Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 11/4-11/10

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View Poll Results: So, Halloween is over, how well did you do on your prediction?
I did exactly as I said, just one piece!
I did exactly as I said, not one piece!
I did exactly as I said, jus had a piece of SB Legal Chocolate!
I did exactly what I said that night, there after, it's a different story!
I failed, but not too bad!
I failed, and miserably at that!
You mean Halloween is over? I'm still celebrating!
I plead the Fifth. I'm not saying anything to incriminate myself!
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll
  • daybreaker
    SB is a great way to go long term. I could never go a single day without some sort of bread or my Triskets!
    Welcome to the board.

    good golly miss molly! Little stressful for you this week? Glad you and the kiddies are ok and that there was only a couple bites of ice-cream
  • JACK-K: I'm glad there wasn't any more ice cream left too. I would have finished off whatever amount had been there. We have a friend that has a body shop. I'm going there first for an estimate since we know we can trust him.

    DAYBREAKER: Welcome. There are several on the board who have done Atkins and switched to SB. You're right that this is a much more do-able WOE.

    GRACIOUS: You are so right that God is in control. Our pastor often reminds us that whatever happens in our lives, it is no surprise to God and He is still in control of the situation.

    TRISH: Yes, she has insurance with the same company we have. Don't know exactly how that will work, but she got a ticket so it's clearly her fault. The kids are fine, just really scared. Sarah's teacher told me at lunch that Sarah had dozed off in class.Maybe I won't have so much trouble getting them to sleep tonight.

    TONI: WTG on getting that TM time in. Wish I had one.

    CHERYLCO: You were posting at the same time I was. Yeah a little heavy on the stressful side. Had to have a Calgon take me away session last night.

    Gotta go. I'm being bad typing this while I have kids in the room. I have them busy doing an activity tho.
  • I'm back!
    WHEW! I'm glad that's over with!

    Well, except of course here in Alabama it's not really over with--we still don't know who our next governor will be. well, we do, but somebody just won't admit that he lost! I guess I'm not going to be able to poke fun at the FLA voters anymore!

    To let you know, I worked with five candidates in Tuesday's election. Four won and one lost. Not a bad record! The one that lost was a real David/Goliath battle (we were David) and we didn't have a very big sling shot. So that loss was not a surprise. My candidates that won were: two statewide, one congressional, and one state school board.

    I spent most of yesterday in Montgomery and may have to go back today. I am on the transition team for one of my candidates that is preparing to take statewide office, so we have to begin working on her inagural celebration. But overall today is much more relaxed that it has been in a loooong time.

    I am most looking forward to actually eating vegetables again.

    I've tried to read the board this week--but as usual, when it it Thursday there are just too many posts to reply to them all personally. I'll hit the ones that really stick out in my mind and apologize to everyone else!

    Gracious--SNOW! It sounds pretty, but I live in the south because I'm not much on cold weather. So enjoy, I'll keep the pretty picture you described in my mind's eye!

    Monet--Glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. Take it easy and don't try to do too much. A relapse would be terrible so do what your DR. Says for the ENTIRE six weeks!

    Heart--I'm sorry you had a rough time at the Health Dept. I hope Boogie didn't get that little girl's cold. I can't imgaine why people have to be so rude and unfeeling. I hope you are having a better day today!

    BOB--Sorry about that tree you planted---NOT! You know if I had been in FLA I would have been working for Jeb! AS a consolation prize I think UT shoudl beat up on Miami this week!

    Music--so sorry to hear about your misadventures with your car! I hope the repairs go well and you can get your car back in shape soon!

    That's all I can remember for now. I've got to go watch the noon news to see if we have a governor yet. I'm planning a major grocery shopping expedition this afternoon because the kitchen is bare--I will cook a good SB legal meal tonight for the first time in weeks--I can't wait!

  • DAYBREAKER: I did Atkins/Protein Power for four years before switching to SB over a year ago. I am a very slow loser...with severe metabolic problems. SB seems to be a better program for me. I do lose on it, still slowly, but at least I am making some progress. I never could get into ketosis, no matter how few carbs I ate, so Atkins was not working for me at all. If you switch, my advice it to watch the carbs...and limit your starchy carb servings to two a day. Let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
  • Hi All!
    Stopping in to say "hi"

    My vertigo is almost completely gone now and my throat seems back to normal. Just feel tired from the anti-anxiety medication. I guess I could try and do some exercise tonight. We'll see....

    We are finally having a totally beautiful day here in South Florida. The high will be in the 70's and at night in the 60's. Sweet!! However, it's only going to last today and tomorrow and then by Saturday, it's supposed to be in the mid 80's. Perfect for Jackie's cruise.... I should get outside tonight and enjoy the cool weather!

    Monet: Thanks for your suggestion of substituting the Agave syrup for the Karo Syrup. Still looking for a SB legal pecan pie recipe if anyone finds one.

    Gracious: You snowy scenery sounds so inviting. Some day, I'm going to get up to Canada and check that out!! Thanks for your input on the durum semolina.

    Debbie: Great time on your run today! Isn't this weather awesome!!!!!

    Zanne: Congrats on your swimming accomplishment! That's one exercise that works every muscle in your body. Your early Christmas baking sounds like fun!!

    Mercy: Thanks for your warm welcome! I look forward to getting to know you better too!

    Trish: Congrats on the 2 lb loss!

    Tina: Sorry to hear about your car accident. Life is full of obstacles. Good Luck!!!

    Jackie: Thanks for your suggestions for the pecan pie and for letting me know that 100% durum semolina is legal. This is one of my problems. I need to cut this pasta out!! Have fun this weekend!

    Daybreaker: Welcome! I only lasted 3 days on Atkins before feeling ill. You will like this WOE so much better...

    Take care everyone and talk again soon.

  • Hey All

    Thought I'd get in a post before I have to go.

    Nieces gave me no trouble today, thank goodness. Barfing Bailey didn't even get me today, oh yes, she barfed, but I was totally protected! My DM said she was going to walk in their house one day donning a rain poncho! LOL!

    Well, last night went as I figured it would! We went to Carrabas and first was the calimari-delicious, but of course, not OP. Had the salad with a little of the dressing (always on the side so I can dip my fork) and then the eggplant (I'll probably never get anything else, I'm a creature of habit). Of course, the Tiramisu was ordered and I pigged. Granted, ELI had a bite or two, but Denise (his DD) and I ate the rest. Well, it's not enough for me to stop there, if you haven't figured me out by now, noooo I kept going-polished off a half of a half-gallon of ice cream, some candy a couple cookies. Hmmmm, I think that was it. And then I was done. Well, even though I went through all that and eating all that crap after being 100% for 2 1/2 weeks I actually feel I had some sort of "break through" as I just felt, for the first time, it was done and it was over with and that I wouldn't continue the next day, which I didn't/haven't. Right back on track. Usually, it goes for a few days, but not this time.

    BUT, the scale is also UP!!!! Pisses me off, but hey, if you play with fire, you're bound to get burned. Not sure if it's from a few hours of eating or being right smack dab in mid-cycle, day 14 today. Guess I'll just take a "weight and see attitude".

    Anyhow, going to get a few replies in before it gets too late...

    TRANQUIL, what's the deal with TOM showing up so early? Hope it's just a fluke and doesn't happen again.

    GATOR, thanks for letting us know what SUZANNE said in response to the chat room. I guess I'll just have to set up a chat room come Tuesday. It's not something I can do ahead of time, though, there may be a site that has chat rooms that may allow us to make our own-will have to look in to this!

    TONI, CONGRATS on your pound loss this week AND for the good job you continue to do on the treadmill Nothing wrong with slow. These days we want EVERYTHING now. Guess that's why it's so hard to find people patient about anything they have to wait for. Of course, I'm as guilty as the next, but as the saying goes "all good things come to those who wait!"

    MONET, sweet potato pie, at McD's? Either that'something just up your way, or I'm truly out of touch from the fast food joints! I've never heard of that, but then again, I don't go to those places As you said, no more excuses-keep thsoe 11lbs at bay and work on the next pound, and so on. Just think what you can accomplish before we see you in Orlando - BTW, how much have you lost since I saw you???

    MERCY, CONGRATS on your great loss this week, that's awesome! We miss you too, but come to the board when you can, we all understand it's harder for some to get on than it is for others, esp. with sick kids in the house!! Hope their better now

    LDBLOND, hope all goes well with the new toofers! I like when you look at the positive-so much more positive than negative and *****ing and moaning about negatives NEVER does any good

    MELF, will be happy to try and help find a fare, you just give me some ideas of where you can fly out from. Drive safely!

    JACKK, wish I had read your post BEFORE going to Carrabas! Yes, I could of done fine, but as you probably read above, I didn't

    HEART, sorry to hear about the ordeal at the WIC office. My sister gets WIC too and hates having to go there. In fact, that's why I had to babysit for the 2 youngest today, so she could get renewed. Don't worry about those 4lbs, just get back on track and they'll disappear quickly.

    DENISE, glad to hear you're feeling better! Yes, it is a gorgeous day here today! I love it. Just didn't like the wind this morning, felt like I was running against a brick wall at times. Rollerblading? Wow, I can't even stand up on those things. If you'll be home tonight, can try you after Survivor-LMK (let me know). As MONET mentioned, the agave is great as a substitute to make a pecan pie. I know I have a recipe somewhere...will have to see if I can find it. As for the WW pasta, it should be made from stone ground ww. Don't have my book handy, but I think the other gals were able to fill in the blanks. It's also true about the extrusion of pasta being lower GI.

    GRACIOUS, you can keep the snow, but send a little more cooler weather our way, that, I'll take. You are right about the extrudd pasta, I think the info is on the FOOD INFORMATION BOARD about that.

    ZANNE, good going on the swimming, CONGRATS! Geez, CONGRATS for getting in a bathing suit in public, that's something I'll never see happen in this lifetime, that's for sure! Xmas baking, now? Boy, between GRACIOUS getting her shopping done and you doing baking now, you put as all to shame!

    TRISH, CONGRATS on this weeks loss-awesome! Don't worry about the eating, as you see from the above, I too was up after eating off plan last night, nothing you can do except get right back on track. Whatever got into me and I seemed to have not kept it to myself and it got a hold of you-hopefully, after it was done with you you got rid of it for good!!!! I sure as heck don't want it back!

    MUSIC, sorry to hear about the car. Guess you won't be doing any abulance chasing in the future Thank goodness she has insurance to pay, but what a pain to have to go through all this! And thank goodness the kids didn't get hurt, that's more important than anything!

    I have not been on Atkins and switched over to SB, but many others on the board have and will give you their personal opinions. I, on the other hand, can tell you your Dr. is a smart cookie. Many Dr.'s recommend this WOE to their patients and with good reason, it not only works, but it's a very healthy and easy WOE to follow and one you can do indefinitely. Don't be afraid to ask questions, we're all more than happy to help answer any questions you may have

    FILLISE, glad it's all over for you, now would you try to slow down a bit?!? Hey, any way you can come in for the Orlando get together in January-you NEED a vacation! LMK if you can! Congrats on 4 of your 5 candidates winning!

    Hello to everyone else!!

    Time for me to go get the kids from school. Will check in later if
    possible, otherwise, tomorrow.

    Have a great day!

    SB since 3/22/00
    Reached goal 6/10/01
  • Just heard from SUZANNE via a P.M. She said she should have a new alternative for the chat she had up before next Tuesday night so we can have our scheduled chat! YIPPEEE!!

    Also, I see on the announcement boards that they will be changing servers again in December. I really need to get on the ball and get those old recipe boards at least copied so I can update them all correctly. It stunk when I lost everything on the other computer-have to start from scratch again!


  • DAYBREAKER- I did about 7 months on Atkins officially and lost weight before I switched over to SB. I have switched back and forth between the two of them when I needed an extra boost in my weight loss. I lose faster on Atkins and even going without any carbs than I do on SB...but having said that, SB is WAY more healthy and *normal* eating. I am doing a week of Induction right now because I had a bad previous week *read candy here* . I always watch my starchy carb intake on SB though. I eat 1-2 servings per day rather than the 2-3. Once I reach goal I am going to switch back yet again to SB for my maintanence. I have read just about everything out there and SB far outranks the others in healthy normal eating that a person truly can do for the rest of their lives.

    If you make the switch from Atkins to SB you are going to find that it is a smorgasboard ( sp? ) of food for you. It really opens up so many more options. You get to eat fruit, whole grains, meat and veggies galore. I think it is a wonderful plan and it is the one I recommend the most to people now.
  • Hi Debbie:

    Yes, I do watch "Survivor". You can call me right after it's over if you like. I will tell my daughter that she cannot be on the internet from 9-10 pm. Okay? Look forward to your call!
  • Getting ready to get out of here. Going straight to the UofL game. Sure hope I don't freeze my B off!. Gee and I'm not even a fan. The things we do for your men. He hates to miss out on a social event.

    Daybreaker, Welcome to our board. I started with SB but have friends that do Atkins. They never stick with it. SB is something you can do forever. If you can't eat it, you can find a substitute for it the SB way. Hope you keep posting with us.

    Music, Hope the kids are better today. Yes they will sleep good tonight.

    Fillise, sounds like yu are the woman for the job. 4 out of 5 is great. Doesn't sound like you are going to get musch rest though with the transition.

    Denise, Glad to hear you are better. Don't forget to keep doing your exercises. Man now it's cool there? I really don't know what to where on the plane now. Is it supposed to warm up for Sunday?

    Deb, You need to avoid Carabbas. I can appreciate the eating at dinner, but we HAVE to learn to control the continuing. How do we do it??? I'm sure that the food weighed alot and that is what has the scale rising. Remember your colon article? So glad you are back on the straight and narrow today. That's what we have to learn to do and keep these indescretions few and far between.

    Have a great evening.

  • Jackie: The temps should be back in the mid 80's (85) on Sat and Sunday. No rain in forecast. Should be nice blue skies...
  • Hello....I am currently doing ww and have been very happy with it but have wondered about SB in combination with it. (maintaing for over a year now) I'm not sure it is for me cause I would hate to never have anything sweet question is after you detox if you eat sugar do you totally blow the program or can you have sugar just not too much??????? I do use splenda in stuff but cannot have the other sweetners so I have not given it a whirl. Thouhgt it might help with my anxiety and Fibromyalgia pain.

    Thank you for your advice
  • CANDICE: Once you get off sugar, you don't really want it anymore. I think everyone on here will admit to occasionally cheating and eating something with sugar. You just go right back to SB, and its ok. SB is a very healthy program to follow. I think it is better than any other...the whole grains are better for you, and you can eat such a wide variety of foods. When I did WW I always had problems...I could eat all my points for a day in potatoes. Not a good idea! On SB, I find that fruit and splenda are enough sweets for me now. Why not join us here, give it a whirl and see if it helps? I have heard limiting carbs helps fibromyalgia. Try keeping your starchy carb servings to 2 a day and see if it helps.
  • No body around this morning it seems! I woke up feeling icky and I think I might have caught a bug from my son. Hopefully it won't turn into much.

    DEBELLI- I just wanted to say that ZANNE and I are able to think about the Christmas preparations so soon because we are CANADIANS and you Americans still have to get through Thanksgiving first! Once that is over then your focus can move onto Christmas or Hannukah. That is one reason I really like celebrating Thanksgiving in October. It gives us a break between 2 big holidays and we have recoup and preparation time!

    JACK-K- Have a great time on your vacation. I am still not clear on when you leave but I know it is soon! Enjoy yourself.

    FILLISE- Good to see you back, you were missed while you were away busy doing that election thing!
  • Happy Happy Friday

    Boy where is everybody last night and today?

    Well we went to the football game. I keep doing these stupid things, like going to a ballgame in the pouring down rain, sitting at a ballgame in the freezing cold for a team I don't like. I think I'm just plain stupid. I froze to death. Game was horrible (except they lost) and we didn't get home until 12:30. ESPN game.
    Now I'm

    But on a happier note, this is my last day of work.

    I don't know how I am going to make it for 7 whole days w/o you guys. I will really miss you.

    I'm not worried about my eating. I'm sure there will be plenty of legal foods even though the bread won't be just right I will still limit my carbs to 2 and I will go to their fitness center everyday and workout. I am really going to make a conscience effort to eat right but still enjoy myself.

    Gracious, That is a good concept on your early Christmas shopping. I sure wish we had more time in between the 2 holidays. Especially this year, we have a week less. Maybe the US would consider moving Thanksgiving to Oct?? We actually leave Sunday morning.

    Candice, Welcome our our little SF corner of the world. I have done WW, numerous times. Made goal twice. Never kept it off. I don't think you ever learn to change your eating habits with WW. If you don't go to the meetings, you quit counting points and you are right back where you started. With SB I have drastically changed my eating habits. I have not had any sugar in 13 months. Don't even miss it. This is a Way Of Eating I can do for the rest of my life and not have to worry about gaining back all my weight. Plus this board is like a WW meeting, but you don't have to pay and you can come here all day long if you need to. It's wonderful. Give it a try. It's tough at first, but well worth it.

    I should be able to check back in later.
