South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 09-09-2008, 05:53 AM   #1  
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Default Tuesday's Twitterings

Cinnamon coffee this morning!

It's supposed to be a rainy day here. I'll have to think up a craft's project for after school to keep Maggie busy. By the time Audrey gets home and finishes her homework, it's about time for me to head on home. Kids sure do get a lot of homework, especially for just a second grader. She doesn't seem to mind, though.

I'm trying to think what to make for supper tonight. I have some baby bella's that I should use up. Hmmm, maybe I'll use them in an Alfredo sauce over spagetti squash. That's sounding pretty good.

It's looking like Ike is headed for the Texas coast. That's good news for you Chickies in the LA area, thank goodness!

I hope Hershey is feeling more like herself today, Ruth.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:03 AM   #2  
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Good morning cottage and chickies, sorry so quiet the last couple of days. Things are hopping at work and DD has been sick. I'm trying to do a better job of staying on top of the homework schedule and getting the kids to bed on time. For you flychickies, I'm trying to get back to flying, which I let lapse over the last few months. My sink was shiny when I went to bed last night. We are still adjusting from summer...
Eating is on-track but the scale has gotten stuck again. Not unexpected, it's pre-TOM.
I"ve got a write-up for my customer that needs to go out first thing this morning and I'm still working on it. Have a good one and I'll BBL.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:07 AM   #3  
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Morning Cottage! Dinner sounds great, what time should I be there???? I'm going to do something with crab, but not sure yet. I have a faculty meeting after school, so probably a quick salad.

Yep, good news for us with Ike, but bad news for our Texas chicks. ouch. Time for them to stock up on water, batteries etc. not fun. Hint...don't send your husbands out to do last minute food shopping or you'll be eating pop tarts for a week!! The best thing I did before Gustav was to empty my freezer and cram it full of bottled water...that way we had cold water for 4 days after the storm. Will always do that in the future too with ice being so precious.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. My feet are surrounded by 6 playing puppies...when is puppy nap time????

Good morning Schmoodle!! we were posting at the same time. yeah on the shiny sink!! I'm kind of nutty about my sink being shiny too. It's a really old double porcelein sink with a double porcelein drain board and I love it. At one time I had wanted to replace it till I found out how much it was worth. I'll keep it forever. When we first bought the house it was gray and completely stained. The real estate agent told me about some stuff called "ring-o" which is actually for toilets and it looks brand new now.

Last edited by femmecreole; 09-09-2008 at 06:11 AM.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:32 AM   #4  
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I hope you get your customer write-up done quickly so it's out of the way, Schmoodle! You're up bright and early this morning, I think it's the most productive time of the day. I sure hope your DD is feeling better soon!

Cat, I bet those puppies are really adorable at this stage! You're lucky to have one of those porcelain sinks, we had one in one of our houses while Jake was in the army and I loved it. I have a stainless steel one now, and I find myself scrubbing it shiny several times a day. I can't stand to see water spots!
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:54 AM   #5  
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Quick good morning as I slept in. The dogs are still snoozing. Hersh seemed a it more herself last evening.

I have to get myself together for a funeral this morning - nobody I know but my yard guy's mother. I should have just gone to the visitation last night but was too tired after a long day in Ottawa.

Back later to check out everyone.
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:39 AM   #6  
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Good Morning,

Flying by again, have to go meet a friend in a little while.

Have a great day, everyone!
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Old 09-09-2008, 07:41 AM   #7  
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Good morning, all! Early check-in for me for a change! I woke up hungry this morning, so am eating some protein before I work out.

Cottage: To me it seems like kids' homework load has doubled since I was mentoring in elementary schools 11 years ago and tripled since I was there myself. Mmmm...cinnamon coffee sounds good this morning. I found some pumpkin spice tea on our last trip out of town and I'll try it today. It sure feels fall-y here!

Schmoodle: Congrats on getting back on track with your eating and shiny sink! I hope DD gets to feeling better soon! Get that write-up out and give yourself a break...sounds like you could use a breather.

Cat: I'm glad Ike looks to give you a break. Great idea about the water bottles! I'll pass that on to my MIL. We have an old porcelain sink, but the previous owners and their renters didn't take care of it. We're going to be replacing it with stainless in a few weeks. Sad day, but we've discovered that it can't be repaired.

Ruth: Glad to hear the Hershy is doing better. I hope she continues to improve. I'm sorry you have to go to the funeral today. I hope that it is somehow a blessing to you.

Me: Well, I should be off to work out. I came home early from work yesterday as the storms in the morning brought in something wicked that did a number on my allergies. After being sick last week, all my coworkers were eyeing me with every sneeze, so to put their minds at ease, I left. I ended up taking some allergy meds, which worked great, but really knocked me out. I slept most of the afternoon and went to bed really early. I'm feeling much better today, though still a bit sniffly, and feel like I can get back on track. I just want a break from all the soup I've been eating!

I hope everyone to come has a great day and here's some for those of us who might need it today!


ETA: Good morning, Belle! Have a great meeting with your friend!

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Old 09-09-2008, 07:56 AM   #8  
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Rainy morning to you all! Ruth, glad to hear Hershey's feeling better!

Kim, a good days rest sounds good!

Hi Femme! how bout some new puppy pics?

Cottage, I second that I'll be over for dinner! I'm making taco bake tonight!

The package from my friend arrived with the "ever so slightly used" book! I've never seen anyone do this before! He took those key ties, drilled holes in near the binding and put keyties through the holes so as not to lose it's binding! How clever is that????!!!!! I'm looking forward to reading this book and Greg's side notes!
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:06 AM   #9  
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Good morning Chicks

Crazy week here as I have 2 nights so 2 late days and challenging meal choices.

Cottage - So nice of you to make us all dinner Have a crafty afternoon!

Schmoodle good to see you

Cat - That water trick sounds smart. Our power outages are usually just several hours to a day but that could still be useful. How are things at your new school?

Ruth to you and the pups. Hoping Hersh continues to perk up!

Belle - Have a fun visit

Kim - Glad to hear you're back on your feet again! It seems to be a bad fall for allergies everywhere. I've been sniffling and sneezing like crazy and DD was telling me this is the worst year she has had since moving to Boston. We are due for rain today so hopefully that will settle the pollen down.

Loriann - Taco bake sounds good too! Enjoy your book

Same old here. Tonight is the food preservation workshop so I'll be spending the day prepping and making thick binders of information. Should be fun. Julie is still under the weather and is seeing the dr. today. Hopefully they will get to the bottom of this.

I'm going o try to get out ahead of the rain and get a walk in this morning. Have a good day all
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Old 09-09-2008, 08:44 AM   #10  
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Morning everybody! BRRRRR!!!!! Currently 50 degrees out, high of 70 today, low of 47 tonight! I'm just not ready!

So yesterday was a worse Monday than most Mondays. We had a conference call because the powers that be decided that we, as a company, have to save as much money as possible during the month of September so we go into the 4th Quarter way ahead. Therefore, they slashed my labor by more than $300 per week for the next 4 weeks. They changed our hours of operation too, so we're not open as late, and we open later than usual. (I have decided to continue opening at the same time, since I do not affect our labor, to minimize the impact all this will have on our customers.)

So basically, I just had to hire a ton of people because of all the people quitting, and now I'm not going to have hours for most of them. This means that likely I will lose the majority of my staff (would you stay for 4 weeks if you were only getting 5 hours a week?) and then in October, everything goes back to normal, so I'll need all the people who are likely going to quit.

Plus, now I will rarely have a mid-shift during the day, so I can't get my marketing done or take a lunch. I'm not much looking forward to working by myself all day every day. Usually I have someone there to run a register while I do all the managerial stuff throughout the day, and work on projects.

Sorry, just more whining. Makes me not want to go to work today. I'd rather snuggle up on the couch in my sweats and hoodie and read. I need to find something that I can throw in my purse (no working fridge at work) so I have something to eat throughout the day.

Hope you girls have a great day!

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Old 09-09-2008, 08:56 AM   #11  
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Good morning beach babes!

I have changed my avatar to reflect my then jeans (size 18) and my now jeans (size 14) si I am feeling pretty good. Phase 1 has done me well this go round.

Hi Cottage hope you have a great day

Schmoodle hope your dd gets well real soon

Cat how cute about the pups. still praying Ike just leaves the face of the earth

Ruth, Belle, Loriann, Cyndi & Lisa you chicks have a great beachy day

Kim glad to hear your feeling better and I would love some of that will power dust

So bowling tonight with dh and thats about all besides of course work.
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Old 09-09-2008, 09:02 AM   #12  
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drive by... missed work yesterday (house is CLEAN) so i have a TON to catch up on.

so busy lately.

scale this morning: 212.6
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Old 09-09-2008, 09:13 AM   #13  
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Morning Ladies. There is a chill in the air this morning, I love this time of year but am not looking forward to what it brings later, yes the nasty "S" word. I guess I should worry about flying leaves before flying.......

Had a great meeting with the Volleyball coach yesterday, I think we got somethings resolved. Also had a good talk with DD about it and how sometimes in life we just have to suck it up and kiss some a** to get what we want and of course apply ourselves 110%.

Now I have to take my own advice because this is turning out to be a horrible month at work. That being said I am going to skip personals today and go kick some butt (kissing won't work in this situation ).

Have a great day ladies!

Oh one personal: Nessa Great Job!

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Old 09-09-2008, 09:28 AM   #14  
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Good morning ladies!!! Happy Tuesday!
Cottage - Hope you find a good craft idea. Mushroom Alfredo sauce sounds really yummy.

Schmoodle - flylady. I still get a ton of the emails, but I've seriously let my evening routine and house blessings go out the window. Maybe we could keep each other more accountable???

Cat - Great idea about the water. Hope the kids are doing ok in class. Be sure to take some "me" time!

Ruth - Glad to hear that Hersey is feeling better. I hope the trend continues.

Belle -Have a good one!!!

Kim - Sorry that you got caught with a bunch of allergies. Hopefully all the stuff that made you sneeze have been blown out at this point.

Loriann - Hope the book is a good one!

Cyndi - Have fun at your presentation tonight. I know it'll be great. I wish I could attend

Weezle - So sorry!!! I hate it when the big wigs make decisions that you have to fulfill. Maybe if you explain to some of the staff that you just hired the situation, that they might hang through this tough time. Good luck!

Gonnabe - Great new avatar!!!! Great idea!

Nessa - Good job getting the house clean!

ME - Yesterday at work was sssooo busy! I barely had time to make it into some of the classrooms to say hi to the kids. Today will be better, but it still won't slow down until probably some time next week. The good news, however, was that the kids seemed to be in good spirits.
Tonight we're going over the the Karaoke contest to compete in the finals (since I was a winning contestant over the summer). It should be fun, but I don't know what we're going to have for dinner.Cheap and O/P are so hard to find. I'm going to try really hard.
So I'm thinking about changing my official weigh in day to Thursday. Weighing on Mondays is challenging. I think if I change it to Thursdays I'll feel a little better about everything. Anyone have an opinion???
Anyhow....have a great day, everyone!

ETA: Stephanie - Glad to hear that all went well with the Volleyball coach. I hope your DD will be able to work it now!!!

Last edited by hmacneil6; 09-09-2008 at 09:30 AM.
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Old 09-09-2008, 09:34 AM   #15  
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Hmac I use to weigh in on Mondays but always had a dissapointing # show so I switched it to Fridays and seemed to work better that way - now dh is telling me Fridays give me to much lead way and I should really be accoutable for those hard to weekends so I have switched to Tuesdays as of today. Good luck with your new weigh day and the contest
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