South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 01-12-2006, 05:57 AM   #1  
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Default Thoroughly Thursday! (1/12/2006)

Hello chickadees!

DH is working through the night tonight, so I'm sleeping even worse than usual. So is DS - he misses his daddy! It'll be so sad for him to wake up and still no daddy!

Well, I managed to get off my duff and go for a walk with DS in his stroller yesterday! It's been sooooo long since I've just been for a walk! There's a little park a couple blocks away that runs along the bluff overlooking the marina and Naval station here, and so we went there, walked along the bluff, and then walked home - only maybe 7-8 blocks total, but that's more than I've been getting. I'd like to get to the point where I can walk DS (in his stroller, most likely, as I don't want to end up having to carry him if he decides he doesn't want to walk!) to the library and home again - about a mile each way. I love our library here - it's large but not intimidatingly so, the librarians are mostly friendly and helpful, they have a lot of kid programs for all age groups (alternate Mondays they have a toddler and preschool age storytime), and there's a nice little cafe inside to boot!

I also stayed pretty OP yesterday - I had some ww toast w/pb for breakfast, some leftover roast beef at lunch, and a huge seafood salad for dinner (the only time I get shellfish is when DH isn't at home). I'd've liked to have spread some more vegs throughout the day, but I was running errands and doing homework most of the day and just didn't get a chance. I also came close to drinking my goal for water (min 48 fl ozs - I know, it should be 64 ideally, but there's nothing that says I can't have more than 48 ozs! That's just my desired minimum) - I would have met it if I hadn't fallen asleep so darned fast! I was about 1/2 glass (6 ozs) short.

Barb - Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a nice day (other than Brian's dental work - ouch!).

Have a great day, chicas!
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Old 01-12-2006, 06:02 AM   #2  
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Default It's THURSDAY! Let's Chat on the Beach!

Rise N Shine !!!

Thank the Stars for Tivo! I go to sleep so early anymore I miss all my shows.. So when I get up in the morn, I have my mucholicious Cawfee and watch all the shows I've missed! I sooo love having a laptop.. I am in bed writing this as I watch "My name is Earl" looove that show, and Project Runway..
It is sooooo Froggy here this morning-- But it's going to be 72 F today. What's Up with that??? Some Winter!!!! Today I work on my resume... just have to add my last job to it so it shouldn't take too long..then out to Monster it goes! DH has a job interview today. He works for Verizon/MCI as an IP Telephony engineer.. this interview is for a position with a company he really wants to work for .. so he is a bit fingers crossed fer my Man Chicken girls!!!
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Old 01-12-2006, 06:18 AM   #3  
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Good morning, Heather Who Never Sleeps and Schatzi Who Sleeps!

Heather, aren't libraries wonderful! Our little one has children's programmes too and even a couple of homework clubs. I hope you can get in another walk today.

Schatzi, "Monster"? What the heck is that? Are you looking for a witch position? I need to figure out how to tape TV programmes. I'd love to watch one while sipping my coffee.

Yesterday was a long afternoon and evening but I got Kevin through his operation and home onto his couch with ice packs, pain killers, water and the phone close at hand. I hit my own bed at 10:30 and woke at five again.

Today I go to get my Girls from the kennel and will spend most of the day doing chaos adjustment training with them so they won't freak at the workers in the cellar! The first thing will be to have the men give them treats. These guys are all 6 feet or taller which makes them all the more threatening according to The Girls. It should be an "interesting" day.

I have an hour to shower, dress, take the recycle out, move my car and have some breakfast. The guys have been getting here around 7:30 which certainly makes me leap into action.

Back later.
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Old 01-12-2006, 06:25 AM   #4  
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Boston is very mild as well, 50 -55 degrees! I am bracinf for the snow that will more than make up for the nice stretch we are having.

I packed my salad and I have good snacks at work. I am so sick of salads though I may get a nice bowl of soup to go with it. I had turkey chili the other day and it was good. I have to remember to eat breakfast today, yesterday I got caught up in work and did not eat until 1 in the afternoon.

I went to the gym even though I did not want to ( I must update my workout post) and then made a cheese omelette for dinner. I am so tired and Looking forward to my weekend.
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Old 01-12-2006, 06:40 AM   #5  
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Aren't we the early birds today! This will be another quick fly-by for me. The girls parents are in NYC, so I have to take them to school, and after lunch and naptime I'm taking them to stay with their grandparents, and I get to go home and EVEN HAVE TOMORROW OFF!!!! I won't know how to act with all this free time! I did make an appt. to have my car serviced tomorrow, I've been putting that off so now I can finally have time to get it done. I'm managing to stay OP with all this running around, but just barely! I watched the "Biggest LOser" last night to help encourage me along!

Heather ~ We visit the library often for storytime or just picking our own books. The kids really enjoy it, and it makes them feel like they're doing a "grown-up" thing. I'm sure your little one will benefit from it, too. I'm right with you RE the water!

Schatzi ~ We're into the 60's today with a lot of fog. Yesterday was really foggy and raining out. It looked pretty eerie. Weird weather for this time of year for us, but I guess better than snow & ice. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for your husband!

Ruth ~ I know your "girls" will be thrilled to be back home, and excited with all the activity going on! Hope the guys have some "goodies" for them so they make friends quickly! That was so very nice of you to see to Keith, you're an angel.

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Old 01-12-2006, 06:43 AM   #6  
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Hi Chilichick ~ Don't forget to eat breakfast today! It's the most important meal of the day! Yes, I'm bracing for that "big" snowstorm too! I just have a feeling we're going to have to pay for all this mild weather we've been enjoying!
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Old 01-12-2006, 07:26 AM   #7  
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Happy Thursday Morning All. I have a not so delicate question. This is day 10 of phase 1 for me. I am wondering if it is normal to get constipated and what others have used to remedy the situation???
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:05 AM   #8  
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Constipation is very common Freaky- especially during PH1. You might was to try taking Metamucil or Benefiber every day... and definitely Beans help. Some folks have opted to take stool softeners too.
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:08 AM   #9  
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Hi Freaky! Yup -perfectly normal and a pain in the a$$, so to speak! Metamucil helps and so does eating legumes and drinking water. I hope it all works out for you. Sorry! Been there and know it's not a joke but I'm feeling goofy this morning!

Chilichick, WHAT snowstorm? Is one forecast? We are well above freezing today and the ice is almost all melted off the decks. The lane is ice with 1/4 inch of water on it so I hope it disappears before it freezes. Actually snow on top would solve the problem a bit.

Cottage, you've sure been busy. Try to enjoy your day "off". It's a shame you have to look after your car-child.

The guys have been here since 7:20! What keeners. And they live in Brockville, a half hour's drive away. Romano comes in, shakes my hand and asks how I am, gets them started and then takes off to check out other jobs. He is just a whirlwind! Today they are doing some crack filling and other stuff and will still be here tomorrow when they put on some sort of sealer. Monday they paint and that should finish it. Whew!

The smartest thing I did this week was putting the Girls in the kennel. I get them this morning and will have to stay in the house until this job is done. I need to protect these big strong guys from my shaggy teddy bears! We'll see how the treat thing works later today. My biggest concern is their getting out when the guys are in and out the doors. Lucy never misses an opportunity - for anything!
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:24 AM   #10  
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Good morning ladies!

Well, I have been busy this week. I have missed coming in here. I have been trying to be a good girl regarding internet usuage, but it is so hard. I have also been so-so with my eating. I've been pretty much OP until last night when I made cabbage and pinto beans and just had to make a little pan of cornbread. It was so good. But, I didn't feel like my dessert last night and then ended up getting hungry at bedtime. It was too late to eat, so I just went there hungry.

I just got through having one peice of french toast made with ww bread and a cup of hot cocoa with splenda. It was good and satisifying, but I was dreaming of forbidden food on the way to work.

Exercise, I have lost that drive to go as much. It is related to laziness and the fact that I let my cleaning girls go for financial reasons. So, I am losing time b/c of keeping up with the house. (At least, I am not on the couch vegging.) I have also been trying to cook a proper on program meal every night. (Last night outstanding). So, I am trying to get in the swing of things and make it all work. I have planned to go to step class tonight. That's just two workouts this week. I am considering the circuit/abs class tomorrow night. (That one definitely kicks my bootie).

Until next time, work is piling up. Sorry, no individual replies! Everyone have a good day. (It went from 60 degrees yesterday to 32 this morning. ;()
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:27 AM   #11  
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Good morning, Chickies~~

Well, the shoe is still hanging about in the space/time continuum. I'll make another check today and if it doesn't show up (ie: the elves have stopped playing dress up with it) I'll just have to go buy another pair. Aww... ain't that a terrible thing!

Ruth I You really must be careful what you say around someone with a mind like mine! To quote:

"The guys have been here since 7:20! Today they are doing some crack filling"

I about fell out of my chair and spewed coffee on the monitor with the visual on that one!!

Schatzi, Freaky, Chili, and Cottage, Good Morning!

Heather, the way you describe where you live, it reminds me of author Debbie Macomber's fictional town of Cedar Cove, WA.

Okay, off to have breakfast and get ready to meet with Miss Mary. I wrote 38 pages yesterday! That should keep her busy til I get back from the cruise!

HAGD on the Beach everyone!
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:49 AM   #12  
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Hey Freaky- Thanks for mentioning that about the constipation. I contemplated saying something about it yesterday- but chickened out?

I've never used metamucil before- do I need to proceed with caution (as in, am I going to get caught in an embarassing situation here?!).

Also, anyone else in week 2 of phase one not losing anymore? I havent lost a smidge since last friday and I'm so frustrated! advice?
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Old 01-12-2006, 08:56 AM   #13  
In Pursuit of Divatude!
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Hi guys
I fell of the beach towel this am no time to put any food together DH ran to a bagel shop for me
Everything bagel with light cream cheese and coffee with skim and splenda
For Lunch theres a pork loin at the caf
I did survive last night tho dinner our with friends salmon and grilled veggies
Mama! OMG 38 pages! you rock!
Dana I totally feel your pain when i was out last night the coffee menu is the same as the dessert menu I made them take it off the table MMM Chocolate Concerto
Ruth all I could think of when you said Fill in the Cracks was Romano's Hairy Arse! Thanks for the laugh this am
Chili and Cottage I know the Snow's going to hit jersey like a brick
Schatzi mmm tivo drooooooooooool
gotta run
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Old 01-12-2006, 09:00 AM   #14  
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Morning chicks!

It's shaping up to be a beautiful, mild day here in FL, but I'm feeling tired, ugh, SICK! I don't know if it's just from all the stress I've been under while I got my school applications done or what, but I could just fall asleep at my desk! And there's so much more to do - get ready for a big presentation and moving! DH and I are moving to a new place next weekend and we still have a ton of packing to do. At least it will be a good workout, huh?

Schatzi ~ Keeping my fingers crossed for your DH! Also, I made that cola chicken you keep talking about last night and it was YUMMY!!!

H-Ko ~ Sounds like a relaxing walk! I love libraries but lately haven't had the time to spend there.

Ruth ~ Glad to hear that Kevin got through his operation!

chilichick ~ soup is definitely a great way to add in some variety! I found that there was only so much I could do with salad. Be sure to get that breakfast in! It helps a lot!

cottage ~ Enjoy that day off tomorrow!

freaky ~ Good morning!

djett ~ Mmmmmm...French toast and cocoa, sounds like a great breakfast!

Mamacita ~ Sorry your shoe hasn't shown up yet! It's probably in the same place as my MP3 player (the alternate universe of lost socks, remote controls, keys, and such), but hopefully it will emerge soon!

BeachininBoston ~ Hi!

Hope you all have a great day on the beach!
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Old 01-12-2006, 09:06 AM   #15  
Helloooo? Treats, please!
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Hey everyone! Good morning. I'm sitting here drinking cinnamon bun coffee with a shot of sf caramel syrup. It's good but a little sweet for me first thing in the morning. I think I need another cup of "regular" coffee after this.

Yesterday was a good OP day. Since I've been back this week and have been eating right I feel soo much better. Sugar really does a whammy on your system. Plus I'm eating all the veggies required on this diet which also helps. I just have more energy and feel "healthier" somehow. I still haven't weighd myself yet. I want a week of P1 under my belt before I get that brave. I guess I should've since now I won't know how much I lost but either way, I'll way Monday and update my ticker then. Hopefully it won't move too far in the wrong direction. I'm keeping all 10 fingers and 10 toes crossed !

I still haven;t used my crockpot because I keep forgetting to defrost something. I think today I'll just throw something in there frozen. If I put it on low it should be OK. Don't know, I'll just experiment.

My house is a wreck! I hate it. I still haven't completely unpacked from my trip yet. I've got stuff all over my kitchen that I have no room for until I have time to reorganize. I hate cluter and stuff all over the place but I really won't have time to tackle anything other than the usual vaccuming and straightening for a few more days. Next week should not be so hectic since I don't teach at all.

Have a great day, chicks! Stay OP!
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