Calorie Counters Keep It Simple - August!

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  • Small deficit of 209 yesterday, but at least it is a deficit
  • Deficit yesterday of 780.

    Philosopher, a deficit is a deficit, I take what I can even the small ones .
  • Deficit around 900 yesterday. I agree any deficit is a deficit!!!!!

  • deficit of 500

    im new here
  • Good "early" morning...couldn't sleep....
    Here to say I had my first BAD day calorie wise....A LOT for me....nearly 1800...I am one of those who has to 'stay low' in order to be successful. I know that is not quite near the 2000 'they' say I've read, we should have, but I feel awful about it. 10 GOOD days and, then this....BUT.........I am fine now and will carry on today...(Wed) and go forwward from here.
    I STILL don't get that deficiet thing...I thought it was taking your caloric intake for the day, and minus any burned calories, and also minus the difference of what you didn't take in....
    I think I am just better counting and then subtracting my calories burned from exercise...... I get that info from a activity online calorie burner thing.
    Hate to sound so confused, so please bear with me....I'll get this yet
    Well here's to a better day............

    Enjoy your day today.....
  • Welcome giovannip811

    Deficit of 300 yesterday.

    You guys have such nice, huge deficits. I must try harder to also achieve that
  • Deficit 1057....was a good day.

  • Been insanely busy lately, and lost track of Fitday over the weekend. Leaving it blank for probably the first time in over a year that I have given up on my memory and not bothered to log. Think my weight is holding steady though, probably eating at or around maintenance, and just getting over a cold. Exercise is nowhere to be seen. Deficit of less than 100 yesterday.
  • Woo go Phyllis!

    Deficit yesterday of 337, low because I missed the gym. Missed this morning too but bugger it, I'm so exhausted planning this bloody vow renewal and getting ready for mum visiting I took a couple days off.
  • Hi and welcome to our new lady.

    I'm trying to keep right at 1400 cal./day. At this level I don't seem to get really hungry and go overboard at any meal. I do so much better when I am using Fitday, now I sit down about 4p.m. and fill my food in and make sure I have enough calories left and how much dinner I can have.

    Hoping for a 2 lb. loss by Monday.

  • Deficit of 757 today
  • Wow, amazing deficits, girls

    Small deficit of 300 yesterday
  • Less than 100 again yesterday, but at least I am counting. Now I REALLY need to add in that exercise.
  • Yesterday I more or less broke even. Would have been better if I didn't have to attend a function and we only ate supper at 21:00! Although the food was delicious , I ate small portions and for that I am proud of myself. Didn't have time to do any exercise though, but will make up for it this weekend.

    Weighed in this morning, as expected, a small loss. Measurements more or less the same.
  • Deficit 770. Been lax on the exercise this week...will pick it up starting today.
