Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: At this time, how CONFIDENT are you that you will reach your goal weight while on SB?
Extremely confident 12 27.91%
Very confident 13 30.23%
Somewhat confident 3 6.98%
A bit confident 5 11.63%
Not so confident 4 9.30%
Not confident 2 4.65%
Doubtful 0 0%
I have already reached my goal while on SB! 2 4.65%
Other/No Opinion 2 4.65%
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Old 04-15-2002, 06:00 AM   #1  
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Post Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 4/15-4/21

This is the SUGAR BUSTERS WEEKLY SUPPORT BOARD where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please visit our NEW 2002 BIO BOARD where you can learn more about everyone who is on this board:

Please make sure you post your BIO on the LATEST VERSION of our BIO BOARD everyone!!!!

Our APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2002-SECOND QUARTER RECIPE BOARD can be located at the link below:

We have NINE INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!!





and our newest board MY FAVORITE SB LEGAL FOODS

Want to post your weigh in results, we have a MONTHLY WEIGH IN BOARD at the link below:

We also now have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on:

DO YOU HAVE A MONTHLY GOAL? Post your End of Month Goal on our new GOAL BOARD at the link below:

VISIT OUR NEW SUGAR BUSTERS 2001/2002 PICTURE GALLERY at the link below. You can upload pictures or post links to pictures on this board

Visit our monthly FOOD FOR THOUGHT BOARD were you can post a daily menu and see other board members menus!

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 04-15-2002, 06:08 AM   #2  
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Will post my usual morning post sometime later, but wanted to make sure I got our
done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM:


Whenever anything seems too difficult, tedious or uncomfortable, stop for a moment and remember. Stop for a moment and remember why you're doing it in the first place.

When there's a meaningful reason for what you're doing, then you can summon the motivation and the energy to get it done. Connect yourself with that reason, and allow it to push you forward. You have a very real stake in the outcome of your own efforts because you've chosen to make those efforts for a reason. Be sure to keep yourself connected to what that reason is.

Discipline, persistence, commitment and effectiveness cannot exist in a vacuum. They need a real and meaningful reason, a driving purpose, in order to thrive.

Whenever something starts to get you down, challenge yourself to remember why you're doing it. Remember why, and move ahead with a fresh, powerful, renewed sense of purpose. Remember why, and you'll have what it takes to get it done.

-- Ralph Marston


Have a wonderful day, a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 04-15-2002, 06:13 AM   #3  
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We have 2 birthdays to celebrate this week!!!!

APRIL 19th


APRIL 20th

Hope you both have a wonderful birthday week ahead of you!!!!!

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Old 04-15-2002, 07:58 AM   #4  
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Good Morning!

Just a quickie! Hope everyone has a good Monday! I'm feeling a little better today - still blowing my nose every 10 seconds though! I don't think I'll have a nose left!!

BETH: Just to let you know I'll be thinking of you today - good luck with your interview!

BOB & KAREN: Happy Birthday WEEK!!! Enjoy!!! I won't ask how old!!!

Ok - off to school because I too have statewide testing going on all week!!! Oh the stress!

See y'all tonight!

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Old 04-15-2002, 08:14 AM   #5  
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Default Monday


Well first thing first. I can’t find my journal!! I am having a fit looking for it. I am sure the ones that journal here can relate because I carry that thing around with me like it is an appendage. Since I got this pneumonia I have been more lax about it and have just left it in the kitchen. Yesterday I had a visitor and I think she might have accidentally put it into her bag when she was packing her things up. Now she is hours away and of course I am looking frantically about. It is not like I don’t have more of the books, but I had just started this one about 2 weeks ago so it was new! I keep everything in chronological order and would hate to have to start a new one and mess my nice orderliness up! I am laughing here because I know how anal that sounds but hey, I am like that! Okay…no biggie but it is inconvenient and drives me nuts.

My pneumonia seems to be doing well. I love the advice I get from my family and others that tell me to rest. I have 3 small kids and a husband…how on earth can I rest? I have been warned about not truly getting rid of the pneumonia and people sharing with me how they have not been the same since their bout of it. People are always so encouraging at times like this, huh? I don’t have the wicked headache anymore and my sore throat is gone. My coughing is still bad and my lungs are obviously still filled but things are definitely looking up so I am grateful.

I also have a confession to make. Perhaps it is because I was on Atkins for 4 months and lived and breathed it to the fullest, I am not sure. But for whatever reason, the last 2 or 3 weeks I have been eating as though I am on Atkins and not SB. Maybe some others who have been on Atkins for any length of time can relate to what I am saying. I started to think about reducing my carbs more and that would give me a boost. I went back down to Induction levels and of course that means my fat intake was way up according to SB. Anyway….having confessed that, it is Monday and I am back to SB without any Atkins influence. I had a pear this morning then a little while later I had my bowl of oatmeal which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I don’t know if I mentioned this already but I had gotten a few good ideas out of that book we were talking about "Mom, I feel fat!" My daughter and I had collected a pile of things to begin scrapbooking together and now it is officially under way. We did the title page together on Saturday and it looks wonderful. We had such a fun time making it together and sharing our creativity with each other. We have a picture of us framed with a cute scrapbooking frame thingy with a box on the top where my daughter wrote “The Girls” She also wrote underneath in cursive writing “This scrapbook is to record some of the fun things Tiffany and Mommy do together because we are…The Girls!” Since we are in a family with 3 other boys we take pride in the fact that we are “The Girls”. I look forward to filling this book with her and spending special time together planning and doing the activities that we will record.

Do you think I have written enough? I will stop now.
My prayers are still with all who need them on the board as we face this new week.
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Old 04-15-2002, 09:28 AM   #6  
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Here it is Monday morning and my DH has got his tax stuff all ready to take to the post office. You'd think it closed at 9 instead of opened!! Oh well I guess he'll feel better when he puts a chunk of our savings in the mail slot!!!! I was afraid I wouldn't get to walk at the campground this morning because its so humid already so I did my treadmill 21 min. So I've got a good start to my week. Hope you all had a really nice week-end.. I was starving last night so I think I need to cut back on the carbs. today and eat more vegetables and protein. We'll see how that works.

Gracious- It drives me crazy to lose something!!! You sure have a rough row to hoe with your pneumonia. Of course you need lots of rest. But with 3 little ones ooooo eeeee. Opps I meant 4 cause sometimes a husband is like another child. I'm so glad you're making a little headway with it anyway. Mom's have it awful rough.... I know what you mean about falling back into Atkins. I do the same with my old low carb. plan. I see I even wrote I need to eat less carbs more protein!! I'll have to pay attention to that. Guess I just need to look at the same menu's in the SB book. Anyway hope you feel better today....

Beth- I'm sending up lots of good thoughts for you today as you go for your job interview. Also that your SD is better.....

Fruit- Hope you're feeling better today... Breathe in and do good on those tests.....

Deb.- I hope your Dad is better and getting closer to Las Vegas

Those who lost loved ones over the week-end my prayers are with you..

SheAnn-Hope things are going better for your little guy.....

Tell later today..... Have a good Monday......

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Old 04-15-2002, 10:56 AM   #7  
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Good Monday Morning Everyone

First, here's hoping this week is a lot better for us all around, in every aspect. With all that's been happening, we can really all use some better news this week in one way or another.

Today was the first time I got out to walk early since the time change. I got my 4.5 miles in, though I'm not sure of the time, somehow screwed up my timer, but I'm pretty sure it was better than yesterday. It was nice to get out earlier and not have the sun pounding on me so early.

Eli called last night to tell me he made it to Colorado okay. He sounded soooo tired, poor guy. I'm dying to hear what took place at their dinner last night. He didn't think it was going to be a big deal as he was told he was just being recognized for his Mgr. of the Quarter that happened months ago-not a big deal anymore, the excitement of that wore off long ago, but I'm hoping there was something more to it and he got some surprise award-hoping he'll call today and let me know. He'll be home late Thursday night.

My eating was almost perfect yesterday. Only thing I'd like to do better on is veggies, I rarely eat any. BUT, I stayed within all my ranges and was quite happy, and even better, felt great.

TOM is definitely here today, just a day early, really. I can feel the heaviness in my stomach, but happily, I'm at 122 today. I didn't see the gain I usually see right before TOM is due. When I think about it, it sorta pisses me off that I haven't been OP as far as my amounts of food goes and I stayed within my cushion and I think, "if only I had watched myself better, I'd probably be down on the scale!" Oh, that hindsight can be a killer if you think about it!

Daddy update, he's fine, though still in the hospital. He's once again, like last year, getting ansey and not liking being there and feels whatever they are doing can be done as an outpatient. It seems though, that he will be going with Mom to LV on Wednesday, as it's possible that he may get out today or tomorrow, though nothing is 100% confirmed yet. Dr. seems to think it will be okay for him to go if he's careful.

FRUIT, hope you are feeling better today, Mrs. Snotty Bubblebiscuit! LOL!! Sorry I couldn't chat on the computer yesterday-just HAD to get out the door, or so I thought. When I got there to p/u Michael he wasn't ready to come home, had forgotten (so conveinently and as only Michael can), to call me to tell me he wanted to stay, even after I told him the night before to call me if he wanted to-sorta pissed me off to drive all the way there for nothing! I guess you hadn't seen my post about my barfiness earlier last week. I find I have two types of barfy to me. One is when I overeat due to my stomach stapling 18 years ago and the other is usually hormonal, during TOM or mid-cycle. Recently, I thought I may be getting sick when I over eat too many SB LEGAL GOODIES as I think, from what I posted yesterday, that my body is no longer able to handle any sugars in large amounts and that may be why I am getting sick and feeling icky. Hair, believe it or not, after having it cut and multi-colored, I've just been using some of the BIO SILK products and blowdrying it straight THEN using a ceramic hair iron (not those metal types). My hair does frizz a little, but not too too bad, but the ceramic hair iron makes a big difference. I had bought one for Lauren and ended up getting another one for myself after using hers-found it for a great deal on the web if you have any interest

RED1, glad to see you back! Glad to hear you had a nice visit with the kids and they are settling in to their new surroundings. Don't feel alone about the heat, seems down here summer never left from last year!

BOB, I thought about you this weekend. I was at a garage sale and bought a really old BEAN SCRAPER AND SLICER-haven't a clue how it works, will have to show it to you on your next visit. Thanks for posting that info on the scale-of course, I know you had it directed at me, it had Debbie written all over it!! Your really should copy if onto the RECOMMENDED READING BOARD to archive, it's that good. Of course, I think you should go out for this challenge at work. I know you could win it if you really put your mind into it, and I think it would be just the boost you need to get back on track 100%-but, having to weigh in publically, I think that would be the one thing stopping you-or am I wrong???? Hey, so when will I be invited up for dinner?????? We could always go to that place you and Monet mentioned!!!

TREE, hmm, not sure what happened to your bio, but at least you have it back on there!

SEF, I feel the same way about the board, more than a diet board, I actually haven't thought of it as such for a long time even though it is, but we, as a group are so different than all these other boards out there in the way we truly care for each other-no one ever said you have to have physical contact to have a great friend, and the people on this board make that very evident

JRED, thanks for the good wishes for Dad, I'm sure he'll be fine. I loved your way of thinking about this WOE, and it will surely help you reach your goal. When I went to the hosp. to visit my Dad the other day he asked me if I wanted something, and I told him it wasn't on plan to eat that. He says he thought I was finished with my diet and I had to explain to him that this is a WOE that I plan on following the rest of my life and there is no "END" per se. I think the mentality of people and diets needs to change, so many people think once you lose the weight that's it and those people are the ones who will gain the weight back if they ever do lose the weight with that kind of thinking.

BETH, just waiting to hear about the interview and how you think it went!!!! I hope your Dad gets a good talking to by the Dr and that wake up call as well. It's sad to think that we have to have something healthwise happen before we realize we are killing ourselves in the interm. Why does it take things like this to make us wake up? Some people, unfortunately, never get the jest of it! I hope he does. Sorry to hear your day didn't go as planned-you're owed big time at this point!!!! How'd the hair come out????

SHEANN, I couldn't agree with you more on how we are like a big group of friends on this board and that we just don't view ourselves a diet board. With having met 16 members past and present, I know just how special these woman on here can be. You know you can count on us all for any support you may need!!!! We are definitely here for you, and for each other

TONI, slob clothes? I have a ton of those, though I never thought about naming them as such-will have to adopt that name!!!! Now that I think about it, that's a great name to put on a kids clothing label!!! Thanks for mentioning the taxes, I've been meaning to call the CPA I use to see if he did my usual extension. I never get money or pay and take forver to do them, even though I have to say, this year, I have had everything ready for a long time-I'm such a procrastinator!!!

GRACIOUS, hope you find your journal-I'm having a hissy fit because I can't find my calculator that I use when journaling, so I can sympathize!!!! Sorry to hear you're still not feeling much better. Lauren was sick for a whole month and is just now clearing up. I hope you can find yourself back to following more SB than Atkins-what is going through your mind that's making you think the old way?

Well, in the interm of writing this post I went to the bank, post office and Citibank to pay my MC bill than took my car to the mechanic who will, for the 3rd time, try to fix the window that won't go down in my van. My sister came to pick me up and drop me off at home, so will have to use Eli's car until mine is ready-though I don't know just how I'll be getting my car back as of yet.

Eli just called from Colorado. Nothing big last night, unfortunately. Just a nice dinner since they didn't have a leadership conference since he made Mgr. of the Qtr.-poop! Anyhow, he said it's nice there, cool, in the 40's, but very dry. He's had a terrible headache since yesterday that he can't shake, even with 222's-poor fella! He'll probably call tonight-AT&T gave them all 30min. phone cards-nice!!

Well, I'm outta here for now. Thank goodness I'm all caught up! I have falling so far behind.

Will check in later!

Have a wonderful week!

Sb since 3/22/00
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Old 04-15-2002, 11:20 AM   #8  
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Back to the board!!

I have been feeling so much better lately. I feel more fit and I have so much more energy than I did before. This motivates me to exercise and eat better everyday. I was pretty discouraged two weeks ago, but now that TOM has come and gone, I'm weighing in at around 156-157. It's sticking!!. This means that I've lost a total of 5-6lbs since I began. I couldn't have done it without your support and words of kindness. Thanks! On to the next 5lbs....

Beth- Good luck! I'm hoping that things are starting to turn around for you

Gracious- As I got older i became closer to my mother..I really liked it that we were "the girls" in the family. I have two brothers and a father so it can get quite rowdy at times. There's nothing like hanging out with mom without the guys around.

Happy birthday Bob and Karen!
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Old 04-15-2002, 12:27 PM   #9  
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Happy Monday to All,

Hope this week is a better week for everyone. We need some good things going on here.

Went to a first communion party yesterday. Did ok on food, 1/2 ham sandwich, veggies, fruit, cheese. Passed on the cake an ice cream. Doesn't even bother me anymore. Friday night we went out for pizza. I had already eaten buf wings at the bar so I just ordered a salad. My DH thought he could eat a whole pizza by himself. Since he had so much left, I took a piece and just ate the topping off of it. My friend (who has started SB 3 times now) asked me if I ever cheated. I told her no. It was more important to get this weight off then to eat that pizza crust. It just wasn't worth it. I really don't know what go a hold of me when I started this WOE, but I sure hope it never lets go.

Gracious, Good to hear you are feeling bettter. Now don't overdo it. Your scrapbook idea sound like fun. What a nice thing you and your DD can share. Hope you find your journal.

Deb, I like your MM thought. It does help to stop and remember what and why you are doing something. That seems to get lost in our sometimes hectic world. Glad to hear your dad is getting better. Bet he is glad he can can to Vegas. Don't beat yourself up over "what could have been" Reread your MM, remember and go ahead.

Quiv, Glad you are feeling up to par. Those next 5 will drop right off. Good luck.

Got to get some work done here today. Check back later.

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Old 04-15-2002, 12:50 PM   #10  
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Default Well...

The interview was interesting. There were 2 people conducting it... one was a very nice lady, the other was a very stiff and formal man. He wasn't friendly, didn't smile or anything... hope he wasn't having a lousy day.

I answered all their questions, and was courteous, and professional... I remembered to take out the tongue ring

Now I play the wait and see game... and they didn't even let me know when I'd hear anything back. I forgot to ask!!!

Thanks for the positive vibes!! You guys are the best!!
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Old 04-15-2002, 01:15 PM   #11  
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Well, I took a fit this morning, and decided I could not stand the wall paper in the kitchen a second more. I started ripping it off the walls! I would have left it and primed over it, but it was a vinyl textured paper. Found the person who put it up ripped off the original wall paper, and tore up the wall board pretty badly under it! Now I am committed to finishing the kitchen as well as the great room by the wedding. I think I need my head examined!

Continued on today with BFL. I took yesterday off from the workouts, but stayed on program for SB. I am trying to follow Debbie's advice and eat more, too. Am anxious to see what happens.

BOB: I was in Sarasota in October. Is that considered the 'season'? I did not think it was, but I don't remember!

DEB: That is great to hear your dad may be able to go to LV with your mom! Hope it all works out! Glad to hear you are getting back on track too!

GRACIOUS: Take care of yourself! I hope you can find your journal! That would be me! I am know how bad I am about keeping up with stuff, so using the DietPower software is perfect for me! I have no chance to misplace it! Your scrapbook sounds like a great idea! Great fun for you both, and for building bonds with your daughter.

JACK: You did great at the First Communion party! And not eating the pizza crust. I like your attitude that you told your friend...better to get the weight off than eat the crust. It is a good philosophy.

QUIV: Congrats on your loss! May the next five be even easier!

FRUIT: Hope you have a good Monday too! And that your cold is lots better real soon! If your poor nose gets all red and sore, try those puffs tissues with aloe. It really helps!

TONI: My hubby procrastinated terribly with the taxes this year. I was expecting him to be much grumpier when he found out how much he had to pay, but he was rather mild in reaction! He got it all ready last night, then went over the electronic filing procedure with me for our daughters taxes that needed to be finished today. Why do they get so weird about taxes?

I will be back later! Take care everyone!
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Old 04-15-2002, 01:18 PM   #12  
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BETH: You were posting about the same time as me! Hope you hear from them soon! Did you feel like it was a positive interview? Maybe the formal guy is just like that... good that you remembered the tongue ring! Just think what Mr. Uptight Formal would have thought if you had not!
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Old 04-15-2002, 02:00 PM   #13  
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Hi everybody!

First of all, thanks for all your kind wishes and prayers for my mom. Her surgery has been put off till the 30th of this month. I misunderstood my sister and thought they were moving it up to this week. Anyway, she's feeling fine but is down about having her teeth pulled.

I'm still at 151 today despite the fact that TOM showed up. So I guess I'm happy with that.

BETH: Glad your interview went well. Hope you hear something soon.


DEBBIE: Glad to hear your dad is better.Hope he gets to make the trip with Mom to LV.

GRACIOUIS: Glad you're feeling better. Keep taking it easy.

FRUIT: Join the nose-blowing club. We go thru boxes and boxes of tissues at home. I just made an appt for Sarah this afternoon. She's been coughing long enough and can't get rid of it. She's already on allergy medicine so we're going to the dr. today. Had to wait till payday. We teachers are soooo rich, right? We start testing tomorrow. The dreaded TAAS. Fortunately, it doesn't affect my schedule. Everyone still wants to come to music.

JRED: Have fun testing.
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Old 04-15-2002, 03:58 PM   #14  
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Unhappy <sigh>

My stepdad is in Emergency surgery right now...

He got worse instead of better, and started running fever, and was in severe pain... well they found out that his colon is blocked, and he's in emergency surgery now to collapse the air that has built up. But with all his heart trouble, they're afraid he's going to have a heart attack. He may be transferred to Birmingham, and if he is I will be driving my mother down there because she's too upset to drive herself.

Please just keep us in your prayers... she has 4 kids under 10 in her house, and is so scared for their future right now. I can't imagine.

As for the interview... I feel like I gave the best possible interview in those circumstances. I wasn't asked many questions... so I didn't do much talking. I feel I was upbeat, and professional, and that I made a good impression... that's all I can do... now I wait
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Old 04-15-2002, 04:11 PM   #15  
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Oh my gosh its like 87 degrees here with the humity at 99%. I can hear the bugs growing outside and the weeds already. Hey what month is this? Oh yea must be July!!! I can feel the air cond. bill going up like the gas needle goes down in a big Cadilac car!!! Summer snuck up on Missouri. It must be time for a picnic, come on gals lets get an inner tube and go to the river.......LOL!!!! I only live 300 feet from it so we won't have to go far.......

Music Teach- A big hug for your Mom! My DH had that done last year and I felt so bad for him. Wow if you're still 151 today with TOM here by weigh in day you'll have lost gal!!!

Monet- Oh my gosh lady you have lost it..... But wow is your place ever going to look wonderful if you don't kill yourself first. If I lived close to you I'd run with my slob clothes on and a paint brush and help!!! Well my hubby got them mailed... I wish he wouldn't wait till the last second. That drives me batty.

Beth- I was really pulling for you. And hope so much you get the job. Maybe the man was a just born a stinker!!! I had waiting.

Jack-K- You did great at the party. I agree with you about cheating and always think I'll not remember in a couple of days what I had to eat so why spoil it. But for some reason I'm gritting my teeth wanting to!! Got to figure out why....

Quivondra- You're doing so good and you're post is a true inspiration. Yea for 5 more lbs. I know this board is the greatest!!

Deb- Because of your stomach stapleing can you eat salads? My sister had that done many years ago and can't eat salads unless they're ground up... You sure do wonderful with your walking. I think its wonderful to get out in the cool of the morning.

Gracious- did ya find your journal..??

Guess I'll go get me a tangerine. Went to the store this morning and they had some dandy looking ones. By for now.....
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