3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Debelli 03-17-2003 05:58 AM

Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 3/17-3/23

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:


We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:



We also have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on which is located on our weekly support board:


Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:


NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.



Debelli 03-17-2003 06:03 AM


Will post my usual morning post sometime later, but wanted to make sure I got our
done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM, there's 3 of them to read today:



Getting ahead often requires only a little bit more effort than falling behind. Yet that small amount of extra effort can make an enormous difference in the results you achieve.

The way to move ahead with just a little more effort is to apply that effort consistently and reliably. For example, an extra twelve minutes of work each weekday adds up to an additional hour's worth of effectiveness every week.

The efforts you're already making can be enormously leveraged by adding just a little bit extra to them. Because those little bits quickly add up over time.

Whenever you're tempted to give a little less than necessary to a task, do yourself a favor and give a little more than necessary. If you're going to miss the mark, overshoot it rather than undershooting it. When you make the effort, go ahead, give a little more, and truly make it great.

-- Ralph Marston



Now is when life happens. Now is when your efforts can turn your goals and dreams into your reality. Now is when what you say you're going to do becomes what you actually get accomplished. Now is when the value you intend to create can be surely and steadily brought into existence.

Now is when you can put to use everything you've learned and all you've experienced. Now is when the opportunities and possibilities can be transformed into real fulfillment. Now is when you can mold your life and shape your world according to your highest and best vision. Now is when you can truly make a difference.

Now is the time to act, for there is no other that's available to you. Yesterday cannot be changed and tomorrow is not yet here. What matters is what you're doing today, now that you have the opportunity to act. Now is when you can make it great, so live it for all it's worth.

-- Ralph Marston

Would you like to energize your life, grow stronger and more confident? Then choose a challenge for yourself, something positive and meaningful to you, something that will push you to the next level.

Have you ever noticed that, on days when you have a lot of work to do, you get a lot done? And on days when you don't have much you have to do, you don't get much done. Just as your effort increases to meet the job that must be done, so too do you grow enough to meet the challenges that you take on. Becoming the person you want to be is largely a matter of following the challenges that will take you there.

Sure, you already have a lot of challenges in your life. So why would you choose to take on any more? Because by choosing your challenges you take powerful, positive control over the direction of your life. By choosing to take on a challenge, you express confidence in a way that cannot be denied.

Choose a challenge, one that will take you far. Then push it, prod it, hold on to in and enjoy the magnificent ride.

-- Ralph Marston
Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01

Debelli 03-17-2003 06:10 AM


Vegetable Group

Each serving contains approximately 25 calories, 5 g carbohydrate, 2 g protein, 0 g fat

1 cup raw leafy vegetables (e.g. kale, spinach, romaine, arugula, bibb lettuce, iceburg lettuce, watercress)

1 cup raw vegetables (e.g. carrots, broccoli, asparagus, leeks, onions, beets, green beans, cauliflower, peppers, celery, cucumber, water chestnuts, zucchini)

½ cup cooked vegetable (e.g. see above for raw)

6 ounces most vegetable juices

The Quilter 03-17-2003 08:02 AM

Here's a quick Monday Morning Greeting!!!

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and are ready to hit Monday with a keen focus and a heaping serving of motivation. Let's really work hard this week and stay on track. I'm determined to have a good week. Yesterday in my journal I wrote that I only had FIVE days out of the past SEVEN that I was proud of as far as my eating was concerned. This is NOT GOOD ENOUGH for me. How can I expect to have a successful WIW, if I can only do five good days. So I am determined to have seven straight days of good eating and good exercise. Anybody with me on this one????

DEB---I love the poll. I'll have to measure my salad tonight and see exactly how many servings I am getting of spinach and greens. Will post on that later.

MONET---WTG, girlfriend, getting on that TM on Sunday. You are doing great! Do whatever it takes to keep moving that thing . . . your bootie!

JACKK---My arms were sore the first day from raking. But yesterday the backs of my thighs were SCREAMING. All that bending from the waist really stretched the "lower ladies" out and they were not happy about it. We went shopping yesterday and I kept feeling the pangs. But that didn't keep me from walking all over Loews and Sam's club. No sirree!!! I'm thrilled to hear all about your new purchases for the weddings. And so happy to hear that you even got a size 8!!!! That's so wonderful!!!! Keep on working. You're going to be the thinnest person at the wedding! I can't even begin to wrap my brain around that concept for me. Because so much of my life I've been the heaviest person in every room. You are doing so GREAT!!!!!

Gotta run. I've got a zit the size of Idaho beside my nose and I've got to figure out how to camouflage it without drawing attention to it. Perhaps a bandaid would be the best route.

Take care. And Catch you later!

BlackPowderTom 03-17-2003 08:41 AM

Good Morning Everyone:

Deb., I love those motivational moments. I have been on this board for only a shot while but I feel so motivated by all of the posts that I have read so far. I am glad you posted about the chat on the other board. I had seen this board before that time but never took the time to look into it very deeply. Thank You!


I’m with you this week! Past week or so I have been in a stall, and I am sure a lot of it has to do with not eating correctly. Friday and Saturday DW and I went looking for a vacation/weekend house, trailer/cabin type of thing. Eating was not overly bad, but not 100%. Will try to stay with the correct food all week.

I’m sorry I don’t know all of you yet, but I do wish you all a good week.

This is getting to be my busy time of year, so I will be in and out but try to at least read your posts if not respond.

linworthlady 03-17-2003 09:03 AM

Happy St Patricks Day!! Remember, the closer to get to goal, the steeper the climb. We need to work harder to achieve our goals, but it will be so worth it once we are there.

My ds left-I was pretty heartbroken to say bye to him. But we had a wonderful week so I have lots of good memories to dwell on until I see him again. My challenge this week is to journal my eating and my feelings--it's about time I start. Son #2 is arriving Wednesday for his spring break. He is the one at Ohio State. I love all these visits.

Deb-Your knowledge is huge. Teensy is so lucky to have you as a guide.

Jackie-You deserve lots of pats on the back. You finished the charms, and you got 6 days of exercise in-WTG. I bet you had fun shopping--size 8 is tiny. Your hard work is paying off. Have you heard from dd? That sounds like a sweet cab driver. Could he have an arrangement with the 2nd motel LOL? I'm sorry I'm such a cynic.

Hi Kim-I'm glad your winter is almost over. What a doozy!

Tom-Are you an accountant? I'm just guessing because you said this is your busy time of year,

Crystle-You are gorgeous, girl. I'm glad your dh realizes it,.

I am trying to type from memory from last week's board and can't remember anything else. Pitiful! I will check in later.

Solly 03-17-2003 09:26 AM

Happy St. Patty's Day. :lucky:

Does everyone have there green on today? If not, you might get pinched!. For me I don't own any green so I'm hoping for the pinches. :lol:

Going to be a nice day here again. Yesterday was simply gorgeous. Tomorrow and Wed they are calling for rain.

Monet, I know it is frustrating, but think of the alternative. At least 43 pounds are gone for good. Things will happen. Good for you giving it a little eaxtra on the TM. We are motivating or just scarry.

Quilter, I'm with you on the 7 days of good eating. Hope you aren't as sore today. Have a great one!

Tom, Welcome to our board. Glad you decided to join us. There sure is a lot of support and help here. Jump right on in when you can.

Lin, I don't think the cab driver had any arrangements. He actually took them to the first one and she saw a lot of "ladies of the night" and she was scarred. I'll just be glad to have her home especially if war breaks out this week.

Deb, brought one of the pot pies for lunch. Check out my questions on them on last weeks board if you didn't already. I'll let you know how I like them.

have a nice OP day.


Zanne 03-17-2003 09:31 AM

What a glorious morning it is here! Spring has finally arrived in Canada--well, at least my little part of it! Walked DS to school and I was really hot coming back, even with my jacket open. As soon as I got in the door, I opened all the windows and changed into shorts!:cool: It's a balmy 35F here! Going to get up to about 54F later. The only thing I don't like about this time of year is that it's so mucky with the snow melting.

Sorry I didn't even look at the board after Wednesday last week when I quickly popped in with my WIW. It was March break and we were busy, I got a cold and I was working on my niece's sweater (finished it in the car yesterday on the way to the party!:dizzy: )

I had the "eating week from ****" last week. So much junk food! A couple of times I didn't have much of a choice, but I could have made better choices (like NOT get the fries) than I did. SIL had KFC for lunch for niece's party--UGH--so greasy. I didn't want dinner. Ended up making grilled cheese on WW and then around 9:30 last night I REALLY wanted a salad! My body told me to eat something green. So I made up a big bowl with lettuce, cauli, couple baby carrots and some snow peas. That really hit the spot. Today I'm craving water. Just downed my first 16oz.

Saw myself on video taken the other day. YUCK! the rolls! EEWW, EEWWW, EEWWW!!!! Talk about incentive to get my butt moving! It was a good wake up call.

I'm going to get along now. The beautiful day has put me in the mood for spring cleaning! And I have some errands that I have to run--actually, I'll be walking as DH has the car!

BPTOM--welcome to the board. it's nice to have a guy's point of view on things. I hope you're not shy:o cause we talk about almost everything here!

I'll try to check in later!

Debelli 03-17-2003 10:15 AM

Good Monday Morning Everyone:wave:

Just got in from my walk. Thought I wasn't going to get one in today as it rained all last night. I didn't get much sleep with the lightening and thunder, but it stopped right before I took the kids to school, so there wa NO excuse not to go. It took me 54:49 to do my 4.5 miles which isn't so bad considering not only was I tired but for some weird reason my ankles were stiff and sore:shrug:

I have to jump in the shower and get ready for my yoga class, so only a few minutes to get in a quick post and then I'll have to continue on when I get home later.

QUILTER, congrats on starting off your Monday on the right AND left foot!!!:D Hope you get to spend more time with your niece while she's there. What a great profession she's chosen!

TEENSY, there's quite a number of cheeses out there that are lower fat. CABOTS has one that's 50% AND one that's 75% that are both good. Even the little wedges of Laughing Cow cheese which is great to spread is lf. Carob should be available at any HFS. Sometimes in bulk and/or in cans. It's pretty cheap AND I think it tastes great! I have Splenda and love my stevia! I use packets mostly, though I do have the liquid, just easier for me with the packets. As mentioned, you can use agave in your bread if you can find it, but don't worry if you can't, if the recipe calls for such a small amount that when you slice a piece of bread it's under the 3gram rule, it will be fine. Most of the time it's a teaspoon or less and divided by the servings in a loaf it's not negligible. I use a spray or olive oil, depending on what I'm burning, I mean cooking. I use butter over margarine. Love spgti squash, enjoy it, I do believe it's a summer variety. Hmmm, my fav. veggies, if I don't have to cook them myself, eggplant, spinach, zucchini-I'm def. NOT a big veggie lover! Agave, natural sweetener from a plant grown in Mexico. It has a GI of 39 and can be used in many applications-it reminds me of thinner corn syrup in taste. Can only be found at a HFS and probably only under the SWEET CACTUS FARMS label. Yes, you can use the ww flour for your meat AND it can be cooked with the potatoes, the starch won't leach in to the other foods in the pot. Keep asking those questions, you're learning!!!!!;)

HEART, all that fried food, I'd be afraid of heart burn and indigestion!:eek: Never really liked all that much fried food, thank goodness. No, just give me the ice cream, candy and cookies, and I was happy!!!

JACKK, can't say they had good weather down here yesterday, major storms, some hail. Better today. Glad the cabby knew of a better place, though surprised he took them to Mirimar, a little further south than the airport. Just ask long as they're in a safe place. Girl, you definitely don't know what you sayeth, there are handfulls and mounds of fat on me still, ufortunately! Trust me, I don't lie, the girls can tell you, it's there. You want the pot pie that says made with whole wheat flour on the front, it's the one without the potatoes and doesn't have the sugar. You'll love them!!!

MONET, I've hit many a stall on my way down to goal, it happens to everyone, unfortunately. The scale will start moving just as mysteriously as it stops, don't you worry!

Okay, I really gotta run, I'm running late. Will try to get back on later today, if not, hopefully tonight. LAUREN has a drama competition tonight at the Youth Fair and we have to be there by 6ish I think.

Will pick up with the new board later on.

Have a great week!!!



Debelli 03-17-2003 12:15 PM


Yoga class was cancelled. Got all the way there to only find out her car broke down. Oh well:shrug: At least I got in my walk today!

Spoke to my DM this morning. Dad is going in for tests later this afternoon and from there, not sure, just waiting to hear about the next step.

Since no one's posted since my post I'm just going to continue on here...

QUILTER, remember, don't count lettuce, unless you use the mesucline baby salad mix, that at least has some nutritional value, but iceburg, what people use most, doesn't have a thing, so that's why I said to omit the lettuce.

TOM, glad you like the MM messages I post. I've printed many of them out and when times get tough I refer to the words on those papers and it really does bring me back to focus. I hope as you have the time you'll continue to read some of the other boards with all the information that's posted on there, some stuff that's not only interesting but very helpful as well. Hope you can make it to chat tomorrow night, we missed you last week:)

LIN, glad you had a good time with DS and I'm sure you'll have a good time with DS #2 when he arrives. Did you take any pictures that you can post - we'd love to see you and DS!

JACKK, I only have a dark green t-shirt that's green, though I haven't a clue who has it because it sure isn't in my drawer. Doubt I have to worry about getting pinched though. LMK which pot pie you ended up with. It counts basically as one starchy carb since there's only 18 grams of carbs in it. ENJOY! I'm cooking one as I type:D How much did you have to pay for it?

ZANNE, have fun cleaning in such nice weather and do make sure you post that on the board, it's exercise for sure! I'm sure the pics of yourself aren't all that bad, we are our own worst critics. To this day it's hard for me to graciously accept a compliment about myself.

Okay, I'm outta here. Going to go eat my delicious pot pie and look at a set of books that arrived today. Have another new book coming this week that I'm excited about getting. Do wish I could get excited about wanting to make something from all these books!:shrug:



DawnStorm 03-17-2003 12:19 PM

In addition to my clothes fitting better and my husband noticing the loss (I have a large frame and can carry a lot of weight--not that I should!:D ), I've also noticed that my PMS cravings aren't as bad. One more reason for this WOE.:cp:
My husband and I can clearly see Goldie's abdomen distended just a bit when she's laying on her side. I'm taking her in to the vet for x-rays in another 2-3 weeks, but I have a feeling that it won't be good news. :cry:

Fillise 03-17-2003 12:37 PM

Morning all! Woke up to rain and storms here this morning--at looks like it will be wet most of the week.

I've been awol this weekend, just cause I was so busy. Eating was fine--made it through the forensics tournamnt and resisted the muffins--we escaped for lunch and I had a bowl of she-crab soup, then when I got to the church dinner, they had not a thing I would eat (except dill pickles) so I snacked on the pickles and when to IHOP and had breakfast for dinner! But it is days like that when I get tempted to throw in the towel--everytime I wanted to (expecially around those muffins) I kept remembering it was Lent. Now I just have to figure out how to make Lent go all year-round!

Kim--Belle spends a large part of her day in front of either my living room windows or the sliding glass door in my office, where she watches all the birds, squirrels, and where there a two stray kittens that come to visit her every day. So I suppose it is like Kitty-TV for her!

Monet--I HATE it when that happens!!!!! It's bad enough when you know you've been bad, but when you've done everything you are supposed to and nothing is budging, then it really sucks! But given your body's resistence to losing weight think about how much larger you would be if you were not eating a healthy diet. In a real sense those are pounds and inches lost too! I began this WOE when I weighed 300 pounds and I am cinvinced that if I had not I'd easily be between 325 and 350 now. So I think we should claim victory over those lbs too!

Deb--Sorry I missed you (again) but I didn't get home until after 10 Saturday (and about the same time last night). I'm going to have to try that brisket!

Heart--You are looking GORGEOUS girl! There is a major difference--and don't you forget it!

BOB--I cannot BELEIVE that Bama got into the NCAA tourny! They must be bribing someone on the committee. We will be coming to Tampa on Monday. Is there anywhere to get some Agave down there? My HFS stopped carrying it here and I'm down to 1 and 1/2 bottles!

OK--Miss Belle wants to snuggle now.

Have a good day everyone!

300/270/150 (Up 1.5, but TOM is due this week)

BOBatwork 03-17-2003 01:54 PM


Here's a cute little dittie for y'all!!!

Pregnant Lady


A lady about eight months pregnant got on a bus.
She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her.
She immediately moved to another seat.

This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved
again. The man seemed more amused. When, on the
fourth move, the man burst out laughing, she complained
to the driver and he had the man arrested.

The case came up in court. The judge asked the man
(about 20 years old) what he had to say for himself.
The man replied, "Well your Honor, it was like this..
When the lady got on the bus, I couldn't help
but notice her condition. She sat under a sign that
said, "The Double Mint Twins are coming" and I
grinned. Then she moved and sat under a sign that
said, "Slogan's Liniment will reduce the swelling",
and I had to smile. Then she placed herself under a
sign that said, "William's Big Stick Did the Trick",
and I could hardly contain myself. BUT your Honor,
when she moved the fourth time and sat under a sign
that said, "Goodyear Rubber could have prevented
this Accident"... I just lost it.


Serene 03-17-2003 02:06 PM

Good Afternoon!

I don't know where the weekend went so quickly that I never had a chance to get online. I am taking a couple of days off from work to do some things with my DD while she is on spring break. It feels so good to be home on a Monday. This afternoon we are going shopping and to see the movie "Bringing Down the House". Tomorrow we might go to the beach if the weather is nice. I'm glad she doesn't seem to mind being seen with Casper the friendly ghost in a bathing suit.:)

Quilter - I'm with you for 7 days of good eating and I will make the commitment to exercise. Still haven't made it the gym to use my membership that is going to waste. I don't know what happened to me yesterday, however, I was craving sweets - BIG TIME - and ate everything I could find. I don't have days like that too often - thank goodness. I am back on track today and determined to stay OP. I got a good laugh at the description of your zit._ :lol: I think a big bandaid is just what you need. Even better would be colorful one - like SpongeBob. No one would notice the zit, for sure.

BPTom - welcome to the board. Glad you decided to join us.

lin - sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your son and can look forward to another visit this week. How old are you sons? Good luck with your challenge on the journaling.

Jackie - WooHoo on the size 8! I'm trying to remember the last time I was that size and think it was about 5th grade. :eek:_ Do you have a small frame? I weighed about 125 in high school, wasn't overweight and wore a size 10/12. I don't think I can ever get to a size 8 again. I can't wait to see pictures of you after the wedding that I just know you're going to post!;)

Zanne - Pictures of ourselves can sure be good motivators can't they? I don't even like to look in a full view mirror or it can be too depressing. Just getting on the scale every week is all I need. Have fun with your "Spring Cleaning".

Deb - I was sorry to read about your father's cancer. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. I'm going to try a brisket like you made - it sounds so yummy! I like your idea from last weeks posts to reward myself with a trip to Miami when I get down to 199._ Think I will take you up on that idea. I'll give you a call soon to talk more about it.

Dawnstorm - how tall are you with your large frame? I'm so sorry about your Goldie having problems. I wish you the best for her. My heart is especially tender toward animals. I miss my boy Miles so much.

Fillise - I am so impressed that you were so busy and stayed OP! Good Job! My two kittens enjoy looking out the window also, but their biggest interest is watching the computer screen and trying to catch whatever is moving around on it. They are so fun and delightful at 7 mos._

BOB- love the funny. Thanks for the good laugh!

Time to get ready for shopping and the movie! Have a great day everyone!


CountryMom4Him 03-17-2003 02:10 PM

Just stickig my head in to say hi and that's I'm readin the post. Off to watch a little t.v. before it's time to mow.


Ellen 03-17-2003 02:23 PM

Thank you for all the encouraging words. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment, and I am looking forward to seeing what his scale says. Its been six weeks since my last appointment, so I hope I have at least a six pound loss. I really would have liked more, but I am not going to be greedy. It will take a major miracle for me to meet my mini goal on Thursday. I am five pounds above it.

FILLISE: Yet another reason to run over here to Hotlanta! Harry's has agave for $2.99 a bottle. Monet has a lot of agave...its old but it works fine in baked goods- generous soul that she is, she will give you a peanut butter jar full of it when you come.

DAWN: What a great feeling to have your clothes fitting looser! Way to go! Hope your puppy is ok.

DEB: Sorry your yoga class was cancelled! I hate when I am looking forward to something and it doesn't happen! Keep us posted about your dad. I wish I had read your post, and seen that about the pot pies BEFORE I made lunch! I forgot I had some in the freezer, so I had a dull lunch of a protein smoothie, and some chicken salad on triscuits. I hope you are right about the stall and the scale, but experience has not been like that for me. What usually gets me losing some is an increase in my thyroid meds, or the glucophage, or a month on Phentermine. Without those interventions, my body seems incredibly resistant to giving up any poundage!

ZANNE: Brrr! You think that 35F is warm? Call me a wuss, but that seems like a winter temp to me! I have lived in the south too long! When I was growing up in Chicago, I remember thinking the 40's as positively balmy! I hope you are back on track this week, and 100% OP!

JACK: I only have one green thing...a sweater. Guess I will wear that to my daughter's track meet this afternoon. I totally forgot what day it is....my hubby is Scottish, so I wouldn't be surprised if he wore orange....:eek:

LIN: I know what you mean about having to say good bye to the kids when they leave. Mine live rather close by, but the youngest is going off to college in a year, and I am dreading it! The oldest keeps threatening to move someplace far away for some job. Right now he is out of work, so it may happen. I am beginning to understand how my mom felt. She had six kids, and only two lived anywhere near her. The rest of us were scattered...she was in Chicago, I have a sister in California, one in Boston, me in Atlanta,and my brother was in Denver, then Missouri.

PBTOM: Hope you have a great week! Sorry work is so busy for you. Hopefully, it will not stress you or anything....

QUILTER: I am with you...seven days of good eating and exercise. You think seven days of exercise, or just keeping it up regularly if not every day? I need to find a good book to read. That is always motivating for me to have a book to read while I walk. I have not gotten on today. I have been lazy. When the alarm should have gone off this morning, I was sleeping like a log! Tom woke me up 15 minutes late, and I was so suprised! I had forgotten to set my alarm, so I had to rush to get all my morning routine done on time! (lunches, breakfasts, etc.) I crawled back in bed, and have not hit the tm yet.

My daughter just called...the track meet was cancelled due to rain, but she is not feeling well, so I have to go pick her up.

:wave: Later!

DawnStorm 03-17-2003 03:16 PM


Originally posted by Serene
Good Afternoon!

Dawnstorm - how tall are you with your large frame? I'm so sorry about your Goldie having problems. I wish you the best for her. My heart is especially tender toward animals. I miss my boy Miles so much.


I'm 5'7".

linworthlady 03-17-2003 03:39 PM

Monday afternoon---

Deb-I tried to post a picture once but the board said it was too big. Someone on the board then offered to resize it for me, I sent it to her but never heard another word. I will try again soon. Is 20 grams of carb counted as 1 serving?

Fellise-it sounds like your willpower was made of iron today. do the have she crab soup in Auburn?

Serene Wendy-My boys are 15, 18, and 22. How old is your dd?

Monet-So you still have one child at home? Does he know where he wants to go to school?

Teensybean 03-17-2003 04:18 PM

Good afternoon all---Sun is shining but it is breezy here. Walked my 2 miles this morning. Kind of let myself slide since Dh appointment on Thursday. Need to get back to the grind. Am anxiously waiting for my "Total Body Trainer" from "Body by Jake" to get here. I ordered it on line...but it said 4 to 6 weeks delivery.
So I will continue to walk and do weights until it get here.

Quilter--I know you will have a great week!! Are you planning to exercise all seven days? You go Girl!! I am lucky to get in 5 days.

Tom--Don't work too hard. Check in when you can.

Linworthlady--It is so hard to see our children leave, isn't it. I see my oldest one more in the fall when hunting season is here, than any other time. Summers he works all week and then is all over the Northwest rodeoing. I hate it when it is time for them to go home. They are only 1 1/2 hours from here, but, you know kids, they are always busy. Hope your visit with #2 is just as enjoyable. Yes, I am very lucky to have Deb as my guide....but also the rest of you for support!! It really does make a difference.

Jackie--Good morning, and Happy St. Pat's to you! Where are you hoping to get pinched??

Deb-- Was so sorry to hear about your father. Cancer is a horrible disease. I lost my father 3 years ago to lung cancer. He was a very heavy smoker. Hope they will have some effective treatments for him. But it sure seem like they take their own sweet time getting things lined up. (Or it seemed that way with my Dad). Prayers for you and your family. Sorry your yoga class was cancelled. I hate it when you are all hiped up for something then it falls flat. What are these pot pies you all are talking about? Probably something I won't be able to find here. Ha Ha.

Dawnstorm--WOOOOHOOOO!! Sorry that you are having problems with your Goldie. Hoping for the best.

Fillise--We had rain all week-end, but the sun is shining today, even though it is breezy. Way to go on making it through the church dinner....that took will power to just eat pickles. Don't know if I could have done that.

BOB-- Cute joke!!

Serene-- Have an absolutely great time with your daughter. Shopping sounds fun, and so does the movie.

Hope you all have a super day!!

jecrites 03-17-2003 04:19 PM

Hello everyone. I am new to this message board. I started SB back in, oh, about the middle of January. I've lost about 13 pounds, but still have about 70 more to go. I think I've gotten stuck somewhere along the way. I decided that it was past time to do something about my weight, plus my blood pressure and cholesterol. My doc actually recommended me to this. My husband is also a tad bit overweight also, and with him being military, they don't like that. I am looking forward to any kind of help and recommendations to make my goal.
Thanks for having a place to go for support.

Solly 03-17-2003 04:40 PM

Good afternoon,

Been a peaceful day. Got some work done but most importantly, got all my invitations printed. Now to stuff them tonight. We got quite a few charms wrapped up at lunch today too. I love when things get accomplished.

No big plans for tonight. I have a turkey breast cooking in the crockpot and will probably take my walk when I get home.

zanne, just put last week behind you and start anew. You can di it. Those pics and videos can be a wake up call.

Deb, Is your pot pie in a green or white box. They both said with wwf. One looks like it's just the topping, the white one looks like it is both top and bottom crust.I think it also says made with range free chicken. $1.99 I think. Good for you getting out there and walking today. DD said the hotel was actually closer to the airport. Who knows. I just hope they made the boat today.I didn't get a call so they are probably doing fine and have forgotten about mom. Hope you ahve good news about your dad. Good thoughts coming your way. BTW, the pot pie was delish. I'll buy them again. Not everyday like you, but weekly is a good change.

Dawn, Good for you having loose clothes and yes it does hlep with PMS symptons. Nice for people to notice. Sure hope things ae ok with Goldie. Should you wait 2-3 more weeks?

Fillise, WTG on your eating this weekend. I wasn't worried about you though. Knew you could do it. I guess after Lent is over, you will just have offer up monthly sacrifices to keep you going. Maybe by then, it will just become 2nd nature to you.

Bob, cute joke!

Serene, How old is your DD? Have fun with her. I probably have a medium frame. But I think it is odd that I weight 159 pounds and wear a size 8. Only think I can attribute it to is the wt training. One reason I won't miss doing it. I promise I will post a pic real soon, hopefully before the wedding.

Country, don't work too hard out there today.

Monet, good luck at the dr tomorrow. Hope yousee a loss. Maybe he can adjust your meds and it will help you with your stall. Does your DH own a kilt? Hope DD is feeling better.

Teensy, good job getting in your 2 miles today. Going to hit mine as soon as I get home tonight. I guess I won't get pinched today. Just kdding around anyway. We don't celebrate St P's day too much at our house, my MIL passed away on this day about 13 years ago and it makes for a somber day.

JDcrites, Welcome to our board. You will get a lot of support here. It is a great group. You are lucky that your dr recommended this WOE. I think everyone is coming around to our way of eating the more I read. Good luck.

Have a great evening everyone.


Ellen 03-17-2003 05:44 PM

Just woke up from a long nap! Not sure what is going on here, but I am always tired! Could it be age??? :eek:

JACK: No, my hubby does not own a kilt, though he is certainly entitled to wear one. And you know what? He has gorgeous legs! He could definitely win the bonny wee knee contest!

JECRITES: Welcome! My doctor recommends SB too! He puts all his diabetic patients on it too. I think he follows it himself, to some degree, though I know he cheats terribly! :) Hope you find all the support you need to succeed here.

TEENSY: What is a total body trainer? Sounds like a big piece of equipment... The pot pies are Chicken Pot Pies made by Shelton's. They have a ww crust made with butter, instead of partially hydrogenated oil, (bad! bad!) and are totally legal! They come in a white box. They sell them at health food stores. You probably can find them, if you have a good sized HFS near you. I get mine at one, and they are about $2.20 each.

LIN: I still have one child at home, my younger daughter. She is thinking of several schools for college. She wants to be an architect, so she is looking into schools that are good for that. Her dream school is Rennesalear Polytechnic in New York, which makes me cringe! So far away! Georgia has the HOPE grant that pays for all the tuition and fees for a Georgia state college if the student maintains a 3.0. She will qualify for it, and may go to UGA for core classes then transfer. Don't you have one in high school? What year is he?

COUNTRY: You were posting while I was before...so I missed you! Mow? Make the kids do it! :s: Thats what we have them for!

SERENE: You were posting when I was before, and I missed you too! Hope you and your daughter have fun! Its nice that you can take a few days off to spend with her. You deserve a rest!

BOB: Cute funny...and isn't it just like our society...sue people for any little thing! Hope you are doing well. I saw some kale at Harry's last week. How do you cook it, and what does it taste like? Do I need to try some?

I better go think up something for dinner....

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 03-17-2003 05:48 PM


SUSAN...I've seen AGAVE at the HFS, but haven't priced it as I don't do any baking...I still have the bottle that Debbie gave me a year ago...you're welcome to that if you want it!
I'll check though and let you know...there are a lot of HFS in the area where you're going to be.
Are you saying that you will arrive on Monday or what?
Is BELLE coming with you?


Sorry....can't get to everyone right now....got to go put the cabbage on to cook....


Fillise 03-17-2003 06:41 PM

A quickie---

BOB--Are you going to have to change your name now to BBB (the Big Blue Babe)????? I talked to Mom last night and she wants to leave for Tampa on Monday and come back to Auburn on Thursday. So we should definately be there Tues and Wed. I would love to visit some decent HFS as there are NONE here! Belle will be staying at home. She is so traumatized by strangers that the only way you would get to meet her would be to climb under the bed with her!

Long day today--I'm at the church and probably won't get out of here until 7:30. Thank goodness I had a carbolite protein bar in my purse--that will hold me over. I think I'll make an cheese omlet when I get home!

300/269/150 (I got on the scale again after my shower and it was down, so I'm counting it!)

The Quilter 03-17-2003 07:31 PM

Monday Night
Hello Everybody. Happy Monday night! I hope your days were good. Is everybody still on the wagon that's headed for the path of thin thighs???? Just wondering. My eating has been good today, but it's always good on the weekdays. I dig routine and that's what I get during the week. I'm so glad we are not going out tonight, so I don't have to worry about the green beer.

DEB---Thanks for the motivations again. I especially like the now is when. Being the queen procrastinator that I am, I feel really close to this one. BTW, where did you say not to include lettuce. I can't find that in your posts. My salads are made with baby spinach and mixed greens that include arugila and bib lettuce and endive. Do those count as good lettuces? I refuse to buy iceberg. Paul used to like it, but now he doesn't even ask for me to buy it. I've got him into the mixed greens/spinach. Just want to let you know that your dad is in my prayers. I'm hoping for a full recovery for him. Keep us posted.

TOM---Welcome!!! It's good to have you with the group. I wish you all the luck for being 100% this week. So far, so good for me. Now tomorrow night I am supposed to go out to dinner, so this may be tough. I guess all we can do is try our best. Glad to know that you are enjoying the board.

LIN---You are so right about how we all need to work harder. And when we get there, we'll realize how all that hard work in no way compares to being at goal. Think of JACKK in her new Size 8 dress! That makes me want to go and get on the TM again today!

JACKK---So how many pinches did you get today? Yes, our weather has been great. I can't believe we actually got to go without a coat or even a jacket! Wow, what a thrill!!! It's been so wonderful. I hate being inside when it's this nice. I guess, this means your DH has been dragging you out for walks every night for the past few days. Hey, how did you fix the turkey breast in the crock pot? How did it turn out?

DAWN---We've still got our fingers and paws crossed for Goldie. I sure hope you get good news.

FILLISE---WTG on passing up the muffins and not giving in. You are being strong and focused, and that's going to get you exactly where you want to be. I think it's cute that Belle has her little stranger friends. What fun for her to watch. Sometimes I think Maddie must get so bored during the day. I often wonder how many times does she walk to the back window and check out what's going on outside when we're not here.

SERENE---Sorry to hear that you fell hard off the wagon. That's a bummer. But I'm so glad to see that you are getting right back on. My problem in the past has been that when I fall, I stay off and then it takes me weeks/months to get back on. You are smart to not let one bad day ruin more than one day. My zit is getting bigger. Pray that nobody gets hurt when it finally pops. LOL

COUNTRY---You all are mowing already! Wow, that's early to start that never ending job. Do you ride, walk or ride & walk? Do you have a lot of land to cover? Our yard is pretty small, but it still seems big when I start that mower. Paul usually does the mowing, but sometimes he can't get to it when things are hectic at work.

MONET---Good luck at the doctor's office tomorrow. On the scales and on hearing a report from him. Are you going to tell him about how tired you always are and how you haven't been feeling so hot lately? I sure hope he can come up with a good answer and a solution. I am going to try and do seven days of something with exercise. I want to do five days of TM and then I'd like to do some weights on the other two days. I also have this stretch band thing that's supposed to work like weights. I feel a bit stuck and I want to get the scale moving again. It's been up and down all week. Who knows what WIW will bring? So I need to be faithful and 100% on track for 7 full days. I won't do the 7 days of exercise every week, but I just feel like I need to stay focused this week. Too many stupid indulgences for me. You sound like my walking buddy. She just couldn't get out of the bed this morning. She felt so exhausted. I tried to persuade her to go get her shorts on but she just wasn't going to do it. And that's okay. She's diabetic and needs to listen to her body. She's also got a bad case of lymphedema in her one arm. She had breast cancer 2 years ago and this swollen arm is leftover form that. Sometimes the TM walking makes her arm swell because it's just hanging there and all the fluid fills her up. When I think of all that she's been through, I have no good excuse to stay off that TM.

TEENSY---Read what I just wrote to MONET about the exercising every day. It's just for this one week. Just testing my commitment level. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I appreciate it. Truthfully, though, I love the TM. And even if I'm just reading I feel so great and the time flies. I love feeling all sweaty afterwards, because it makes me feel victorious. Like I've really done something. Hey, could you give us more details about your Total Body Trainer. Is that like the Total Gym?

JECRITES---Welcome, welcome, welcome!!! It's good to have a new member. And you are definitely in the right place. Stick w ith us. There's lots of motivation and encouragement on this board. And there are people who have made it to their goals. So that really helps the rest of us keep with it. You should feel free to ask as many questions as you want to ask. Because these people are great about answering them. Remember, when you ask a question, at least 6 people are wanting to ask the same question. So you can help us all out. We all need refresher information!

Okay, well Paul just got home from work. And he's eating out on the deck. Think I will go and join him and see how his day went. Take care everybody!!! Good luck tomorrow.


sef 03-17-2003 08:44 PM

[COLOR=purple]HiedieHo All!

Have been feeling a tad better. Trying to experiment w/ the meds. Don't take th

ldblond 03-17-2003 10:50 PM

Quilter and Tom: Although I think my eating has spiraled out of control in the past couple of days. I'm almost on track to day, but veered off to eat 2 unncessary sweets. Still need to eat my fiber, although I'm not jumping to 25g after being so sick last Friday and pigging out this weekend!!

Deb: When you posted the question of the week, I had to really think about it, which means I'm totally not eating enough veggies. I answered 2, should be 5. Thanks Deb for pointing this out to me. Hope you hear some good news on your Dad soon.

Lin: I must have missed something, is your DH in the military? Sounds like you will be apart from him for awhile, I hope his return to you will be sooner than anticipated.

Zanne: We seem to have something in common as our weight and goals as wells as last weeks eating habits are parallel. I really want to see my goal by May, but I need to get my rump in gear. I'm taking Deb's challenges (although I certainly went overboard with the fiber last week and ended up paying dearly). As each challenge forms into a habit, I'm hoping my metabolism will take notice and help to rid of some of this extra weight. In addition, I need to be nailed to the wagon for a week or so!

Fillise: Good job on the muffin pass! THanks also for reminding me that I have some studying to do before tommorrow night.

Sef: Sorry your not feeling better, has the dr. suggested any other meds?

agape3737 03-17-2003 10:58 PM

Hello Everybody,
Just stopped in to day I'm doing well. I know that you are, too, no matter what it looks like.

Debbie~~~ I am loving this book, MM and am neglecting some things. I do not want to be disturbed at all, when I'm reading. Don't even want to stop to eat. LOL But I do stop to eat. This book really is a lot clearer than SB. Thank you so much for encouraging me to read it. I had gotten a copy from the library and then my came in. Just love it.

CountryMom4Him~~~ I send a howdy right back at cha'. Are you a CountryMom for Jesus? :-)

To the lady who posted her pics, I have to say, you look simply marvelous. Keep up the good work.

Now I'm going to ask a really dumb question. How in the world do you all remember what everybody has said? My memory ain't that sharp right now. I think I need some ginkgo biloba or something. I'm serious too. Do you print it all out or something? :shrug:

Monet~~~ I'm rooting for ya!!!!

All of you who I didn't remember, I'll get better.

It is time for nite nite, so I'll see ya tomorrow.

LJunel (slim and healthy)

Debelli 03-17-2003 11:27 PM


Just got home about 45 minutes ago from Lauren's competition, she got a first place ribbon. She had a cute piece and did really well. It was just kids from her school. All got 1st or 2nd place ribbons. One group did a piece from STOMP which was wonderful.

Got a call about 5:30pm from ELI'S sister saying she was 2 minutes away:eek: She's staying with us until Friday morning or late Thursday night. She doesn't have a car so I'll be running around with her. Tomorrow night she wants to go to Captains Tavern for lobster, her treat. Poor ELI has to work from opening to closing, not good.

Will try to get on here in the morning to catch up and post. I'm pooped, it's late and I'm off to hit the hay!



sheanne 03-18-2003 12:00 AM

Evening everyone!

Sorry I haven't been here since Wednesday. On Thursday morning my Mom stepped out on the step and slipped on the ice and broke her leg. Took her to the doctor, she was there from 2pm until 5pm and then admitted directly to the hospital. They thought that she would have to have surgery to have a pin put in, but they took a CAT scan and discovered that it was clean. So.. now she cannot put any weight on it for at least 3 months. On the same morning she found out that she had abnormalities in both breasts and has to go in and have biopsies. We go to the doctor this Friday for the paperwork to do that.

My oldest son and daughter in law came up from Indianapolis this weekend and my other son, daughter in law and grandchildren were here as well. It was so great to have everyone here but now I'm exhausted and at the same time it is soooooo quiet.

I signed up for my first class at the local community college. I am now pre-nursing. I know, changing careers at my age. But there is such a shortage of nurses and I've always wanted to do that, so... here I go.

Deb: I read about your Dad on some of the posts. I missed your post telling everyone about it. He, you and your family will all be in my prayers.

I have not been good this past weekend. Now I'm afraid to get back on the scales :(

I'm sorry that I have not written to everyone. I will definitely try to do that later. Hope you all have a great day.


Teensybean 03-18-2003 12:50 AM

Monet and Quilter---The total body trainer is a small version of a total body work out machine. Not large and bulky like the Bow Flex, (which I would love to have if I could afford it and if I had the room for it.) I saw an advertisement on TV and went to the web site, liked what I saw and ordered it. It uses some kind of resistance bands. Comes with the tape instuctions for 7 circuit training exercises. And only measures 42" at the longest part. We are in a small double wide mobil home, so don't have a lot of room. The Total Gym and Bow Flex are both too expensive for my budget, but the Total Body Trainer wasn't. So I am anxiously waiting........

sef 03-18-2003 01:10 AM

HiedieHo All!

As you can see from the goofed up post on page 2, I tried to pst this earlier. It started than notice came up that web site was not available at this time. Was surprised to see the first line was posted.

Forgot who asked if doctor suggested other meds. NO! I have not bothered to call. He wants me off meds for now. But there are days I just can't take it, so that's why I am experimenting myself. Sometimes I think we have to be our own doctors.

Have been feeling a tad better. Trying to experiment w/ the meds. Don't take them unless I'm really hurting or am going out and need to be able to move. Went to church, and ushered at the Little Theater yesterday. To the NH, church office and store this morning. So I am moving.

DEB: I am so far behind, did mot know about your father! My prayers are being offered along qwith everyone else here on the board. I definitely have CRS!!

FILLISE: Glad you like the patterns. The clock is simple but effective. The love one wrks up really neat!

JACKK: Thanx! Last night I was sitting in my recliner and realized my stomach is bigger. That brought me up short! I have been good today. Cottage cheese w/ sf jelly stirred in. Tossed Salad w/ crabmeat(fake kind), corned beef, cabbage, and a carrot (albeit it a large one!), also had some left over spaghetti for lunch, bout 1/2 c. So doing pretty good. Need to drinkl more water! I know y'all always help me. Today I went to the NH. I wore big green earrings, necklace and ring. That has to count for showing off my Irishness!


I sat under an Oak tree in Wyoming on a summer day, drinking iced tea and visiting with my Mother. "Don't forget your girlfriends," Mother advised, clinking the ice cubes in her glass. "No matter how much you love your husband, you are still going to need girlfriends. Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them. And remember that girlfriends are not only friends, but sisters, daughters and other relatives too.

" What a funny piece of advice, I thought. Hadn't I just gotten married? Hadn't I just joined the couple-world? I was now a married woman, for goodness sake, not a young girl who needed girlfriends. But I listened to my Mom. I kept contact with my
girlfriends and made more each year. As the years tumbled by, one after another, gradually I came to understand that Mom really knew what she was talking about. Here is what I know about Girlfriends:

Girlfriends bring casseroles and scrub your bathroom when you need help.
Girlfriends keep your children and keep your secrets.
Girlfriends give advice when you ask for it. Sometimes you take it, sometimes you don't.
Girlfriends don't always tell you that you're right, but they're usually honest.
Girlfriends still love you, even when they don't agree with your choices.
Girlfriends might send you a birthday card, but they might not. It does not matter in the least
Girlfriends laugh with you, and you don't need canned jokes to start the laughter.
Girlfriends pull you out of jams.
Girlfriends don't keep a calendar that lets them know who hosted the other last big party!
Girlfriends will give a party for your son or daughter when they get married or have a baby, in whichever order that comes!
Girlfriends are there for you, in an instant and when the hard times come.
Girlfriends listen when you lose a job or a friend.
Girlfriends listen when your children break your heart.
Girlfriends listen when your parents' minds and bodies fail.

My daughters, sisters, family, and friends bless my life! When we began this adventure we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how we would need each other.

Pass this on to your girlfriends/sisters/daughters or your cyber space girlfriends! I just did.

Take care all, Shirley

Solly 03-18-2003 08:38 AM

Happy Tuesday,

Hope no one had too much green beer yesterday! :lucky:

We were going out after dinner then changed our minds. I'm glad, got my walk in and my workout done. Got invitations stuffed, netting cut, and ribbon cut. So I got alot accomplished and with no temptations. Was starving when I went to bed, but held off until this morning. I was ravenous and weak. Couldn't wait to eat.

Bob, CATS are #1

Monet, I say the same thing about kids. Let them do it, that's why I had them. :lol:

Fillise, anytime that scale is down, count it. Mineis down too, just hoping it holds until WIW.

Quilter, I like routine too. We were going out but then decided against it. I was glad, No temptations and I got my workout done and several other things accomplished too. Yes it is wonderful not to wear a coat. I did get my walk in last night, but proobably the only night this week with bad weather headed uor way and I have soemthing to do every night after work. No pinches here, shucks!. I just put the turkey breast in the crockpot when I go to bed, on low with seasonings and it's done when I get up. Yesterday, I cooked it on high while I was at work and it was a little dry. Probably cooked it too long. Try it, they normally are juicer.

Sef, Are you ok? you just sorta dropped off in mid sentence. Hope it was computer problems and not you. Now I see it was computer problems. Hope you can get something to relieve your pain. I hate taking all these meds, but at least they help. Good luck.

LDblond, jump back in here. You can do this. May is closer than you think. But you can do it.

Agape, I read and post in word notepad. Just flip back and forth. You will get it.

Deb, Congrats to Lauren. Your kids are so smart and talented. You are truly blessed. Have fun with Eli's DS. Nice her treating you to lobster.

Sheanne, So sorry to hear about your mom. Her leg and the biopsies. Prayers that everything is ok. Good for you changing careers. No matter what age, everyone should do what they truly desire. Good luck. Get on that scale. It you let it go, it will only get worse. Shock therapy.

Have a great day. Be back later.


Fillise 03-18-2003 10:10 AM

Good Tuesday Morning!

Morning all!

My pedometer arrived yesterday so I'm wearing it for three days to see what my average # of steps each day is. Then I will work on increasing my average by 250 steps per day until I get to 10,000. For some reason that seems to be a magic number. It should take about 8 weeks to do this. I'll be real curious to see how many steps I take each day. Around the house this am I'm at about 425.

Jackie--Belle has a blast in front of the windows. She and her friends like to hiss at each other for about 20 or 30 minutes, then they chase each other from one set of windows to another, then they settle down and just stare at each other--sometimes for hours!

LD--hang in there. Try to remember why you are doing this--it's mostly because we know that we will feel better. I can honestly say that I have never EVER felt better after eating sweets or other bad foods, than I did before I ate them.

Deb--Congrats on Lauren's Blue Ribbon! Have fun with your SIL.

Sheanne--So sorry to hear about your Mom! When it rains, it pours. I will keep her and you in my prayers. Try not to let this become an easy excuse to get off track. Your mom needs you healthy now more than ever!

SEF--I need one of the scrubbing girlfriends! The oven needs a lot of work--LOL!

Wow, there don't seem to be so many posts on the board this morning. I hope everyone is ok. It is cold and wet here AGAIN today--supposed to be all week. Sheesh, I'm already having to swim out to the car as it is.


Debelli 03-18-2003 10:32 AM

Here's my contribution for TUESDAY TIPS

Give Me a Break!! (A Guide to Breaking the Weight Loss Plateau)
by Joanne Bednar

It’s inevitable. Anyone who has lost a large amount of weight (more than 10-15 pounds) has hit one or more weight loss plateaus. The weight loss plateau is a very annoying period of body adjustment, where your body "catches up with itself" so to speak. I hit 2 or 3 of them when I lost my 38 pounds, and I learned a lot from each one of them. I mostly learned patience!

There are two types of plateaus that occur. The first plateau is the short plateau, lasting 2 weeks to 4 weeks. The short plateau is the kind that all active "dieters" run into throughout their weight loss efforts. It is not necessary to make adjustments for this type of plateau, because your body is simply re-adjusting to your new weight. Over time (2-4 weeks) you will naturally start losing weight again, as long as you continue your healthy diet and exercise program. Patience is all you need to get past a short plateau.

The second type is the long-term plateau, which lasts for longer than 4 weeks. If you go for more than 4 weeks without losing weight, AND you are continually following a nutritious diet and exercise program (in short, you are doing everything perfectly), then you need to make some changes. A plateau lasting for longer than 4 weeks is because you are no longer asking your body to go beyond it’s point of comfort.

Let me explain this further: When you first start a new way of eating and a new exercise program, everything is a total shock to your body. All of a sudden you are filling the body with good healthy food full of nutrients, and you are pushing your body so that it responds to physical activity. You burn a high number of calories because it requires a ton of effort just to do simple exercise. Over time, you adjust and become more efficient at exercise, and it no longer requires the same amount of calories that it once did. If you do not change your activity, and continue to eat the same amount of food, you will eventually stop losing weight. The same principle applies to food. If you cut your calories down to 1500 per day, and lost 15 pounds that way, your new weight may use that 1500 calories for maintenance now, rather than weight loss. It’s as simple as calories in = calories out.

So how do you break out of this long-term plateau? There are several things you can try, but the most important thing to remember is CHANGE. Any change is worth a try to shake things up a bit.

Let’s start with food intake: have you been taking in the same number of calories or fat grams since the beginning of your lifestyle change? If so, then you need to throw your body off, and there are a couple of ways to do this.

You can cut your calories or fat grams by a bit more (not a lot) to adjust for your new weight.
You can try going off your healthy eating plan completely for 3-4 days.
You can actually try increasing your calories or fat grams a bit per day.
You can switch from eating 3 square meals per day to 6 smaller meals throughout the day.
You can eat your largest meal in the morning and smaller meals at lunch and dinner.
You can increase your water intake.
In the exercise department, you need to find ways to further challenge your body. You can try many different strategies:

You can completely switch your exercise method. If you only walked before, you can switch to cycling.
You can introduce cross-training into your program. If you only walked before, alternate it with cycling or aerobics
You can exercise for 5-10 minutes longer each day.
You can exercise harder during your normal session time.
You can introduce interval training, where you alternate intensity levels throughout your workout.
You can add another day of exercise to your week.
You can switch the time of day you exercise.
You can start lifting weights.
You can vary which activity you do first: lifting weights or cardiovascular activity
You can change the time of day that you exercise.
As you can see, there are many different ways to TRY and break a plateau. I recommend that you start by trying 2 or 3 all at the same time. If they don’t work, then next week try some others. It takes some experimenting to find out what will work for you, at this particular time in your weight loss journey. The steps I took to break my first plateau didn’t work to break my second, so be prepared to pull out something else from your arsenal.

You can expect that your new method will become effective within 2 weeks. If you are not seeing any other results, then you need to change your method again. If you are close to your goal weight (or ideal weight within reason) and none of these methods work, then you need to look at 2 factors:

Have your body fat tested. It is very possible that you are already at your ideal body fat level, and your body is not going to allow any further losses.
Accept your new weight, and congratulate yourself for the long, hard road you just traveled!

THE BIG ORANGE BABE 03-18-2003 11:22 AM


Just got back from a two hour attempt to draw blood from Kate!
She has terrible veins! We have to go back for the scan later in the afternoon!

DEBBIE...CONGRATS TO LAUREN....isn't it wonderful when family comes to visit? I'm not one to encourage visitors..not that Idon't like them, but my house is so small that it just doesn't work. I gave my couch away and that held the extra bed..You must be commended on opening your house to all that come....

SUSAN...Just keep those fingers crossed that my boss will let me off...I'm working on it...I would hate for you to be that close and not be able to get up there!

I'll be back!


Debelli 03-18-2003 11:43 AM

Good Tuesday Morning All:wave:

Stinky here! Really, I do mean it! It's so brutal out there, I think we've either tied or broken a record with the heat here since the beginning of the month and today is no exception. I had to force myself out there today, just walked with my Powerbelt and it took me a almost an hour and 3 minutes. As you can see from my lack of a good time that I had lack of motivation. Still in all, I went and that's worth something!

I forgot to tell you a stupid person story from Sunday. ELI and I went to Marshalls and when ELI came out of the dressing room he told me the one he had gone in had someones worn pants and shirt lying on the floor, meaning the guy had gotten some new five finger duds for free. Stupid idiot left his wallet in the pants though, with his ID!!!! LOL!!! ELI didn't say anything to anyone though, didn't want to get involved handling someone else's wallet, but I'm sure someone will find it and hand it in. Love to be a fly on the wall when that happens! Some people have no brains in more than one way!

So ELI'S sister showed up. She calls me and says she's 2 minutes away from the house:eek: Of course, I wasn't expecting that. We knew she was coming, but when, we weren't sure. At least give me an hour to tidy up a bit, not 2 minutes. She's at the YMCA this morning and then to shop (she LOVES to shop) and then I'll get her when I go to get the kids from school and then either drop her at the pool or bring her home til we go out for dinner. She's dying to go for lobster tonight and invited me to go. ELI has to work so he can't go. It's so expensive to go to this place but she wants to go, so who am I to say no to her enjoyment and my company???

Sorry, yesterday I forgot to post our WEEKLY CHALLENGE so here goes:

This week we continue with our water challenge. We've been aiming for 64oz every day and I think it's good to keep it at that for now, though I'd like to get your thoughts of upping the anti starting next month, like to 72oz. You should be drinking more if you are exercising anyhow. Also, of course, our 3 day a week minimum exercise challenge. Next month we're upping the anti on that one too, so be prepared. So we'll add a new challenge for this week which will run into next week actually. After tomorrow's WIW I'd like EVERYONE to stay off the scale til the following WIW. What I'd like you all to do is to see how you feel. Not only how hard it may be resisting stepping on the scale, but how you physcially feel. I want you to, come Monday, make a prediction of how you will do on WIW on the 26th taking in consideration of all you've done for the past week, from tomorrow til the 26th. Take in to consideration your eating, your exercise, etc. See if how you feel and what you perceive, if they are one of the same or even close. Of course, if you don't WI tomorrow as I'm not, you can still make your predictions for next WIW and just continue not to step on the scale til then. Any thoughts to this challenge? ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME IN THE CHALLENGE?

I've been doing well with my water intake except for yesterday where I failed with only getting in about a little over half of what I should of drank. But, going to make up for that today and alreaday have a good start. I've had three days of carbaholicism though where it feels like my body is just dying to eat carbs. I've kept them where they've been OP but the amounts are bad and no matter if they are SB LEGAL it doesn't help in the amounts I've eaten. This too is going to be better today. I do think it has to do with hormones though and usually passes without much damage, if any.

Thanks for all the congrats for LAUREN, I'll tell her all about them when she gets home - child loves praise!!!:D

DAWN, isn't it nice to have people notice your efforts and your be bod, esp. the one you love! Hope something can be done for Goldie!

SERENE, that's great you are able to get a few days off from work, I'm sure you're loving the time off and the break you probably need to spend some time with LINDSY and do some things for yourself. Would love for you to come down again, definitely we'll talk about it next time you are on the telly!!!

MONET, how'd the Dr. appt go? What did his scale say? What did he say? I think a true stall is when you are stuck at a particular number, which is what I seem to be experiencing. Not going up OR down. How long has it been for you?
Soooo, what's on the agenda for your bday???

LIN, send me the picture. If I can't resize it then I'll just post it up on my ftp site on AOL and post it that way, not hard to do. Just, when you e-mail me, put in the subject matter SB. A serving of carbohydrates is 15 grams and 80 calories. Please remember, you don't have to be exact. If something has a few grams over it's not going to kill you.:)

TEENSY, sorry to hear about your loss with your DD. I'm just hoping it's not the worse case senario. It's true what you say about getting things lined up, I think when it's only 1 Dr. involved things go quickly, but not with 3-4 of them, plus hospital staff, etc. Not moving fast enough to my liking. The pot pies are SB LEGAL and are made by a company called SHELTONS. They have turkey and chicken and I like the chicken better, white meat where the turkey has both dark and white. If you have a HFS in your area they may carry them, or possibly, they can order them. The SKU number may be helpful, so here it is: 4848100901. I can only say DELISH!!!!

JECRITES, http://members.aol.com/eldemila//sb_sign2.jpg Glad to have you join us and thanks for posting your BIO on the BIO BOARD, it was nice to learn more about you! :D You've done great so far, 13 pounds is quite a bit of weight in just 2 months. Where have you gotten stuck? Think about it, you're losing about an average of 1.5lbs a week, which is wonderful. I'm sure your Dr. has to be please with how you've done and btw, what a smart Dr. at that to recommend this WOE! Feel free to ask lots of questions and we'll be happy to try and dispell some of the myths and take out some of the fuzzy stuff about this WOE for you. We're all more than happy to help!!!! Again, WELCOME!

JACKK, see my post above to TEENSY, I posted the SKU number. It's a white box, I think the green is the organic one. It has a top and bottom crust and made with range free. Is this the one you ate for lunch? Glad you liked whichever one you did end up eating. I have to say, I'm stuck. I'm can eat the same thing forever before changing, boring I guess! Did you get those invites out?

FILLISE, wish I was a bit closer to Tampa, I'd come see you! You know you are welcome to make a side trip to Miami. One of the HFS I go to has a place in Tampa and it's called NUTRITIONS'MART. If you want, I can get the address and phone number for you, just let me know. Not sure if they have a WHOLE FOODS or WILD OATS in that area, but I'm sure there has to be a decent HFS in that area. Hope you and BOB get to meet!!!!! Hope you enjoy the pedometer, I'm sure you'll be increasing your walking just because of it. Things like this make you more aware.

QUILTER, I posted the info about the lettuce right in the poll!!! Most people opt for the iceburg, the romaine, the light lettuce that has basically no nutritional value. The lettuces like you mentioned, along with spinach does have some, so you can count that, but girl, it will take a lot of lettuce to make a single veg. serving. For instance, it take 5 ounces of loose leaf lettuce to make a serving and over 6 ounces of romaine to make a serving. That's one big bowl of lettuce! Even worse for iceburg, about 8oz!

LDBLOND, glad to see that the poll question opens up some eyes. I'm the loan soul who posted 0 unfortunately. Something I too have to work on building up!!!!

AGAPE, I'm so glad you are liking MM book, I really should re-read it again. I have many pages highlighted. It does make this WOE so much clearer. This is why I always recommend it. Personally, I open my AOL e-mail and read a post and reply and then copy the e-mail body and post it, I keep changing the windows. Only problem I have with that is if the power goes off, or I hit a wrong button my post gets wiped out, so I have to save it from time-to-time. I know some of the gals post their replies on NOTEPAD or WORD.

SHEANNE, sorry to hear about your DM, thank goodness it wasn't worse, but terrible it had to happen in the first place. Such a terrible thing to be compounded on her after hearing the news in the morning. My thoughts are with her, you and the rest of the family. GOOD LUCK with the new career. My friend Debby who's pushing 50 in a couple years is also going back to school to be a nurse as well!

SEF, hope you are feeling better today. Have you looked to see if the meds the Dr. wants you to go off of, if there's an herbal products that you could take instead? Loved the GIRLFRIENDS piece!!

BOB, hope they didn't leave KATE all brusied up. I have bad veins too, skinny ones they say, about the only skinny thing on my body and it has to be veins! Hey, if you can put up with my messy abode, you're welcome to stay. I don't mind having people here at all, I just don't like people showing up on your doorstep with no notice, that's all. I'm not one for surprises, unless they are really good and involve me getting some money!!!!!

Well, I seem to be caught up now. Still stinking here, so going to hop in the shower and then make a pot pie for lunch. Don't want to eat too late since we should go for a fairly early dinner, if we don't, the wait can easily be an hour, at the shortest.

Once again, please rememberTONIGHT IS CHAT AT 9:15PM EST Hope to see you all there!!!!

Tomorrow is WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY and I wish you all luck on the metal monster!!!!




heartmom 03-18-2003 11:46 AM

Checking in- my eating has been pretty bad since Sunday. I've been legal but I've eaten huge amounts of starchy carbs and sf crap. So I haven't taken off any weight that I gained from the fish fry. I'm really going to do better today and we'll see what the damage is tomorrow(WIW). Not much to say, check back later.

Debelli 03-18-2003 11:52 AM

Here's another great article from MOTIVATION STATION



You’ve heard the word "metabolism" thrown around a lot in the last few years. Overfat people blame their weight on a slow metabolism. In essence they are right. However, metabolism can be changed! The only factor regarding metabolism that cannot be changed is our age: as we get older our metabolism naturally slows down.

Metabolism is actually a very complicated phenomenon. For simplicity’s sake I will define metabolism as the "process of burning calories". We are constantly burning calories, because our body constantly needs energy. The heart needs energy to pump, the lungs need energy to breath, your eyelids need energy to blink. Every process in our body requires energy, therefore calories are burned to provide this energy. The number of calories that we must consume in food in order to sustain life is called our basal metabolic rate, or BMR.

So how can you increases your BMR? There are several ways you can help. A pound of fat at rest burns only 2 calories. A pound of muscle at rest burns 50 calories! By adding muscle tissue to your body you have increased your BMR because it requires so much more energy to "maintain" muscle mass. Adding more lean muscle tissue, and decreasing your fat tissue produces a calorie-burning machine, even at rest!

Exercise in general increases your metabolism, because not only do you require tons of energy to get through your workout, but once you stop exercising your muscles work like crazy to replace all the glucose you just burned up! This "post exercise" calorie burn continues after your session is over. If this does not convince you to integrate exercise into your daily life, then I don’t know what will. Now you know why fit people can eat so much. They have a high metabolism, and naturally burn a large amount of calories during exercise and at rest.

One of the body processes that requires a lot of energy is digestion. Whenever you eat something, it takes a couple hours before it is completely broken down. Therefore, your goal should be to eat something every couple of hours. By eating smaller meals more often, you are keeping a constant source of energy flowing to your body, as well as burning a lot of calories all day long. Try to eat every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism high.

Eating an adequate amount of calories each day helps keep your metabolism high. As I said above, digestion burns a large amount of calories. If you don’t feed your body, it reacts by slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy. Your body starts to prepare for a famine, and slows the calorie burning process down to a bare minimum. That is why after you haven’t eaten for a long time you feel tired and sluggish. As I said before, energy is the number one priority, so the body will do anything to get it. If you go long enough without eating, the muscle tissue (protein) must then be converted to glucose to sustain body functions. You will burn off some fat during a starvation or low calorie diet. But since fat is the most abundant source of energy the body will "hold on" to your fat cells tightly before they release them for energy use. On a low calorie diet you can lose up to a pound of muscle for every pound of fat that disappears. This shows up as a large loss on the scale, which is why low calorie diets are so prevalent. But the minute you begin eating normal again your body shouts "HALLELUJAH" and hoards every fat gram you eat! The weight starts coming back on quickly, and usually then some. But do you thing you will gain back all that muscle weight you lost in the form of more muscle? NOPE. You gain it all back as FAT. That is why so many people get "fatter" and "fatter" by yo-yo dieting with low calorie diets. They also gain more weight back because they no longer have as much muscle tissue, which you now know requires a ton of energy to maintain as opposed to fat tissue. In the process they have lost that vital lean muscle that allows maximum metabolism. Perhaps you have yo-yo dieted in the past, and are now facing an extremely slow metabolism. Not to fear, by building back lean muscle tissue through resistance training, you can gain some muscle tissue back.

Drinking at least 8 8 ounce glasses of water each day will also help your metabolism stay tip-top. Increase this amount if you are exercising each day. All of our body functions require adequate amounts of water to take place, and by keeping the body hydrated you will function more efficiently.

The most obvious way to maintain a higher metabolism is to stay active. People with a lot of muscle tissue tend to be more "fidgety". They have a hard time sitting still. They can’t even sit still to watch a movie: they are constantly up, and down, rearranging their legs, toe tapping, scratching, fiddling with their hair, nails, you get the idea. By becoming more active in daily activities your body requires more calories. Simple things like taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, and parking further away can help.

By now you hopefully have the true picture of how beneficial exercise can be for your body when you make it a part of your daily life. You will become a better fat burning machine, require larger amounts of energy (which means you can eat more) and take your metabolism from slow to GO!

sef 03-18-2003 01:21 PM

HiedieHo All!

Today is a paperwork day. Just finished my minutes for the HFH meeting. Have to sort things out and make copies to send to regional. Also address envelopes for the Potluck Dinner.

I have been feeling better the last couple of days. I have been taking Glucosamine Chondroitin, maybe that is starting to kick in. The doctor ssaid he would take it when I asked him about it, but said it could take up to three minths to see any change. He said one pill a day, but the bottle recommends three and that's what I've been taking. Maybe the increased dose works faster, although I didn't think about it when I started.

The following has nothing to do qwith what's on the board, but it is appropriate for the times.


The average age of the Infantryman is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than wash his father's; but he has never collected unemployment either.

He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away. He listens to rock and roll or hip hop or rap or jazz or swing and 155mm Howitzers. He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk.

He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less-in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must. He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional.
He can march until he is told to stop or stop until he is told to march. He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity.

He is self-sufficient. He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own
clothes, and fix his own hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low. He has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands. He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job.

He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay and still find ironic humor in it all. He has seen more suffering and death then he should have in his short lifetime. He has stood atop mountains of dead bodies, and helped to create them. He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed. He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to 'square-away' those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful.

Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom. Beardless or not, he is not a boy. He is the American Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years. He has asked nothing in return,
except our friendship and understanding. Remember him, always, for he has earned our respect and admiration with his blood.

Take care all, Shirley

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