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Old 01-20-2009, 04:24 AM   #1  
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Default Tuesday's Thread of Thoughts!

Good Morning. I couldn't sleep well last night. just before going to bed something told me to check the local craigs list for accounting. I did, and found my job posted! I'm debating on questioning Ann about it, and I probably will have to considering next week I need to fax my medical form in. I guess I need to know if she posted that in the "heat of our argument" or if she's truly looking for someone. It's an unsettling feeling but I need to trust God. I really do like my job. The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Whatever His desire for me, I pray He grants me strength to accept it.

Hope you all have a better day than what I'm bound for.
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Old 01-20-2009, 06:18 AM   #2  
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Good morning Chicks It's another morning that makes me marvel at people who become mobile without coffee. Not enough sleep for sure.

Lori - Sorry this job has been so very stressful. I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best.

I am so worked up today, no wonder I woke up at 4 am! I know we don't talk about politics but well, no matter where you sit it's historic and I am moved beyond words. Add to that my personal excitement because DP starts her new job today. I may just get through the day on coffee and adrenaline.

I'm actually working a full day because my friend is working from home. I am happy to help her out but I sure hope she gets to go back to work full time next week. I'm starting to feel like I'm never in the office. It's really tough on her though and I'm trying to make it as pleasant as I can. I realized I rolled right from DPs illness and surgeries into my friend's surgery. I haven't been able to go to my Friday yoga class since September because it requires flexibility in my work schedule and I'm using that all up driving and looking after people. I am so looking forward to getting back to my own routine in February.

What's on your agenda today?
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Old 01-20-2009, 06:20 AM   #3  
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oh no Loriann She can't just fire you to fire you can she ? I sure hope you get some answers ~

I am off to work til 2 then nothing else but laundry and cleaning planned....

I am @ a standstill w/my weight and not sure what is going on ? I lost 6.2 the 1st week and weigh in day is in 2 days and so far this week i have only lost .2 lbs ?? wondering if water weight is coming into play cuz i think AF is trying to come maybe ?
anyone else hit a plateu ? what did you do for it ? I have been pushing more water and cut down on my coffee and have really stuck to really good fresh foods trying to keep sodium down too but not sure what else i can do.

Have a great day everyone
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Old 01-20-2009, 06:40 AM   #4  
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Originally Posted by Joni View Post
oh no Loriann She can't just fire you to fire you can she ? I sure hope you get some answers ~
Yes, she can. for a few reasons, first, I'm still in the "probation period" till Feb 3, and b) NY is an at will employment, either employer or employee can terminate a job whenever he/she wants too and doesn't need a reason! However, without a reason from the employer the employee can draw unemployment.

OK< for real, later all.
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Old 01-20-2009, 06:42 AM   #5  
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Lori, I do hope that situation isn't as bad as it looks and gets resolved today. I really am not impressed by your new company and Lady Ann!

Cyndi, you really are a caregiver. Remember to give to yourself too. Burn-out isn't fun - I've been there! I am certainly with you in being thried over the inauguration!

Joni, Aunt Flo is a b****! You have lost nearly 6½ pounds though. Stick with it and more will go, I guarantee it.

Slept in until 6 this morning as Jazz didn't cry. I think he hears my neighbour leave for work and decides it's time to start our day. She's a nurse and does shifts and I notice her car is still in the lane this morning so that may be the trigger.

Good meeting last night! It helps to go prepared with notes to back up your position. The witchy music director is "out" for next year unless she changes her attitude and listens to my suggestions. We are a simple country village and the people want the Nativity story and the chance to sing some carols without being inflicted with a 90 minute cantata! I think the other board members were very relieved that I brought it up and stood my ground. She wasn't at the meeting which made things easier. The Mayor can tell her although I know he'll delegate but not to me!

This morning I need to get outta here very shortly to organize the front end of the Good Food Box, the sorting and packing end. Claire is going to handle the distribution at 10:30 as I have a Garden Club director's meeting at 9:30. Can you say overbooked?

I must be home by 11 to see the inauguration on TV. Definitely history in the making! I hope everyone with kids makes sure they watch too. MLK had a dream and part of it is coming true.

By the way, partisan is a no no in here but this is a celebration!

Hope your day is a good one.
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Old 01-20-2009, 08:23 AM   #6  
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Lori - I truly hope it works out for you. Do you think it would help if you spoke to her manager? It can't be good for the company to have this kind of employee turnover.

Cyndi - Good luck with a good night's sleep tonight. I seem to wake up a lot more at night the older I get. I'm sure you'll feel better when you get back into your routine.

Joni - It seems like the second week of phase 1 is usually a much smaller loss than the first week. And Aunt Flo can certainly make it worse. Remember that slow and steady is the best way to lose and keep it off.

Ruth - Great job standing up for what you believe in. That is something I have to work hard on. It just doesn't come easy for me. Try to relax some. You are always doing so much.

Me - I'm working from home today as Brian has a dental cleaning this afternoon. Then I have a meeting at the house tonight with the district and Terri, my program director. We need to talk budget. The professional guys want to drop the price and we need them to show we can afford the supplies we need if we drop the price. I've got to run to the grocery store after I drop Brian at school. I never did manage to shop this weekend (but I had a wonderful time). Oh, and I need to sew on Brian's First Class rank patch if I have time.
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Old 01-20-2009, 08:38 AM   #7  
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Good morning chicks, I am out of coffee, so tea it is, but not sure it will do the trick. I was up until 1AM because one of the cats decided to go crazy last night. He was all over the place, getting into things, picking fights with the other cats. Fortunately DH sleeps like a rock because he started his new job today and had to get up early and commute.

Kids are home from school, and I am working today. We'll take a lunch break to watch the swearing in. DD was invited to a friend's for an inauguration party, I thought that was cute.

The orthodontist explained all the work they will need to do to DD2's mouth, which I expected having been through it with the same mouth on DD1. They have very narrow jaws and lots of crowding. He wants to wait a year to start though, because although she is almost 11, she has the mouth of a 8YO. Not surprising, she also has the body of an 8YO. Also good news, they have a new system and do not pull teeth to make room or use that horrible palate expander DD1 had.

Good on you Barb getting that patch sewn on. I've got a pile of all the patches DD has earned this year. They are in my office waiting to get sewn on.... someday.

Ruth, glad your meeting didn't turn into a brawl! Small town politics, so fun!

Joni, I always stall just before TOM. Don't worry, the scale is not always regular.

I'll join you Cyndi, come on February! I hope my life will get back to normal then as well as yours!

Loriann, I hope this situation gets resolved. It's a terrible thing to go to work stressed out every day. There are some terrible bosses out there.
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Old 01-20-2009, 08:39 AM   #8  
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Loriann -- I don't even know what to say about your job and boss. I, personally, would be glad to be fired and take unemployment till I found another job. Heck, I can think of a lot of lowly jobs I'd rather do than an abusive one.

Cyndi-- Yoga facinates me, but I don't think I"m flexible enough to do it.

Joni -- Hang in there, girl. You are doing great!

Ruth -- What is Good Food Box?

Me: Bunko was last night. The hostes had homemade cobbler, ice cream, sausage balls, candy gallore, chips and dip...but she also had boiled shrimp and chili. I made good choices and am down .5 this morning. Yea ME!

I'm off to take Auston to school. Jeff is working south of Birmingham today. (Long way from home.) I'm home alone this morning. Laundry is started. I'm thinking broccoli cheese soup for lunch. Y'all have a great day!

Last edited by Chelby29; 01-20-2009 at 08:41 AM.
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Old 01-20-2009, 09:19 AM   #9  
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Good morning all!!! Happy Historic Making Tuesday!!!

Lori - I am so sorry things got so awful! I'm sure that God has a plan and He'll reveal it soon. I hope today is bearable.

Ruth - Glad to hear that the meeting went well and that the people on the board agreed with you. Good luck getting things organized.

Barb - Glad to hear you had such a fun weekend. Hope things with your friend continue to go well. You deserve to have someone take care of you for a while!

Schmoodle - That's great that the schools are out today for them to be able to watch the inauguration. Glad to hear that things won't be too terrible for DD2 and her braces.

Chelby - Good job at Bunko last night. Keep up the great work!

ME - Back to work today, but I'm going to try to stay in my office this morning and find the inauguration streaming on the computer so I can watch. I think it's so exciting to be part of history. Today is my sister's bday, so after work we're headed to her place for a small party and more inauguration celebration. They're having pizza, so I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do yet for dinner......I'm going to have to come up with some plan.
Have a fantastic day, Ladies!!! BLESSINGS!!!!
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Old 01-20-2009, 09:50 AM   #10  
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Lori, Hope things get resolved but if you really like the job just pretend that you don't know about the listing and see what happens in the next few days.
Cyndi - yes its pretty exciting seeing history being made. It reminds me when I was in school (convent) the nuns pipped in JFK's inaugaration , history being made - first Catholic president.
Ruth - glad you sortedt things out. You sure sound busy today.
Barb - enjoy your day with Brian (sort of) since work is also involved. Schmoodles - good luck to hubby in new job. You must be feeling all the vibes from Washington today.
Joni - that's a good weight loss. Keep it up.
Chelby - love broccoli cheese soup but somehow can't eat it without a piece of bread.
Heather - have fun at your sister's birthday party. I'm sure you will come up with a plan.
Me - I had pumpkin oatmeal this morning, its delicious felt like I was eating a souffle. I have to rest my hands today because I was super busy yesterday setting up a scarf and had carpal tunnel pain during the night. Will be watch the swearing in at noon.
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:01 AM   #11  
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Good Morning chickies... Ive got my pot of coffee on now and will hit the ground running as soon as I have some!!! Lots to get accomplished today- I spent the whole weekend too relaxed and procrastinating!!! But feeling the energy today and ready to go!

Lori- Oh MY, Whatever happens is for the best... either way you know more about this woman and if she wants to replace you- I like the thought of the question coming from your mouth!!! what a Bit*h... asty? lol... hasty decision and the other word! lol But, honestly if the job is going to continue on forever like this do you really want to work there anyway?!

Cyndi- I am super excited too! SO very cool to have this election happen in my lifetime!!! Good luck to your dp! and hoping everything gets back to normal for you come february!

Joni- Hide the scale. its alot of water the first two weeks and if you are weighing to lose every two days it won't keep up at the same rate it does to begin with... My advice to you is to weigh in weekly... I am a daily weigher but I never get upset at the numbers I just mainly use it to tell me about my sodium content and if I need to adjust my diet slightly during the week. I do go by a weekly weigh in though for weight loss! You're doing fine- just keep pressing on chic!

Ruth- You are overbooked!!! Glad you got everything straightened out for next year!!! looks like she missed her chance to argue and will just have to deal

Barb- Good luck with everything! I love that your new friendship is making you happy I can hear it in your posts! lol

Schmoodle- that is great news about your daughter's teeth! When I was probably 13 I had 6 teeth pulled and tehn got braces! but they never used that extender thing- it sounds horrid!

Chelby- you go girl! glad you made great choices!!! and enjoy your day to yourself!

Heather- Have a great day at work and at the party! If they have salad just go for that and take a slice of pizza- but don't eat the crust thats what I usually do if in that dillemma... or eat before you go! Good Luck!

Sophie- Hope your hand feels better soon! and that oatmeal sounds delish! How did you make it?

Me- Well, its spitting snow this morning! Yeay! and I have to run to lowes. DH and I got some shelving last night and accidentally picked up 6 foot instead of 8 foot so I am returning it today and hopefully it will fit into my mustang!!!!! the 6fter barely did! then I am purchasing a light from there that I found online for about double what they had it for in the store- hope its the same price today! LIGHT It was only 49 at the store! then I am hoping to run to hobby lobby for a couple decorative wall items to put in the dining area... recycle and then be back in time to see the most wonderful historical event I will probably ever see!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:01 AM   #12  
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Good morning, everyone. My family comes to visit in two days and I'm stuck on the couch sniffling, coughing and sneezing. Hope this blows over so I can get the house decent!

Lori: I'm so sorry all this is going on! I, like Ruth, am not at all impressed with what's going on! I know you'll probably stick it out, and I would to, but I hope you're at least peeking at some job listings!

Cyndi: Good luck to DP on her first day! I'm sure you're both very excited about that, among other things! I hope everyone gets back to their schedule soon so that you can get back to yours!

Joni: I agree with everyone here, P1, week 1 usually is a pretty good loss and week 2 it tapers off, a lot of the time to nothing. I went through the same thing the past two weeks. Week 1 was a 4 lb loss, week 2 was a big fat ZERO, and now, two days in to week 3, I'm already down 2. Just stick to it and the weight will keep rolling off! You've lost 6.2 lbs in two weeks! That's still a BIG number!

Ruth: Good for you, standing your ground. I'm a traditionalist and Christmas isn't Christmas without the ability to sing a few Christmas carols while with others. I hope you enjoyed your "sleeping in"! (Getting up as early as 6 am is a HUGE accomplishment for me!!)

Barb: I didn't doubt that Brian would make First Class, but congrats anyhow! I know you're a proud momma to a good, hardworking boy! I hope you have a relaxing work-from-home day and that everything goes well at tonight's meeting!

Schmoodle: Good luck to DH on his first day! An inauguration party is a cute, educational idea for kids...something to think about when I have some of my own! I hope she has fun! Get some rest today; it sounds like you're going to need it!

Chelby: I think you'd be surprised at how much yoga you could actually do! While it does take a certain amount of flexibility, that's something that you can build up to. I bet there are some great beginner dvd's that could get you started. I hope you have a nice, quiet morning!

hmac: I hope you have a great day! Enjoy watching the inauguration at work, I'm sure my office is all a-buzz with the goings-on. I'm sure you'll find something good and beachy to eat tonight!

Me: So, I'm sick. This stinks. I don't have that much going on at the office, but if I can't work, I can't clean, so I hope I'm out of this funk by tomorrow so I can get the house ready. I know the fam won't mind, but I'm anal about the house...

I'll be watching tv and reading magazines all day. I may even start a new book! We'll see what happens. I hope everyone to come has a great, beachy day!

ETA: Hi Sophie! Pumpkin oatmeal sounds delicious! Is it something from scratch? Do you have the recipe? I hope you have a wonderful day!

Rikki: Hiya! I hope the shelving fits in your car. I've actually got the same light bookmarked for when I redecorate the kitchen. I was thinking of looking for it in-store rather than buy it online, and I definitely will now! I hope everything works out at Lowe's.

Last edited by Kim_Star060404; 01-20-2009 at 10:06 AM.
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:04 AM   #13  
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Good morning ladies...I should be at work now but I am home with the plumber/HVAC man. My carbon monoxide detector went off last night and I had the fire department and the gas co here. The gas co shut off the furnaceand I had to get someone in to inspect it and see if it has a problem. The gas co thinks it may just have been a fluky thing with me getting home, pulling in the garage, and the door between the house & garage being open and the gasses from the car being sucked upstairs. The alarm in my room, opposite the door to the garage didn't go off, just the upstairs one.

Between my dog last week, being in court for DD ticket, this last night....2009 has started with a bang....however,I still am grateful for the things I have and always know things could be we get up each morning, take a deep breath and move forward. I am sorry I don't do personal I am confused how to post and go back to reread so I can remember stuff... I have a miserable short term memory

Anyway it is a historic day, one for new beginnings....make it a great day to all Suzyq

PS - I know I am not officially on SB I tend to eat more protein than carbs, but last night...PIZZA!!! but it was the new one from pizza hut that is made with a whole grain crust and was good!!!!
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:05 AM   #14  
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Just Popping in Briefly I need to get super ahead at work to head to the other building to watch the inauguration! Yesterday was a stupid food day. . .not bad choices just too many
Back on the towel this AM!
hopefully bb in the afternoon!
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:19 AM   #15  
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SuzyQ, Your detector just may have saved your life! I'm so glad you had one!

Kim, feel better soon! I haven't been sick since starting SBD (knock on wood!), but how can you be sick without chicken noodle soup???

Rikki, I hope your shelf fits, too. Several years back, my hubby wanted a kayak and Sam's Club had them on sale. There was one left. I went to pay for it. They wouldn't let it stay for DH to pick up in his truck. So, they put it in my little pink Ford Escort -- into the back hatch, right through the front windshield! I had to drive about 40 miles home with that kayak's nose on my hood. Got lots of looks! Sam's replaced my windshield.
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