South Beach Diet Fat Chicks on the Beach!

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Old 06-02-2007, 06:25 AM   #1  
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Default The Weekend At The Beach

We had a night of wicked storms, but it's finally calmed down. The humidity is awful, thank goodness for air-conditioning! I'm waiting for Jake to get ready, then we're going to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and making a stop at Home Depot. Dustin dropped off a load of mulch yesterday, so we plan to spend the rest of the morning mulching the new bed. Monica is bringing Carley out later to spend the night. Eric is directing "Hair" and tonight is opening night, so Monica and Caitlyn are going to that and the cast dinner afterwards.
If I have a little time, I'm going to paint my toenails today during my "me" time!
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:34 AM   #2  
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Default First June Weekend Chat - June 2 & 3

Coffee's on and there's tea ready. We have to sit inside this morning or on the front porch because it's really wet on the deck. (I forgot to bring in the cushions before the rain started yesterday!)

My yesterday plans sort of fell apart in the afternoon. I got word that my friend Gene's father had died and then found out he had hung himself! Poor Gene is just devastated and his wife, the Drama Queen, is not helping much. I spent the afternoon with them making arrangements. The visitation is tomorrow and the funeral is Monday. I am NOT singing at it. Whew!

However, today is another brand new day and I plan to get lots more done so Donna can thoroughly clean when I'm at the funeral. Most of the boxes and bins in the diningroom are unpacked, sorted and stashed away but some need to wait until the laundry area shelves are up. I am planning a wire shelf unit and may go to town to buy it later today if the rain keeps up.

Time for breakfast. I am going to make an omelet with asparagus and cheese. Yummy! I even have some tomatoes and pesto for a side. It would be so much easier to diet if food didn't taste so darned good!

What's happening on your stretch of the sand this weekend?
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:38 AM   #3  
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UP and At'em .... Daylights a'burning!

Cottage: I need to go back to bed for a nap after reading how busy your day is gonna be! But it sounds like loads of fun!
Yesterday DH and I went to the movies
Ring Ring....Ya hear that????
It's Kevin Costner phoning in his latest "performance" in Mr. Brooks. What a pieceofcrap movie. This isnt a "wait till DVD" nor a "Wait to Tivo" this is a "there's nothing else on" to fall asleep to.
The only good thing was that the film got burned up and they had to fix it so the usherette gave us coupons for a FREE MOVIE SaaaaWeet!

I'm taking the furbabies down to the lake again today it was such a nice walk yesterday there. We saw turtles, snakes, ducks and a hugical blue Heron. That is , after I fill out my tank ! I'm enjoying my cuppa joe watching all the woodpeckers and finches having breakfast at the feeder...

I love this time of the morn! ok chippies... get up! Have a and tell us about your day!

Ruth, you snuck in on the back porch while I was posting .. Wow, sorry to hear about Gene.. I know they appreciate you being there for strenght and support
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:38 AM   #4  
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Cottage, we must be sisters since we post in tandem so often.

"Hair"! My friend Elizabeth and I went to see it when it opened in Toronto and danced onstage at the end. I still can sing most of the songs. Don't get me started as I can be a real PITA!

Wanna pick me up some white wires shelves at Home Depot? That's where I will be a bit later - maybe we'll meet!
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Old 06-02-2007, 06:41 AM   #5  
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Schatzi! Hi! Boy, the MODs are up and at 'em this morning.

We have blue jays giving flying lessons around here. Too funny when the little ones land on my clothes line, teeter, fall off but recover in mid-air while the parents fly around screaming.

Enjy the walk with the fur-babies - my Girls are neglected lately as far as walks are concerned.
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Old 06-02-2007, 07:56 AM   #6  
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Good morning Chicks. The sun is struggling to come out here. Not sure if it will win but I hope. I have laundry to do as I refuse to buy a new dryer till fall so I will have to use my clothes line.
The dance show was great last night. With the exception of the hip hop. Not my favorite dancing. But I could watch my kid all night long. She is so cute.

You Mods are wonderful getting us started up each day and having
and tea ready for us.

Cottage- Have a fun day with the mulch. Then followed by a sleepover. Life can't get much better. Have a great one.

Ruth- Sorry to hear about your friend. That is so sad. You enjoy your busy day as well.

Schatzi- As always you make me laugh you should have your own comedy show. Hope you have a fun filled day.

Me- Going to do a quick tidy up of the house. Get costumes ready again as DD just fires them in the bag @ the end of each number. Then I am going to town to pay a few bills, get some grub, back home to get ready to go back to the dance show tonight. I am helping out at the show. I am a runner, maybe I can burn a few cals.

Well must dash dh has my tea I think I will sit on the deck and enjoy it. Have a great one chicks.
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Old 06-02-2007, 08:31 AM   #7  
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cottage - Sounds like a busy day for you. Have fun!

ruth - Sorry to here about your friend's father. Your omelet sounds good. I had my usual oatmeal this morning. Actually one day this week Brian wanted pancakes. My usual recipe worked quite well when I substituted whole wheat flour and splenda. I told him he can't have it on days when I have to go into the office. I need something faster then.

Scatzi - That lake and the birds sounds beautiful and so relaxing. Enjoy.

little chick - Kids are so cute when they dance. I loved watching Brian at the dance at school this year. He was one of the few boys that would dance with girls. Actually he would dance with anyone.

Me - It was so nice to be able to turn my pager to vibrate last night and ignore it. I checked messages this morning. If I hadn't done that I would have gotten no sleep until 1 AM. I've finished with my oatmeal and need to get my stuff together and head over soon to setup for the Walking Den Leader training. This afternoon I have the Junior Staff training. I'm really worried because we don't have any junior staff forms turned in yet. Camp will be very hard without junior staff. These state rules about them having to be 14 if they want to work anywhere is really hurting us. We do have some younger kids that will help but they will have to stay with their parent or scoutleader and can't go wherever they are needed.

I did find out we can turn in another t-shirt order on Monday and still get it on Wednesday. We have quite a few forms coming in after we had to turn in the order and I hated the thought of people without shirts. Wish me luck. Right now we don't have enough boys registered to cover our costs associated with camp (especially since my registration person ordered the nametags at a place where they are $1.10 each when we could have gotten them for $.46 each. That hurts when you order 1250). Sounds like the design will be cooler but we don't have the budget for the more expensive ones.

I'll try to check in later. Remember, everyone, get your exercise for May updated. I'll post the exercise queen on Sunday or Monday.
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Old 06-02-2007, 08:49 AM   #8  
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Morning chickadees. This is just a quick "hello" as I need to leave in 10 min to meet my garage sale buddy. I need to go find my coffee mug so I don't have to pay to fill up at the corner store.

I'll try and check back in tomorrow. DH and I are celebrating our Anniversary, so I hope I don't have any reason to get online tonight!

ttyl, Kim
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:03 AM   #9  
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Good morning gals!

Ruth I am so sorry to hear about Gene's dad- that really is so sad. I agree that they are so fortunate to have you as a friend.

LC I love dance recitals! We didn't put my DD in dance this year as we didn't have the money for the extra expense, but she is looking forward to this year.

Cottage Enjoy your day! I need to get out in my flowerbeds and do some weeding this weekend.

Schatzi Sorry to hear that the movie stunk! There doesn't seem to much out right now that is good. DH and I were going to go see a movie a few weeks ago and didn't, just because nothing looked good.

Barb Is Brian enjoying being out of school? Does he stay home with your DH in the summer?

Kim Happy Anniversary! Today is our 6th anniversary. In true form, DH is at work, but that is okay. We are actually going to spend most of the weekend with the kiddos, and will celebrate soon.

Me- Day 2 on Phase 1 went pretty well, with the exception of snacking on too many nuts! The BBQ and little party was quite fun last night, my girls had a blast. My girlfriend posted some pictures last night and let me tell you that I look horrible!! Definite motivation as it was totally depressing.

Couple of errands to run this morning, t-ball game this afternoon, and then my husband's company is sponsoring a family event at the Roughriders stadium, which is a farm team for the Rangers. Should be fun!

Have a super day!
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:21 AM   #10  
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It didn't rain and I got the planters done at the Fairground! I couldn't do the biggest one because some @E&%$#@$% broke beer bottles in it after the dance last weekend! Grrrr! I'll deal with that later when I get more black earth for it.

Happy Anniversary, Kim! I certainly hope I don't see you online tonight! :wink:

Kiko, cameras are evil! Just don't look!

Little Chick, being a runner definitely will burn calories! I guess I can't say the usual "break a leg" for good luck when it's a dance show but.....

Barb, I'm so glad you got a proper night of sleep. You have a busy weekend.

Well, I guess I'll hit the veggie garden for an hour before lunch and see how many herbs I can plant. It may rain this afternoon so.....
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Old 06-02-2007, 11:46 AM   #11  
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It has been a while since I have been active in posting. And my diet reflects that. Pretty much been off plan lately - crazy work schedule, plans with too many people that revolve around food, too much alcohol (though it does force me to drink water!), etc. Though I have made every attempt to keep the excercise portion intact - a little is better than nothing! I am planning to get back to eating right on Monday, when I started in November my will power was great, we'll see if I can find it again!

I have spent the morning sleeping in and then cleaning up after last nights cook out (a friend volunteered my house, but she did bring all the food!). Scott is with the friends at the local kite beach, hopefully they are having a great time. It would have been far too sunny and far too early for me to join them. Then tonight we are off to dinner at a BYO place we have never tried, but have heard great reviews!

Off to get some bills paid and some calls made - have a great Saturday!
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Old 06-02-2007, 02:16 PM   #12  
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Hi all. Ran around this am with the dd and ds - also bought mulch!

Ruth - sorry about your friend. That is such a shock for the family. It's nice of you to help out. I am sure it means the world to them to have someone assist with the details.

It is gorgeous here - according to the Weather Channel, it is supposed to rain but not so far.

Have a great weekend all.....Sue
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Old 06-02-2007, 04:11 PM   #13  
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I'm flying up to Boston tomorrow morning and am a nervous wreck! Anyone else have a phobia of flying? I've been getting panic attacks thinking about it for the past few days and yesterday, in the middle of crying at the prospect of flying, I gobbled down an ice cream sandwich. Oh well... I'll be better when I'm terra firma for the next 6 months tomorrow afternoon!

But on the upside, my family is moving from GA to NC probably before I come home again for winter break (because of my fear of flying, I don't come home for Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur- both of which we get school off for, or Thanksgiving) so I've been going through my closet trying on clothes to see what fits and what doesn't. I was surprised to find that my 9th grade band banquet dress fits! Granted, my tummy still kind of sticks out a bit in it, but that's what handy dandy tummy tamers are for until I lose more weight.

I'm debating- should I toss the clothes that don't fit me now to buy more later or should I save what I have? I don't know which will feel better- getting into old clothes or buying new ones! I know I'm saving all my old sweaters that I haven't been able to wear since middle school- but I'm sure I'll be down to that weight-ish by the winter.
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Old 06-02-2007, 08:35 PM   #14  
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It sounds as if everyone had a busy day. I just got Carley tucked in bed for the night, and now I'm enjoying a bit of peace & quiet. Jake is watching TV out on the sunporch and it feels so nice to be able to sit and put my feet up with just the hum of the air conditioner on. We had a houseful today as everyone wanted to use the pool, so that meant I had to feed everyone, too. I hope tomorrow is a calmer day, I need the rest!

Kim and Kiko, I hope you are both having a cozy, romantic evening with your DH's! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
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Old 06-02-2007, 10:44 PM   #15  
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Just popping in. Trying to kill time til DD and her friends come home. They went to a small party after the dance show. Which went well. But I am tired from running around and getting all the dancers in the correct spots at the correct times. Missed watching the show though. It is hard to believe the dance season is over for the summer the year flew by. I going to join the adult class in the fall. Those chicks have so much fun. And I love being on stage. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Hope you all have a good night sleep.
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