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Old 01-14-2010, 05:47 AM   #1  
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Default Thursday Chit Chat

I am apparently not very creative, but had to get the chat going!

It is one of those mornings, I am trying to convince myself that I WANT to go on the treadmill! It is so nice knowing that the work out is over for the day.

The flooring went down yesterday, the cabinets start going in today! I'm excited and scared all at the same time!! (my paint is a bit dark, hope it ties in like I thought it would!)

I am very looking forward to planning my meals again though. Since being on SB, I don't enjoy eating out nearly as much!

My coffee is a bit strong this morning, anyone care for a cup?
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Old 01-14-2010, 05:53 AM   #2  
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Default Thursday Decisions and Chat

Good morning! Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Aside from deciding to live another year, I've already made two decisions: to have pea soup for breakfast and to take along a lunch when I go to town for my haircut. I guess that's all the decisions I need to make for the day! The pea soup will be breakfast because it smells so good after a night in the crockpot and the lunch will be so I avoid the darned Chinese Buffet.

When I'm in town I hope to finally do some shopping. I really need a downstairs ironing board for my studio rather than lugging quilt tops upstairs for pressing. Some new coffee mugs would be nice too now that I've finally put away the Christmas dishes.

Lots of chatter going on in the Daily these days. It's nice to see new Beachies posting and welcome back, Beachgal. You've been missed.

On we go!
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Old 01-14-2010, 05:57 AM   #3  
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Thanks for starting us up, Twynn. I did a merge. Did you feel the tingle?

I know what you mean about paint. You never really know until the job is all done. By then you'll probably like it. I'm with you on getting treadmill don first. If I leave it, later doesn't happen.
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Old 01-14-2010, 06:07 AM   #4  
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Good morning The warm up is finally here, just in time for a long weekend.

Twynn- I really admire morning exercisers. Best I can do is yoga and it takes me half an hour to get to that I can't wait to see pics of your new kitchen. I love darker colors.

Ruth - Wow, great decisions all Taking lunch to town is really smart cuz you know that Buffet will have some extra seductive whispers for your birthday I love pea soup too! DW is not a fan so I always end up with some in the freezer. If you were closer we could share a pot.
Hope you have something special planned to celebrate.

Another uneventful day at the office today. One conference call and a bunch of niggles. I'm actually making a little headway on the pile, list and file drawer so it's been a productive week. Next week I'm heading back out on the road though. Enough of this desk stuff. Problem around here is you have to check on the roads and weather. Once I visited someone at the bottom of a hill on a dirt road. Didn't think I was going to make it back up that hill to leave! It's always exciting

Tonight is a GNO pottery painting. Apparently there is one of those raw pottery places up the road and Thursday night is Ladies Night. They let you bring stuff in so we are bringing wine and snacks. There's a big group going, lots of people I don't know. Should be fun (I hope). I'll have a filling dinner before and bring some snacks I can eat so I don't go off the rails.

Hope your day slides by without any bumps or bruises
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Old 01-14-2010, 06:21 AM   #5  
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Hey ladies! Once again, so nice to know there are positive voices waiting in the morning.

Aunt Flo finally came on full force yesterday (PTL). This makes me happy because tomorrow is my weigh in for my last week of Phase 1 and hopefully all the water wieght will be gone. I've been on plan all week but am afraid I may not have lost. We'll see.

Today is the last day of Mercury Retrograde...because I'm a virgo I'm usually quite affected by these periods. The one at this time last year was DISASTEROUS - a bungled refinancing and then our identities were stolen through the refinancing...I will never again enter into a contract during a MR period. This one was benign and actually productive because I went with the flow and did what they tell you to do during MR-which is finish unfinished projects and clear our old stuff from the past (literally and figuratively). Tomorrow starts a new cycle. We're going to Washington for the weekend for vacation, and I'm getting my haircut and eyebrows waxes...and weighing in. Wish me luck. Have a great day!!!!
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Old 01-14-2010, 06:31 AM   #6  
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Good morning ladies!

Twynn your kitchen is making me envious. I'm with you about eating out nowadays..... I stick to the same couple of restaurants where I know I can get 'close to on plan' meals and hate to go anywhere else. It's easiest to just stay home and fix something I'll enjoy at home. lol
(And I'm trying to remember if I've EVER painted a room and not been nervous because it looked darker/lighter/brighter than I'd expected when I looked at the paint chip..... I've always ended up happy though. I'm guessing you will too.)

Good morning Birthday Lady! Your breakfast sounds yummy - I love pea soup, too. My family has never cared for it so I rarely make it myself but I've got a good friend who fixes it often and always brings me a serving or two.

Cyndi, enjoy your evening out. I've never been to a pottery painting thing, but my daughter goes regularly in Houston. She's hooked on them and is planning a mother daughter thing when I visit this summer. (Of course she's got more things planned than we could possibly fit into my 10 day visit, so we'll see which ones really happen. )

For those of you who asked/wondered in yesterday's thread... I'm still happy with my sub from earlier this week. The room was a disaster area and we spent a huge part of yesterday putting things back in order, searching for game pieces and missing white board erasers and books and things but we got the place back together by the end of the day and the kids were full of stories about books the "stubstitute" read to them and games she played with them. The mess was worth it and the room was due a good cleaning and reorganizing anyway.

I'm getting my N1H1 shot this evening at a public clinic. I've never had problems with a flu shot so I'm not worried about that but I'm wondering how long I'll have to wait in line......

Good morning Mmckellen! I just previewed my post and saw you've been here. Sounds like you've got a great weekend planned!

Last edited by Heidi58; 01-14-2010 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 01-14-2010, 07:10 AM   #7  
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Such a chatty group this morning! I was up extra early, but then fell back asleep and now I'm way behind schedule!

Happy Birthday, Ruth! You are such a dear, special person, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. I'm wishing for you a day that holds all the happiness your heart can imagine.

Twynn, I'm so excited and happy for you and your new kitchen! I hope it all comes together exactly how you envisioned it. What color paint did you choose? We expect pictures!!!!

Cyndi, can I share some of that pea soup, too? I'm a big fan of it, too! The pottery class tonight should be a lot of fun! The girls and I usually do that during the summer, and we really enjoy it.

Mmc, good luck with your weigh-in! I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised. Tell me more about this Mercury Retrograde thing. I have no idea what you're talking about, but it sounds interesting.

Heidi, I'm glad you got your classroom all cleaned up and organized. I hope the line isn't too long this evening!

It's warm, dry, and sunny, and I have the entire morning to myself. I'm staying pretty late tonight, though, and will probably take the girls out for supper after gymnastics. I just hope they don't beg to do Chinese, as there's not much there for me to eat. I've been doing great without any cheats at all, and so far I haven't even been tempted to stray. Yesterday, I made a loaf of banana bread while the girls were in school, and later I supervised while the girls made an apple pie, and I was fine the entire time. Yeay me!
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Old 01-14-2010, 07:17 AM   #8  
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Well, the treadmill went pretty well! I always have to convince myself, and almost never regret it.

Cyndi - LOL. I have to really talk myself into the morning exercise thing. I'd much rather do it in the afternoon, but with kids, work, school (for kids), house, blah, blah, blah....the exercise was always getting put off. I finally decided I need to do it for myself! (and maybe a bit for my's a turn on for him ). The GNO sounds like a lot of fun!!

MMCK - Good luck on the scale visit!! I love those days when the water weight is gone. Yippee!

Heidi - glad the sub turned out well. Hopefully, the line won't be too long tonight!

Cottage - wow, I'm impressed with your will power! The morning to yourself sounds lovely. I'm looking forward to my quiet time on Saturday morning!

Have a great day chicks!
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Old 01-14-2010, 07:26 AM   #9  
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Good morning ladies

Twynn - Exciting day for you - what color are they? We risked green with a brown glaze a few years back when we painted our own. They are certainly unique.

Ruth - Buy something more exciting for yourself today!

Cyndi - Niggles? Have fun tonight. I have some mugs my boys painted years ago.

Mmc - Good luck

Heidi - I got my shot this week too. Luckily no waiting; mom's DH is doctor and brought it home. My arm hurt way less than with the seasonal shot. DS2 was mad we made him get two shots this year.

Cottage - Wow - banana bread and apple pie. I love both and they smell so great. If you can handle those you can handle anything!

Nothing much here. Trying yoga again; DH joining too. Lat night I finished the blueberries that I added on PH2 so may switch to oranges (that just arrived,thanks to mom, from Florida. Adding slowwwly this time.

Have a great day all!
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Old 01-14-2010, 07:59 AM   #10  
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Good afternoon everyone!

Twynn---sounds like everything's going great with your new kitchen! Have you tried the paint on a little patch yet? It might dry a bit lighter...

Ruth---happy belated birthday! Hope you had a great day!

Cyndi---the pottery painting sounds like great fun! Great plan to take your own snacks with you. Hope you have fun.

Mmckellen---Good luck with your weigh-in tomorrow and have a great vacation in Washington!

Heidi---I'm glad you're still happy with your "sub" and I hope that you don't have to wait long for your flu shot!

Cottage---Oooh, an entire morning to yourself! I am SO envious!

Waisting Time---Good luck with the yoga! I always keep meaning to try yoga or pilates but never quite make it to a class. Maybe this year will be the one where I make it!

I am having a very lazy day today. I wish it was a quiet day but My Little Monster has cabin fever from us being indoors for so long and is bouncing around being a kangaroo. I also overdid things yesterday as I felt so good and now I am getting reaquainted with my bag of frozen peas *sigh*

The thaw seems to have started... the trees out front are dripping nicely and I can see plants appearing in the garden so I am hopeful that things will get back to normal soon. All this snow and ice has meant that my new fridge/freezer delivery has been delayed twice and I'm getting really frustrated!
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:00 AM   #11  
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Good Morning Everyone

Twynn, thanks for getting us started. Glad you made it to the TM. I love to get any home exercise done in the AM while my brain is in slow much easier than later when my noggin is giving me constant updates on what I could be doing that would be way more fun! Strong coffee works here, thanks and have a great day!

Ruth, best wishes today. Good job on the planning! Chinese buffets are mathematical; CB+ME=badfoodx10. Enjoy your day and whatever comes into it!

Cyndi, I wish I could join you for GNO. I love those pottery places! We had one in Alaska. It was super social and I loved making things. BTW-I noticed "niggles" in your post. Is that from hanging out with Ruth? I now find myself using it on occasion. Have a great day!

Mmc, BTW, I feel my ability to stay OP has a direct correlation to this morning chat. I wake up thinking OP...and if I'm not, I make SURE I get here, cause I know I'll be inspired for just one more day! I'm glad we have an astrologer on board! My 2010 calendar is Gardening with phases of the moon! on waxing!

Heidi, I'm excited to hear you're going to Houston this summer. That's a reason to stay OP! It's so hot down there! Have a great day!

Cottage, I hope you are catching up on your lattes after sleeping in! Warm, dry and sunny sounds like a recipe for a great day. Yeay for you staying OP! I reflected last night how super easy it is when I don't cheat. I was watching a BBall game and was perfectly satisfied to sip on my water. That monkey is definitely not on my back these days!

Waisting, I think it's great that you have some stress-free time to work on yourself. Oranges are my fav! Have a great day! BTW-ask Ruth about Niggles-I think we've picked it up from her!

Anne, I gave Bing a bath last night! He's so agreeable! to your Sophie and Harley. I could have never imagined that another dog could take the place of my Lexxiss, but Bingsy is a true joy and makes it fun to get up in the morning. Thanks for all your input on these boards!

My first thought upon opening my eyes was, "I've almost got another winter whipped!." For me, it's like the anticipation leading up to Christmas. We're going to the agility dog trials tonight at the NWSS. I've been going since I was a kid-it was always the January thing. We have been included on a trip to Arizona to the Hopi reservation for the "Bean Dance" in February, March is both DH and my BD's, .....I think I started riding my bike every day last April so I think it's almost gardening season!!! And...tomorrow this time, I'll be back in funderland!

Pearlrose, Rikki, Lisa, Schmoodle, Shimmy, FoodObsessed, KimStar, Jenn, Chelby, Beachgal, Ajowens, Artemis, Tammie, Janda, Sophie, Zeff, Kara, Scrappy, and everyone who posts I don't always get back to say hi! Have a great day! I wouldn't be doing this without all of you!
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:28 AM   #12  
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I start Phase 2 today (well 1.5) and now that I wrote out that whole post about a planned OP meal, I may just stick to Ph1 leading up to it and then after it and start 1.5 after my trip on Tuesday.

Hmmmm. Decisions, decisions. I am going to go mull this over with a [Ruth's] Birthday coffee...
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:42 AM   #13  
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Quick fly by for me today! But, I do want to say :bday: Happy Birthday Ruth!

Work is on the agenda for the day-and its so slow this week. I hope a new group comes in soon. when I left yesterday I had no appts!

Thanks for the coffee girls! Im off and will check in later!
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Old 01-14-2010, 08:07 PM   #14  
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Evening ladies. I am so TIRED!!!! I couldn't sleep last night, and I think I have the phase 1 tiredness. I have no energy.

Happy Birthday Ruth!!!

I wanna know what niggles is too???

Take care everyone!!!

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I have completed 6 OP phase 1 days!!!!

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Old 01-15-2010, 12:24 AM   #15  
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JUST fyi I asked about niggles and never got an answer- so here is my life's research ;0)

well, in what I found niggle is a verb... lol but I would assume a niggle is a detail that is tiny and unimportatn but must be done... the little pain in the arse things that we do ;0) but here is word for word

–verb (used without object), -gled, -gling. 1. to criticize, esp. constantly or repeatedly, in a peevish or petty way; carp: to niggle about the fine points of interpretation; preferring to niggle rather than take steps to correct a situation.
2. to spend too much time and effort on inconsequential details: It's difficult to be meticulous and not niggle.
3. to work ineffectively; trifle: to niggle with an uninteresting task.
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