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Old 04-13-2012, 11:27 AM   #31  
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Rhonda, I just bought one. That's how I ate just one.

Vickie, do you have any reports yet?

I was thinking about how when I was a child one Hershey bar was such a treat. Somewhere along the line sugar addiction kicked in and one was not enough. Sound like an alcoholic? Overeaters' Anonymous helped me deal with that addiction. I know I'm not cured, but I'm hoping I can keep my impulses in control. I went almost 2 years without sugar desserts (other than sugar free every once in awhile), but am now testing myself to see if I can handle sugar. So far so good.

Curtis and I are going to see Hunger Games after lunch. I saw it earlier this week and am anxious to see it again. Some movies are like that for me. Avatar was another.

Have a great day, everyone.
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Old 04-13-2012, 03:35 PM   #32  
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Hi Ladies

I got back last night,when it was too late to post. Than I didn't feeling like getting up,after the fall I took at the bus station. Stupid me sat on my suitcase and lost my balance. Woke up, with a sore back and hurting my bad knee. This morning I had my new bridge put in and than the mail had to be pick up,along with grocery shopping and than I had to go to Walmart to my glasses fixed. The nose plug fell off.

Had a great time at my DD's and sister house, but the weight I gained was horrifying. Hopefully I will lose some of it as I'm not eating well with these new bridge. Guess I have to get used to them.Otherwise nothing new,my neighbors are all here so it a full house.

Found out from a friend we almost had a killing in my town yesterday,after telling my family how safe it is living up here. A guy tried to kill this step father and was found in a house on the street next to mine.YIKES!!! glad I installed the motion detectors.

Have to go back and read what you guys are up to.I'll get back to you soon,if not today I will post tomorrow.

Have a great day
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Old 04-13-2012, 04:04 PM   #33  
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thought I posted this morning. Guess not.

Maryann, welcome home. Sorry about your fall. It's one thing or another. That is pretty scary about the almost killing. Hope you get used to the bridge.

Sandra, I rarely eat candy. Hersheys with almonds was always my favorite, the kisses. I loved a good snicker bar too. I was eating the dark chocolate, as you know, it's good for the heart. Used to grab 2 or 3 with my popcorn. I'm out but think I'll get another bag when I shop.

Rhonda and Nancy, hope you are both better today. Might be allergies. I know mine bother me from time to time. We have plenty of pollen here right now and had to deal with it in Florida too.

Vickie, come in and tell us how things went for you.

Last edited by pam920; 04-13-2012 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 04-13-2012, 04:26 PM   #34  
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Are you seeing the pictures of the weather in Oklahoma? Terrifying. They are predicting severe weather here on Sunday.

Sorry to hear that you had an accident Maryann. Your community is probably still really safe. Most murders aren't random; it's the family and friends we have to watch out for

Speaking of sugar, we went out for lunch and shared a blackberry cobbler with ice cream. Yummy, and sharing was just fine--it was enough. (If there could ever be enough!)
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Old 04-13-2012, 04:39 PM   #35  
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Maryann, I'm sorry to hear about your accident. I agree with Rhonda that your neighborhood is probably safe. Sounds like a family affair.

Pam, I love Snickers, too, and Peanut M&M's. I still haven't had another candy bar (but today was my weekly hot fudge sundae treat.)

Rhonda, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm blackberry cobbler/ice cream........

We had a good time at the movies then our weekly event at Braum's Ice Cream Parlor.

Vickie? Where are you? How are you? Any news yet?
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Old 04-14-2012, 09:19 AM   #36  
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Good Morning Chicks! It is the end of a long week and I'm happy to see it go. I still don't have any final results though the preliminary results are both weird and exciting.

The Super Specialist found no nodule during the endoscopic ultrasound. Mind you, this nodule has been seen in 3 CT Scans and an endoscopy and I even have color 3D pictures of it from the scope. The Super Specialist said I would hear back from my Gastro Doctor but he didn't call this week. I'm guessing we'll just take a wait and see approach but this has all been a roller coaster for sure. This test wasn't the breeze that the last one was. It was at 10:30 and I was completely fasted yet they didn't take me in until noon. They tried to hook up the IV in two different places and I've still got a lump in the first place they tried. The test was supposed to last 30 minutes but mine lasted an hour....I guess because he was searching the the nodule. Worst part was that I woke up before the tube was out and was gagging and trying to swallow. Sheesh.

So....tonight I'm going out with my Niece and my GF that I met in 1974 at my first day of work right out of high school. I'm having a juicy burger and I'm not going to feel guilty about it. I am, however, needing to get firmly back on program. I have a couple of good days and then a bad one so now I'm maintaining the 10 pound gain quite nicely. NOT the plan!!

So that's what's up with me. I got the DASH diet cook book from the Library and only found one recipe that I liked. It seems VERY Core. I haven't gotten the diet book itself yet so I haven't been able to read about the plan yet. I wouldn't have been ready for it before, but now that I've primarily given up salt, I might be able to give it a whirl.

Sandra, good luck with the sugar. It can be evil. My problem is carbs and fat more than sugar. You seem to be doing fabulously this time around.

Rhonda, how are you feeling? I don't have any energy either and very bad allergies. I think my body is tired because of fighting the allergies.

Pam, how's everything going with you? You've actually been pretty quiet.

Mary Ann, I agree with the Chicks. Murders are normally not random. I'm sure you're safe.

Nancy, any news on the property?

No Sloan. I think I'll pop in on her FB page and say hello.

Gotta go eat some breakfast. I'm thinking old fashioned oatmeal with a few walnuts and craisins made with skim milk. Yum.

Last edited by Vickie; 04-14-2012 at 09:21 AM.
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Old 04-14-2012, 10:46 AM   #37  
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Default sorry about your are you today

Vickie..thanks for the update..I was getting worried not hearing from you.
I don't blame you at all for that earned it..

No word on the land offer for 2 days ..he lowballed I countered with 5K off the list price.
Usually the counter offers go back & forth some..Does make me wonder. He told the realtor
he would be making another offer soon. Now I wonder if he meant on another property??? Realtor says that isn't what he meant..he may just be letting me worry & its working ...I am willing to come down , just not quite to where he was.
I found a charming neighborhood yesterday that might be perfect for me ..
Lots of small houses wiith front porches, lots of sidewalks, near some good nature trails..
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Old 04-14-2012, 11:42 AM   #38  
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Good Morning Ladies

Got up early today and my back & knee are not bothering me so far. The temps are in the high 60's and would you believe in the 70's tomorrow so I'm going to take it easy but I need to weed some of my heavy winter clothes out of the closet and bring down some of my spring clothes. Other than that,I have a date with the washer & dryer.

Thanks for all the welcome backs,I'm also glad to be home. After a while the screaming of the kids does get to you. I need peace and quite.

Got on the scale this morning I dropped 3 or the 8 lbs that I gained while in NY. So that's a start.

PAM-Thanks,You're right there's always something. I guess no where in the world is safe anymore.,but living in a small town if still better than living in a big city. Oh the bridge was fine until I ate and it moved out of position and than trying to get it into mouth I had problems with the point sticking out of the bottom of the partial,so I will go back on Monday and have it filed down.

RHONDA-Thanks it was my own stupidity,for thinking that a small suit case would support me. Oh no I fine this morning about the shooting. I know that I safe here in my small town,even though I living here alone.

SANDRA-Thanks,have to be a little bit more careful than I was. Not giving it a second thought anymore. Oh it was hard for not going into my DGC baskets.[but I didn't] With all the candy they got. We had 4 chocolate cakes and cookies the night before Easter as my DD in laws are Jewish and were celebrating passover. I just did that, passover-ed the goodies,and ate the main meal but I still gain weight. Go figure!!!

VICKIE-Thanks I know now that I don't have to be afraid,my friend told me that they had to close off the street behind me as it leads to the main highway to get off the cape but they got him and now hes in jail.

NANCY-Thanks I feeling fine now, hope that all goes well for you selling property .

Have to go and start my dinner and than tackle with my winter clothes and than laundry.

Have a great day
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Old 04-14-2012, 12:36 PM   #39  
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Vickie, thank you for the update. I don't blame you either for going for the burger. You definitely earned it.

Nancy, the new neighborhood sounds cozy. I love front porches and sidewalks for walking.

Maryann, those pounds will come off quickly. You do really well with your eating.

I made sausage/pancakes for bfast. I had sf pancake syrup. I don't think I could eat regular syrup any more. Now isn't that amazing? We don't have anything planned for today. I do know I need to eat basically CORE the rest of the day. I used quite a few WAP's this AM.
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:18 PM   #40  
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I have family in the path of these storms, in Nebraska and Oklahoma. I'm nervous and want to eat things that are bad for me!
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Old 04-14-2012, 07:32 PM   #41  
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Rhonda, I am so sorry. We're watching the TV, too, and are worried. I hope your family is all right. Ya'll be safe. Sounds like we're in for a bad run tomorrow.
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Old 04-14-2012, 08:47 PM   #42  
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Rhonda, I heard NW Texas. Don't you live in that area? Stay safe and hope your family stays safe too. I've been eating bad things for 3 days now and I'm not even nervous.

Maryann, glad you are not sore today. Sounds like it's nice enough to walk on the beach for you.

Vickie, I'm not sure if that is good or bad news. Enjoy your burger.

Sandra, you are doing so well, keeping up with your points. I hated counting pts, so I did Core or Simply filling.

Went shopping and got a few things accomplished. I have so many projects going on, I'm getting dizzy.

Nancy, good luck with your property.
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Old 04-14-2012, 10:55 PM   #43  
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Sandra and I are in what is called North Central Texas. Right now it looks like the tornados will be north of us both. I just checked our local weather forecast and the predictions are for thunderstorms, beginning around 4AM. With luck, the storms will not create tornados.
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Old 04-14-2012, 11:25 PM   #44  
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I just caught the weather report. Sounds like we'll be getting those thunderboomers between 6 and 10 AM.
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Old 04-15-2012, 03:09 AM   #45  
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Be safe Chicks! It is heading our way too. I was out with the GF and the Niece until midnight.

The burger hurt my tummy. Harumph. It's 2:00 a.m. and I'm going to try to go to bed now.
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