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Old 04-04-2018, 06:55 PM   #16  
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Stayed in bed most of the day except for cleaning laundromat this morning. Tentatively booked a ticket to visit my brother for a few days next week. I spoke with him yesterday and he didn’t sound so great. I have some healthy choice meals in the freezer. Think I’ll. Go locate one for dinner tonight.

Thanks for the well wishes!
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Old 04-05-2018, 08:18 AM   #17  
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Good morning,

We had a fun evening last night, DD2 brought her new puppy too, a black lab very cute. Today is wfh, have lots of reports and conference calls today. On the agenda this evening is to color my hair.

Debbie hope you feel better, are you going to see your brother in California or in Key West.

Beth hope the winds didn't do any damage in your area

Isa I need to de clutter my room again, it's amazing how much clutter builds up.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 04-05-2018, 09:20 AM   #18  
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Good morning. Debbie, I'm so sorry to hear about your cold - glad you can finally rest! Pearlrose, I love game nights! What a great way for you to all connect!

Yesterday was a stressful day at work. For the first time, I was tempted to hit our decadent snack room. Fortunately, I had my own snacks ready so I was able to stay OP. Today should be quieter so I can catch up on things.

Big weekend coming up with plans tonight, Fri, Sat and Sun. Staying OP will be a challenge but I'm looking forward to it. We didn't plan it this way but it is the last weekend before my sister's surgery after which we won't be doing anything for several weeks so it worked out well.

Have a great day, everyone!
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Old 04-05-2018, 05:25 PM   #19  
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Good afternoon chicks.

Debbie, hope you are continuing to heal. It's nice you can go visit your brother; hope you have safe travels.

Kathy, it sounds like you have a busy weekend! Glad you were stocked with your own snacks at work yesterday; that is the kind of strategizing it takes to make this work long term. I pretty much take snacks everywhere these days.

Pearlrose, we didn't have any damage or lose power at our house but we did have a delay this morning at school. I think they wanted it fully light outside before the buses went out so the drivers could see the debris on the roads.

Nothing on the agenda tonight but I am looking forward to Friday.

Last edited by Beth19; 04-05-2018 at 05:26 PM.
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Old 04-05-2018, 07:14 PM   #20  
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Debbie I hope you are feeling better. Time alway with your brother should help.
Pearlrose kudos on only being up 1 pound from traveling.
Isa great job getting your walks in.
Kathy enjoy your weekend with your sister.
Beth yes the Yankees were snowed out for opening day. The rescheduled opening day started with a rain delay.

BUSY, BUSY week as I am covering a second Command this week. Had my first interview with the media today. LOL HATED IT!!!!! I’ve managed not to speak to the press for 15 years. I definitely need training in this area. LOL At least I did not make any sarcastic remarks or roll my eyes. Food has been OP except for Tuesday’s dinner (darn you Chinese food). Tomorrow we are supposed to get snow in the morning then 54 in the afternoon. Maybe if I get home on time I’ll get a ride in.

Hope everyone gets a little downtime tonight.
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Old 04-06-2018, 08:33 AM   #21  
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Good morning,

We are in a weird pattern, a nice day followed by super cold day with snow. We are supposed to get snow tonight as well. Glad I am wfh today and nothing on the agenda for this evening. Tomorrow night going to see Little Big Town with DH and a couple of my co workers so should be fun.

Kathy glad you had snacks on head, have fun this weekend

Beth that was probably a good idea to do a delay yesterday then, glad you didn't lose power

Jekel I feel you, I don't like public speaking at all. Have to do it occasionally but don't enjoy it. Hope you got your ride in.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 04-07-2018, 07:24 AM   #22  
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Good morning, chicks.

It was a busy work week; the quarter ended and now I need to do report cards. Can't believe were are 3/4 of the way through the year.

We have had lots of dreary weather (including snow!) but today looks to be sunny at least. I will spend the day doing normal weekend niggles: laundry, groceries and cleaning. The high school is doing their musical this weekend so I may go to that tonight. We shall see. Food has been mostly good; weight is steady which is better than going up! lol

Enjoy your Saturday chicks.
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Old 04-07-2018, 07:47 AM   #23  
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I think we are all in the crazy weather pattern. I really need it to stop snowing (granted its just flurries) so I can get a ride in. Guess I will clean the house instead (ugh). VERY HAPPY this work week has come to an end. Need to recharge myself.

Just a quick hello....will try for personals later....happy to read everyone is having a good week.
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Old 04-07-2018, 09:41 AM   #24  
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Good Morning,

I wanted to sleep in this morning but couldn't sleep past 6:30am. DS2 made pancakes for him and his brother this morning then I drove them to school. They are doing review for end of course exams. I am spending the morning cleaning and doing laundry. The past two days did not eat OP so I need to make sure I make good choices today.

I hope everyone have a great Saturday!
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Old 04-07-2018, 09:47 AM   #25  
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Good morning,

Managed to sleep in until 7:20 this morning so that was good, even though the cat tried to wake me up around 5, put him out of the room and went back to bed. It is a cold 28 this morning but should be warming to the 40's today, after this weekend we should be hitting some nice temps next week. I already did yoga and ate my breakfast. Yesterday I cleaned house and did grocery run so today I can relax and then we are going to concert tonight which should be fun.

Beth I know it's hard to believe DD2 will be done with school next month already. Time sure does fly, I like the saying minutes go by slowly, but the years go by fast. I think it is really true.

Jekel hope you are able to have a relaxing weekend and are able to get a ride in

Isa I did not make some good choices yesterday for food so today is a new day

Have a great day everyone!
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