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Teensybean 03-21-2003 12:54 AM

Thursday Late Night--

Not much time today for the puter... so this will be short.
Made spaghetti for the first time in a couple of years. I like the Hodgson WW Spaghetti. Is it just me, or does it seem to fill you up pretty fast? Was very good.
Monet, I am hoping that you had a great day on your birthday. Everyone's birthday is special. And I hope yours was doubly so.

Have a funeral first thing in the morning... hope to get caught up on the board later. Everyone have a great day tomorrow.

miata1997 03-21-2003 02:58 AM

Hi all!!! Just wanted to report that I had a good day, ate well, went to Curves and even got some quilting in, and cleaned my living room!!! It was a very good day.

Teensey: how did you like the WW spagetti? I wish I liked it as much as I like reg spagetti. I personally hate the taste something fierce.

Sef: I love all your jokes..I love telling them to my dh (and they are not too trashy for my taste either!! Hope you take the pills when you need them..That is why you got them..

Hi quilter!! It is nice to know we have something more incommon!! quilting..and we are at the same weight.

well I am going to go sit in my chair and then to bed, want to get up early to work on my tops quilt then go to curves for 3 go arounds instead of 2.

bye now


Solly 03-21-2003 08:46 AM

Good Friday Morning,

I just love this day. My baby gets back from Spring break on Sunday. I'll be glad to have her home safe. I'm not too worried but will just feel better when she is back home. I haven't heard from her so I assume they are having a great time.

Went shopping last nite. Boy was I bad. Bought 4 outfits and Carnival had a 50% off special so I got a pair of sandals for $9. Didn't really need them, but it was such a good deal :lol:. They whole time I'm shoping, I kept telling myself I don't have any clothes that fit so what the heck. At least I have bday money stashed away.

Jecrites, We have a home gym and there are several ab exercises on that, plus I do sit ups on an incline bench. I do them every day. Prayers for your DH and your family for his safe return.

Zanne, Good for you passing up those almonds. That's a huge step. And also for getting into an exercise routine. I bet you will love it. I know how keeping your hands busy realing curtails the eating at night. Since I've been doing these beads, I have no time to eat and it is great. Keep up your great work.

Quilter, Now come on you can make it through the weekend. Remember the challenge you put out there? I sticking with you. Just hold out for a restaurant where you can get your meat, salad and veggies. Be strong.

Sheanne, Yes I lost all my wt on SB. It is such a great WOE for life.

LDblond, Be strong when you go out today. You can do it. Think about how good you will feel. Good job on your eating so far.

Fillise, sorry yuor trip was a bust, but at least your got a nice lunch and best of all you went prepared. Good for you.

Teensey, Funerals are not fun. Not a good way to start your day. Hope it improves.

Miata, I don't like the ww pasta either so I buy the 100% duram semolina. It tastes just like regular pasta. I only eat it about once a month. Glad you had such a productive day. Makes you feel good when you get a lot accomplished doesn't it.

Got to get busy here. Have a great OP day.


heartmom 03-21-2003 09:02 AM

I'm on the computer early this morning since Boogie has to go to the Ped's at 10- he's been coughing so much that he almost pukes at times. Seems like he's getting sick alot lately. Hopefully, with it getting warmer now, he'll get over all this mess. Anyway, my eating was pretty good yesterday. I had an orange and nsa strawberry yogurt for breakfast, then a big tuna salad for lunch. I love opening a can and putting over a salad with egg and ranch dressing. Then I had strawberries for a snack and an egg sandwich with cheese(on red carb bread) for supper. OH- I did drink one low carb beer(only 1,really). I'm happy to report the scale down to 200.5. The only place I'm sore from the WATP tape is my hips- that's great for me considering I've done exercises for my hips and they've never worked. My hips are a problem area(and my thighs, gut, u get the point). Since my heighest weight, I've lost 8 inches in them though. Oh, and I drank 2 gallons of water yesterday- I have to drink more when I have something loaded with sodium like the canned tuna. Okay, I'm getting hungry so I'll check back later.

Ellen 03-21-2003 09:02 AM

Good Morning!
Well, my suspicions were right on the money. About 5:30, one of my daughters friends called. I answered the phone. He proceeded to wish me a happy birthday, then asked me for directions to the party. I almost busted out laughing, but I told him I was not supposed to know about the party, and handed the phone to Tom. He was mortified! I am still laughing about it.

They had a buffet dinner of cold cuts and rolls, with vegetables and dip and chips and dip. There were all kinds of drinks, and a bottle of diet rite orange soda for me. That was the only concession they made for my diet. The cake was fabulous...it was a flourless chocolate cake with chocolate mousse in the middle. They also had a blueberry cheesecake kind of thing. I had a piece of each! I also ate chips- they bought my favorite Cape Cods- and a sandwich on a small white roll. I asked where the whole wheat was, and my daughter laughed at me!

I could not believe some of the people that were there! A young couple came who worked for me in my children's program over seven years ago! It was so special to see them, and they brought their two kids, who are beautiful, and so sweet! My daughters had gotten a frog pinata, and we had the kids break it. It was filled with those little chocolate bars! I only ate one piece! As the party was winding down, Tom came up to me and said, "I just want you to know I had nothing to do with it." I asked what, and he mentioned that my younger daughter, who had done almost all the planning on the party, had asked for the keys to my car. I walked outside, and could not believe what they had done! My car is all painted with 50's, and derogatory comments on my age, there are bumper stickers with 50's, and a flag! It was embarrassing to drive the 20 minutes home with the car like that! :lol: When we got home at 10:30, another friend came over. He had not been able to come to the party due to music rehearsal at church. He brought me a present from him and my younger daughter. It was a bow! Its an antique recurve, almost exactly like the one I used on archery team in high school! We go Saturday morning to get arrows. I can't wait!

After eating whatever I wanted yesterday, which included hash brown potatoes, and chips, I am back on track this morning. Of course I don't feel great, and I am blaming that on eating sugar and illegal stuff. I am doing my best to overcome the temptation to step on the scale. I am working to get extra water in, and hopefully, did not do too much damage.

I took my ruby ring to get it sized. I don't get it back for over a week! :( I also got in the mail a ring I picked out and bought with Tom's credit card for my birthday. :s: It is sterling silver with a 2 carat aquamarine, my birth stone.

I guess I have blithered on long enough. I need to go and get some things done. Will check in later, and get individual posts done then!


Fillise 03-21-2003 09:37 AM

Friday Morning
Good Morning everyone!

It is GORGEOUS here today! Not a cloud in the sky and it seems like the azealas and dogwoods are all about ready to pop out! Spring--could it really be you? I might even haul out a pair of shorts today. Hmmmm, I better haul out the self tanner to--wouldn't want to blind anyone with these white legs (beside cellulite on the thighs somehow doesn't look quite as bad if it's brown--don't ask me why).:lol:

On my way home yesterday I stopped at a favorite nursery and bought three big hanging baskets for my terrace and front porch--two fuschias and one called a "blue angel." It's also time to get the humming bord feeders cleaned up and ready to go! Yup---spring is here!

Eating continues to be good. Today I begin building on my walking by trying to add 300 steps per day to my average.

Monet--It sounds like you had a fabulous birthday! I don't think there is anything wrong with enjoying it and eating what you want. There is, after all, a time to enjoy the sweet things in life. Did you take a picture of the cake with the pulled sugar decorations? I'd love to see it!

Heart--You are so close to getting through that 200 lb mark--I know it will permanently be behind you soon. I hope Boogie is feeling better.

Jackie--Sounds like you got some good shopping done! I'm hoping to pick up some stuff when I go to Fla next week. I'm not too worried about eating because I'll be with Mom and Dad and they are incredibaly supportive. Beside, I plan on eating seafood ALL WEEK LONG!

Miata--The WW pasta is ok, but I like the 100% durum better. I get mine at Sam's--it comes in huge bags and is cheap cheap cheap. I'm with Jackie--I don't eat it too often.

Teensy--Good to hear from you!

Time to clean. Mom and Dad get here tomorrow, so the house needs a good scrubbing. I'm doing a top to bottom spring cleaning--the house needs it after this dreary winter!

Have a great OP day everyone!


jecrites 03-21-2003 10:10 AM

Sheanne & Jack-k: My husband hasn't been sent over there, and hopefully he won't be. He takes care of the security systems on the base, (maintains them and fixes them when they are broken), so I'm sure if they decided they needed someone from here to go there, they might pick him. He was in Saudi when 9/11 happened though. I do have friends that have been sent over there, and I also have some real close friends in Turkey. Right now his shop is very low on people because of the beefed up security, so he's really busy and always tired.

So the 100% Durum Wheat Semolina pasta is ok? I've been wondering about that because I can't find any WW. I don't care for pasta all that much, but the hubby and kids love it, so I have to fix it every once in a while, and I want the better choice since I have to eat it too, (not too fond of fixing more than one dinner for everyone).

To let everyone know that I'm not just on this WOE for losing weight, I had my cholesterol checked last month, (been having a problem with that for about 2 years now), and it was great!!!! I told my new doc, (new cause we were transferred back in Nov.) that I am doing SB and lost some weight, and she said that it's great. So having my cholesterol get pretty much back to normal and healty, I'm really excited!!!!:dancer:

Well that's it for now, I'll be checking back later on.

sef 03-21-2003 11:39 AM

HiedieHo All!

I am just sortof straighting up today as my form of housekeeping. Tonight the YAH is going to Rip's for supper followed by seeing the play, "Auntie Mame", at the North Star theater in Mandeville. I want to be able to enjoy myself thus the goofing off in real houisework. It will wait until tomorrow.

QUILT: The doctor said no pain meds because of what they do to my stomach, but he's not living with it. I try to avoid taking them as long as possible, but I am taking one later this afternoon so I can enjoy tonight. Glad you liked jokes. A couple of cuties at the end of this post. Take that nap! You're doing great!

SHEANNE: I used to crochet a lot but have not done anything in the last 4 or 5 years. I have made so many afghans and have only made a couple of duplicates. The one I'm doing now is the most complicated I've ever tried. The next one is going to be a Mock Aran for my DD. I don't like holey afghans like granny squares, although they are pretty, I just feel like my toes get caught in the holes; also they are not as warm. But I make holey designs on request, I'm not the one using them!

LDBLOD: I'm still grasping. I just try to keep busy as I can, less time to think! Congrats on being OP. The restaurant we are going to tonight is supposed to have a good selection of seafood, I will get two veggies instead of potato or whatever comes with it. Maybe a salad. Send booster thoughts my way, when it comes to food I need all the boosting I can get.

FILLISE: Isn't it always a relief to go somewhere and find they have something we can eat and remain OP? Too bad about your trip for nothing. I shop Sam's all the time. I always bought their pasta before SB and switched toWW when I started SB. I read the label and did not see 100% on it. Either I didn't read right or it is a different brand. I know they carry things here that were not available back east. I will recheck!

JECRITES: My sugar and cholesterol numbers improved dramatically on this woe too. Plus I feel so much better. I have more energy!

TEENSY: I used the WW Pasta until I discovered to 100% Semolina Duram Wheat. I think it tastes so much better. Pasta is one of my downfalls so I don't have it too often!

MIATA: Glad you like jokes. See above about pasta.

HEART: Prayers for Boogie. Red carb bread?

MONET: What a wonderful birthday you had. Now today you will be good! I think the car thing was hilarious!!

I know FF is over, but I'm on a joke binge!

Sunday Morning Sex

On hearing that her elderly grandfather had just passed away, Susan went straight to her grandparent's house to visit her 95 year old grandmother and comfort her.

When she asked how her grandfather had died, her grandmother replied, "he had a heart attack while we were making love on Sunday morning."

Horrified, Susan told her grandmother that 2 people nearly 100 years old having sex would surely be asking for trouble.

"Oh no, my dear," replied granny. "Many years ago, realizing our advanced age, we figured out the best time to do it was when the church bells would start to ring. It was just the right rhythm. Nice and slow and even. Nothing too strenuous, simply in on the Ding, and out on the Dong."

She paused, wiped away a tear and then continued, "and if that damned ice cream truck hadn't come along, he'd still be alive today!"
Moses and the computer

Excuse me, Sir."

"Is that you again, Moses?"

"I'm afraid it is, Sir."

"What is it this time, Moses; more computer problems?"

"How did you guess?"

"I don't have to guess, Moses. Remember?"

"Oh, yes; I forgot."

"Tell me what you want, Moses."

"But you already know, Sir. Remember?"


"Sorry, Sir."

"Well, go ahead, Moses; spit it out."

"Well, I have a question, Sir. You know those ten 'things' you sent me via e-mail?"

"You mean the Ten Commandments, Moses?"

"That's it. I was wondering if they are important."

"What do you mean 'if they are important', Moses? Of course, they are important. Otherwise, I would not have sent them to you."

"Well - sorry, Sir, but I lost them. I could say the dog ate them; but, of course, you would see right through that."

"What do you mean you 'lost them'? Are you trying to tell me you didn't save them, Moses?"

"No, Sir; I forgot."

"You should always save, Moses."

"Yes, I know. You told me that before. I was going to save them, but I forgot. I did forward them to some people before I lost them though."

"And did you hear back from any of them?"

"You already know I did. There was the one guy who said he never uses 'shalt not.' May he change the words a little bit?"

"Yes, Moses, as long as he does not change the meaning."

"And what about the guy who thought your stance was a little harsh, and recommended calling them the 'Ten Suggestions,' or letting people pick one or two to try for a while?"

"Moses, I will act as if I did not hear that."

"I think that means 'no.' Well, what about the guy who said I was scamming him?"

"I think the term is 'spamming,' Moses."

"Oh, yes. I e-mailed him back and told him I don't even eat that stuff, and I have no idea how you can send it to someone through a computer."

"And what did he say?"

"You know what he said. He used Your name in vain. You don't think he might have sent me one of those - err - plagues, and that's the reason I lost those ten 'things', do you?"

"They are not plagues; they are called 'viruses,' Moses."

"Whatever! This computer stuff is just too much for me. Can we go back to those stone tablets? It was hard on my back taking them out and reading them each day, but at least I never lost them."

"We will do it the new way, Moses; using computers"

"I was afraid you would say that, Sir."

"Moses, what did I tell you to do if you messed up?"

"You told me to hold up this rat and point it toward the computer."

"It's a mouse, Moses, not a rat. Mouse! Mouse! And did you do that?"

"No, I decided to try calling technical support first. After all, who knows more about this stuff than you? And I really like your hours. By the way, Sir, did Noah have two of these mice on the ark?"

"No, Moses."

"One other thing. Why did you not name them 'frogs' instead of 'mice,' because did you not tell me the thing they sit on is a pad?"

"I did not name them, Moses. Man did, and you can call yours a frog if you want to."

"Oh, that explains it. I bet some woman told Adam to call it a mouse. After all, was it not a woman who named one of the computers 'Apple?'"

"Say good night, Moses."

"Wait a minute, Sir. I am pointing the mouse, and it seems to be working. Yes, a couple of the ten 'things' have come back."

"Which ones are they, Moses?"
"Let me see. 'Thou shalt not steal from any grave an image' and 'Thou shalt not uncover thy neighbor's wife.'"

"Turn the computer off, Moses. I'm sending you another set of stone tablets."

If we don't laugh we cry a lot!

Take care all, Shirley

Debelli 03-21-2003 01:05 PM

Hey All:wave:

I thought I better get on here and post a quickie, which is better than nothing. Just taking a break to eat something for lunch. Didn't get in my walk today, was on the phone and it got too late and since then, with the exception of being whisked away to COSTCO for a few minutes with my sister, I've been in MICHAEL'S bedroom. I've just gotten to the point of being so disgusted with his bedroom that I've finally am putting my threats in to motion and doing the cleaning myself. I've not even got a 1/4 of it done. The dust in there's been killing my eyes, no wonder the kid always has itchy eyes! Dust bunnies:nono: more like dust dragons! It's awful! I'll be in there probably most of the evening. After school I drop him off at the commuity college where they are doing the RELAY FOR LIFE tonight/tomorrow, so he won't be home all night so it gives me time to continue and get done what I can.

The movie was cute, not great, but cute. Got a terrible write up in our paper today, just 1 star, that's pretty bad. I have to say Gwenyth Paltrow has some great legs! It was just nice to get out, my parents, Lauren, Eli, his sister Nadine and I went.

Okay, back to the dungeon, have to keep going until I have to get them from school which is too soon for me!!!

Have a great weekend ya'll. I'll check in later today!!!!



Debelli 03-21-2003 01:12 PM

You guys HAVE to check this out. My sister just called and e-mailed me this auction on Ebay, which so happens to be a friend of hers (my DS) that she met a few years back at a thrift store. It is SURE to make you laugh and definitely fits in to the
FRIDAY FUNNY CATEGORY!!!! Read the whole thing!!!:lol:


Serene 03-21-2003 01:31 PM

Subject: 5 secrets to a great relationship...

1. It is important to find a man who works around the house,
occasionally cooks and cleans and who has a job.

2. It is important to find a man who makes you laugh.

3. It is important to find a man who is dependable and doesn't

4. It is important to find a man who's good in bed and who loves
to have sex with you.

5. It is then extremely important that these four men never meet.



All Wal-Mart and K-Mart stores in Iraq will be closing
on or before March 18th.

After that, they will all become Targets.
Thank you; that is all................

Serene 03-21-2003 01:51 PM

Happy Friday!

It has been a busy rest of the week since I took Mon. and Tues. off from work. Hope everyone has been having a great week.

I only have a few minutes but thought I would at least check in and say hello. :wave:

Quilter - guess I am copying you this week as I'm also down 1.5 lbs., whichs puts me at 207.5. I'm excited to be getting closer to my mini goal of 199.:dance: Congrats on your 10.5 lbs!

Jackie - believe I read that you've now lost 102 lbs?? That is so awesome. I am so happy for you!

Beth - glad to see you back with us!

Wish I had time to reply to everyone but I must get back to work. I will try to catch up more later.

Take Care,

CountryMom4Him 03-21-2003 02:11 PM

Good afternoon.
Things have been going well. Eating good....drinking more water than I ever dreamed I would and walking once or twice a day 6 days a week just like I did mid-first year of eating this way and it's paying off. Not so much in pounds but decreased anxiety and just feeling good about putting in the effort. Sometimes I get upset that I can't do more faster. But I'm reminded of three years ago when I could barely get enough minutes in on the treadmill to get my stress test. You had to make it to three minutes....I was whining at about 1.5 minutes...I did get to 3. This month ismy SB anniversay as I best I can remember :) It's been two years. The first year was all good...fast weight loss...smaller clothes...lots of people taking notice. Year two was one of smaller changes and more road blocks. Mostly internal but still a hinderance at times.

I appreciate each and every one of you. You have made this last year bearable and I've learned a lot about my self by seeing others facing the same trials and victories. I look forward to getting to goal and being there when you get to goal.

Monet Happy belated Birthday. What a fun surprise your family planned for you. I'm glad you took the time to enjoy and make memories with them.

Susan Thanks for the idea of counting steps. It's been fun and a new little thing to keep track of. I haven't done it a full day yet but am averaging 9,000 steps. Most steps come from when I walk or mow. I need to get more active when I'm not doing those things. So wearing it has helped to see that I don't move around as much as I thought I did.

Heartmom pst....don't tell but I've been weighing since Wed. also. I can't help it..the scales keep calling me. :) Praying that Boogie feels better soon and that his immune system gets stronger every day. I don't know how you can hold two gallons of water a day.

Sef Sorry that you have been in such pain lately. Forgive me, I think I missed something somewhere...do you have chronic pain or is this from a recent injury. Praying for you.

Jack-K Woman you are just too cool. Losing 102 pounds you are well deserving of a new wardrobe. Plus I could be remembering wrong but didn't you have a lot of trouble with your feet before you losing weight? Just think..you can wear sandles..how cool is that.

Miata You are doing so good with Curves. Is it a pretty fun routine?

Teensy I agree about the WW pasta. I think it feels you up a lot faster than regular pasta. Have you tried the spegetti squash yet? It is such a light treat in the summer. I love it sauteed onions, and garlic sauted in olive oil...right after I turn it off I stir in fresh tomatos. It is yum yum. The best thing it's as good cold as hot. Every now and then I serve it with regular sauce but in the summer the other just seems to hit the spot.

Idblong and Sheanne Keeping both of your mom's in prayer.

Kim Hey! I thought about you today while I was walking. Just a reminder from one of the goodies that Deb was sent in in the past..it's not the WEAK-end...it's the STRONG-end. You can do it.

Wendy You go girl...you will be to your mini goal in NO time!!!

Well I need to get and check my ladies group and prayer board before I run out of computer time.

(((((Hugzzzz)))))) Have a super weekend. (strongend)


heartmom 03-21-2003 03:54 PM

SEF- Red is my abbreviation for reduced,lol

Monet- sounds like you had a blast!! Don't worry too much over it- it was your day!

Fillese- Boy, I know what you mean about the white cellulite legs- I actually have stretch marks on my calves even from LOSING weight! Geez, that wasn't suppossed to happen. Anyway, I plan on tanning them to help their appearance. I'm very self conscious of them.

Deb- Liked the ebay page- I forwarded the link to my heart support groups. Figured they needed a good laugh today since yesterday one of our CHD babies died. It's so sad that CHD claims so many lives.

Oh- Boogie is okay. Seems to just be his sinuses. Put him on antibiotics just in case and a nose spray that shouldn't affect his heart.

The Quilter 03-21-2003 04:07 PM

Friday Afternoon
Hello Everyone!

It's a rainy Friday afternoon and I had to turn the furnace back on this afternoon. Just a little too chilly in here. I hope it's not going to be cold and rainy all weekend. But I really can't complain because last weekend was GREAT weather.

I went to the doctor's this morning for my yearly you-know-what. I saw what the scale said when the nurse weighed me, but I didn't comment. Well, when the doctor came in the first words out of her mouth were, "You've lost 10 pounds!" I asked her to compare today's to when I saw her in January. That was my turning point/pivotal moment/brick across the forhead day. She said, "Correction . . . you've lost TWELVE pounds!" I was really excited. She told me to slow down. She wanted to make sure I was being healthy. She doesn't want me to lose any faster than this. I told her I was feeling much better and doing this the right way. She and the nurse wanted to know what I was doing. Both were happy for me. So according to her scale I was 192 today. But I am going to go by my scale since I see that one more often.

SHEANN---Yes, the immunity challenge was something else. I wasn't grooving on that. But at least it wasn't about eating gross stuff. That was getting really old. I mean how many times do we have to see somebody eat spiders? I don't know about you, but most of those women have been ticking me off the entire time. I couldn't believe who they didn't make allowances for the one who cannot hear. And how the ones with the nubile bodies didn't want to hang around with the older heavier ones. Geesh, get over yourself already! I didn't think they represented sisterhood very well. I do think Deena and Christy are the two nicest ones.

FILLISE---Wow, I'm impressed with the food they had at your meeting! Sounds like somebody else is trying to be healthy or they have take your requests to heart. What a relief to know you weren't going to be tempted by anything worse than a few extra Triscuits. I have not seen the Prevention walking program. Is that on their website? I should go and look for it. Is that why you bought the pedometer, for that specific program? I could probably get a good start to the day when I do the treadmill in the morning. My pedometer is just really cheap, probably not very accurate.

MIATA---Keep up the good work at Curves! You are doing great! Did you get three cycles done today? I sure hope so. That will make you feel wonderful.

JACKK----I love it that you are finding too many things to buy. It's because you are in the sizes that they buy so much of. How does that feel? I'll bet it feels wonderful to be able to pick and choose. What have you done with all your old clothes? Are you donating it or consignment shopping it? When my SIL and MIL lost tons of weight, they gave me all their big sizes. How demoralizing for me, but at least I wasn't spending money on those large sizes. I still have a few things they gave me. My MIL is so small now that she can buy things in the kids' department, stuff like sweats and shorts. She's tiny.

HEART----Man, I hope Boogie gets better soon. Are you afraid he'll cough so hard that it hurts his heart? Take care, little fella! Hey, I tried that low carb beer once and spent the rest of the evening running to the bathroom with the big D. Not pleasant at all. I'm not really sure it was the beer, but that's what I'm blaming it on and haven't been tempted by it again. Funny, huh?

SEF---Enjoy your evening. Sounds like a good one! Take the pill and enjoy. You need to be pain free when you go out and kick up your heels. Isn't there any other kind of pain medicine that you can try that might be easier on the gut?

DEB----So the cleaning demon is getting her way today??? Oh gosh, I hate cleaning, but love a clean house. So my heart is with you. I think it's bad enough cleaning up after the three of us (dog included, because she is the biggest mess maker with her hair and all), but can't imagine two teenagers.

COUNTRY----Hey, thanks for thinking of me. I saw on the E. Board that you did 75 minutes on the TM. Man that is awesome!!! Are you reading or watching tv or what? That's a long time. GREAT!!! I love calling the next two days the "strong-end." Think I'll take that on as my motto. I don't know where we'll be eating tonight, but I'm going to stick with something simple. I don't feel the need to splurge. I should probably wear one of my outfits that the pants are a little snug so that I will be uncomfortable the entire evening. Ha!!!

Well, girls, it's now really pouring down the rain. I have to drive down to the KY side of the river and meet my two cousins for dinner. I think the one doesn't like Paul very much. (DEB, can you even imagine that?) So we always seem to do "girls night out" things. No biggie. It's not like we get together but every few months. It just bugs me a bit.

Take care. Everybody have a great STRONGEND!!!

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