day. Unlike me I'm sure the chips won't hurt

Love and hugs,
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Old 06-28-2004, 10:22 AM   #7  
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Hi everyone,
Got back from France Sat. night after 21 hours either in the air or sitting in airports. I brought back a cold with me, so am still trying to recuperate.
The month at school in Paris was very difficult. I had 4 hours of class every morning during the week. Everything was in French and to concentrate for 4 hours straight was very tiring. I finished the course at the intermediate level. They rate the levels by letters and numbers, with A.1 being the lowest beginner, A1.1 being the middle and A.2 being advanced beginner. B level is intermediate, and C level is advanced. I finished at a B1.1 level, right in the middle of intermediate. One of the biggest things I learned is how much French I don't know. The pronunciation is still difficult for me, and just the slightest difference in a vowel sound can totally change the meaning of a word.
I stayed in an apartment in a fairly rich suburb of Paris. Everything was apartments there, so I missed the yards and trees that I am accustomed to here at home. The family I stayed with was a man and his wife, about 65 yrs. old, and their son, 25 years old. I shared a room with another student. My bed was very hard and lumpy and the sheets were old with hundreds of little "peas" caused by the pilling of the fabric. I felt like the Princess and the pea, but after a month of sleeping poorly, I certainly didn't look like a princess! The family was fairly reserved, and they gave us "rules" written on a sheet of paper. We had the run of our bed room, the bathroom down the hall and the kitchen. The living room and the dining room were off limits unless we were invited. Talk about a prison. I actually got to watch some French TV because when I got home in the afternoons, if they weren't there I'd go into the dining room and just watch the tube. The interaction with the family was supposed to be part of our overall French "experience."
Meals were OK, and I ate breakfast and dinner with the family most every night. Breakfasts I had, usually, whole grain cereal (like Fruit and Fiber, e.g.) and occasionally a scrambled egg for the protein. Very rarely fruit. Dinner was usually a starter, such as a salad of lettuce and avocado, or grated celery, or such, followed by a main course of roasted meat and vegetables, often potatoes and carrots. Then we had a cheese course of about 4 or 5 cheeses with bread, and finally dessert--some fruit or pudding e.g. We usually had wine with dinner and always water.
I ate lunch at a restaurant to sandwich place near the school. I often had a sandwich on a french baguette, and occasionally I had a quiche and salad, or a larger lunch on the weekends, such as a starter, a main course of meat and vegetables, followed by dessert, such as a tarte Tatin, which is an apple upside down cake.
I did tons of walking, often getting 15000 to 18000 steps in a day. We had to walk to the Metro, the subway there in Paris, and then had a 25 minute ride to school. I had to make one metro change, which required lots of walking between trains, and there were hundreds of stairs in the metro stations. Someone in a wheelchair might as well hang it up and move somewhere else. On the weekends, and sometimes in the afternoons after class, I would go to some special area in Paris to see the sights. There was a lot of walking to get to and from the Metro station to wherever I wanted to visit, and by the end of the day I was exhausted. Actually, for the first 2 weeks I was just drained, because of the change in hours, the stress of the class, and problems associated with having a roommate that has late hours and who likes to talk a lot.
I did not gain any weight, and came home weighing the same as when I left. That was amazing considering that I didn't fiddle with what I ate. It would have just been one more stress. I think all the walking did it. Now I'll try to park at the far end of the parking lots to help me get in a lot more walking.
That's the bare-bones report of my month. Did anything extraordinary happen on the board while I was gone? It was hard for me to get to a computer regularly. There were 5 computers for over 100 students to use, and most of the time I didn't wait in line for one. The family I stayed with had a computer, but they were pretty frosty so I only used it once or twice.
It's great to be back.
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Old 06-28-2004, 10:29 AM   #8  
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HiedieHo Everyone!

The weekend is over and time to get moving again. This morning we entertain and this afternoon I have PT. Have to run some errands and fix supper. Thank God for weekends,

MELIRIS: You look wonderful. You must be maintaining very well!

FILLISE: Congrats on your election. You lead such a exciting and versatile life. I see your post was 2:58a; I was just going to bed. Had read the last posts on previous board, saw this one was up and running but too lazy to post.

MONET: Animals......Don't you just love 'em!?! About 4a the other morning I thought someone (would have to be some blind old geezer!) was attacking me. Alas, it was only the puppy. She apparently was full of pep (I wasn't!) and came charging up on the bed. Believe me, she was charging downstairs a second later!

Have to do a couple of things before I get ready to entertain. Will check in later.

May good things happen

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Old 06-28-2004, 10:42 AM   #9  
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Good morning!

I can honestly say that it's a decent morning here. I'm feeling better & looking forward to a better week. Allot of the sinus pressure is resolved & hopefully when I see the ENT for my 2nd debridement Thurs he will discharge me & I can get back to work next week.

Last week we had 8-10 in of rain in our area & my house looked like it was in the middle of a lake. My daughter said when she passed down the road water got inside her jeep at the lowest spot. My sister had water up to her top step, knee deep in her yard. Thank God that has past & the water is still going down.

My weight went back up instead of down, but I was forced to handle my own meals while my DH was at work & with the pain I ate things like canned soups that were high in illegal carbs. I also realized that in the past month, I've had a shot of cortisone for my shoulder & 2 shots of Decadron for my sinuses, so that is not helping the problem. I am going to try harder this week to make wiser choices & get back on plan. I won't be able to exercise for a while yet, but as soon as I can, I'll be heading back to the gym.

Deb, soooo glad to see you posting again. Sorry that things are going so poorly for you!

Meliris, so nice to see your post & it's wonderful to hear that you have not only reached your goal, but that you have also stayed below your goal weight. I did not do so well after reaching my goal.

Fellis, congrats on being elected to be an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention! That's great. I'll bet you will really enjoy that DSL also. I would really hate to give up my cable connection. There's nothing like it!

Monet, cook out & swim sounds nice. Do you have an outdoor kitchen? We watched a program yesterday with the 10 best outdoor kitchens & they looked soooo nice. We have too many mosquitoes here to do anything outdoors except what is absolutely necessary. LOL

Well I hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 06-28-2004, 10:52 AM   #10  
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Looks like I missed a few posts while I was doing mine.

Country, Hope your sister's surgery goes well. You're right about making the board a part of our daily routine. That's what I need to do cause I always got so much motivation when I did that.

Gator!! I was thinking about you while I was posting!! So glad to hear that you've made it back home. Hey, a B.1 level is great! Congrats!! & what an experience! Defineitely a chance of a lifetime. Glad you were able to do it.

SEF, your attacker made me Hope you have a great day of entertainment & PT & sunshine!
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Old 06-28-2004, 11:53 AM   #11  
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Happy Monday,

I think I am back to the land of the living. Finally. My mouth has not cleared up completely, but it is better. It should be all cleared up by the time to take the next one. Hopefully they can do something different to prevent this from happening again.

Got lots of rest this weekend. Eating has not bee good or terribly bad. I need to get back to it and to exercising.

Mel, How great to hear from you. Still working out all the time? Congrats on making your goal. Funny how our body know more than us.

Filise, glad you got that computer going. NYC? Wow that sounds like fun, if politics can be fun. I'm hoping to get some exercise in this week too.

Deb, good to hear from you. Hoping you can get back on here soon. We really miss you.

Monet, I'd love to come and swim on Sat. Sounds like fun.

Country, keep feeding those chips to DH so you are not tempted. Don't ya just hate how they can do that. Have a good one. Prayers for your DS's surgery.

Gator, it is grat to have you home. I'm sure you were so glad to be home and in your own bed and seeng your DH. You sounded a little dissapointed in your trip. wish the family had been friendlier and more helpful to you. I'm sure it was a good experience and you did great on your grade. I'm sure you speak French very well, better than anyone just learning the language from a class would.

Sef, those puppies sleep all day and are ready to go at night. It gave me a good laugh.

Melf, that's a lot of rain. There is nothing worse than flood damage. What a mess it makes. Hope you see some sunshine soon.

Have a great day.
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Old 06-28-2004, 12:01 PM   #12  
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I did a little cleaning, and now I am taking a break and checking the board. Ok, I will be honest. I also took a nap! I was SO tired! I slept about an hour then got up and did some cleaning.

Breakfast was good: 2 eggs, scrambled with cheese, sausage, cinnamon toast, hot tea
S- another piece of cinnamon toast

SEF: I snickered at your night time escapades with the puppy. The kitten does that a lot. He doesn't meow, he murrs, and it wakes me up. The other night I woke up and rolled over and noticed him sitting on the edge of my dresser looking like a vulture staring down at Tom. Good thing he did not pounce on him! I put him out of the room and closed the door. He always looks so sad when you do that though! I am such a sucker...

GATOR: Wow! Its good to see you back on! Sounds like quite an adventure you had! And you did very well in that class! Congrats on the placement! I am sorry the host family was so cold. Why do you suppose they were? Why allow students to stay if you don't want to be encouraging? I am just glad you are back safe and sound...

MELF: It has rained here almost every day too. The pool about over flowed a few days ago. It sure is crazy weather we are having! Cortisone sure will cause you to gain, so if you have gained a bit, I bet it will come back down once you are off the meds. I don't have an outdoor kitchen. I do have a nice grill, with a side burner on it, but that is it. My husband is Scottish, and getting him to buy anything is a chore! I am still trying to get an outdoor table and chairs with an umbrella for down by the pool! I thought I would faint yesterday when he suggested we get two lounge chairs to replace the ones we have that are falling apart! He is so funny like that!

COUNTRY: Isn't it aggravating the way men can eat and eat, and never gain? It seems like Tom is eating constantly, and he is at a perfect weight. Do you hate cleaning as much as I do?

JACK: I am so glad you are feeling better! Come on and swim with us on Saturday! 2pm until I throw everyone out.... I promise I will make it worth the drive for you!

Ok, off to do some more cleaning! argh!

Last edited by Ellen; 06-28-2004 at 01:26 PM.
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Old 06-28-2004, 12:08 PM   #13  
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Default Monday morning (again)

I finally fell asleep about 6 am--just in time for the alarm clock to go off!!!

B= bowl of low-carb special K and uncle sam's combined with handfull of fresh blueberries.

s= ff, sf yogurt

l= will be a grilled chicken salad.


Gator--Welcome home! I know you are glad to be back. Sounds like your experience will make you appreciate the comforts of home all the more! I admire you for wanted to have that experience. Most education is really helping us understand how much we don't know--there is always soooo much more to learn!

Jackie--Glad to hear that you are feeling better. How long before your next treatment?

Country--good to hear from you this morning. I hope all goes well with your sister!

Mary--I hope you are better soon! Goodness you have really been through a painful ordeal!

SEF--always busy--at least it keeps us out of trouble--MAYBE!

Monet--kittens are cute but destructive. Miss Belle was positively aggressive this morning in fighting me for the milk in my cereal. And I poured her her own bowl of milk too, but she wants MINE! We will celebrate her 3rd birthday on the 4th!

Have a great day everyone!

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Old 06-28-2004, 01:11 PM   #14  
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Good Morning. Well, this weekend wasn't that great, both days I had *GASP* white bread. and Sunday I had FRENCH FRIES..but I'm back on track today and happy to say that I still am down 4 lbs, I didn't gain anything back. Its a little bit harder on weekends, becase I'm always out and about doing things, and sometimes we end up at fast food restaurants and I can only take so much salad before I feel like a rabbit.
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Old 06-28-2004, 01:31 PM   #15  
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CAROL: I understand the rabbit aversion! I feel that way sometimes too! Just make the best choices you can, and don't obsess about it. I have eaten only 1/2 a bun before, and that half was just the middles to keep my fingers clean! I am happy for you that the four are still gone.

FILLISE: I am sure Miss Belle thought your bowl was more special than hers, and was just checking to make sure you were not trying to pull something on her. Wait until you meet Snidely. He's a hoot!
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