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Old 07-06-2007, 06:26 AM   #1  
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Default Friday's Chick Chat

TGIF! It's finally Friday! This week just seemed all wonky to me.

Today, I'm taking the girls to Dutch Wonderland for the day. I think I should make out handling all 3 pretty well, but I'm debating whether to do the water-park part of it or not. We'll take our swimsuits with us, and just see what the crowds are like once we get there. It should be an interesting day! At least the weather should cooperate, for a change!
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Old 07-06-2007, 06:46 AM   #2  
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Wonky week here too! They should get the holidays coordinated in teh summer and make them all long weekends. Who do we talk to? Stephen Harper? George Bush? Paris Hilton?

I am off to the gym shortly to get my routine re-evaluated by Rasa. I imagine I'll have sore muscles by the time she makes adjustments! Donna will be here cleaning when I get back - maybe she'll run me a hot tub!

It keeps raining so I've not been out in the garden for a while. I hope to get out there later to stock up on veggies - lettuce, spinach, sugar snap peas, zukes and cherry tomatoes are all just waiting! I love my summer veggie garden.
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Old 07-06-2007, 07:32 AM   #3  
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I agree, this has been a wonky week!

Cottage, how's the knee coming? Dutch Wonderland sounds fun! What kinds of things do they have there?

Ruth, mmm...fresh veggies. One day maybe I won't be an apartment dweller, because I'd love to have a garden. Hope Rasa takes it easy on you!

Me, having minor surgery on my big toe today. Don't know how the dressings are going to look with my heels...or if it will affect my gym routine. I have another art gallery opening tonight (not as big as the one a few weeks ago, but still have to make an appearance.) Must find the strength to keep away from the wine and cheese table!

Off to the shower now!
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Old 07-06-2007, 07:37 AM   #4  
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Wow, how did I get in here so early today? I cleaned for 4 hours yesterday and am starting to feel ready for my niece to arrive today. The kids are very excited, we pick her up at the airport at 4:00 and she'll be here for 3 weeks. The younger kids and I have never met her and she has only had a little english in school, so it will be an interesting visit! This morning I still have to clean out the car, and clean DD's room where she'll be staying. Also need to put in some work hours. And think of a good OP dinner that will agree with everyone. Never a chance to breathe around here.

Cottage, I hope you enjoy the park, at least you've got nice weather. Take lots of pix!

Ruth, you must get your garden in early to have all those things ready for harvest already! I'm only now just starting to get some tomatoes, zukes, and peppers, but I planted a couple of weeks later than I should have.

Hi Betty, missed you the first time. Good luck with your surgery.
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:27 AM   #5  
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Good Morning

Cottage... I hear the Dutch Wonderland Commerical now... great. just great. We are going to Hershey on the 21st. wanna meet us?

Ruth: what are they re-evaluating at the gym?

Betty: good luck with Surgery and the opening

Schmoodle My heart... where is your niece from? I'm out of the loop

as for me:

today's fashion report:

hot here. last day as a 2 week stint as team lead. made grilled veggies for dinner it was good. just working and playing. bri is home but he may be applying for a new job with my agency. that would be so cool! he needs a new job.

house is a mess but that's cause they don't help and are home all day to mess it up.
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:29 AM   #6  
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Cottage: Waterpark sounds like a lot of fun!
Ruth: those veggies sound great..can I come over for dinner? My backyard is small..mostly brick patio,so I don't have room for a veg garden, but do grow herbs. My front yard is huge, but all roses etc.
Betty: Best wishes on your foot healing soon!!
Schmoodle: Sounds like you will be busy during your niece's visit..I'm sure the trip will be a great memory for her!

Me: well, all of my family/company etc is gone..daughter will arive in LA today and it is WAY too quiet. My husband is off on Fridays, so we were thinking about going in to New Orleans to a restaurant supply place to pick up a couple of things. I've been wanting some of those big white pasta bowls and I want a big brazier that can be put in the oven. But, I just got an email from a client who will be in N.O. for several days of meetings and we might just skip going in today so we can go in tomorrow to take he and his wife out for a French Quarter tour and some it's up in the air. The weather here is horrid..constant off and on rain and looks like it will be that way for several days. yuk!
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:34 AM   #7  
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Nessa, guess we were posting at the same time...I love that color on you!! So summery!
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:41 AM   #8  
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femmecreole i heard that resturant supply places are the best to buy stuff. I need a huge bowl for my pasta salad... will have to check the local ones out.

one of these years I want to get to NO you will have to show me around.
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:43 AM   #9  
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Nessa, What a beautiful dress!! Your confidence just spills over into your pictures.

B. Betty, Didn't realize you were from Richmond! You're probably out in the Fan at your galleries. I grew up in Richmond, miss it like crazy!! We were there two weeks ago for the first time in 2 years. It was wonderful!

Ruth, have fun at the gym! Sounds like not too much fun. I wish we had the space to have a garden. I do go pick up a delivery from a local farm each week so I can have homegrown veggies. When I was little we had a huge veggie garden and one of my earliest memories is being out there with my dad working. Someday maybe I'll be able to pass that experience on to my kids!

to everyone else!

We had such a nice night last night. First of all, I made pulled pork in the crockpot and Adam said it was the best thing he can remember me ever making. Quite the compliment! Then we went to a coffee shop downtown and saw one of Adam's friends from high school perform. He was really good, it was more pop than rock which I enjoyed. The guy was very nice and it's always fun to meet Adam's friends from way back. We got home at a decent hour but I am still lagging this morning. Wanted to sleep another three hours or so.
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:59 AM   #10  
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Happy Friday all!

We just got back from seeing "Ratatouille" at the base theater. It was hilarious! I would definitely recommend it if you're an animated movie fan. So cute!

Have fun at the part, cottage. Sounds like the kids will have a blast for sure!

Ruth, an afternoon in the garden plucking those great veggies will be perfect for stretching out your sore muscles!

I hope your toe heals quickly, Betty. Perhaps you should show it off at the opening. Are you ever lacking for conversation pieces?

Shmoodle, you're going to have so much fun with your niece! I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures between the languages! (Nessa, I think she's from France, if I remember correctly.)

Beautiful dress, Nessa! I am still bound to separates as Avery hasn't weaned yet and I'm a little jealous of your style.

Have fun at the restaurant supply store, Cat! I would spend WAY too much money in a place like that!

Jessie, sounds like your evening was fun! Hope you recover today!

I'm off to shower and hit the sack. Tomorrow morning is my run to yoga class day, and then I'll have to clean house when I get home, as I didn't have time to do it today. Have a fun Friday!

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Old 07-06-2007, 09:05 AM   #11  
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Cottage Sounds like an action packed day for you! A nice hot cup of tea or glass of vino may be on your menu for this evening.

Ruth Hope that your workout isn't too rough. You have been doing great with the workouts the last few weeks.

Nessa You look great. So would Brian work in the same building as you?

Jessie I have never made the pulled pork recipe before- I may try that this weekend. What a nice compliment!

Femme My husband swears by the restaurant supply stores. He loves them and gets great bargains.

Schmoodle How old is your niece?

Betty I would have to agree that the wine and cheese table would be a BIG temptation for me. Good luck!

Me- Another day of babysitting. Yesterday got to be quite long as it rained NONSTOP!! We did go the the library and then all trekked to Meg's appointment. Hopefully they can be outside for a good bit of today, it looks as though it isn't supposed to rain until this afternoon. I would love to get some swimming in this morning if at all possible.

DH is off for 3 days this weekend, so I think we are going to tackle some chores around the house. The garage needs some TLC and we are going to touch up paint in the living room.

Okay, need some more coffee and get this show on the road.

Have a super day chickies!
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Old 07-06-2007, 09:13 AM   #12  
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Morning ladies! Going backwards here:

Kara - the previews for the movies look cute, now a days I have to use my neices as an excuse to goto "kids" movies. I love them though!

Jessie - Pulled pork sounds great, I have never been able to get that down, mine just never tastes as good as everyone elses!

Nessa - you look beautiful! Isn't it amazing how the family can make a mess and think the cleaning fairy cleans it up? I just wish mine would learn to stack the dirty dishes until I get home!

Femme - I would love to visit the French Quarter, I missed that trip with my son a couple of years ago and was so bummed! And oh how I love the restaurant supply stores!

Schmoodle - have fun with your neice, sounds so exciting!

Betty - heal fast and hope you can wear those sexy heels, they are such an important part of our life!

Ruth - I am with you, I soooo need to get out in the garden and do some picking! Looked a bit this morning when I was out with the fur kid but it was waaaay to wet to be rooting around in there. Hopefully this evening!

Cottage - I agree on the wonky week, I am so confused on days! Have fun today!

Me - Arg! Hoping for a productive day at work. Looking forward to picking blueberries tomorrow! On a personal note chickies say a little prayer for moi, home is not a fun place right now. God grant me the patience and understanding!
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Old 07-06-2007, 09:33 AM   #13  
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Hello All - chat round 2! That's what happens when you post early, I guess...
My niece is 14 and she's from Marseille. I've been a little stressed about the visit because my DH was supposed to be here to act as tour guide, but he got called away last week on a work emergency. I haven't heard from him yet, so that means the ship's not in port yet. He was only supposed to be gone a week or so, but that's always kind of touch and go. Anyway, I took one week off of work to go on vacation, but she'll be here 3 or 4 weeks and the rest of the time I'm working, so I'm not sure how much sightseeing we'll be able to get in. I don't want her to be bored. Plus, she sees my husband every year, but she's never met us, so I hope she feels comfortable and doesn't get too homesick.

Jessie, thanks for the idea, I'm going to do some bbq pork in the crockpot one day. I've been trying to think of good "american" dishes to cook for her.
Nessa, you look fab! I love that shade of blue and it looks great on you. I always enjoy seeing your pix.
femme, you should offer a 3fc NO tour and act as tour guide! Sounds like you've got lots of experience. I'd definitely come!
Miss Kara, I'm saving myself for Harry Potter next week. The kids haven't said much about that Ratatouille movie, so maybe we'll skip it.
Kiko, have a great day with the kids. I don't think I'll get to the pool today, but tomorrow for sure!
Pacergal, missed you the first time - hang in there!
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Old 07-06-2007, 09:33 AM   #14  
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let's see

kara you could in private just pull this one down. it's that stretchy. my oldest was born in 1984 I was still nursing him when the baby was born in 1986 and he nursed till 1989. so i nursed continiously for over 5 years. trust me I wear dresses now with glee!

Brian if he got a job here would be driving the shuttle bus. He would not work in my building. He would not even have access to my building.

my building is more secure than most facilities... let me tell you how to get into my building:

drive up the hill to the first guard building. have the necessary sticker on your car and the proper badge around your neck. be waved in.

park your car and walk to the next building
go through one sliding get smart door
go through the second sliding get smart door
greet the 4-6 guards in the building and have your bags either looked in or x-rayed.
scan your badge
punch in your key code
go through the floor to ceiling revolving locking plexiglass turnstile.
go through another get smart sliding door
go through yet ANOTHER get smart sliding door
emerge on the other side of the security building OUTSIDE but now behind the 9 foot wrought iron gate (with spikes on the top)
walk down the hill
go through a non locking revolving door
go through a regular door
greet another guard
scan your badge AGAIN
go through another floor to ceiling plexiglass revolving door.

NOW i'm in the building.

repeat in the opposite direction to go home.
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Old 07-06-2007, 09:37 AM   #15  
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Holy schnikies! It's only 8:30 and I feel like I'm way behind on the forums!

TGIF indeed!!! Three days off... ahhhhhh. I'm going to watch a girly movie that my DH won't watch, then call up Molly and see about heading to the pool! It's going to be sunny and highs of 89-94 this weekend! WOO HOO! Freckles, here I come!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I know I will! Better get on my movie so I can go to the pool! Talk soon everyone!

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