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Teensybean 03-18-2003 12:50 AM

Monet and Quilter---The total body trainer is a small version of a total body work out machine. Not large and bulky like the Bow Flex, (which I would love to have if I could afford it and if I had the room for it.) I saw an advertisement on TV and went to the web site, liked what I saw and ordered it. It uses some kind of resistance bands. Comes with the tape instuctions for 7 circuit training exercises. And only measures 42" at the longest part. We are in a small double wide mobil home, so don't have a lot of room. The Total Gym and Bow Flex are both too expensive for my budget, but the Total Body Trainer wasn't. So I am anxiously waiting........

sef 03-18-2003 01:10 AM

HiedieHo All!

As you can see from the goofed up post on page 2, I tried to pst this earlier. It started than notice came up that web site was not available at this time. Was surprised to see the first line was posted.

Forgot who asked if doctor suggested other meds. NO! I have not bothered to call. He wants me off meds for now. But there are days I just can't take it, so that's why I am experimenting myself. Sometimes I think we have to be our own doctors.

Have been feeling a tad better. Trying to experiment w/ the meds. Don't take them unless I'm really hurting or am going out and need to be able to move. Went to church, and ushered at the Little Theater yesterday. To the NH, church office and store this morning. So I am moving.

DEB: I am so far behind, did mot know about your father! My prayers are being offered along qwith everyone else here on the board. I definitely have CRS!!

FILLISE: Glad you like the patterns. The clock is simple but effective. The love one wrks up really neat!

JACKK: Thanx! Last night I was sitting in my recliner and realized my stomach is bigger. That brought me up short! I have been good today. Cottage cheese w/ sf jelly stirred in. Tossed Salad w/ crabmeat(fake kind), corned beef, cabbage, and a carrot (albeit it a large one!), also had some left over spaghetti for lunch, bout 1/2 c. So doing pretty good. Need to drinkl more water! I know y'all always help me. Today I went to the NH. I wore big green earrings, necklace and ring. That has to count for showing off my Irishness!


I sat under an Oak tree in Wyoming on a summer day, drinking iced tea and visiting with my Mother. "Don't forget your girlfriends," Mother advised, clinking the ice cubes in her glass. "No matter how much you love your husband, you are still going to need girlfriends. Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them. And remember that girlfriends are not only friends, but sisters, daughters and other relatives too.

" What a funny piece of advice, I thought. Hadn't I just gotten married? Hadn't I just joined the couple-world? I was now a married woman, for goodness sake, not a young girl who needed girlfriends. But I listened to my Mom. I kept contact with my
girlfriends and made more each year. As the years tumbled by, one after another, gradually I came to understand that Mom really knew what she was talking about. Here is what I know about Girlfriends:

Girlfriends bring casseroles and scrub your bathroom when you need help.
Girlfriends keep your children and keep your secrets.
Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it. Sometimes you take it, sometimes you don't.
Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest.
Girlfriends still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices.
Girlfriends might send you a birthday card, but they might not. It does not matter in the least
Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don't need canned jokes to start the laughter.
Girlfriends pull you out of jams.
Girlfriends don't keep a calendar that lets them know who hosted the other last big party!
Girlfriends will give a party for your son or daughter when they get married or have a baby, in whichever order that comes!
Girlfriends are there for you, in an instant and when the hard times come.
Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a friend.
Girlfriends listen when your children break your heart.
Girlfriends listen when your parents' minds and bodies fail.

My daughters, sisters, family, and friends bless my life! When we began this adventure we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how we would need each other.

Pass this on to your girlfriends/sisters/daughters or your cyber space girlfriends! I just did.

Take care all, Shirley

Solly 03-18-2003 08:38 AM

Happy Tuesday,

Hope no one had too much green beer yesterday! :lucky:

We were going out after dinner then changed our minds. I'm glad, got my walk in and my workout done. Got invitations stuffed, netting cut, and ribbon cut. So I got alot accomplished and with no temptations. Was starving when I went to bed, but held off until this morning. I was ravenous and weak. Couldn't wait to eat.

Bob, CATS are #1

Monet, I say the same thing about kids. Let them do it, that's why I had them. :lol:

Fillise, anytime that scale is down, count it. Mineis down too, just hoping it holds until WIW.

Quilter, I like routine too. We were going out but then decided against it. I was glad, No temptations and I got my workout done and several other things accomplished too. Yes it is wonderful not to wear a coat. I did get my walk in last night, but proobably the only night this week with bad weather headed uor way and I have soemthing to do every night after work. No pinches here, shucks!. I just put the turkey breast in the crockpot when I go to bed, on low with seasonings and it's done when I get up. Yesterday, I cooked it on high while I was at work and it was a little dry. Probably cooked it too long. Try it, they normally are juicer.

Sef, Are you ok? you just sorta dropped off in mid sentence. Hope it was computer problems and not you. Now I see it was computer problems. Hope you can get something to relieve your pain. I hate taking all these meds, but at least they help. Good luck.

LDblond, jump back in here. You can do this. May is closer than you think. But you can do it.

Agape, I read and post in word notepad. Just flip back and forth. You will get it.

Deb, Congrats to Lauren. Your kids are so smart and talented. You are truly blessed. Have fun with Eli's DS. Nice her treating you to lobster.

Sheanne, So sorry to hear about your mom. Her leg and the biopsies. Prayers that everything is ok. Good for you changing careers. No matter what age, everyone should do what they truly desire. Good luck. Get on that scale. It you let it go, it will only get worse. Shock therapy.

Have a great day. Be back later.


Fillise 03-18-2003 10:10 AM

Good Tuesday Morning!

Morning all!

My pedometer arrived yesterday so I'm wearing it for three days to see what my average # of steps each day is. Then I will work on increasing my average by 250 steps per day until I get to 10,000. For some reason that seems to be a magic number. It should take about 8 weeks to do this. I'll be real curious to see how many steps I take each day. Around the house this am I'm at about 425.

Jackie--Belle has a blast in front of the windows. She and her friends like to hiss at each other for about 20 or 30 minutes, then they chase each other from one set of windows to another, then they settle down and just stare at each other--sometimes for hours!

LD--hang in there. Try to remember why you are doing this--it's mostly because we know that we will feel better. I can honestly say that I have never EVER felt better after eating sweets or other bad foods, than I did before I ate them.

Deb--Congrats on Lauren's Blue Ribbon! Have fun with your SIL.

Sheanne--So sorry to hear about your Mom! When it rains, it pours. I will keep her and you in my prayers. Try not to let this become an easy excuse to get off track. Your mom needs you healthy now more than ever!

SEF--I need one of the scrubbing girlfriends! The oven needs a lot of work--LOL!

Wow, there don't seem to be so many posts on the board this morning. I hope everyone is ok. It is cold and wet here AGAIN today--supposed to be all week. Sheesh, I'm already having to swim out to the car as it is.


Debelli 03-18-2003 10:32 AM

Here's my contribution for TUESDAY TIPS

Give Me a Break!! (A Guide to Breaking the Weight Loss Plateau)
by Joanne Bednar

It’s inevitable. Anyone who has lost a large amount of weight (more than 10-15 pounds) has hit one or more weight loss plateaus. The weight loss plateau is a very annoying period of body adjustment, where your body "catches up with itself" so to speak. I hit 2 or 3 of them when I lost my 38 pounds, and I learned a lot from each one of them. I mostly learned patience!

There are two types of plateaus that occur. The first plateau is the short plateau, lasting 2 weeks to 4 weeks. The short plateau is the kind that all active "dieters" run into throughout their weight loss efforts. It is not necessary to make adjustments for this type of plateau, because your body is simply re-adjusting to your new weight. Over time (2-4 weeks) you will naturally start losing weight again, as long as you continue your healthy diet and exercise program. Patience is all you need to get past a short plateau.

The second type is the long-term plateau, which lasts for longer than 4 weeks. If you go for more than 4 weeks without losing weight, AND you are continually following a nutritious diet and exercise program (in short, you are doing everything perfectly), then you need to make some changes. A plateau lasting for longer than 4 weeks is because you are no longer asking your body to go beyond it’s point of comfort.

Let me explain this further: When you first start a new way of eating and a new exercise program, everything is a total shock to your body. All of a sudden you are filling the body with good healthy food full of nutrients, and you are pushing your body so that it responds to physical activity. You burn a high number of calories because it requires a ton of effort just to do simple exercise. Over time, you adjust and become more efficient at exercise, and it no longer requires the same amount of calories that it once did. If you do not change your activity, and continue to eat the same amount of food, you will eventually stop losing weight. The same principle applies to food. If you cut your calories down to 1500 per day, and lost 15 pounds that way, your new weight may use that 1500 calories for maintenance now, rather than weight loss. It’s as simple as calories in = calories out.

So how do you break out of this long-term plateau? There are several things you can try, but the most important thing to remember is CHANGE. Any change is worth a try to shake things up a bit.

Let’s start with food intake: have you been taking in the same number of calories or fat grams since the beginning of your lifestyle change? If so, then you need to throw your body off, and there are a couple of ways to do this.

You can cut your calories or fat grams by a bit more (not a lot) to adjust for your new weight.
You can try going off your healthy eating plan completely for 3-4 days.
You can actually try increasing your calories or fat grams a bit per day.
You can switch from eating 3 square meals per day to 6 smaller meals throughout the day.
You can eat your largest meal in the morning and smaller meals at lunch and dinner.
You can increase your water intake.
In the exercise department, you need to find ways to further challenge your body. You can try many different strategies:

You can completely switch your exercise method. If you only walked before, you can switch to cycling.
You can introduce cross-training into your program. If you only walked before, alternate it with cycling or aerobics
You can exercise for 5-10 minutes longer each day.
You can exercise harder during your normal session time.
You can introduce interval training, where you alternate intensity levels throughout your workout.
You can add another day of exercise to your week.
You can switch the time of day you exercise.
You can start lifting weights.
You can vary which activity you do first: lifting weights or cardiovascular activity
You can change the time of day that you exercise.
As you can see, there are many different ways to TRY and break a plateau. I recommend that you start by trying 2 or 3 all at the same time. If they don’t work, then next week try some others. It takes some experimenting to find out what will work for you, at this particular time in your weight loss journey. The steps I took to break my first plateau didn’t work to break my second, so be prepared to pull out something else from your arsenal.

You can expect that your new method will become effective within 2 weeks. If you are not seeing any other results, then you need to change your method again. If you are close to your goal weight (or ideal weight within reason) and none of these methods work, then you need to look at 2 factors:

Have your body fat tested. It is very possible that you are already at your ideal body fat level, and your body is not going to allow any further losses.
Accept your new weight, and congratulate yourself for the long, hard road you just traveled!

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 03-18-2003 11:22 AM


Just got back from a two hour attempt to draw blood from Kate!
She has terrible veins! We have to go back for the scan later in the afternoon!

DEBBIE...CONGRATS TO LAUREN....isn't it wonderful when family comes to visit? I'm not one to encourage visitors..not that Idon't like them, but my house is so small that it just doesn't work. I gave my couch away and that held the extra bed..You must be commended on opening your house to all that come....

SUSAN...Just keep those fingers crossed that my boss will let me off...I'm working on it...I would hate for you to be that close and not be able to get up there!

I'll be back!


Debelli 03-18-2003 11:43 AM

Good Tuesday Morning All:wave:

Stinky here! Really, I do mean it! It's so brutal out there, I think we've either tied or broken a record with the heat here since the beginning of the month and today is no exception. I had to force myself out there today, just walked with my Powerbelt and it took me a almost an hour and 3 minutes. As you can see from my lack of a good time that I had lack of motivation. Still in all, I went and that's worth something!

I forgot to tell you a stupid person story from Sunday. ELI and I went to Marshalls and when ELI came out of the dressing room he told me the one he had gone in had someones worn pants and shirt lying on the floor, meaning the guy had gotten some new five finger duds for free. Stupid idiot left his wallet in the pants though, with his ID!!!! LOL!!! ELI didn't say anything to anyone though, didn't want to get involved handling someone else's wallet, but I'm sure someone will find it and hand it in. Love to be a fly on the wall when that happens! Some people have no brains in more than one way!

So ELI'S sister showed up. She calls me and says she's 2 minutes away from the house:eek: Of course, I wasn't expecting that. We knew she was coming, but when, we weren't sure. At least give me an hour to tidy up a bit, not 2 minutes. She's at the YMCA this morning and then to shop (she LOVES to shop) and then I'll get her when I go to get the kids from school and then either drop her at the pool or bring her home til we go out for dinner. She's dying to go for lobster tonight and invited me to go. ELI has to work so he can't go. It's so expensive to go to this place but she wants to go, so who am I to say no to her enjoyment and my company???

Sorry, yesterday I forgot to post our WEEKLY CHALLENGE so here goes:

This week we continue with our water challenge. We've been aiming for 64oz every day and I think it's good to keep it at that for now, though I'd like to get your thoughts of upping the anti starting next month, like to 72oz. You should be drinking more if you are exercising anyhow. Also, of course, our 3 day a week minimum exercise challenge. Next month we're upping the anti on that one too, so be prepared. So we'll add a new challenge for this week which will run into next week actually. After tomorrow's WIW I'd like EVERYONE to stay off the scale til the following WIW. What I'd like you all to do is to see how you feel. Not only how hard it may be resisting stepping on the scale, but how you physcially feel. I want you to, come Monday, make a prediction of how you will do on WIW on the 26th taking in consideration of all you've done for the past week, from tomorrow til the 26th. Take in to consideration your eating, your exercise, etc. See if how you feel and what you perceive, if they are one of the same or even close. Of course, if you don't WI tomorrow as I'm not, you can still make your predictions for next WIW and just continue not to step on the scale til then. Any thoughts to this challenge? ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME IN THE CHALLENGE?

I've been doing well with my water intake except for yesterday where I failed with only getting in about a little over half of what I should of drank. But, going to make up for that today and alreaday have a good start. I've had three days of carbaholicism though where it feels like my body is just dying to eat carbs. I've kept them where they've been OP but the amounts are bad and no matter if they are SB LEGAL it doesn't help in the amounts I've eaten. This too is going to be better today. I do think it has to do with hormones though and usually passes without much damage, if any.

Thanks for all the congrats for LAUREN, I'll tell her all about them when she gets home - child loves praise!!!:D

DAWN, isn't it nice to have people notice your efforts and your be bod, esp. the one you love! Hope something can be done for Goldie!

SERENE, that's great you are able to get a few days off from work, I'm sure you're loving the time off and the break you probably need to spend some time with LINDSY and do some things for yourself. Would love for you to come down again, definitely we'll talk about it next time you are on the telly!!!

MONET, how'd the Dr. appt go? What did his scale say? What did he say? I think a true stall is when you are stuck at a particular number, which is what I seem to be experiencing. Not going up OR down. How long has it been for you?
Soooo, what's on the agenda for your bday???

LIN, send me the picture. If I can't resize it then I'll just post it up on my ftp site on AOL and post it that way, not hard to do. Just, when you e-mail me, put in the subject matter SB. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams and 80 calories. Please remember, you don't have to be exact. If something has a few grams over it's not going to kill you.:)

TEENSY, sorry to hear about your loss with your DD. I'm just hoping it's not the worse case senario. It's true what you say about getting things lined up, I think when it's only 1 Dr. involved things go quickly, but not with 3-4 of them, plus hospital staff, etc. Not moving fast enough to my liking. The pot pies are SB LEGAL and are made by a company called SHELTONS. They have turkey and chicken and I like the chicken better, white meat where the turkey has both dark and white. If you have a HFS in your area they may carry them, or possibly, they can order them. The SKU number may be helpful, so here it is: 4848100901. I can only say DELISH!!!!

JECRITES, http://members.aol.com/eldemila//sb_sign2.jpg Glad to have you join us and thanks for posting your BIO on the BIO BOARD, it was nice to learn more about you! :D You've done great so far, 13 pounds is quite a bit of weight in just 2 months. Where have you gotten stuck? Think about it, you're losing about an average of 1.5lbs a week, which is wonderful. I'm sure your Dr. has to be please with how you've done and btw, what a smart Dr. at that to recommend this WOE! Feel free to ask lots of questions and we'll be happy to try and dispell some of the myths and take out some of the fuzzy stuff about this WOE for you. We're all more than happy to help!!!! Again, WELCOME!

JACKK, see my post above to TEENSY, I posted the SKU number. It's a white box, I think the green is the organic one. It has a top and bottom crust and made with range free. Is this the one you ate for lunch? Glad you liked whichever one you did end up eating. I have to say, I'm stuck. I'm can eat the same thing forever before changing, boring I guess! Did you get those invites out?

FILLISE, wish I was a bit closer to Tampa, I'd come see you! You know you are welcome to make a side trip to Miami. One of the HFS I go to has a place in Tampa and it's called NUTRITIONS'MART. If you want, I can get the address and phone number for you, just let me know. Not sure if they have a WHOLE FOODS or WILD OATS in that area, but I'm sure there has to be a decent HFS in that area. Hope you and BOB get to meet!!!!! Hope you enjoy the pedometer, I'm sure you'll be increasing your walking just because of it. Things like this make you more aware.

QUILTER, I posted the info about the lettuce right in the poll!!! Most people opt for the iceburg, the romaine, the light lettuce that has basically no nutritional value. The lettuces like you mentioned, along with spinach does have some, so you can count that, but girl, it will take a lot of lettuce to make a single veg. serving. For instance, it take 5 ounces of loose leaf lettuce to make a serving and over 6 ounces of romaine to make a serving. That's one big bowl of lettuce! Even worse for iceburg, about 8oz!

LDBLOND, glad to see that the poll question opens up some eyes. I'm the loan soul who posted 0 unfortunately. Something I too have to work on building up!!!!

AGAPE, I'm so glad you are liking MM book, I really should re-read it again. I have many pages highlighted. It does make this WOE so much clearer. This is why I always recommend it. Personally, I open my AOL e-mail and read a post and reply and then copy the e-mail body and post it, I keep changing the windows. Only problem I have with that is if the power goes off, or I hit a wrong button my post gets wiped out, so I have to save it from time-to-time. I know some of the gals post their replies on NOTEPAD or WORD.

SHEANNE, sorry to hear about your DM, thank goodness it wasn't worse, but terrible it had to happen in the first place. Such a terrible thing to be compounded on her after hearing the news in the morning. My thoughts are with her, you and the rest of the family. GOOD LUCK with the new career. My friend Debby who's pushing 50 in a couple years is also going back to school to be a nurse as well!

SEF, hope you are feeling better today. Have you looked to see if the meds the Dr. wants you to go off of, if there's an herbal products that you could take instead? Loved the GIRLFRIENDS piece!!

BOB, hope they didn't leave KATE all brusied up. I have bad veins too, skinny ones they say, about the only skinny thing on my body and it has to be veins! Hey, if you can put up with my messy abode, you're welcome to stay. I don't mind having people here at all, I just don't like people showing up on your doorstep with no notice, that's all. I'm not one for surprises, unless they are really good and involve me getting some money!!!!!

Well, I seem to be caught up now. Still stinking here, so going to hop in the shower and then make a pot pie for lunch. Don't want to eat too late since we should go for a fairly early dinner, if we don't, the wait can easily be an hour, at the shortest.

Once again, please rememberTONIGHT IS CHAT AT 9:15PM EST Hope to see you all there!!!!

Tomorrow is WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY and I wish you all luck on the metal monster!!!!




heartmom 03-18-2003 11:46 AM

Checking in- my eating has been pretty bad since Sunday. I've been legal but I've eaten huge amounts of starchy carbs and sf crap. So I haven't taken off any weight that I gained from the fish fry. I'm really going to do better today and we'll see what the damage is tomorrow(WIW). Not much to say, check back later.

Debelli 03-18-2003 11:52 AM

Here's another great article from MOTIVATION STATION



You’ve heard the word "metabolism" thrown around a lot in the last few years. Overfat people blame their weight on a slow metabolism. In essence they are right. However, metabolism can be changed! The only factor regarding metabolism that cannot be changed is our age: as we get older our metabolism naturally slows down.

Metabolism is actually a very complicated phenomenon. For simplicity’s sake I will define metabolism as the "process of burning calories". We are constantly burning calories, because our body constantly needs energy. The heart needs energy to pump, the lungs need energy to breath, your eyelids need energy to blink. Every process in our body requires energy, therefore calories are burned to provide this energy. The number of calories that we must consume in food in order to sustain life is called our basal metabolic rate, or BMR.

So how can you increases your BMR? There are several ways you can help. A pound of fat at rest burns only 2 calories. A pound of muscle at rest burns 50 calories! By adding muscle tissue to your body you have increased your BMR because it requires so much more energy to "maintain" muscle mass. Adding more lean muscle tissue, and decreasing your fat tissue produces a calorie-burning machine, even at rest!

Exercise in general increases your metabolism, because not only do you require tons of energy to get through your workout, but once you stop exercising your muscles work like crazy to replace all the glucose you just burned up! This "post exercise" calorie burn continues after your session is over. If this does not convince you to integrate exercise into your daily life, then I don’t know what will. Now you know why fit people can eat so much. They have a high metabolism, and naturally burn a large amount of calories during exercise and at rest.

One of the body processes that requires a lot of energy is digestion. Whenever you eat something, it takes a couple hours before it is completely broken down. Therefore, your goal should be to eat something every couple of hours. By eating smaller meals more often, you are keeping a constant source of energy flowing to your body, as well as burning a lot of calories all day long. Try to eat every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism high.

Eating an adequate amount of calories each day helps keep your metabolism high. As I said above, digestion burns a large amount of calories. If you don’t feed your body, it reacts by slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy. Your body starts to prepare for a famine, and slows the calorie burning process down to a bare minimum. That is why after you haven’t eaten for a long time you feel tired and sluggish. As I said before, energy is the number one priority, so the body will do anything to get it. If you go long enough without eating, the muscle tissue (protein) must then be converted to glucose to sustain body functions. You will burn off some fat during a starvation or low calorie diet. But since fat is the most abundant source of energy the body will "hold on" to your fat cells tightly before they release them for energy use. On a low calorie diet you can lose up to a pound of muscle for every pound of fat that disappears. This shows up as a large loss on the scale, which is why low calorie diets are so prevalent. But the minute you begin eating normal again your body shouts "HALLELUJAH" and hoards every fat gram you eat! The weight starts coming back on quickly, and usually then some. But do you thing you will gain back all that muscle weight you lost in the form of more muscle? NOPE. You gain it all back as FAT. That is why so many people get "fatter" and "fatter" by yo-yo dieting with low calorie diets. They also gain more weight back because they no longer have as much muscle tissue, which you now know requires a ton of energy to maintain as opposed to fat tissue. In the process they have lost that vital lean muscle that allows maximum metabolism. Perhaps you have yo-yo dieted in the past, and are now facing an extremely slow metabolism. Not to fear, by building back lean muscle tissue through resistance training, you can gain some muscle tissue back.

Drinking at least 8 8 ounce glasses of water each day will also help your metabolism stay tip-top. Increase this amount if you are exercising each day. All of our body functions require adequate amounts of water to take place, and by keeping the body hydrated you will function more efficiently.

The most obvious way to maintain a higher metabolism is to stay active. People with a lot of muscle tissue tend to be more "fidgety". They have a hard time sitting still. They can’t even sit still to watch a movie: they are constantly up, and down, rearranging their legs, toe tapping, scratching, fiddling with their hair, nails, you get the idea. By becoming more active in daily activities your body requires more calories. Simple things like taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, and parking further away can help.

By now you hopefully have the true picture of how beneficial exercise can be for your body when you make it a part of your daily life. You will become a better fat burning machine, require larger amounts of energy (which means you can eat more) and take your metabolism from slow to GO!

sef 03-18-2003 01:21 PM

HiedieHo All!

Today is a paperwork day. Just finished my minutes for the HFH meeting. Have to sort things out and make copies to send to regional. Also address envelopes for the Potluck Dinner.

I have been feeling better the last couple of days. I have been taking Glucosamine Chondroitin, maybe that is starting to kick in. The doctor ssaid he would take it when I asked him about it, but said it could take up to three minths to see any change. He said one pill a day, but the bottle recommends three and that's what I've been taking. Maybe the increased dose works faster, although I didn't think about it when I started.

The following has nothing to do qwith what's on the board, but it is appropriate for the times.


The average age of the Infantryman is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than wash his father's; but he has never collected unemployment either.

He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away. He listens to rock and roll or hip hop or rap or jazz or swing and 155mm Howitzers. He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk.

He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less-in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must. He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional.
He can march until he is told to stop or stop until he is told to march. He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity.

He is self-sufficient. He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own
clothes, and fix his own hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low. He has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands. He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job.

He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay and still find ironic humor in it all. He has seen more suffering and death then he should have in his short lifetime. He has stood atop mountains of dead bodies, and helped to create them. He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed. He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to 'square-away' those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful.

Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom. Beardless or not, he is not a boy. He is the American Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years. He has asked nothing in return,
except our friendship and understanding. Remember him, always, for he has earned our respect and admiration with his blood.

Take care all, Shirley

CountryMom4Him 03-18-2003 02:05 PM

Good afternoon!
It's raining again. The geese are loving it. :) I just finished a giant salad. Yesterday I was starvin' Marvin'. It must have something to do with the increased exercise. I had to eat a teaspoon of peanut butter before bed.

Agape....yes the him is Jesus. The only way I've been able to follow this WOE and exercise.

Kim....I use the push mower. We have about and acre or two outside of the pasture that I try to keep mowed. The other 8 acres are hit and miss...if it gets too high by the fence I will go out and do some there also. The horses and goat keep it down pretty good.

Welcome Jecrites!

Jack-K....the wedding is getting so close. You must be so excited. When it's finally over you won't know what to do with all your spare time. :)

Deb...thanks for the articles. I'm game for all the challenges except the scales...hehe My daughter was teasing me at lunch because I still weight twice a day. Is that bad or what. *smile* I think your walk times are good even though I know you would like them to be faster. I would love to be up to your level one day. But I doubt it will happen...my slow pace is about to wear me out.

Sheanne....praying for your mom.


Beth2374 03-18-2003 02:08 PM

Yeah, Yeah... I know...
I'm back... sheesh... DH told me that our fearless leader called and put out an official APB for me... I'm here... I'm here...LOL

I've eaten basically anything, anywhere, anytime ever since my surgery. I don't know what got into me, but I've put about 14 pounds on from my all time SB low. How's that for un-motivating!

I was back on track for about a WEEK solid, and didn't see so much as a single pound difference, and POOF, my motivation was GONE! I figured if being good wasn't showing results... then screw being good... and I ate whatever I wanted to eat.

Well... now all my 14's are too tight, and I gave away everything bigger than that, so it's LOSE the weight, or go NEKKID. And at this size, the second option ain't that grand... so I'm back, no promises, but geez I want to find that motivation again. I lost it somewhere around month 9 of SB, and haven't had it since. I'm not sure where I left it, but if anyone sees it... PLEASE let me know!

It's great to see so many familiar names and I'm sure I'll get a nice hearty kick in the pants for being bad :devil: and I NEED IT... so BRING IT ON!!!!!

We are heading to DISNEYWORLD on Saturday, staying for 4 days... how do you stay LEGAL at DISNEY??? (I probably WONT!) My birthday is Wednesday and I plan to let myself have a great dinner at Disney... but other than that, I'm planning to stay as OP as possible!!

OK... send the butt kickings ON! I'm ready!! I'm off to get ready for work... Hope everyone is doing great :)

Bye!!! :wave:

Ellen 03-18-2003 03:17 PM

I just got back from my doctor's appointment, and it is not pretty. If you are feeling a bit depressed, skip this post. We don't need you getting more depressed reading my moroseness.

My scale says an 8 pound loss since my last appointment six weeks ago.
The doctors scale says, 1. One measly pound. I was shocked. I have considered throwing my scale away, shooting it (good thing I don't know how to use the shotgun...) or ignoring it. It doesn't make this any less painful, however. I feel like such a failure.

I am supposed to go in for blood work in the morning. I have to do a fasting test for thyroid and insulin. He wants me to go to a nutritionalist/dietician who specializes in metabolic syndrome, which I was diagnosed with two years ago. I can not tell you how discouraged I am. I was legal, and within a good range of calories per day. (1700 to 2000 max) I exercised three or four times a week, vigorously. I took thyroid hormones, glucophage (for insulin resistance) and Phentermine (yes, a diet pill), and nothing helped! So instead of being about four or five pounds from the goal I had hoped to make on Thursday, I am actually 11 pounds from it.

I have never been so frustrated. (unless it was when I was on Atkins and could never get into ketosis...) I have never been more ready to quit. Folks, I am about as low as I can get. The struggle seems endless, but I am making no progress.

So, on that depressing note, I need to get off here and go to the credit union.

Shalom, everyone.

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 03-18-2003 04:26 PM

NOW NOW MONET....I've been there....dangit...I stay there!
You're just having a slump...the pounds will start coming off again. Try upping your protein and less carbs....

Just got back from the injection portion, and we go back for the scan at 7pm...


Solly 03-18-2003 04:39 PM

Good afternoon. It is raining here too. I'm off to get a haircut and then my tires rotated. (fun night huh?)

Fillise, thats a good idea on the pedometer. I would love to know how many steps I take every day up and down the hallway at work. I', sure its 10,000 :lol:

Deb, thanks for the plateau info. Very informative. I hope it helps those who are experiencing it. Funny story about the guy in Marshalls. Some people can be stupid. Enjoy your lobster tonight. Yes the one I ate was in the white box. I bought 2 and one was $1.99 and the other $3.19. The green box I think was the most. Don't know why the difference. But I enjoyed them. Will have to go get some more. I like the challenge and will of course join in. I'm not a good judge though, some days I feel thin and get on the scale only to see a higher #.

Bob, 2 hrs? What an ordeal. Just what I would want to do for 2 hours. Someone poking a needle around in my arm. Poor Kate.

Heartmom. Here's keeping my fingers :crossed: for you for WIW.

Sef, I took G-C and never had any results. Hope it works for you. Such a beautiful story about the soldier and so appropriate at this time.

Crystle, You get some good exercise cutting all that grass. I was starvin laSt night too, but gave up eating after dinner for Lent so I went to bed that way. Yes I will be lost after the wedding. Even today, I went off and forgot the beads so we just watched our soap opera at lunch and I couldn't sit still. I was bored.

Beth, As Bob would say "Oh my Gawd!" We were just talking about you last week at chat. I'm so glad you dropped in in. The reason you aren't doing so good is b/c you are not poting. You know we will motivate you. haha. Have fun at WDW, you can stay legal, meat salad, veggies. Have fun, but come right back here when you get back.

Monet, Before you do something stupid, like eat something bad, look at the situation from a different angle. If you have been using your scale from day one, go by that scale. The doctor's scale could be off. You probably had eaten, had clothes on, later in the day, etc. I always weigh more on the dr scale. But I started with mine and I go by that one. IMHO, which probably isn't much, but I think 1700-2000 calories is way to much to lose on. It sounds more like maintenance to me. But Deb will know more about that. Maybe the nutrionist is a good idea with the metobolic syndrome. Never hurts to get someone else's ideas. Don't throw in the towell. Look what you have accomplished so far. Think of the alternative. I know you are down now and my heart breaks for you, but you know this works. Read Deb's post on stalls. I'm thinking of you.

Have a great night, hope to be at chat. Good luck to everyone tomorrow on the scale.


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